The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, July 22, 1890, Image 3

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'u ' i‘~ ’ - - |K I - ■ w i x 245 H ■ ■ R and :,w, 1 o. ■ ■' i bi Railway— trains ar- ■p-J:■X ; ■’ ; 9v ng In m I 7 : . ||||||U ■ \, Z-. 9E ’ 1 ’ '■ ' KT*" ■RBBBB ngßßn au ' l,,; " 1 ol Bruiis.v.t k. BI Hi B ■99^^^M.n 'H--- \ * - n \ •; -;. i■ ■ r ■B r.t iililig^B■ y ’ •’• 1 * < i : i v»■ r ■b- i'. . : ■<•>!. BHB^K Iih - :l ' "!’• . I'. !■■• < .ti ll .-I Ntl . t. ‘ •- 11-. Thorsen. H r, i:i.i<-. >uii w BB^' 0 ’ t"U<. ■’!-. I’. ter >n. Beppard, Am, 3<> Lontsfrllo v. Ain, _' :: ton.-. ton-, talker. Iltirrv l*re«c tt, Am. 8; ph n J I <»ud, Am, 734'tcns, Turner. 475 on*, Tnrrly. Fannie L Child. Am, D D Hasi-ell. A. *, 317 401 tons, McLean. tons. H-i<l ell. Stephen J F»ok-. Am, >.ir *li D I I»i ws<m, Am, f‘,o ♦■on*. Lewi- M»8 tons. ’ ring San Anniwiiai! • I’os.ble G n» «• B,>, b-0 to is, op, Uiito s,'l’>ilevera. G»d i (Mello, Am, 3‘.2 ton-, M try F Godfrey, Am, B<m I. 02 tons, G >d‘iwy. Sch. William Hayes, -L2 1 >ll-, Am, l|o|i<H!4 SUMMER RESORTS, . , EXCURSION RATES, omly 2 CENTS per mile traveled. TICKETS GOOD TO ’ ON RETURN SALE UNTIL ZL'E-A.'S" y,’ 3STOV. 15th. A 1 ist ‘ No iron clad tickets to annoy families traveling without male escorts. The most liberal ar rangements ever offered. For information apply to Agents E.T.V. & G. Railway System, or to B. W. WRENN G. P. Agt, KwrilH, Tuna, tatatal Route to and from . Florida. The short line belwt < n Brunsw it k ami Jackson wilie, via Jekyl. (, uml.rilami. Dunge ne.-'S • nd Fernandina. THE Bl Al TH U L BTEAXER Citj hi Mel Buna dailv on (he following -rhvdulc, tak ing elici t May 11. |s*.h) Standard linn -Ihhli meridian. > o r t ii . F.v Brunswick via steamer 7:00 am j ArJe.kyi ...<|sain. ar < umbcrlaiul . am Ar Dungeness ll:4>am Ar Fernandina .12 3a pm La Fernandina vi 1 F ( ami I’ Uy 1.00 pm Ar Jacksonville - - P"i J Lv Fernandina ia F traml l'lC\ 4 50 pm Ar Tampa via FCanl 1* R\ . . 720a i> XOKi'i.'. Lv Tampa via I O ami F K v Ar Fernandina via F < ami P It) 2.55 p m Lv Jacksonville via F C and P Ky Ar Fernandina 12 15 p m Lv Fernandina via steamer ’< W p ni Ar Dungeness :: 45 p in Ar Cumberland '• 00 p m AV Jekyl Opl Av Brunswick 715 pm Connections made at Fernandina to ami from all points in South Florida, via F < ami I’ Ry, al Jacksonville to and from st Align* in - and at points south. At Brunswick with El \ and (i Kv and B and W Ry to an I from all |M>nns west ami north. A good breaU fast or dinner served on the steamer at low rates of st»c each. Through rate* Briin.-wp k ami Jacksonville $.1.50, first clu -: fO round trip: 42 s<j m*coii.l ria-* $4.5n round trip. Tickets can lie purchased any time on applica tion to J. 1. Xorris. agent F. I'. \ ami (ia Ry. WM-t-ngi'rdopot, or t • J »hu Wood, I’ur-eron the • turner, to any point in F lorida. D. ( . ALLEN. General Ticket amt I’a-M-i gcr Agent. * C. i.ITTI.Eb I l-.LD General Manager. SEASII)E _ COLLEGE FOP YOUNG LADIES. • • • Thin institution “HI open on Mon , •lay, Si ph iul« r 2‘.1. Ihe equipment will be l Oillpk te, the Utility full, Hie Instill <•• thorough. For rin uluis or information a<l •in ~ at lit uu.wiek, ufh i Aug ist 1. S. ( . CALDWELL. l*ie.i'l<nt. It. 11. HOPKINS 4 CO., Real Estate and Insurance Agents. Represent a number of leading Fire insurance Companies A large number of the most desirable lots in New and Ob Town for sale on reasonable terms. 