The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, July 19, 1890, Image 4

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HUIS RO T AL, CUR. MONK AID KWII tit. ; MID-SUMMER CLEARING and IV VE.VTORY SALE. ><■■> WIIW • I II - - ■■ , ||f _ f On Friday morning, July 11 th, we shall begin onr Mid summer Clearing Sale of o2ds and ends of stocks after inven ory a double cveht of special interest to all delirious of socur l ;, ig positive bargains, The following will be some of the prom ■nent features: Ladies Night (loans, Chemise, Skins, llress jing Sacks, Corset Covets, Drawers, Children's Dresses, and l.yprons slightly soiled from handling, at a mere frncti in above original cost. 'LACES AM) EMBROIDERIES. \an Dyke,V alenciene, Smyrna, Torchon, Point de Gene and Spanish Laces from Ic per yard upwards. Mull, Nainsook ami H and mrg Embroideries, from 2c per yard upwards. Embroid ery and Lace Flouneings from 28c per y-rd to #2.50. Chil drens Short \\ hi to Dresses handsomely trimmed in Embroidery and Lace from 35u to s(>. Infants’ Long Slips, handsomely trimmed in Embroidery and Lace, from 35c to $5. lidants’and Children’s Lace ami Embroidered Caps from ‘l2c to $2.50. Childrens Calico and Gingham Dresses, sizes from 2 to 4 years, at 25c each. Don’t forget that we carry a full line of Ladies’ s llosie-y, Handkerchiefs. Swiss Ribbed and Gauze Ril>boi.~. ."'innijn ,| i.iiii n.-. X lion-. • ,d p.-i --fcd every <h‘>i'l ptioli. un I lie- ~i:- m 1 i u .. .lnph'O i orset' it. th i-it\ ,-tt ■ i;■ i ,I ],| ROYAL, 1 ETOR ■FSETIIK ill Ihe following prices mid >on ■MMradih mt that il you nmil o<hhl> you Ket them cheap. Fl AM GOING AWAY [e I and they must, be sold. UT ________________ . L GKKAT UEIH < TION IS HOSIERS. ' BLACK DItESS GOODS dozen Ladieat Hose at sc. BriHaintine effects at 18c formei '£'» dozen Ladies’ Hose at 10c. price 2 ic. i 5 dozen Ladies’ Lisle Thread Hose BriHaintine etleets, at 28c, former at 15c. 1 l*iee 35c. Our 25c (best on earth for the -All wool Henrietta, at 38c, former money) warranted fast black,at 20c price 50c. Our 30c (best on earth for the Brilliantine, at 18c. former price 60c. money) warranted fast black,at 25c ' Fine *‘H wool (’ash mere. at 68c, form Our 50c (best on earth for the er price 85c. money) warranted fast 37Ac finish Henrietta, at 72c, former Jur 75c (best on earth for the price 95. money) warranted fast black,at 50c Silk finish Henrietta at 78c, former corsets price sl. Jr. Warner’s ffealth, at sl, former Sl ’ k , war B Henrietta (Imported) at price $1.25. + J , former price $1.25. Dr. Warner’s Coraline, at SOc, former stoc * £ ol " orated dress goods, price $ 1 Cashmeres. Serges, Henriettas and Fine French Corset, at $1.25, former J { n‘lmntines that must be sold. They price $1 50 lttve ° een ,n:uketl ,lown -•> to »0 per I Fine French Corset, at $1 former celll ' 1 10,11 lot mer prices. I price $1.25. |(] Jablb linen and tibvels. ItJur 75c Corset reduced to 55c. 1 " l*vd JJamasked, at 38c, former ■ »ur 65c Corset reduced to 45c. ~ P ri< j e Blur 50c Corset reduced to 40c. Bleached Damasked, at 48c, former ■ LADIES’ UXDEUVKST. i , ■ , . , , . . ■ Bleached Damasked, at 60c, former ■ >ne great big grand bargain. 