The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, July 21, 1890, Image 4

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PALAIS RBUL, COH. Mm ISO IEWUSTLE sis. MID-SUMMER CLEARING and LV VEA'I'ORY SALE. Oil - I—- - . | - , ■ I. ■ ■■■! ■ ,1■! II ■ ' ■ ;■ On Friday morning, July 11 th. we shall begin onr Mid ri.miner Clearing Sale of odds and buds of stocks after inven ory a double event cf special interest to all desirious of secur • >'g positive bargains. The following will be some of the prom inent features: Ladies’Night (towns, Chemise. Skins, Dress ing Sacks, Corset Covers, Drawers, Children’s Dresses, and Aprons slightly soiled from handling, at a mere fracti >n above original cost. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES. Van Dyke,Valenciene, Smyrna. Torchon, Point de (leneand Spanish Laces from 1c per yard upwards. Mull, Nainsook and Hamburg Embroideries, from 2c per yard upwards. Embroid ery ami Lace Flouncings from 28c per rd to 82.50. Chil dren’s Short \\ hite Dresses handsomely tiimim-d in Embroidery and Lace from 3->« to SG. Infants’ Long Slips, handsomely. trimmed in Embroidery and Lace, from 3">c to sj. Infants’ami Children’s Lace ami Embroidered Caps from 12c to $2.-sb. Children's Calico and Gingham Dresses, sizes from 2 to I years, at 25c each. Don’t forget that we carry a lull line of Ladies’ and Children’s Hosie-y, Handkerchiefs. Swiss Ribbed and Gauze Vests, Ruchings, Ribbons, Stamped Linens, Notions, and Per fumery of every desorption, and the latest and most complete ROYAL, M PROPRIETOR. V settles ;i i , ad llir follow iug, priors and son P adily <ri‘ licit if \on w ant ” noils \on K them cheap. ' - - H AM GOING AWAY ■ • St * F'j and they must be sold. ■ . —j— ■ I GREAT REDt'eTIOM IN HOSIERY. I BLACK IHtESS GOOBs 50 dozen Ladies’ Hose at sc. Brillaintine elleets at 18c forinei 25 dozen Ladies' Hose at 10c. price 2 >c. 15 dozen Ladies’ Lisle Thread Hose Brillaintine elleets, at 28c, formei at 15c. I price 35c. g>ur 25c (best on earth for the AU wool Henrietta, at 38c. money) warranted fast black,at 20c price -»0e. *Our 30c (best on earth for the | Brilliantine. at 48c, former pi i< e 60c. money) warranted fast black,at 25c f ‘ nt ‘ “H wooj ( ashmere, at 68c, form x Our 50c (best on earth for the er price Sac. money) warranted fast black,at 37£c s ‘lk finish Henrietta, at <2c, forniei Aur 75c (beat on earth for the pr’.ee !••>. money) warranted fast black,at 50c s ilk finish Henrietta at 78c, formei corsets price sl. r. Warner's Health, at sl, former S, ‘ k . w “ r l> Henrietta (Imported) at • sl, former price $1.25. DrWarnefs’coraline, at 80c, former ~ K ‘« Bt: “' k " r Worsted dress goods *1 Cashmeres, Serges, Henriettas and Fike French Corset, at $1.25, former Hrilliantines that must be sold. They vice $1 50 ,aVe >een marae< * down 2a to 50 per Fine’“French Corset, at sl, former «ent. from former prices. price $1.25. 1 T< ’" E ‘"': Our 75c Corset reduced to 55c. Bleached Damasked, at 38c, former Our 65c Corset reduced to 45c. iJ’"? 1 «' , , Our 50c Corset reduced to 40c. Bleached Damasked, at 18c, former LADIES- VMiEUVEST. ... . . • ... Bleached Damasked, at 60c, former One great lug grand bargain. 