150,000 Acres of Timber Lands. Correspondence solicited. Address CO. : Office 207 Newcastle Street. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. MERCHANTS AND TRADERS BANK, Jb posi. -of ONE DOLLAR and upwards will be received. Interes will be allowed on sums to the credit of each depositor on the first of Jan uan', April, July and October. books will be furnished to each depositor. J. M. MADDEN, M. KAISER, A. 11. LANE, President. Vice President. Cashiei. "MB £ ISAAC, ” GrX*£ 11 n, El Fl y and JProvisions, 1 lead*{uarters fi >r Dry, Salted and Smoked Meats, Hams Breakfast Lacon Lard, Meal, Grits. Corn. Oats, Bran. Mil) Feed etc- BAY STREET - Foot of Monk. J. G. JONES. • 1). CAPERS Jones & Capers, , —DEALERS IN Staple apd Fapcy Groceries, Produce Merchants Orders by mail given strict atten.ion. 11 orders delivered prompts free of charge. Importers of Fipe Ccltees and Teas. bhas. Baumgartner's o’d market. 2]f, Monk ft M. Al- ,\1( )IJ'L\ A O l{ ARCHITECT. Plans and specifications with estimates furnished at short notice, Con saltation tree. CLOUGH & MOLENAOR, ’ CONTRACTORS. BUILDERS AND GENERAL JOBBING Fitting up of banks, store, and specialty. Thorough am practical Stair Builders, stairs an I , tnir ia irij ol nil kinds, furnishei ! ready to put up ami esl imates 'ui u’s us,, i >lll iml Shop in Michelson’s iiudding, Richmond Street. BKL. ILGYIA SCAI’ .ETT. Bouk ano. Store. fancy C>‘ouds ; Lamp. :ml lO'j.ins. i’iet. i >iy . I-Tames, Glass . are ami ( r<><•.« i >; OFFICE a: IT' U.S A SPECIALTY. 219 NEWCASTLE STF.E T. TfiE NEW YORK Steam Dye House AND TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. Col’. IT* fctTXCi TALI Oil 11A.O licit St, I BILLER, Proprietor. B@“ Gents’ garments made to order, cleaned, dyed and re j paired. Satisfaction guaranteed. New Store. New Goods JUST OPENED BY Z”. ZZ. TZ2Z^Z n Z2 BS; At 20S Monk Street. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES of the very best quality and nt the very lowest prices. FRESH VEGETABLES, FBI ITS, ( IIH'KEXS AND EGG!> always on bund. i MARLIN’S CREAMERY Bl TTER a AND CHEESI • ON ICE. Good* will !•'■ di livcß-d to anj part of the city free, A li'al in respect fully k<>li> ile.l, F. 11. JEFFERS, . SWN Monk Ku niE EVENING POST: TUESDAY. J ULY 22. 1890. P. C MILLER House Mover. Headquarters c >rner Mansfield and Ellis Streets. ■ l\akcA a kt»cc| diy <>f im>\ i g . bnihhngs ol all r kin . *iitis tctmii t iraiUveil. Ovkan Hotel t BARBER SHOP. HOT AND COLD BATHS. Jll work stri'tlv first-class. .J.W. Sumi (O'd., Dealers in ami manufacturers of " Carriages & Ikiggies, Texa.r Pony C..rts, $lO to $13.50 each. New and second - hand Wagons, Buggies and Phaetons. One nice building lot 3lx 150 for sale. Jt /S?