The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, January 09, 1902, Image 3

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borne Little Things q vita to Oia as occae cf & jo \ are overlooked by some workmen, Strict, anentim to detail", and the ute of the beat materia! makes ail our s PLUMBING WORK satisfactory, Out charges are unijirm 3 low, but no part of a job is sli bted. A. H, BAKER, JJOS Gloucester St. AN EVANGELIST’S STOR h I suffered for yesr* with a bro'Chia' or lung troub’e an 1 tried vario: s remedies but did not obtain permanent relief until 1 commenc'd using One Minuts Ooueh Care,” write* James Ktrkman, evangelist 01 Beile Hirer. HI. "1 have no hesitation in recommending it to all sufferers for ccu<he, colds and all kinds of throat and lun t’-oubles Frrcroip it is unequaled. Absolutely safe Very pleasant to take, never fai's aud is really a favorite with the children. They like it W.J B tts ?OUBtL,K-On account of leaving lbs city w< off er for rale a' la gain our entire g *ok if groceries * nd "ruit at lowest pric-, Ai.pif Orsini B os.. 401 Bay Bt, BU E IHDN-! v\ EUi A M A°K But her bsauiy wss contplbiei) bidden 1- so e*, blotctcs and pimples till tte U'd Buck m’* Amii'a BUve Tt-en >h j y vt cioberf as will all eruptions, fever sores, boil', u'cet", rarbuncVs and (c ans from Us use, Jnfallib'e t ,r outs, corns, bums, scalds and pil. s. Cure guaranteed. 25 1 at all drnj gists, DEATH QUICnLY FOLLOWS DISEASED KIDNEYS. o*ath soon fi-liows from diseased 1 treys unless a cure is made by taking the old reliable Stuart c Cos n aud Hucbu The following symptm s ind'Qat* ihe approach of Bright’s Dimase or Dla be es and hidney troubl : Puffy or darkotroles under ttie eyes, sallow, yellow oomplexioo, du!', heavy head trues, i Hi tired ferh g. faint spells, pain or duil ache lu the back urir oiucdy, milk like or stringy, dark in c. rr or offensive, painful scalding sensation in passing urine, obliged to to often duamg lb- day oi nigh . Tnere lc a cure in u • an. 0 • ard Bur.i.u I L f UB one remedy y, • osureiy on, l w.l* oorr* si • ii, svmnton-s t.T pennant' < curs even Br ghi’s die ease sft • II t er tieatin nte fail S'O'rt’ G is> and Biicko j l •eu r i it*. !h r url e a"d '-nil* * it to ff v, in e p-lfeoly >i vim ,i uun cr. A bigh qra H ■ J'*l cu u, I’bis m >*i pssf nt rn de JiO .’ f'm arid Bitot.a boroa*'l> tusf and for ibe p,r twenty years. D g'ye-i'':. p rs-d vigor to hr ki neyr'taifn si g tie l od re.i a■< P -ii'ishiog. T - bis grand, il mm b it. Druggisi* or by express preoaid tl D scribe tro ble an' free ulviy ah ut kidneys given. Stuart Drug Go. 34 Wail 81. Atlanta, Ga CASTOR IA lr‘or iaixunu and Cant wt You Hove Aiwbjs tn .'P' ,jrr~zx~ > vvamue *■ t^^HHOPE! ictims of malignant Blood Poison and Scro rula were formerly looked upon as lost, fearful of contagion, their friends denied hem companionship and medical ignorance lenied them hope. Their life was worse than death and their only relief the \ grave. Manysuchcaaeswerespeclally \ satl firom the fact that the sufferers con- I trsited dis'-ase by accident or heredity ■J and no fault of their own. Modern dvifixation looks with sympa ihetic consideration npon all cases of blood poisoning, and medical science, after grop tor centuries in darknesrch a3 finally Ivedacme. Despair vanish|ike an evil it. Hope shines forth glorious “ R P. P. (Llppwan’a Great Remedy.) h's sovereign Specific cures all forms of od Poieor.irg in both men and women. . P. P. is a permanent cure for Rheumatism. .V. I*, io the only logical treatment for arrh ard the only remedy for Catarrh in anced stages. , V. P. cures Dyspepsia in all its manifold ns and is a general tonic superior to all tap&rilloF. 