21 pricc dozen, 3 for 50c. Ladies, buy all Bk-aclied D alu . lsk cd, at 80c, former you may need tor the next twoi price $1 3 eafs - Bleached Damasked, at 05c, former EMBHOIDERIES AND LAC E>. price $l Jo ' Embroidery skirts, a few of these Bleached Damasked, at $1.25, former goods left, and you can buy them al price $1.50 most at your own price as THEY i Napkinsand Doylies to match at MUST BE SOLD. Embroideries in same reductions. all widths, qualities and styles, at TOWELS—If you expect to need New York cost. Torchon, Valen- | any towels for the next six months I ciene and fancy’ Laces, at great a sac you had better buy them now. riflee. I A large 10c towel at Tie. stami-i o lima A large 15c towel al Iw. I I Sideboard and dressing can* covers, A large 20c towel at“lsc. * i Tidies, Trav Cloths. Splashers. all to A large 2.5 c towel 20c. |)-go AT EXACTLY’ ONE HALF 1 Hotel and boarding house keepers. - khe former price. t now is the time Ur supply your* elves. • R. L- DAUGHTRY.. EVENING 1’OSl: MONDAY JULY c 1 I' \ ( / Al ' p ° u.J SL«. 2 The Greatest Saciifice Sale lin Men’s, Youths and I’.ovs I Clothing, Gents’ Fur’ii-hin g jGoods, Straw Hats, Shoes and Trunks. I must make room for a Big Stock ol Fall Goods, and all Summer < ioods M 1 'ST BE SOLD. This is no fake. I A cull will convince you. (lb i serve the elegant display of i Summer Clothing and Prices ; in my show window. CINCINNATI C LIITIII \ li HOUSE 5. 11. IP7/V, P n) nriel or. ,1. E. YOUNG, Back Landing Lumber Yard I I’.ne and Cypress Lumber, Laths, Flooring, Shingles, Ceiling, Moulding. Casing, etc Correct Measnreuieift (luarai teed. ■ O Lumber not in block will be furnirtbui on short notice and at reasonable prici >. 1 • lephone No. 11; Post Ofliee Box No. 15. ®RADAMS iniCROBE I KILLER. Tho Greatest Discovery of tho Age. OLD IN THEORY. BUT THE REMEDY KBtttNTLY DISCOVERED. CURES WITHOUT FAIL CATARRH. CONSUMPTION. ASTHMA, HAY FEVER. BRONCHITIS, RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, CANCER. SCROFULA, DIABETES, BRIGHT'S DISEASE. MALARIAL FEVER, DIPTHERIA AND CHILLS. In short, all forms of Organic and Functional Disease. Ths cures ctl'ecied by this Medicine are in uiuuy mses MIRACLES! SoM only in J tigs containing One Gallon. Price Three Dollar*—uMnall investment when Health and Life can be obtained. “History of the Microbe Killer” Free. CALL ON OR ADDRESS •L T. K(H K\V I 1.1 . Sblv Agent. Hrnn<\\ n k. < .a. Saunders Bros., LIIBBEK. Cor. Newcastle and 1 Streets, an Offering at Rock Bottom Prices all Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lum bet, Lime. Cement, Plaster and Build iug Material Generally. fsr*Orders Solicited, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Under one Management CEXTHAI HOTEL PUTNAM HOUSE, I. L. Phl'EßsoN, Proprietor. f»pe--ial ratwH for regular Iruardera. I F irst class in every particular. patronage nupectfully ‘ ■olkittML THE GRAND OPEN NG. Os the Brunswick Brewing and Ice Company To-Morrow at Noon. To morrow will be a big day in Brunswick. It will witness the grand opening of the Brunswick Brewing and lee Company. Handsome invitation:., beautifully eiiiLo-sed, were Sint out l ist veek to scon sos citizens in Brur.swieh : nd in other cities, ami a large crowd is expected. To-moirow morning a’. 