“A bargain in New Store ami Dwelling p ombine>L J. W. N UNN, CO. Corner Mansfield ami KeynoJdsS.reets BraswellS Walls. PRACTICAL WHEELWRIGHTS AND BLACKSMITHS. Manufacturers of Wagons ami Bu ies. General Repair Work of Every de scription promptly done at the lowest living prices; and in the best workmanlike manner. HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY When you have any Work to do in our line cal on us. Oglethorpe st., rear of Biunswick Hardware Co., Brunswick, Ga. Satisfaction guaranteed. " TO THE LADIES: J. if you ish to buy a Sewing Machine, buy the LATE STYLE SINGER, Which leads all other Machines. - Ou- new design of Vibrating Shuttle Ma< hlncia I the latest development oi that pop-ilar principle, containing special p-tented improvements, \\ Inch make it: The lightest running machine in the market. The simplest macldne iu the world. It rtquiies absolutely no teaching. I’he only Vibrator which makes a perfect stitch. i The iincst an I most complete set of attachments ever given with a machine. 1 Call and convince yourself. G F GAY, Agt., Oilice: 500 Monk St. At C. M< Garvey’s old staml.) •o.e Agent for he Genuine Singer Mac fill? in V thi;county. rWMMI CLEARANCE SALE Z 11 •Jm.l J qnn fhi<• pwior u Ii | I and Church /SXT Ocean* troin standard ma- Wy kervi, at SPOT CASH I’KK E>, u/n D n with year* topay in. New plan z WUnU of Mile—rented until paid , ABOUT for. JWOnly S 2 to S 3 z PIANOS monthly. Best Bar. Jkv rmnuo. gain in over2o years 850 SAVED trade. Sendcpiick *3 /every purchaser, for BARG AIN . z We have inside track Sheet. Sale on Pianoe. Our 8225 limited to PIANO is sold by the 60 Days. largest dealers at 5275, Don’t Z —mid is worth it. too. - m >ssit CAeap ■MfIMMMI * XS** Pianos so hi. ■M • I Jil ■! , . ver Our cheapest are K durable. ' WEBSTER The so-called “Webster’s Un ' abridged Dictionary *’which is '» being hawked about the country ami otiered for sale i n Dry Goods Stores at a low price, and also offered as a premium in a few cases, for .subscriptions to pa pers, is substantially the book of OVER FORTY YEARS AGO The body of the work, from A to Z, is a " cheap reprint, page for page, of the edition of 1847, reproduced, broken type, errors . and all, by phototype process. DO NOT BE DECEIVED!! Get Hie Best!£ Imprint. A Jv UNABR/OCcJF' IIB i R n Bufl gtKj Besides many othervaluable features,itcomprise. > A Dictionary of the Language ✓ containing 118,(KM) words and 3000 Engravings, A Dictionary of Biography giving facts about nearly 10,000 Noted Persons, A Dictionary of Geography r locating ami briefly describing 2.5,000 Places, A Dictionary of Fiction found only in Webster’s Unabridged, All in One Book. The New York Tnbune <ys: itisrecognized useful existing “word-book” of ■ the English language all over the world. I Sold by all Booksellers. Pamphlet free. G. it C. MERRIAM & CO., Pub’rs,Springfield, Mass. HENRY M. STANLEY “IN DARKEST AFRICA ' j Tbecotnplcti’fitory of Stanley's recent thrilling adv*-ntllres and the disclosure of his important : discoveries will ap|M>ur for the first time in the work written by himsell. entitled “In .U/c i ' in two volumes, Drofusely illusbratcd : price 7<’> per volume. Doubt lw fX <h-<‘ei\( I by any of the go>calie<i “Stanley !>>oks” now being off'«*red as ‘•genuine*' ami ••authentic.’’ To no one of thesa- has Manley contributed ii lim-. APPNTC ~“ * wo >* k Will I*’ sold hy sub H ULI" I□. s. ription only. We me now n adv L' to Hp|M)|nt canvassers. Applicants should state expenum-e heinefiilM I flint MmiilF) *m ow i» hook, tin only one in wht< Ii be has a |>ersonal inta-i-e»t, will ts ar on the tit le pag<* the imprint of Charles Scribner’s Sons Apply l<> JOII> 11. M < hxiiMHooicH, I. nn. •tolr <g<*nl lor TrMHrMrr, * AluLmuim «n<l <>, orKla. I • AN ORDINANCE To define the duties and poweisof I the board of health, constituted under -the charter of the city of Brunswick adopted 1 November 12th, 1889; to prescribe . bow m iny members of said board shall constitute a quorum; to pro vide for the meeting of said boaid and notice of their meeting; to amend sections 235 and 236 of the code of ordinances of said city, codified by G. 15. Mabry in the' year 1884; to repeal sections 243 and 211 of said code of ordinances, and to ordain in lieu thereof the matter contained in section 4of this ordinance; for other purposes herein contained; and to repeal or ' dtnances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith. section 1. Beit onlained by the mayor ami ahierinen ot the city of Brunswick, in council I lawfully Assembled, and it is heiety or danwd by said jKiwer. That, irom * ami after the passage and publication ) of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the board of health ofthecJty of Ht-u >swick to ke< p and maintain a general supvi \ i ovrrnllniat t tors ami things pertaining to the public health of .nd city ; ami fmm time to tune to pa.-s such resolutions as in their judgment will preserve l. public health o» said city or be conducive tin icto, and to .submit Hu*same to thvmuyorand council of the city of Brunswick foi adoption. >i:c. 2. lie it it is hereby in like m inner iiKiher i rdained by the authoiity aforesaid. That, from and after Ihe passage anil publication of this ordinance as prescribed bv the ch-u ier of said city, nve (5) members of said boa.d of health - snail c<*n-titulc a quorum for the transaction o' - all matters and things pertaining to said board of health of any and all character whatsoever M C.J. Be it and it is hereby in like manner further ordained by said authority. That section numbered Iwo hundred ar <1 thirty-live of the rode of ordinances of said city, as codified ny O. B. M.ibrv in the ’ ear Issi be.-and the s.-uce is heiei y ko amvndt <l, so as to read: ‘ Said board shall inert once a month, or a> often as they may derm it necessary for the well being of the health of -aid cite; and whenever it is advisable to hnvt* a special meeting of the board ol health, the chairman or any two members thereof mly instruct the citv in irshalor his assistant tosum m >n sai'i board together; ami it shall be the duty oi said niar.-hai o’, his ns-istant, or of some police otlh-erof said < summon the membersAd • ddboard when so instructed. Sec. 4. Be it an I it i- hereby in like manner further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That section two hundiol and thirtv-six (23G) oft .e said code of ordinances of the city of ■ B unswick, as codified by G B. Mabry in the year ISH4. be ami the same is hereby so imendc<t, as to read, in addition co what ia contained in * sai<! section, as follows: “When the city does i s own scavenger work, said work shall be under . the supervision of th<* said board of health ” r Seu 5. Be it ami it