3ld by all druggists. One. dollar a bottle. Six bottles for five dollars. c. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, proprietors, i ■— Lippinan Block, Savannah, Ga. To Carry You Through the h lidays something from our place is absolutely necessary. One can t get along wtbout so e DRUGd ANIf MEtnCl.Nm, and the pure, good kind, such as is gold heie, is the only kid worth your money. Then there may be some pr .sonta to buy 1 A selection from inis li t will please all parties Pertumea, Soap, Combs, Brushes. Fine (.’and e3 ard a big line of Bundries at low p ice 1 . SMITH’S PIiARM \CY I OLD S3LDIKK S EXI’EIUENCE. SI M Austin, a civil war v-tcran, oi iVinoneater, lud. wi-.tes: "My wift rat sick a long time ij nits of -good Doctors treatment, but was wholly cored by Dr. Ki >g’i N’W Lfe i/aidh wo ked wonder* lor her beal't)’.’ ','i ,y always dj Try twin Only 25n at s‘l drug store 4 *. Tv N Si U 0 X ’ E •; E STT7 At tne request ur my many, friends I ’ ave decided In berr m- a Candida e f h the Scnatiirsb-p f in bi. oi rl \ and at their snog s'iua ucw mak - my in t 'iitiuu kaowti As tune for'meiec t on is far elf, I o'iv m-ke ibis an touaoemoni tna uy triande may know t lat I will be in Ui rao‘. Should Ibe f .vnred with me nniiunsimn, I nave no i r tins s to matex'i'pt Dist 1 will i -t, u p' to faithful y gus-d the interests o’ all of mf o in litueuts, Vsry recpontfnllv, W F. Symons. SAVED HIS LIFE “I wall rn m h-t I fe* II o v ■ mv life t" Kodol D “pc ms i.’urK,’ wii t i H. 0. hicstenso ol Mayfield, Mint . ‘ For 3 y 'ars l wa> Iron I a mth oyrpepsia so ti at I oould h i 11 - c,i ig on my stomach. A any tim n 1 wood be unable to retain a n orsel of food Huatiy 1 was c utlried to a y bed. l)o t rs said I could not live. I riad one of your advert!lememe ou Kodo' Pysoeps a ‘"urs and thousht a lit my case a id commenced its use i li jgari to im pose from the first bottle. Now 1 am oif od end recommend It to all. Digests vmr food (lures all stomaoh tro jblee. V J. Buns 'la-t'es for lom ndeson t or Wei b bck lamp 1(1.’, fil per di. Guar i’i O K A H. Baker 'WANTED! All (ho bk oiid hand ‘7Dewricors in Brufiswick. all second hand furnituir*, org ! tti', stoves a id old hrnss. I V W ATKINS. k<>b Bay St. FOB BALE A in nusooie eilver service. Price reason*. I , At ply 210 ti y olds tree!. NOIMC , Pci i ' i o 'v' mv fr : | . 0 roll atd the nub! i g nerolv hat Mr. Phil K er now i,i chrge of bn Ar, ;de ‘il n B. Hu cb. PILE INK LUKE* PILES' M rit> refunded if it ever iail = BMINSWICK TIMIIS-OALL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9 1902 THEATRICAL TREATS The Casino Girl. Ueorie \V. f ,1 i , u ■< , ("dg m a oduovio.i'cf ■ 1 i.c C, iiOi.i" (vi'H the foliliwulg ■, i \ a tii.-ii e cairn de we Ito Uiutrsie Hit L dou cook o io's idea of faces u ?mi. : I was aiting for a cab, wbc. 1 beard a b*p josteratonger talking to a cr up of admiring friends u gh-.’, lie t'id. ‘me aud b li wsi eotning down Abe B:rami when we *w ou- of them iwell apartments on lire. These wss in old guy on toe roof in his night shirt and hs wv u ■n• u tr armnd like g ey. 