10 o’clock i large procession will form in fiont of the Light Horse Gii:-.i.l's arinon and. headed by the Atlantic band, i will take up a line of mar -li I Newcastle to the lifeweiy. At 11 i o'clock the brewery w ill be opened for inspection. J\t 12:30 p, in., the East Tenness ■ , Y’irginia and Georgia train wil leave the depot for the brewery. Ail parties holding invitali >ns will he taken t<> the scene of the festivities ■ free of charge. At 1:30 p. m., Mr. Y’>*. E Kay, ont of the directors, wil) deliver tin ' address of welcome, after whiei jtheiewill be music and refresh ments. The fofowing compose th< 'reception committee: M. I liman, Chairman, N. B Wheeler. YV. Abbott. P. Keller. 1! ! Hirsch, K. R. Hopkins, I’. Dart, A IJ. Mason, <'. i>. Lloyd, M. -I. Colson A. J. ('rovatt, A. Peters, S. YV. Ante 11. T. Dunn, Frank Grady. T. O O' ( onn >r. Jr, J. J. Spears. Sr. Helena, Napa Co., Cai.., Ma’ 1, 188‘J. —To the cii izens and afllie ted ofthe valley.— I deem it my dut; ■ to givC this recommendation witbou . any solicitation on the part of th dealers in said medicine. In St . Joseph. Missouri, I wns .-dlliete l will an aggravated case of,kidney troubl ami by accident I was offered a drinl of YV a. Radani s Microbe .xillei After taking one gallon in sou ' weeks I fell like a new man. 1 cai freely rei oinmind i:. to any one hav ing the*above trouble. 11. E. Roiuosox. For sale by J. T. Rockwell, sol agent. I Brunswick Leads. 1 Mr. YV. K. Meyer, represehting tL great neckwear firm of Potsdame Lion «k Meyer, New York, is in tl city to day. Mr. Meyer makes speci: trips to Brunswick, and sells exclt >sively to James S. Wright, tl ■clothier. He informed a Post n . porter this morning that M Wright's purchases from him ha been exelusii ely large this sensoi and in neckwear Brunswick leak many much larger cities. - - San Makcos, Ti:x., Sept. 17, '8 Mh. YVai. Radam : Dear Sir—The Microbe Killer L find is a spiendj • thing. Can 1 gi the-Agency' here? My little bo that was affected, with worms is cm cd and getting fat and rosy. M father is also using your niedicim I and is improving very fast. * Y’er . respectfully. Mks. Alice Lee. For sale by J. T. Rockwell, sol ■ agent. ,()ur readers will do well to trad Mwith Dillon. ■ ■ Those parties who contemplat rebuilding their buildings lost i the recent fire, will do well to tele phone the back landing lunibe yard, before placing their orders so the lumber to do so. June 16 6-t. I lave Yuor COLLECTING DONE BY — J. T. LAMBRIGHT. 1 leadtpiarters with Judge J. E Lambright, on Monk Street. Makis a specialty of Collectin' R as well as accounts of all kind- Patronagti Solicited—Satis fact iot Assured. .J. T. LAMBRIGHT. -< Al.l. AT Jas. S. •W’rieriit’s AND GI.T ONE. ONLY A FEW LEFT. li/ ill ’IF THE ‘RELIABLE’ FLANNEL SACK COAT. OTHER STYLES. ( Oik y & Parker, 'VlioJcua'.e and rr'ail cah r* in »K’oal ■B FL I K and Sewer I 3 i-ping, iuchiding,Chimney Flue* and Hoods Tviepboue 18. 525 Bay street it lii i nIII I) i W t - _—. V w j • J • X ’ o Oni gfwit mid-summer clearing sale to commence ag:t : n Monday, July 21st, and t| •fl 1 .