The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, July 31, 1890, Image 1

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DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Tims i • ** As the in-lex tells us o( the contents of stories, and direct* to the par ticular chapter, even so does the outward habit and superficial or der of garments (in man or wo man) give us a taste of the spirit, and demonstratively point out (as : it were a mannal note from the margin) all the iutciua! - gravity of the soul; and there cannot be a more evident, palpable, gross man ifestation of poor degenerate blood and breeding, than a rude, unpol ished, disordered and slovenly out side.—Massinger. X Good clothes and manners do not not make the man; but no one thing adds more to improve his appearance ; 1 than a neat, ell fitting costume nought from the < lothier at corner ■ of Monk ami Newcastle -SVRIGII 1. NEGKWEAU -NEG J ■ 1:. >li 1 K WHITE SHIRTS—UMBRELLAS, II ATS -Fl NE U .WEBWEAR— | SC AR F S—CO LUA R 4 AND Cl GG'' LATEST /IYUF. El< EP; i JAMES I I WRIGHT ===== - J I “ 1 I CLOTHIER ' J * —AND ‘ FURNISHER. fOv / St. Simon’s Line. NEW SCIIEIH LE. (Btan<lar>l Ti re On and after August Ist, schedule will be as follows: DEPARTURE. From llruß.wlrk- ForOci-an I'ivr snu Milli al 7 l oi. tn.. I mul ti )>. m. RETURNIN*. Leave Osin I’ier »< and l-i:i>a in and p. im. SUNDAYS. Brun* < b-U ut 1 - W M »« p. HI. lU-tiiniin/ km P«> r 10 '*• •»«. **•“* ft p, I M , i mm, HH|M»miUii'Ei t THE EVENING POST. PIANOS C Cab on or address Br U U G 1 O k. PALACE OF MUSIC, Hl I Newcastle street. WI LIAM KNOX, Real Estate and Business Broker. Retail Stocks Bought and Sold. 30 it Newcastle Street 304|. 4 —i | ! ; ' ’/• j Just received a nice lot of Marble Vases and Bisque An gels for cemetery decorations. Call and see them at the BRUNSWICK MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS, 211 : ItlrhniDmi St*. : 214 WILIOX A LaMANI’E, Props. MONEY TO LOAN. Loans Negotiated on Real Estate at Lowest Rates. F. E. TWITTY, Attornev-at-Law. OFFICE: 312.) NEWCASTLE St. SHORE SMITH. I)ENT I S T . Ofifce—Newcastle street, over J. Michelson' Store.s MERCER UNIVERSITY. MACON, GA.) COURSES OF STUDY: 1. Preparatory school Il clkssical course. 111. SCIENTIFIC AL COURSE. IV. school of Theology. V. Modern Langi aoes. VI. The Law school, VI! Department of Practical Arts. v, Book-keeping, &c.) Epon fs. —TuirioN Free in courses of study 11, ill ami IV. Alalrirtilatlon and contingent fee, |2O annual v. Boa; <1 at students’ hall, from to >l4 per month. Howl in mivattj f indies from sl2 to $ n per month. u.ill Term opens Sept. 24, IN9O. For ratal-guj ami further information. apply to Pr. f. .1. J. BIIAXTLY, or t »th' Preside t. G. A. NUNN4LLY, Ma-on,G ». II Irsch is leader in valises H. T. 1H NN A SI , S SUE-- (IALTIES. Holiday and weddiig presents. Every kind of musqnito net. Newest and best, styles of hammocks. Rogers <fe Bru.’s silverware. Youths and men’s sporting supplies. Pao'e cutlery of every kind. Di .ner, tea and 's. Unxld in quality and price Novelties in china and glassware. Nice articles for room decoration. All kinds of lamps and lamp fixtures. New stock of Slower pots and cages. Dusters, fly fins and fly brushes. Stationery,blank books,office supplies t)il stoves,water coolers, I freezers Nice liue of pictures, as well as step ladders, crcqu.'t sets, lunch baskets, etc. Outing t ing rcarfs being all the r.