The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, January 10, 1902, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL VOLUME XI. NUMBER 372 We are - ow selling THE ‘ RIO HONDO” (Brunswick Made-* Ask For Them. ff. J. BUTTS, Tie Druggist Huylei's Candy Fresh Every "Week. H. S. Syrup White Pine, a Safe and Sure Cur- for al Throat and Lung Affliction. HUNTER-SALE ’ p tT DRUG COMPANY. Agents LOWNEY CANDIES. Y T T"' saved you moiuy last year in buying \kl L Dry Goods, Clothing, Hhoes, flats, ete. UU F, and we can savo you money this year, II JLi so when you need anything in our line don’t purchase elsewhere until you have called on us We carry a complete line of ladies wear in ail the latest styles and prices to suit. Shse our ready made underwear specials in gowns at 39c Waists in all styles, sxi 'ts from ft. 95 to $5.00. Give us your measure and have one made to order. All of our Capes. Collarettes. Jackets and Furs are marked out cheap, if you need one give us a call. Hosiery, shoes and children’s ready made dresses. Clothing, shoes, hats, etc. Watch for our circular announcing our cut price sile for Monday, Tuesday, Wednes day, Jan, 6th, 7th and Bth. Mrs M, Isaac. 208--208* Newcastle street. It was a maxim with the diplomats of ihe An cient Regine that a snuff box was man’s beet allay h} jhat work of ‘“concealing his thoughts" in which Tallyrand maintained, the usefo'ness of speech chiefly consisted. But ibe man of today cares not to con ceal but rather to collect his thoughts, and his best allav is Chase & Sanborn’s Seal Brand Coffee, It snarpens his wits, quickens his perception; and maKes him twice as clever. Many a man dates his popu larity in conversation from the day he began using c*eal Brand coffee. Had only at THOMAS KEANY S, Fancy Grocery il? Newcast e Bt., Brunswick, Ga, SPECIAL SALE Men’s stiff bosom colored shirts all our sr.oo and shirts to close out at SO CD. Manhattan colored, stiff bosom, special |1.5() valueß_^^^^- 33 LEVY’S. BRUNSWICK. GA., FRIDAY MORNING. JANUARY 10, 1902 CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. A Number ot Resolutions Read and Adopted. Council Will Meet Again Tonight. Regular Muting. Btunewiok, Oa.. Jan, 9, 1902. Present—Hon. N, Emanuel, major. Algor man dußlgnon, Newman, Cal* boon MoGarvey, Franklin, Kaiser and Cook, Minutes of meatings Jn, 9 aud 6, road and confirmed. Petition from Mrr. T. F. Smith, treasurer Oak Grove C. meter j eiclety, aeking council to pay th# weekly wagee of the cenntery keeper, tu amount haring here’ofore paid by eubeoription. Referred toPublio Work* omimH'ee, Petition from W j J. Clobb, aektng for rebate of etreet ttx f2 paid by fata • - , agent, that wae teees*ed against a non resident, Ciubb haying purchased property from raid non resident end tbe amount for *tr**t Us included on tbe digest. Referred to Texas end Revenue committee. lVrtilion from B. H Dtnieli, asking pertnietlrn to erict three onr-Hory frame buiidu g* on lot No #7, Town Commons, west of Cochran Arena* Granted Petition from Montgomery * Good year, Henry R. Symons end W. B Burroughs, ioturano* agent*, praying that-the offioe hoar of tbe oily treasurer tar tbe tran.ootfon of tbe eity baeineee be fixed and determined, and that <uri JUi Wffh Based-boon that the olty'a buaintai only be attended to, that bla manrense cflloe be removed from tbe oity bell, and that hie office ee eity treaeurei be in no way mixed with bit bueineie ae a lire ineuranoe agent Befarred to tbe mayor, to report at next meeting of eounoii. Commnoioation from Brunewtek Light and Water Cos , oalliogattenUon of oooooil to unueoeiiary waete of water, nne be'ng contrary to ordi> nanoe, the prtcics of otbere than themeelree supplying water to oitlzeas without paying liceaee therefor, and the non-flaebing of oloiele, by etme, who bare had closets pat in. Aeking that inch matter* be reotiAed, and praying protection agalntt eaeh prec tleee. Referred to committee on Light and Water. Alderman