is hereby m like manner further ordained by the authority aforesaid. That sections 243 and 244 of t he code of ordinances of said city, as codified by the said (» B. Mabry . in the year 1884, be ami the same are hereby re pea led. >ec.G. Be it and it Is hereby in like manner further ordained bv the authority afore-aid. That, whenever stagnant water orother tilth, garbage, rubbish, w< e<ls or undergrowth is found t upon »ny premises, tlie*l>oar<l of health is herein empoweied to issue ordersilirei-tly totheowner oi tenant of said premises to remove or abate the same within a given time within the discretion of said board, sufliciently long to enable said «ork ’“1 e dore n reason; nd,if aftc r tin ' tion of the time named sai l waler or otlui tilth, garbage, rubcish, weeds or undergrowth • not drained oft*or removed from -ai<l premise-. < then the sanitarv insi e< t .rYhall have tin- sanu done at once, and the expense of doing sai ' \v<>i k shall be paid by the ow er of said premise-, and such pawmenl shall be eni< reed n> is pH ril>« <1 in >e .29 of the charter '>f rlr'city 'd Fruiw wiek, approved on the 12t day of Nov mber 1889. * SEC. 7 Ke it ai. lit is I creb.v in like um» ner further <>r» I a-.ued by Hie autlu city afon s t d.T’jial the said smi ar\ inspector oi.the citv ot Bruns wick h'ih|| be ami •-hereby declared ihecwcu tive "||in i- of the sai 1 b< a <1 of health. Se< s. Be it and it *s nerebv in lik»* in one* further ord iiivl by the authority aforesaid. That ail onlinu' and pans of o d'liniic i j conflict In re a ith be and the same are h .-r< b> re pe-ilvd. Passed .- n I adopt! d thi ■2 I da’ of July I »9(». At e-t: J. J speaks. ‘M.mir I . \ x I HON, < lei k el < ollncil an rdinanUe? To prohibit Hie excavation or re moval of earth, either or b th. within the incorporate limits of the city of Brunswick, for the time herein specified; and to pro vide a penalty for the violation hereof: "EC. I. Be 4 anti it is hereby ordained bv Hie Mnorand Ahlcrmen of tlu‘city of Brunswick. Mln conn il lawfully iissembh'd. that, from ami after the passage and pub icatioa of tin- ordi nn't-c, in ac'-oulaiice w ith the charter of said citv. approved November 12th I X 9. it shall be ind is hereby dor la r* d unlawful f«-r any person to < xcavate or remove, either or both. an\ .-»o||, t-art i or dirt, witbin the iecornorate Inuits df *at I city at auv time from the first «lavo| June until »!»•• 15th day of October in each ami cverv ' ear, including the \ ear eighteen liundrsd ;u <i •iinot v unles.-. bv permission of the board o! I hea'th evidenc -d by a resolution of said board to that cfiec.t. Si t,2.8e it a-d it is hereby in like manner urtlnr ordalre«i by the Mayor and "Iderman »f tile city of Brunswick in Council lawfully as -•inlile i that any person violating ’ln* provisions •if thjsordiance shall, upon conviction tin relor in the police court of aald city be pm islied as js 1 resci I bed in section Ifiof the charter <d h ni<l I -ity approved on said November I 2 h 1889. sec. :. Bcitamlitis hereby in like in-mner furl her ordained by said authority that al] or- I'nam-i 8< r parts of ordinance# in conflict with iLi - ordinance be anti the same are hereby re- I n ale<l. Pis-ed and adopted this 2nd dav of July 1890. J J.SPKAhf. May< r Cits ol Brunsvvi. k. A IT.» t . !L A. N'ei.sO', ( lerk of Conn ML AN ORDINANCE. I’o amend an ordinance previding rule- of sanitalion, approve I May 9 ii, ISS9; »r«. r i>-. -h.