The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, July 08, 1890, Image 1

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1| JAW il/2 K o WRIGHT —THE— CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER. St. Simon's Line. SIM.uEK SCHEDULE. (Standard Time. On and after June 15th, schedule will be as follows: DEPARTURE. From Brunn* ick— steamer Citv of Brunswick for One An rier, on route for Cumberland, daily 7 a. in. Steamer Pope Catlin, for Ocean Pier and Mills, S;00 a. in , 2:00 and H:00p. m. From Ocean Pier— ForSt. simon’> Mills 0:00 a. in. and 3:00 p. in. RETURNING. Leave St. Simon's Mills lor Ocean Pier 10:00 a. in . ami 4:00 p. m. Leave Pier for Brunswick 10:30 a. m., 4:30 and 0:30 p.m. SUNDAYS. ( Ity of Brunswick, cu route to Cumberland, 8:00 a. m. „ .... Pope Catlin, for Ocean I'ier only. and »:30 a. m M i:3oand i»:C0 1.. m. Returning—Steamer Pope Catlin leaves Pier 7:30 and 10:15 a. in., 3:00 and 0:30 p. m. (luestsof Hotel st Simon’’ deairinp to visit Cumberland take City of lii un uu k a’ Ocean Pier at 7:45 a in., except on eunday—at 8:15; aud parties deriiou-of veiling st. *lllloll'. will la* landed at tivean Pier by City nt Brunswick upon notice given, otiieswise thia steamer wll* not make the stop. Launch Vision will leave Ocean Pier on Ml n day. at 7:30 a. in., for Brunswick, and otlu rdavs when live or more peraoiis so desire mid timely notice is given at Hotel 8- Simon's. IMIII, •siijierinteirli nt. ’ W ■ • 'W -X-; :>! w a '.lll |-. :1 ■ i >d' <■ ’W Newest and best, styles of liamtuSß Rogers <fc Bro.’s silverware. Youths and men’s sporting supplies. I’an'e cutlery of every kind. Di .nor, tea anti chambersets. I nxld in quality and price Novelties in china and glassware. N ice articles for room decoration. AU kinds of lamps and lamp fixtures. New stock of Hower pots anti cages. Dusters, fly fins and. fly brushes. Stationery,blank books,office supplies ()il stoves,water coolers, I. C. freezers Nice line of pictures, as well as step- J ladders, croquet sets, lunch baskets, etc. A Free Trip to Europe. The publishers of the Canadian Queen will give a free trip to Europe to the person sending them the largest number of words .constructed from letters contained in the name of their well known magazine, “the Canadian Quean.” Additional prizes consiting of silver tea sets, gold watches, china dinner sets, portiere curtains, Silk dresses, mantel clocks and many other useful and valuable articles will also be awarded inorder of merit. Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary to be used as authority in deciding the contest. This is a popular plan of introduc ing a popular publication. Every one sending a list of not less than ten words will receive a present.! Enclose thirteen 2c. stamps for illus trated catalogue of present ami three month's trial subscription to the Queen. ” Address— I'he Cakaouju Qi els, Toronto, Ont. w nB - " BB ■ uttered by irresponsible violence was done or attempted. [lampton was driven to his home at 321 Albany street where Dr. I. N. Bishop attended him. He had been shot twiee, once in the right hip and once in the right leg. The balls were extracted and this morning Hampton is resting easily. No ser ious results are looked for from the wounds and in a short time Hamp ton will be about as usual. A Post reporter called at 'the county jail this morning and found Golden asleep in bis hammock in one of tne new steel cages. When awakened he sprang readily up with a smile anc seemed glad to see a newspaper man. “I am 'lad that a Post reporter .has called for I’m certain my story WBB| M t.i- ■ • I, lemi t In s a I,n-W Prof. S. C. Caldwell. Prof. S. C. Caldwell returned Brunswick this morning. He seemetT in the best humor possible, over the prospect of the female college. He Ims been in correspondence with some of the best educators of the state, with a view to completing his faculty. He is now getting matters ready for the opening of the instilu* lion ibis fall. hi'k.tul monied instil city His friends bespeak for him success in w hatever he may under take “ '’' r -'. '.7 • ■■'' I'