The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, July 15, 1890, Image 4

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»PALMS SOUL, r COR. MONK AND NEWCASTLE Sts. *• . MIDSUMMER CLEANING and LV- J VEATORY SALE. ■ •. Bl»i. i ’ \i V ■k I. . : ' ' ' !'' 1 ■ I 1 ■ BF .♦ ■ in ;i ] c , is t. m|KI.A( i:s v\|) I.BIiOIDERHX V \ 1■• ■ B ■ . i ..!■■ \ V • I’lli’*■ ’•. < I • ■ •Hi I’ ■. : 'B .-•!:• I I.;i<’> I '.• cri < I : l:, :!>..> I id B > >i.' >ii w iii>!• I/O'*’ tl’ofll “.<<• >■<>. I'dili’ I.■ . >!:] :.:i>> ui 1....i . .iin; i.. ...n- S.. li. ■SSBk Bk ■Lbons, Stamped Linens, Notions, ami I’<t- B ■ KS ROYAL, Xj |l|| g |F MTOd’ JM? f- B I In* loilou Hi , pri.-< x ,(i; I x <Mf see thill if \ on n ;n:! .on Is \ oh Bp them cheap. RHa.ii GOING away BL aid i li<‘V ii ti't " -■ ■ \ »ekdS b®* **' 1 ' • kBhB As’ 2 " Bieat RKni v'TioM in hosikio. ■ft n j H K IB ''' ■ Ji ■ B ■ 8 t- >•,•-». 4k b ) warranted K RHHHHHnR^^Fi:;. <■ *1 -•> Kt ,\ ’? w* ' i ■ Corset reduced to 55c. to B ay a S v B s ■ I»mmß!bMHeSt BE:. L DAUGHTit'Y. . BLACK DltEss GOODS Brillaintine effects at 18c former price 2 ic. Brillaintine effects, at 2Sc, former price 35c. All wool Henrietta, at 38c, Tormer price 50c. „ 2 Biilliantine, at 48c, former price 60c. Fine all wool Cashmere, at 68c, form er price 85c. Silk finish Henrietta, at 72c, former pr’ee 95. Silk finish Henrietta, at 78c, former price sl. Silk warp Henrietta (Imported) at sl, former price $1.25. Big stock of Worsted dress goods. Cashmeres. Serges, Henriettas and Brilliantines that must be sold. They have been marked down 25 to 50 per cent, from former prices. ' TABLE LINEN AND TOWELS. Bleached Damasked, at 38e, former price 45c. Bleached Damasked, at 48c, former price 60c. Bleached Damasked, at4>oc, former price 80c. Bleached Damasked, at 80c, former price .$ 1. Bleached Damasked, at 95c. former price $1.20. Bleached Damasked, al $1.25, former price $1.50 Napkinsand Doylies to match at same reductions. TOWELS—It you expect to need any towels for the next six months you hail better buy them now. A large Ilk- towel at A large 15c towel at lite. A large 2<tc towel at 15e. A large 25c towel 20c. Hotel and boarding bouse keepers. b now is the time to supply youreelves rilE EVENING POST: TLESDAY, JULY 15, 1890. - / °HI I W' I H \ I HI W Slfflfflll. The Greatest Sacrifice Sale in Men’s, Youths’ ami Boys’ Clothing, Gents' Fut’iif’hin *x .Goods, Straw Hats, Shoes and Trunks. • I must make room for a Big Stock of Ball Goods, land all Summer Goods MIST BE SOLI). T his is n<> fake. A call will convince yon. Ob serve the elegant display of Summer Clothing and Prices in u y show window. CINCINNATI C LIITIII \ Ii HOUSE X H . AP'IK, Proprietor. I .1. E. YOUNG, Back Landing Lumber Yard I I’.ne and Cypress Lumber, Laths, Flooring, Shingles, Ceiling, Moulding. ( using, etc Correct Measurement Gnaraileed. Lumber not in stock will be furnished on short . notice and at reasonable prices. Telephone No. 11; Post Office Box No. 15. RADAM’S niICROBE| ( -IffiL) KILLER. y/ The Greatest Discovery C f the Age. OLD IN THEORY, BUT THE REMEDY RECENTLY DISCOVERED. CURES WITHOUT FAIL CATARRH, CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, HAY FEVER, BRONCHITIS, RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, CANCER, SCROFULA. DIABETES, BRIGHT’S DISEASE, MALARIAL FEVER, DIPTHERIA AND CHILLS. In short, all forms o< Organic and Functional Disease. Ths cures efTeeicd by this Medicine are in many cases MIRACLES! Sold only In Jugs containing One Gallon. Prive Three llollan*—aisnnill luvestmeut when Health and 1 ife dim bo obtained. “History of the Microbe Killer” Free. CALL ON OR ADDRESS .1. T. KOI KWELL. Role Agent. Binnswiuk. Ga. 1 Wm. A ND EK NON 200 Gloucester street, Dealer In Dry Goods, Ci. thing. Loots, Hats, bnoes. Notions, < "arpeCe. Hani ware. Groceries and Genera Merchat line. Saunders Bros., LIMBER, (’or. Newcmtle and 1 Ntrcets, are Olteruig at Kock Bottom Prices all Kinds of Hough and Dressed Lunt bei, Litne.Cement. IbasLerand Build ing Material G< r.< rally. i» .