Taylor oama in and took bii aeat. Commnnoioatlon from board of trade •übmitting for tbe consideration of oouooll, the board'* enggeetion of the tatting apart in the making up of tha city budget for 190a, a contingent fan a of 2,400 00, to ba expended in tba dl cretlon of the mayor and Finance committee for tbe general welfare, •tating that a cfmilar correction bad been made to tbe oonnty oommieelon* ere for $1,300.00, The communication wac quite lengthy cetting forth tbe justification for cneb a fend. Tbn eomaconlcation wee referred to tbe Finance committee and tbe oity attorney. Report of epeeitl committee on rulee, for 1802, wac read and adopted, Tbe eame being ordered printed in pam pblnt form. After a reoeae of fifteen minntee, tbe following report of tbe epeeial oom mittee on t/B;ert end enleriet, wee read and adopted; Brnnewiek, Ga, Jan. 9,190a. To tbe Honorable Mayor and Alderman of tbe City of Brnnewiek. Gentlemen—Your epeeial eoramlUtt on salaries beg to report Chat after due o msideration we hare agreed to recoin* mend the following talariee for the year 1009, for the designated offioee, to- Wit: „ Per Month Mayor $ 88 00 Oitj attorney 80 00 Oity physician 40 00 City engineer or euryeyor (in ad dition to fee allowed by oo1e) . 25 00 Merehai and ehtef of polite.... 83 13 Depnty marshal and aeit. chief of polioe 65 00 City printer . 40 00 Chief of Are department..... .. 75 00 Engineer at pumping elation... 75 00 Keeper of gnard house and elark of market i, 60 00 S xton, white cemetery 4 ig Sexton, ooiored cemtery 4 ]g Superintendent and inspector of Sanitation 5000 Janitor, oity hall 30 00 Clerk of oounc l. 100 00 City Creature* 50 00 Harbor maaier 00 on bid Keeper of cl >ak on bid Poitoemen, eeoh 60 00 Impounding oflatr 6oqo Firemen, eeeb ; 40 00 Guard of oonviola so 00 Wa farther renoc.waod that each tax Mtaetor b paid *IOO in addition to MS for a olerk, for the entira year 1902, City arbitrator* 00 for enttra year. In* much *, the olerk of counoil daring the coming year will be obliged to op-a anew and full aet of oity rec ord book*, thereby entailing a greet dial of extra labor, we further reoom mend that be be granted an extra oom paneatlon of *2OO for the year, *ald clerk to pay out of aaid aotn any extra clerical he p that may be needed. We beg lo farther rroomntend that tht harbor mastor b* aio designated ai •ptoial harbor policeman and be grant ed tbe ueuel polio* power* and be re quired to wear the regular polio* uni form. We beg farther to rcoommend that the city eurveyor or engineer be elected for an indefinite term, subject to ter mination at any time by mayor and oounoil. Wa further recommend that the offices of eanitary inepeotor and super intendent of eanita'ion be combined, and 110 per month at oommatation for horee feed be allowed tbe bolder of eame In addition to ealary before nem •d. We further recommend that the marebtl oontlnne ta perform tbe duties of enperinteadent of publlo worae un til further order by tbe mayor and council and to bo allowed feed for one horee ae heretofore. Reepectfolly aubmltted, W. B. Oook, Chairman. C. McGarrey, T. Newman. N Bmeaoel. A. L Franklin. Report from committee on Teaee and Kerenae, recommending tbet the fol lowing iteme be etrieken from tbe tax digest on aeoooot of erroneooe eeeeee meat: Relate J. V. Cfnbb. la 10; Mre M, A. Uirrlo, H 3d; T. J, Weloh, < Adopted. Uommittee on lleeaec for 18M, an. nouneed they would bo able probably to make a report at next mooting. Mr. A H, Leary, tho only bidder for the oity printing wae extended tho prirliege of tho door He atoted tho? the amonot named in the eommlttoe report on aalorioa, waa inadtgnat* for tho work to be performed, aid fnrtbar that to aeeept the edict at the figure named wonld be a lota to him, A motion, to reeonatdtr the report of tho oommlttoo to far at it rotated to elty printer prevailed, and further action on anoh eolary was detsrred nntll to moirow night. Tho subjsct of tho revltsd node, was