- .1 i '4 >■ men 4'lie < ill of B un-w i-k, i ■ council a-ser bled. :ui y 1.-h t b\ o <Lii>»e<l bv a ithoritv of thus .1 ,i al rub* \i. • tritnine ' in thror«l»nance af<»r<‘s : I aopio\< i Mav 91.Jss'.i be and th * same is « ic>v amended by stiiking out the limits th r m e niained. so shat said »ulc xi when s»t in- l i hall read as follows; II g pens will I i i.r allo a ••<!, m»r will persons be allowed to nog. up m their » rend-es or els.*\\ here, i i the f • lowing described I'm Is; com me-ci n --I” te in’er rction oi <> slree and ; Atwidrm . crce'v in I runrin-j th • re eas i « le | burn street the » <• south t> <4'oucest c stn-ct, . ti.< nc • <■ t-f t-> ill m*sh. ’hence •• , 1 ,, n •. ’nemaiati | to the « at. r front, tt M -' u loiuli's d >-k. tjiei <-»• i vlong the w at-r fr »bt to tlie plnc«*«» Ingi-niug. .•a EC. 2. Bcpealsall au> i i confli t licrcwili. Passe i anil a k pt.-d in co >< i' Cis 2nd dav of ■ .July 1 ski. J J. Speaks. Mayor CDy of t runswa k Atfe l: 1.. A. Nelson. Clerk of Council. July 3 St. Simon’s Line. Sl M uElt SCHEDt LE. (Standard Ti re. On and after .June 15tli, schedule j will be as follows: DEPARTURE. From Brunswick— i Steamer City ol B -iinawick for Ocean Flo ■ route for ( 'umberland, daily 7 a. tn. Steamer I’ope < athn. for Ocean Bier and Mills, i H:00 a. in , 2:1)0 ami 6:00p. in. I rum Ocean Birr ForSt. Simon’s Mills 9:00 a. in. and 3:00 p. m. RETIRNINB Leaves* .Simon's Mills for Ocean Bier 10:00a. ■ j m and I :0h p »n ' ' J.eave Bier for Brunswick 10:3.< a. m., I ami 9:30 p. in. SI NDAYS. j , < ity of Brunswick, cn route to < umberland, m. oa. m. ' Po|M‘ < athn. for Oeran I'ier only, 0:15 and i: i n. m . 2*:mi ami fi;Oi p. in. ID tiii'ii'tg steHuier I’ope < athn leivis I’ier I |i; .n ami 1b.15 a. in., 5;00 ami 9:30 ~m. Gm-I-of Hotel St desiring to visit < umbe a id lake < lt> of Biiiio-wiek a* OrrHti Ph i i ; IS a m.. ' x-rp! <m "itndiv al -J.'; ■ml pirn f desirous of Mailing >lm“li’- will 1 ■ - I up »n h ’Dcc given, Hum steamer wIF not niak ■ I *« *t“p. i Laiiiu i Vision will leave Omn Pier on M«*n ' div •al 7:>< a. m.. for Brunnwh-k. ami olln-r dava I winfive or iM«»r<- i>< i M>nr -o <h-stre nod ii mi) . noli G gIM l» al llofr Ml, MUion'a, U. DABF, Suj>eiiuU h'kut. How can I get a Solid Gold Elgin Watch, Warranted Worth for $10.00? i Answer.—Buy it on the Tontine Co Operative Payment Plan. TTX i’AK A 1.1.1. LhD plan of purchasing watclie-. The |>rriniuni~ ullowt <1 rethice ttie net cost to 1 many ttookneiders in the i la-s tar below the cost of manufacture, and gives every sto<*khohler a guarantee that the watch will not cost him more than SBO.bO (iispot ca.s.i purchase of anv jewelrv, and many would ask *35.09 to $1'1.0);. And each stockholder has opportunitiesof getting it, from $30.00 dow n as low as SIO.tH). ” We sell only t.indard Ameri an Watches th it Itear the manufaoturer’s guarantee as we ours, -nu we g ve you more \ due to” vour money than any other Company. Our i g -ni will furniMi you with blanks,or we will forward them f” »m the offi*e. Ask all your friemls to purchase Wat Ims ami Ihamoatls du the Tuntiiy* Co-Operative Payment Flan. This is the only plan bv wliien goods can be sol I on e i-y payments at a small profit, a?, we can have m> Io.