2< pi . ice gOc ■ dozen, 3 for 50c. Ladies, buy all B | eat . he(l i> araa9keils at 8 0c, former ■ you may need for the next two. price $1 years. Bleached Damasked, at 95c, former EMBKOIDEBIE' AND LAI Ks, price $1 20. Embroidery skirts, a few of these Bleached Damasked, al $1.25, former goods left, and you can buy them al- •price $1.50 most at your own price as THEY i Napkins and Doy lies to match at MUST BE SOLD. Embroideries in same reductions. all widths, qualities aud styles, at TOWELS—If you expect to need New York cost. Torchon, Valen any towels for the next six months ciene and fancy Laces, at great, a sac you had better buy them now. rifice. A large 10c towel at 7|c. stamped linen floods. \ large 15c towel at 10c. Sideboard anil dressing case covers, A large 20c towel nt 15c. Tidies, Tray Cloths, Splashers, all to A large 25c towel 20c. go AT EXACTLY ONE HALF Hotel and boarding house keeper*, the former price. ! D,,W ** tb « t,mo lo » u Ppb’ younelves R. L- DAUGHTRY. HIE EVENING POS1: SAT URDAY, JULY 19, 1890- /i mP A / * r- A \ W\\y Vjl SLAUCHTK. The Greatest Sfieiiiice Sale in Mee’s, Youths’ ami Roys’ Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Straw I hits, Shoes and Trunks. I must make room d - for a Big Stock of Fall Goods, X , I . and all Summer Goods Ml ST BE SOU). This is .no fake. / A call will convince you. Ob serve the elegant ' display of Summer Clothing and Prices in ray show window. f i CINCINNATI C LIIT BING house X IF. Al> r IE, Proprietor. J?E young, Back Landing iLuinber IXne and Cypress Lumber, Laths, Flooring, Shingles, Ceiling, Moulding, Casing, etc Correct Measnrsiiejt Gtaiteeil. • o I Lumber nut in stork will be furnished on short notice and at reasonable prices. JW**'relcioione No. 11; I’oat OlHoe Box No. 15. RADAM S MICROBE ( k,ller - \ The Greatest Discovery of the Age. _ OLD IN THEORY, BUT THE REMEDY RECENTLY DISCOVERED. CURES WITHOUT FAIL CATARRH, CONSUMPTION, ASTHM#, HAY FEVER, BRONCHITIS, RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, CANCER, SCROFULA, DIABETES. BRIGHT’S DISEASE, MALARIAL FEVER, DIPTHERIA AND CHILLS. In short, all formsol Organic and Functional Disease. Ths curoa effected by this Medicine uro In many cases MIRACLES! Sold only in Jugs conta’nlng One Gallon. Pri-e Three Doll nr. a small investment i when ifealth aud Life cun beobtalned. “History of the Miorobe Killer” Free. CALL ON OR ADDRESS J. T. KOt KW ELI . Sole Agent, Brnnswick, Ga. Saunders Bros., lain KEIL Cor. Newcastle and I Streets, nre Offering at Rock Bottom Prices all Kinds of Rough ami Dressed Lum r lbei , Lime, Cement, Plaster and Build, ing Material Generally. fW*Orders Solicited, Satisfaction Guaranteed. I ‘ Under one Management CENTRAL HOTE I. AND PUTNAM HOUSE, I. L. PETERSON, Proprietor, j ttyeeial rales for regular boarders. First-clsss in eve»y partii uler. ' "tir patroDuge re»(M elfull'.’; • aoik'iu-d. j AT THE CHURCHES. vicos Will be Hold To-Morrow. [sTANDAIiI, TIME.] Second Advent, Cor. D and L Streets—Elder H. V. .skipper, pas tor. Services Services 1(1:30 a. ni. and I 7:30 p. m. St?Fkan< is Xavieu's Ciiukch, Cor. j Newcastle and H we Streets—Father J. Hennessy. Mass at 8:t»', aud even ing devotions at s:<X>. Methodist Chi ku, Cor.' Monk and Norwich Streets—Rev. Meh. EX <| MeCo >k, pastor. Services at 10:30 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. Sunday school 4 |>. m. Baptist Chckch, Cor. Mansfield and Union Streets—Rev. E. Z. F. Goiden. pastor. Services at 10.30 a. in. and 5:15 p. ni. Sunday school at 4 p. m. Pkesimteiii an < 'huim’ii, Co-. George and Reynolds Streets—Rev. Paul I-. Brown, pastor. Services at 10:30. 