disonassd and R. A. Mullins (who has tbs contract for the printing thoraof) boiog pressor, stated to oonnoil tbat ho expected to receive the finished work in about two (2) weeks. Raeelution by Alderman Franklin. Ba It, and it le hereby raeolvedl by the mayor and aldermen of the [.city of Brunewiok, la aouooil Miemblad, that tba ragular meeting* of the mayor and con noil be hold every Thursday night at 7:30 p. a, during tbe month of Jan. uary, 1802, Adopted. Resolution by Alderman Cook. Be it raaolved by tha Mayer and Aldermen of the city of Brnnewick la coonoll assembled, tbit the neeeuary subordinate employees In the pnblle works, sanitation and Are departments be employed by the beads of .eaeh of such department*, by and with tha content ef the committee of connoil for euoh respective department*, Com pensation for alt euoh subordinate employee* to be Axed by such respec tive committee* with the consent of the mayor, whera euoh compensation is not Axed and provided by this body All each enbordinat* employees to be subject to removal at any time by the head, of their respective department! by and with the consent of the commu te* for aueb department. Be it further resolved by tbe antborl ty aforesaid, that tha mtyor be em powered to appoint an impounding of ficer, engineer for the pumping station and a Jtoitor for tbe city hall. Such officer* and amployees to hold oAlce subject to tb* will of tbs mayor. Adopted, Bills and acoouuti properly approved end tndlted, read and ordered placed in conree of eettlemeot. Adjournrd antll toraarrrw, Friday, •Ten, 10:b, 7:30 p. m. N D. Rueeell, Clerk ofOonoeil. w. SHIPPING REPORT, Oerreetei DaUy by Oayt. Otte Tekaumi Pert of Brinewiek, Jan. 1,19.2. ARRIVED. 1- Schooner Cerrie F. Brone o n, Bennett New York. SPECIAL NOIICE. All bill* agalnet tbe Britiab cteatn •blp Sidra muet be .’presented at our offlee by noon today or payment thereof will be debarred F D M. BTR \CHAN & UO Consignee*. * For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPECTO RANT, PRICE FIYE CENTS. Mil 11 nil Qse Has Killed and Sersral Are Injured New Orleans, Jan 9.—The Vicksburg Rxpreaa on the Mississippi Valley road, which loft here at 7:10 o'clock this morning, was in a disastrous head-end collision with an Inbound freight 12 miles from Now Orleans. The acoldent, it ia said, was doe to a heavy fog. Henry Foster, a negro fireman of the freight was kllltd; Engineer Campbell hafi bis Jaw and a leg broken: Engineer Baldwin and Fireman George Wasson of the passenger train, and three of the brakemen—Tom Royal, James Catty, end B'gio Newer negroee—were pain* fully Injured, but none titally. None of tho paesengers was hurt. The traok is badly blooked. bo h engine* telog mashed op. Of tbs many triumphs tbat Geoig* \7. Lederer has bad In hla Casino pro duction* of tb* past ten yatra, non* la# won greater recognition than the tinilosl eomady, -‘Tha Casino Girl,” vhioh has been secured ae one of tb* loading attraction* at the Grand opera t onia this teaion. After establishing a rieord of 400 performance* in New Verb and 400 .nigbti in London, the yitca was taken to Pbiladelphla’and to ( biengo, where. In each tmstane*, It was rMslvsd with immense favor, and new fit the Aral time it is being taken on a t >ur of tb* principal eitiea of thie smutty, Tb* organisation is under tae personal dlreotion of Mr. lamosi X. Rork, whose experlenoe in handling mueloel and comic spera attraction* as* • ire* a prolnotlon of superior excel lone*, MaoUe* for Incandesoent or Welsh taolc lamps. 10a, $1 perdoz. Goar* asteod O. K. A. H. Baker. Notice In addition to affording every faoUlty to oar ouetomers ooualatent with safe banking, w* are prepared to pot as Administrator or Executor ol Estate*. Guardians of property of minors, and to make Bonds In jndlolnl and other matter*—Generally to oxer ois* alt oar power* ae a Trust Company Brunswick Bask & Trust Cos. B, W, Sale, Cashier- The number drawing China Closet DeVoe’s 2451.