*»•»'.i< iud, cUo* .. W a 1 THE DANGEROUS “SEA POOSE." A Caprice of the Ocean That Threaten* * the Bather with Hanger. It may be well to speak of another phenomenon not infrerjaeutly observed. I do not recall ever seeing the name by which it is known in print, and. as the word is ignored by Webster, I shall in vent my own spelling and write it “sea poosc.” This term is loosely used on different parts of the coast, but the true significance of it is briefly this: There will somotfrnes come, at every bathing ground, days when the ocean « ’••■iiis to lose its head and to act in a very capricious way. On such occ.i sions it often happens that the l>each is cut away at someone point, presum ably where the sand hapfr-ns to lye softer uni! less capable nf resisting the action <>f the water. There will then be found a little bay ] indenting the shore, jjerilaps.ten feet, perluips ten yards. The waves rolling into such a cove are defleeted somewhat by its sides and “set’' together at its head, so that two wings of a breaker, so I to speak, meet and. running straight out from the point of junction, form a sort of double “under tow,” which i will, if the conditions that cause it e;>n i tiime, cut out along its course a depres \ sion or trench *of varying depth and 1< . * It can be readily understood that ; such a trench tends to strengthen the I current that cans s it, and these two I I factois, acting an 1 reacting upon each other,*occasion what might be called .! an artificial “under tow,” which i; sometimes strong enough to carry an unwary bat her ~:>me distance out, in a fashion that will c tu-- him cither to be ■ i glad he is. or to wish he were, within | ] the reef.ingle of the life lilies. 1 have soiiielime.- beard old surfmen i , speak of what they call a "false poose,” but 1 have never bi en .able to find out , just what was nr. .ant by the expression. • much less its causes and character. 1 ! shall th re fore leave the question for j those who delight 1 > delve into the i t s <.» local iiomentdafure. —Duf- field Osborne in Scribner's. Tne Hands. Ou • of th ' most common signs of ’ want of breeding is a sort of uncom fortable conseiousnt ss of the hands, an obvious ignorance of what to do with them and a painful awkwardness in their adjustment. The hands of a gen tleman seem perfectly at homo without being occupied. They are habituated to elegant repose, or. if they spontane ously move, it is attractively. Some of Queen Elizabeth's courtiers made play ’ lug with their sword hilt an accomplish ment. and the most efficient weapon i of the Spanish coquette is her fan. j Strength in the fingers is a sure token [of mental aptitude. When Mutius burnt his hand off before the eyes of : hiscaptor he gave the most indubitable i proof we can imagine of fortitude, and it was natural that amid the ferocious ! bravery of feudal times a bloody hand j in the center of an escutcheon should | become the badge of a baronet of Eng j land.—New York Ledger. Sy mil calcs at Home and Abroad. We arc informed that in Europe Germany takes the lead as the country of syndicates in 1889. Ninety-two were formed there in that year, including au auction “ring”and a warfingers’ “ring.” I In Austria there were thirty-eight syn dicatos; in Great Britain, thirty-one; in Franco, six; in Russia, seven: in B< Igium, eight; in Italy, two; in Swe- I den. four, and in Denmark, one. In I addition to these there were eleven in- ! ternational trusts dealing with cop[>er, zinc, nitrates, rails, mirror glass, sugar, dynamite and hotels. In America fifty eight syndicates were formed, several of which were of English origin. It is known that about 260 of these trusts were formed during 1889, and it is probable that an equal number existed unknown, ex -apt to those interested in them. The majority of the syndicates appear to have been genuine industrial ami commercial undertakings. ■— | St* a side Coll ege FOR YOUNG LADIES. This institution will open on Mon day, September 29. The equipment, i will be complete, the faculty full, the i I institution thorough. For circulars or information ad- ! dress at Brunswick, after August 1. S. C. CALDWELL, President. Coney & Parker, Wholesale an<t retail dealers in Wood a Coal ■B I?, I O K and Sewer Piping, including Chimney Flues and Hoods. Sole agents foi's Brick Yard ] Telephone 18. 