1 a.m and 7:30 p.m . comTncted by Rev. R. E. Steele, of the Savannah Presbytery. Sunday school at 3:30 P- ni- ). M. C. A—Rooms in Sca'lett' block, 311] Newcastle Street. Reg ular Sunday service tomorrow. Roohis open daily from 8* a. m.'to 10 p. m. St. Mark's Cut kch, Cor. Glouces ter and Egrnon Streets—Rev. H. E. Lucas, rector. Morning praver, I celebration of the holy communion, I and sermon at 10:30. Sunday school at Ip. m. Evening praver at 1 5 p. m.. standard St. .Ji i>i:'s Ciiuhch. E Street— Rev.; D. Watson Winn. Morning piayor ■ and sermon at 10:30, Sunday school | at 3 o clock in tin: afternoon, evening prayer and sermon at i :30. Services during' the week every afternoon j ut 1:30. colored. St. A rii inasics, ('or. .Monk and South Ainlkcrst Stacks—Rev. J. Perry, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at jl) il - >“• Public Bible class! 3:30. Evening prayer and ser mon at 7:30 p.m. Daily morning prayer throughout flic year at 8:30 a.m. \\ ednesday evening service at ! 7 p. ni. First African Baptist, Am i hurst Street, near Gloucester —Rev. John Williams, pastor. Sunrise! prayer. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. ■ and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school at 3 I p. in. 'flu evening service will be conducted by Rev. C. G, Roberts l ite of Liberia, and a most interest ing sermon will be preached. Goods must go, at any sacrifice, attend our mid summer sale, com ' mencing .Monday 21, and lasting one week, you will save money. J. J. ■ Lissuer A ' o. Professor Richardson makes cloth ! having the ippoarance of the finest silk out of an old junk bottle or win low pane. 122 Newcastle street. Our readers will do well to trade I t with Dillon. —*— The Gracie won the race easily 1 over the other Imais, and we propose 'to sail just as easily away from all ■ of those self styled exclusive dealers in this city. If you value money at tend out* great mid summer sale! commencing Monday July 21, and save money. J. J. Lissner <k Co. Something for Sheriff Berrle. No better sheritl'cau be found than Sheritf William H. Berrie. That’s the opinion of everybody ; .who knows anything 4iboul Sherittj Berrie s duties and the manner in which he performs them. ~ Every apartment of the county | jail is not only swipt daily’, but is' thoroughly scoured twice a x week. Beyond this Sheriff Berrie has much regard for the welfare of his prison I its, and that fact has made him quite popular with those who chance to lind a lodging under his hospit able roof. ——' - ♦ ♦ - Professor Richardson is giving his scientific, artistic, instructive and amusing entertainments in fancy glass blowing afternoon and evening, 1 22 Newcastle street. His stay will be short. .