'gr, Bill yi s, “Jump, you biecrtT, jump. W* re s o a blanket '-re, 1 ’ My word, ihe bleeder, j’imps a ill lands u 'lB o cioonug eau in ib" bl’edivig gu t ■" ard breaks his bloody umk- Metno Bl i, we la-""d like ‘ell. We didn't, ‘eae no bl oket ” KIDNEY DISEASES Will —i • —“ i —r-* ” Amt tK mrm taut ol ii 6tt A ASCI. £ftl rywmw cose iia I (ILL I o Buirt(l Biit^ tar mensy t'duaded. C.-ntatm remedies rtcognix*:? Vf mk aent phyti .isru si the best (o Kidnsy sn ! Bladder lro*si.!s nucs itm. mmt *>e> W. .1 MTT3. BHIP NOTiCE Neither the master, o- ner • >r c mslgn ecs of the Norwegian steamer L is will he responsible for .ny debts oontraoted by the crew of ea : d bark Lund, Mauler A DIED MYSTKUV L is a tuysu y wily worn n endure backaoh •, head johe, neruusnes’, sleep. loss ess, (Delanolio'y, fainting and diasy spells wh’n thousands have proved Hist Rlectrio B tiers will quickly cure suob troub'es. "I BUffred for ysars with kidney trouble,” writes Mrs. i’hebe Uherloy, of Peterson, It., ‘ und a lme back pained ins so 1 could noi dr. 8“ iny relf, bo E <ctric Bitter* whdly cured ne, and although 73 years old, I now am able to do all my houte vork." It iveroomes Ouneiipatioo, improves ap petite, gives perfso hea lb, Only 6l)o at all drug stores. WNTKD-A Lady .Steroqrapher. Re commendation required. Apply Biiow n & Uo., Try a gai stove and you’ll never be without one. E. R. BAKER, Dentist. v ’pecial Attention to ('.'own and bridge work, Olilce. GKou’ster St. . _ ATTENTION! Have just -eceived [the anest line of N©w Whet^Ls j ever seen in Brunswick.- 50 new Ones to Pick From. We can save you I'dOO on i every wheel you buy. J Repairing, renting and | emaneling. Message service, PIANOS AND OBGAN Lf you want a . Ko"d Piano *or[ Organ buy’ a Ludden & Battfs B. J. OLEWINE l<ent> MOTHERB WORM SYRUP, Best worm medicine. Children like It to well they eat It on bread. Htimann The Great. Hjoliuo, ttio who appears tn u n e y on Jau. 18 % the Gtna in the moat reaiai liibJv’ expert of letlfferdee main the world has ever seen, lie Is everywhere proclaimed the master wizard of the preseot day. In the art of pa'ining or sleight cf hauJ he stands forth unrivalled, bis remarkab’e and gi** al drx- f eri<y btin>f everywhere oora* monied upon as mirvell us. vSeats now j on ealQ * UECKIYKItS SALE, l’n.lor aud by virtue ol an order of court, dateo January 7th, 1902, I will offer for sale, at puhlio outcry, before the court house door In Brunswick,Georgia, at Id o’clock M., on Sat* a relay, January llth, 190>, to the highest and *a >_• bidder Por cash, either iu bulk, separately oi ia loti?, all the kasols of the Palmer Shoo 'ompfti y, cons,sting of open accouius, note* and executions, amounting iu total to $.>25.28. \ eoin|ilole list of said assets can be seen by c .l lliiig upon tlic andersigned. BUTTS, Receiver of the Palmer Shoe Cos. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THK UNITED STATES VMI THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OE UFORGIA, EASTERN DIVISION. IN HANK RI!PTC V. In t he matter of > Dr. J. \\. Higgx Ju Bankruptcy. Hankrupt. ) To the cie.litmwdf Dr.J.W Rugga of the city of Brunswick in the county of Glynn and dia, t let aforesaid a banki upt. Notiee is hereby given t hat on the 8t h day of J anuary A. D. lv< 'J. the id Dr. 1 A. Ruggswag j only iiuj ie: ed a buttki tipt; and that the first, meet ing of his creditors will he held at llruns -1 wick, iu t Hynu eoutuy, on the lhth day of I January, HU\ at lit a . In#) . at wh j ch ti'io* the said creditoiM ma y attend, prove their e'aiuiK.ap oini a t rustn ,<a mine the bankrupt and transact i-' li oihcr business as may prop erly eon e before the sad meeting Dated at trmiswiek, tia., this the Bth day of January, 1902 A. J. ( ROV ATT, Referee in Bankruptcy.g| -Max Isaac, Bankrupt.. Attorney. (lEORGI A— (Hynu County l he uinfhrsigned by virtue, and acting under authority ol an order of Mm court, of Ordinary of .-aid fount v grain"u at the January term Ih.rj, will sell at public out.ery, before the court house door in said county, between toe hours of t>n and four o’clo. ' id that day, on the first 1 n end ay n. it being the Ith day of February 19i>2,t0 Die tugboat and best bidder, that Dart or body of land e ntaiidiig tliirty-flve acres, more or less, lying Jn said countjr, being of irregular shape, aud bounded northward, eastward and west v/ai and bv lands of Mniaehl ci e* n. and south ward by lands of the estate of the lat * (ieorgo Vv. Wright, and which lands ace Accurately an : iully described, and a plot thereof given, in the petition to said court for leave to sell the same,and to witch for de scription is had. Said laud , sold as Dm property of the estate of I> | Janes late of said county, deceased, to nay dobUand make distrlblltl aniongsd Hie heirs. The tennsot Rale cash. I ids Januui v M il, luotf. C. < . JONEB, Admlirstrator of D. p. .lone*. NO TH E OF CH ANCE OF PLACE OF HOLD INC .11 STICK COURT Upon net I t ion of J, W. CJonoley, N. P. apd Ex O.J. p, amh district G. M. of said count v the plnot* for holding toe said N I*. and Ex (). Justice of the Peace nonrt is hereby ( hanged from No, 31? Newcastte street, Brunswick, Ca , to No. m Urant street, Brunswick, Ca. This change to take ©fleet Immcdiat ly after the publication of this notice Parties at. Interest will please take notice Tuia Jan. t, Uto->, mm ace da id, Ordinary CJynn (’oouty CEORGIA, i Whereae Fannie A Smith Clynn County, f Adminintral ilx of H. u Smith’s estate, repreaentH to the court in tho petition duly filed and entered on ree id, that she ban fully udminlMten <1 li.c. Smitb’Hestate. Tbiairf therefore, to cite ail persons Concern ed kindr < and cieditoi© to snow cause if any they can why said administrator should noi be discharged from Her administration and re- j coiv Seiterß of dismlfwlon on the tUst, Monday in February, 1902. { HORACE DART, Ordinary. | CITATION FOR PUBLICATION. William Majioney, aduilniMtrator iiimii the j estate iu Georgia of Jouu Muhouy, late of V.mi ja. Hillsborough counts . Florid ~ having filed , liis petition .for discharge, this i- to cite all persons oonceined to show cause aga nsl the granting of this discharge, at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county tube held on the first Monday in February, 1902. . I ms November L 1901. IIOKACE DART, Ordtuary. Sm'eßU- K’B BALI; S I A'l'E OF < EC>UUI A tilynn C< uuty : Will be sold before, tin* court, honse door in the cl yof Knirswlr-It, til>nn county, <ie(#iirla ■luring the i , hours of sale • n the rir.e Tiu*< ay In February m-xt the full iwing de icrt *’d ral estate, to wit Old TANARUS( wn lot mitnberonc hundred and nixiy nine (189/situate, lying and being in the state of Georgia, count v Of Cl\nn, and in the city ol Mrune wick therein, and in that part ol .