525 Bay street ! SUMMER RESORTS, ! EXCURSION RATES. OWXaY 2 CENTS per mile traveled. ’ IM a TICKETS GOOD TO CN return sale: UNTIL izrgY-Y- osrov. No iron clad tickets to annoy families traveling without male escorts. The most liberal ar rangements ever offered. J For information apply to ’ Agents E.T.V. & G. Railway I System, or to i f«m> c riyuurxTM P. C MILLER, House Mover. Headquarters corner Mansfieid a»d , Ellis Streets. -M.ikrs a specialty of moving buildings ol all kind?. Satisfaction guaranteed. BURR WINTON, Nos. 314 an<l 316.8 street, New Town, Contractor S kilter And Superintendent. Postoflicc lx>\ 130. Correspondence solicited. Brunswick STENOGRAPHIC AND TYPEWRITING HEADQUARTERS. Al! work neatly and promptly exe cuted. Patronage Solicited. GEO. W. KIRBY, JR., —at— TOWLES & BAKER’S OFFICE, Bay Street- ‘MISS SHEARER, MODISTE, I ./Vo. 31 1 Newcastle, St. Hiss Shearer ia now offering her large am! va iled stock al the lowest prices, owing to the* s ason being so far advanced. New goods are received dai.y, and particular attention is called to a new line of Beach Hats, etc., etc., etc. INVITED.-*Bi I HENRY M. STANLEY 1 (fa • “IN DARKEST AFRICA" I Tin* complete story of:Stanley's recent thrilling ! adventures and the disclosure of his important discoveries will appear for the first time in the work written by hiniNelf, entitled “In Darkest Africa." in two volumes, profusely’ illustrated; price $3.75 per volume. Do not be deceived by any of the so-called “Stanley books” now being offered as “genuine” anil “autheiuic.” To no one of these has Stanley' contributed a line. SPFWTQ Die work W *N l* s sold by sub- AULiI JO. scription only. We are now* ready’ to appoint canvassers. Applicants should state expt i i< nc. Remember that Stanley’s own book, the only one in which he has a personal interest.Nvill bear on the title page the imprint of Charles Scribnsr’sSons \ Apply to JOHN H. NELSON, < liattaa, Tenn. Sole Igrnt for Teiinewsre, Alabama and tarorgln. - ■ ■ I fc ■ ■ ■ - - tts nj^nr 1 a w ßi » $ r«m. § J- } —-—T i IE— ZETu. m it ure. D E A L E R, lO—Newcastle S ti-eei —-310=0 Big Stools: I LOW PRICES I Having in >ved to my new and commodious quarters at 301 Newcastle street, I am better than ever prepared to show my elei'fint stock of E! KNl'l'i RE, which I w ill sell on very close margin. Give me a call. €; E. SHIPP. L L MW Real Estate am; 1 nsurance t-pr> -a ■: : .■■ r ■■ ’.- ni i.j i’i. <■ I .-ir. \ Al!;','- T »V. n !>>:• 1 »IKI:•!<• tcl ii's. 150,000 Acres of Timber ZES. TZOjPZ-ZXIsTS ds Office 207 Newcastle Street, fl BREEPLOVE & SCARLETT, Sfl Boi-k and Stationery sIM 1' ai!<-y <■ ■■ 1..-i:ii]i- •••it Ilx 'H'- i'let'.ins. 1 T-am<->B|HH ware and (’rockery; OFFICE SUITLIES A SPECIALTY, fl 219 NEWCASTLE STBK'T. J TJHE NEW YORK iSteam Dye Houß AND TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. ,Cor. -I*’ itiAci. It nmoLkd fl I BILLER, Proprietor. • Gents’garments.made to order, cleaned, dyed a« Ipaired. Satisfaction guaranteed. Tin Roofing and Gutter™ Galvani/ed and Plain Sheet Iron Work, Mansard.'ng and ing, Driven Wells, (LIGHTNING RODS AND ORNAMENTAL FENCING. 1 The Best Brands of stamped Roofing Plate. Pumps. Point* and Piping. Galvanized and Bloru I Sheet Iron, Sheet Zinc, bead and Copper Aiwavs in Stork, .lob Work Promptly Attended t o Ac. FI. BAKER, Newcastle St.. Opposite the Ogle-horpe. Under one Management ocean Hotel CENTS A L HOTE J, BA „?AEJ, p SHOP. I. L. PETERSON, Proprietor. llirsch’ a Building, Gloucester St. Special rates lor regular boarders. Peakr in First-class in every particular. I? ’ 1 TT Til 2fil“Your patronage respectful I - iLtlfS, ItOotd 11 10 S solicited. and ProduceGenerallv. -i : : It Z I ---—■ ■ I fflH FM ; ' ' j '• Sic -, nk<( ® p*>- ■ ii ■ 111 ii_i Itasas^® 11 | ' I " _ ' la . f IS 4w"’' CrOXXXG and IS@@ 3XZC© in niv new quapters.