■ • • Largest stock of canned goods in I Brunswick: best goods and lowest prices at Dillon’s. I hose parties who contemplate i , rebuilding their buildings lost in ’ the recent tire, will do well to tele phone the back landing lumber yard, before placing their orders fori the lumber to do so. June 16 (i t. —— < oney & Parker, Wholesale and retail •Icak-ri- in W ood >Coal ■B I r-r k and ' Sewer Piping, | , inciuiijmi’( liimney Fiuen atnl Hoods *oie agenufor Crovstt's Brick Yard l Telephone la. 525 Bay street I It i IIL Bi II Our great mtd-sutniner clearing sale to commence aga : n Monday, July 21st, and to a ' entire week. Do)law are more easily counted than Dry (loods, Clothing, Shoes and\ ns Furnishing Goods, and tire more profitable too, and to be candid w>- need tin dollars ands want to cairy over any of this season’s goods to the next, and if prices will prevent us from > t||p it, we will not show on our counters next season one doll: r’s worth of this season’s g<,od. J commencement of the season we unl’ut led our flag to the breezes, and marked thereon Le.uld * | Low Prices. That tlag has never trailed in the dust ot has it been taken away from us by j eorupi iTtc.’s. Here are .a few scattering prices in the different departni*‘iits: J (tiesl I SILKS. lie robes left, and will i lose them out GENTS’ FURNISHING G( * Surah sih< worth 50c a yard,only3oc at 9e a yard. Silk aud flannel shirts markedivk/J Smah silk worth $1 a yard, only 63c Bed seal percals, the* best made, et 20 per cent. I I- dlle silk in colors, 85c, worth $1.25 ‘" c 11 . va,tl - Gents’ unlaundried shirts at thejpo J I ack Failh silk worth $1.35, at 9&c. CORSE IS. reduction. DRESS GOODS. Dr. Balls’at Sac. . NECKWEAR. mJineh figured.piting at 18c a yard Bubo at Nm- We feel justly proml d 4 wm th 'to<- Dr. Warner s at 0()e. 11 8 1 w ,‘i ,m I r Any of tie above not found satis <■’'’•''»’y •ng the largest ti{_ -tjit ci„iit eashL-eies at 20c a factory after being worn two weeks meut in the city. We can yard worth 30c. t he money will be refunded for same from 10 to 25 per cent, cheaperp Jienriettav light-weight, at TABLE DAM ASK. NAPKINS AND self-styled leaders, and give yok 55c a yard worth 75TOWELS. as-ottmerit to select from. ' 11’ , . 1 ench sateens at Lie 11 yard worth We still show the largest assort '• lew priies: i iDcnt in the city, aod cut flu* prices Ou'ing - i iiv r sc.ti’ll ;it 25 cts w*' W/.SII GOODS ■ VVi, y d‘ >wn - HoUIh and boaidiri’.’ j () \ I The of that e.egant line of inerts at 39.,. worth f !o Z r \'i -'"-■‘ ,,u ’ ls lOc 11 sa,d5 a,d - LACES AND E.MBROIDERI ES, ' ,r ,1,,z scarfs, wortlf Outirg flannels at 10c a yard worth At actual COB - lo vl „ s : ollt what i ami 75e. at 10c each in full <j ■ '* ' have left. Here is a feast for you bows. We can give you anytY Wi. h.-1 ea small lot of those chai- la lies. •t on want in lawn satin or silk *>' ( ■ X —j » M Remember these prices commence .Monday July 21 and last the entire week ending Julv2G. Be sure and come for you will be sure to save money. J". LT. ZLISSISrZEIR, GO. LEADERS OF LOW -:- PRICES. C E SHIPP I • JteJl • Jtai JLb aJLi JL A • T7TTT Fu. m it ure. D !•: A 1, ER, msio—-ixr e wcastl e S treet •:} 1 Big Stools:! LOW PRICES ! Having moved to mv new and commodious quarters at 301 Newcastle street, I am hotter than ever prepared to show my elegant stock of Fl RNITI’HE, which i w ill sell on very dose margin. Give me st call. C. E. SHIPP. || _ ■ 3 ’SASr - -* * 2 ’-X. B tfe'V'L- V rl l Hni • a HiuHlf - - W L ....* / a ■ $ ■* $ iL I h il || Come and See J\z£e in niv new qniirters.