„»; .!.» i\ n lions tofl v chine week. Dollars are more easily counted than Diy Goods, Clothing, Shoes anr I'urni.-iiing Goods and are more profitable too, and to be candid we need the dollars ai , : want to cai ry over any of this season’s goods to the next, and if prices will prevent us fro/ t, we will not show on our counters ne.»t season one d >11: r’s worth of this season’s g.,od. fl jfl commencement of the season we unfurled our rlag to the breezes, and marked thereon Leay-— s| fl Low Prices. 1 hat Hag has never trailed in the dust of lias it b n taken away from us fl • >mp< titors. Here are a f<w scattering prices in the different departments: ( |j|>(>sfl ck. . ll i SILKS. | lie robes left, and will close them out GENTS’ FURNISHING (i| i<- Small sils worth 50c a yard, only 30c at !tc atard. Silk and flannel shirts markc 'iiiali silk worth $1 a yard, only 63c I sea 'P erca ' 8 ’the l jest made, pt 20 per cent. IHCCSjfI '■ !' tille silk in colors, 85c, worth $1.25' 10c a - vard ' Gents’ unlaundried shirts at tT Black Eailk silk worth $1.35, at 99c. CORSETS. I reduction. fl k DRESS GOODS. Dr. Balls'at 05c. < NECKWE AR. jfl .<•. inch figured suiting at 18. a yard I’l,e 1 ’ l,e lvU ’° at Sjc - I We feel justly proud ofthis i sl woith 30i- Dr. tV arner sat 90c. . . ■ I mtn iicioli i .... Any of th- above not found satis "" " ’ cal, .' ln a Ile a i ges t ~ 1 ''isii. <us at c a factory after being worn two weeks , lnei >l in the city. We can s w..’ ! i.>Oe. the money will be refunded for same from 10 to 25 per cent cheapen fl y "" ' 1 hetirlelliM, light weight, at TABLE DAM ASK. NAPKINS AND self-styled leaders, and give y fl o;>< a yard worth 7o -. TOWELS. assortment to select from. J. y frynch sateens at 15c a yard worth - We still show the largest assort . a few prices: llrtVCfl \ * inent in the city, and cut the prices looting rinig scarfs at 25 cts. L f WASH GOODS way down. Hotels and boarding; 40 ( is The 1..,'.., >•. , houses can find anything here they .. . . f h he 1.. ~o o tout elegant hue of | w;(nt ;il eU|a (<>w : Qutrng nng scarfs at 39c, wort) fl e z< p i.m gmg.mms at 10c a yard. I L A( ’ES ANI) EMBROIDERIES One lot of 25 dozen scarfs, worl fl ■« Outirg flannels al 10c a yard worth At !U , tllill ((S t() (I ., seollt wl)at W( . ’>nd 75.'. at 40c each in full '. fl ir ■* L ‘ have left, Here is a feast for you ! bows. We can give you ain\ V| in M e have a small 1< lof those chai- . ladies. • vort w mt in l.'iwn satin or silk % licmcmber these prices commence Monday •luly 21 and last the entire week cmling July 26 Lt su and come for you will be sure tn stive money. Lc O’. J . ZCISS<fc CO. he ii LEADERS -: OF LOW PRICES. id m, ——: _ " i■■ i j.--,,... , C! P. STTT'P'P ?■ ? I } Til I’l—— HT n t* n it u r e . le 1) E A I.E1? , rif ; •J1 <)—-j\| eweastle tpeet‘”’3l I u; I 3 ;/. JC, Big Stools: 1 LOW PR ICES ! Having moved Io mv new and commodious quarters at 301 Newcastle street I am better than ever prepared to show my elegant stock of l ? l KMTIRE, which I will sell on very close margin. Give me a call. C. E.NIHPP. g ffaff Y*»* ' j y 1 'Jfi F: ff™ U lltllll 3i - L ; ’ > jti — < I l* Mi -7 lg_—. jg. -. 6 y k'- / & ii ... ' 'j* ■ V r ■* E Is / £. 9- ■ — 3 z z y Come and See JXZEe in ’inv new quarters.