—••• by delivering g •<><! before they are pai l for. ’ Call anti have the plan ex plained to you by ZZZDZTZTOZT MOTT, 'W'zxtcLiiYxrtl<er’ and Jeweler 21 5 NE W( AST I. E ST R E I'7l’, ni.AI.ER IN I LORIBA Ct RLOSHIES AND OPTICAL GOODS. Fine Watch, ( lock and Jeweirv K< pairing a .Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed. m»rniww. Ernnswick, C3-el. Capital, ------ - slso,ootfc Surplus and Undivided Profits, - 35,0(h) ,\L ULLMAN, W. E. BURBAGE, Jno. D.WRIGHT President. Vice President. Cashier THE EVENING POST is in front of the procession. Not a day comes but that m-ogr<>ss in some direction is made Not a day passes without new subscribers being added to the list. Merchants of Brunswick, read the following picture, think over it carefully, then send in your businessto the EVEN I N ( r POB T ! I THE EVENING PAPER LEADS. In commenting on the change of base of Murat Halstead, the faim us editor of the Cincinnati Common Gazette, th that of the Brooklyn j standard l'< lon, an afternoon paper, the Time s reD .- n.n that “ibe superior r ents of an « ;.ing | « Alien compared with those of a long brrn now lodged. The one i .1 hi lory of to-« ay, the other n hifttory •■I m- t. i !!.<• <u »• i- <ni root, the other i« a ■ '4a I I'l I h uloe F'.r lilt- i -m- that 1 ' ' **' rl "'' "•- "I Die < oek II e bllsi- i < i • I- :i • 1.1- i>. •\i *.< • i gtiip- ii.-w n in-1 oi - 1 ! 1 :i "i in.' j■ i i. i the p; . 'i<■ t s in- has io re'll r.* ' De papt r i<.r Li- : ' ' .': dlgt -11 ini \ h nzi nll ft ' ' ' ' ' • 1 ' ' • ’’ h- ' ' 1 n.d adv t I 11-e - I ' i • b. t<h.. •! nexx -, i iiH'iiiing paper is • . 'bvouied. ' '' Ii . ’.waft I > 11.1, c\, cm iv e i ■' 'I In ii. in w I■! • n pilloried in the ■ I . 1 • ;i 1 a el! 1., I'H ll i ith. ami idler i.. u'. : i.jWi’i a .< i nmiilating ?, im ny. I A. Trile 1 >i<-1 iir<•. w Ihe people may rest assured that THE POST will coutmul in the line it has starteil, coutideutly believing that. “Kight J is .Might, and will Prevail.” r rhe management earn estly Solicits the patronage of the People, As suring them that all Promises will be carried out to the letter. WAHWEW EXPOSITION * - * i \ ML ■ i : 4Y ’A > ■ ii.. MAIN BUI LD ING Commencing November sth. Ending November 15th. J OOLTJItZEBIjrS, G-JL. 4 A SEASON OF UNRIVALLED ATTRAGTM ThisExjiosiiion Will Be One of the Most Complete and InterW||l Ever Held in the South. ■ EVERY DEPARTMENT WILL PRESENT A FINE DISPLAyWB LIBERAL PREMIUMS OFFERED FOR COUNTY AND INDIVIDUAL EX! W ' The Attractions for Visitors Will Be Numerous and Varie. ■ I HOI I IX<. ...xl Kt VMM. I:A< IS, MII.II\|;\ < <>X IES IS and K' V KINO OF AMI SKMEXTS. ALLIANCE BAY, MEKCIIANTB’ DAV, 3A Dlil MMEKS’ DAV and lIED MENS’ Balloon Am-I'lihloiik and Pitrai-liiiW L.'a|>h Every Bay During tlio ONE CENT A MILE RATES OVER ALL RATLROaJ Everybody eome and have a g....d i r io, Coluinbai. will Ihj in her For irnher .iiloriiiation, < ataloguch, < te, addrexM - JBffl j.J. SLADE, Presidential C. B. GRIMES, Secretary.