-.aid < iiy of Bruuiswlek, de'-Jgnated on a m .p of c *• ume made by George b D ]h37. a* 1 )ld Town, isid lot btii'g bound- and a follows North by A Ibermarle .t n et one Imrulr and and eighty feet, on the "a t nin< \\ fuel by Reynolds strati, ou the. Mouth <ne hujubed and eight y feet by Old Town lot number one hundred nuo . seventy, and on the west ninety feet by Rich 1 inond street. Levied on ard so'd n■, tae | property of Mrs. H.c. Jeter, under and by vir i tueor u execution Issued from the Superior I court I niton county, C ’ -rgla,, in favor ot J ! A Anderson and M. A. O’ilymo, receivers for ihe Southern Mutual and Limn aMsoch’C' ii <d A Man*u, and against Mrs. s c Jeter for 11,746JVi principal Insurance premiums #50.25. taxes fttl • *, Cost S2O *■> and ail further interest and cost ie-s a credit of ♦(*.*) Noi Ice of levy 1 given tenant in possession tan. oth. iso *. W. H. HFRRIE, Shet iff tiiyuii County Ca. KAKSHAL HALE Will be soil before tb© f!f>urt house door on Monday, Jun, 15 h. 1002, three black pigs uonaark'id, said pigs now In city pound unclaimed, and to be sold fer impounding fee and c ist. This the Bth of J unitary, 191)2. S. A. Harney, Marshal, “1 am up.” 3902, reeolutiop, service | given at Carter’* Clothes Cleaning es i ÜblUbmeut. All wo'k properly done aen f * for and delivered promptly Phone m J The lady who uees a gas stove is al ways smiling. SHIP NOTICE Neither the master, owner nor consign cea of the bark Hancock will be responsible tor any debts contra -ted by the crew of said bark. Carlson, Master. ASTHMA CURE FREE Asthmalene Brings Instant Relief and Permanent Cure in All Oases. SENT ABSOLUT ELY FRISK ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL Write Yot-r Name and Address Plainly. Thereto nothing like Asthmalene. It Instant reliji, even in tho worot eases. It cur *,3 when all else fail* The Rev F Wells, of Villa Ridge, 18., soya. “Your trial bottle of Asthmalene received in gooa condition. 1 cannot tell you how thank ful lfeel for the good derived from it. I was .i Have, chained with putrid sore threat and .tfl hnia for ten years. ( dcsp** red of ever Ik.-: tsg • jured. 1 Baw your advertise moat Tor the cure of this dreadful aud tormenting disease, AstL ma, and thought you hadoverspokeu yourselves, >ut resolved to give it a trial. To my astonish ment, the trial acted like a charm. Send iue a full size bottle.’* REV. I)R, MORRIS WECHSLKR, Rabbi of the Oong. Bnai Israel (.New York, Jan. 3,.1901 Drs. Taft Bros.* Medicine Cos.; Gentlemen: Your Astbmalcue Is an excel* rut remedy for Astuma and Hay Fever, and its composition alleviates all troubles which com - Hue with Asthma. Its succeed is astonishing and wonderful. After having it carefully analysed, we oan state that Asthmalene contains no opium, morphine, chloroform or ether. Very truly yours, am REV. DR. MORRIS WECHSLER. r . . Avon Sphinos. N. Y., Feb- 1, 1901. Dit. lArr Bros. MkdicuikUo. Gentlomem i write this testimonial from c souse of duty, having tested the wonderful ©irect of your Asthmalene, for the cure of Aathu v My wife has een afliu-tod with spasmodic asthma Tor the past 12 years. Having exhausted my own skill as well ai many others, I chanced to Bee your sign upon your windows on 130th stro it, New Toak, ! at one obtained a bottle of Asthmalene. My wife oominenced taking it a tout the first of November. I very soon noticed <4 radical unproveratmt. After using one bo Me her Asthma has disappeared and she Is entirely free from all symptoms. 1 feel that I consistently recommend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this distressing disease. Yours respectfully, O. D. PHELPS, M. D. □a. Taft Bros. Medioine Cos. . Fob, fi, 1001. Gentlemen: f was troubled wfth Asthma for .‘32 years 1 have triod numerous remedies but they have all failed I rau across your ad ve tisement and started with a trial bottle. I jouna relief at once. 1 have since mirchased j n r lull-size bottlo, and I am ever grateful. J nave ramily of four children, and for six years w. 9 unable to work. 1 am now ln the best of health fth>l an doing business every day. This t< dun >ny you can mike such mo of as you so tit. Home address, 2J5 Riyington street. S. RAPHAEL, 67 East I2Uth st., City isiAi bottle smi.rami’.rcH cu usipi cr postal, Do not delny. Write at once, add.suing DR. TAFT BliOS.’ M KDICIN’K LO„ 79 E -8t 130th St., N, Y. City. J, J. LIiiiSNER, Sroceries, Tobacco, iTlour, Bacon and PrOvi:, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY -216 Bay PooDSwick, Georgia. Ooney Parker DKALK-W jN Coal and Wood, Brick, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths. Agents for Morris’ Brick. Phone 18- 525 Bav St. Dyspepsia Cure When tr,i stotuach is dlscsiseil all *,no otXer orßars siilT-t, hence fatal pweaseM ol the heart, liver, lungs ini kidneys are often the result of Improper t ; '{cation. Kodol Cr he contains all the natural andi l,ls . J a “ d by digesting what you eat, it cures the indices isoa wlthOi t ilia fiorn the ston. u h, etile iving it, to rest and regain its ,*m!thy coil tit,ion and permitting you to entail the good food you want. iv! y n*t s of ton disturbed at nipiil by irregular Start action which beltv w on account of my stomacn being overloaded with uudl- keep a Ixittle of Kodol Dvsi'EcriA Core nearby and a taiiDl dose a .ways gl vea rue ! nstant rell-f. 15d. Thomas, Leifehlield, Ky.'* it help feist rio you good by E. 0. DcWitt & 00., Obicagu. The sl. b< ttle t-ontalns 214 tiint*s the 50c. stock SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE. FOR SAVANNAH, WASHIIv(JTON AND UKIV TOBK l.v Rrnuiwlck (ilia r M.m U p m not pm ArHavannul, OO n m 13 15p 9 II a m l**M.m Ar Wssliiugton u a at tSOpm ArNawtork iy. (*m KOR MACON, ATLANTA, LOUISVILUC,CIROINMATI AND OHICABO. Lv llrmmwlck t K.a So* pm A' Macon iMpai 100 am Ar Atlanta (lit. (Mnm Ar l/outavill. atonal T 10pm Ar Cincinnati ala . ■ rao p m Ar Chicago.. IHpm t lo pm FROM NEW YORK, WASITnOTON AND eAVANtAH. l-v New York M io a a. I >5 am Lv Washlnston Illlta Hpm Lv Savannah. ft 00. a Is l pn Ar llrnnawlck TUta fftlOpm SUNDAY SCHEDULES BETWEEN lUI’NiWICK AND SAVANNAII l.v IlrunHwick ftM iom TwiTm I 00 p m Ar Savannah iim LI It pm IMpai Lv Savannah ioo.ui iOODm "... Ar Urnnawkk IMpaa DAILV KXCEFT SUNDAY. C. U. CANDLKK, General Ageff