-ige now, we have a very tine line in silk and flannels going at 25 cents each at the Balds I’oyal. Hirsch sells trunks and valises cheaper than others can buy them. Read Hitch & Stacy’s ad. on third page. F<-r sl-50 you can buy at the I’alaie Royal a gloria silk umbrellas with oxodized silver handle. B 0. T. means “be on time,” at Hitch i Stacy’s auction sale to-morrow. Mt. Vernon hams—the finest that ever wi re brought to Brunswick at C. L. Varker's. Before going traveling and in need of a new valise call at the I’.Jais R >yal where you < ill be suited in style and j. rice. Hitch A Stacy will soil twenty lots at auction on August Ist. See ad. on third • ■ ■■ - - ♦ ♦ ■ T'he largest assortment of baby's cups will be found at the I’nlais Royal. Prices to suit all. BRUNSWICK, GA.. THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 31,1890. INCORPORATORS -I Os the Oyster Cultivation and Canning Company. They Met Last Night—Officers Named and Elected-Meeting of Directors-A Strong Corporation. ■ Last night the incorporators of the • Oyster Cultivation and Canning Company met in Goodyear <fc Kay’s law offices, Messrs. Madden, Beards ley, Ullman, Kay, Goodyear and others being ] r. sent. Mr. Ullman acted as chairman . and Mr. Beardsley as secretary. The charter as granted by Judge Atkinson in special term, a few days ago, was adopted i-nd a number of propositions from various parties were read and accepted. After all the propositions had been acted on, it was found that they- re quired the following issue of stock: SHARES. AM’t. To IL J. Lewis2ss $25,500 To E. A. Penniman.. 5 500 To T. IV. Lamb 8 800 To T. O’Counof, Jr.,.. 5 500 To Hilton A Dodge Lumber lq 50 5,000 Making a total of 323 shares, $32,- .300, leaving 177 shares, or $17,700 to be taken, leaking the total stock of the company, which is subscribed for, as follows: SHARES. AM’t. Isaac 8r0wn........ 1(1 $ 1,000 Jacob Duers 30 3,000 Dwight W. Tuttle . 6 600 11. I*. Smart. 20 2,000 Edwin N. Couper. ... 5 500 W. W. Gordon 3 300 M. M. Sullivan 2 200 W. R Shadman 10 1,000 E. G. Swan 3 300 ' E. B. Vanderver 5 500 J. G. Belden 1 100 Stiles Judson, Jr 10 1,000 ' F. J. Beardsley ... 10 1,000 J. M. Madden 10 1,000 A. J. Mason . 5 500 C. Downing, Jr 10 1,000 M. Ullman t> 500 T. W. Lamb 2 200 F. S. Beardsley 20 3,000 Which mi ke > the total amount of stock subscribed to, 177 shares, $17,- 700. The incorporators then adjourned and a meeting of the stockholders was held. The stock holders elected M. Ull man chairman, Col. C. P. Goodyear secretary and Mr. F. S. Beardsley teller. The number of directors was agreed upon as five with the follow i ing com posing the board: , Col. W. W. Gordon, of Savannah, H. J. Lewi-. J. M. Madden,T. O’Coa- ’ nor. Jr., W. R. Shadman, F. S. j Beardsley. 11. B. Smart and E. G. s i Swan, the secretary being instructed | I to vote all t :e stock present. ; Mr. T. S. Beardsley was elected as I superintendent with a salary of SI,BOO per year. S6OO of which is 1 payable in stock of the company. Upon motion of Mr. O’Connor the stock present was unanimously voted by the secretary for the fol lowing resolution: ‘•Resolved, That the officers of said company shall be a president, vice president, secretary, which last two offices shall be held by one per son; that the president of said com pany shall be its active executive officer in charge of its business, sub ject to the direction of its board of directors, upon a salary to be fixed by the board of directors.” i Upon motion it was agreed that the first Monday in June be selected •is the day for the annual meeting of the stockholders. Immediaeeiy after the adjoinn ment of the stockholders’ meeting the directors met. President. T. O’Connor, Jr., W. R. Shadman, J. M. Madden and F. S. Beardsley. 11. J. Lewis was elected president of the company with a salary of sl, ' 000. J. M. Madden was elected vice . president without a salary. , F. S. Beardsley was elected secre tUry and trcasurei without a salary. It was moved that the secretary and treasury be instructed to issue a i call to all subscribers of unpaid stock for 30 per cent, of their sub scriptions, payable on or before Sep tember 1, 1890. Upon motion the following com mittee was appointed to draft bylaws for the government of the said board: T. O’Connor, Jr, F. S. Beardsley aud W. R. Sbadman. The directors meeting then adjourned subject to the call of the president. ■ ■ Gentlemen attend Schutz Bro.’s cheap sale Saturday if you want to save money on furnishing goods. - 20 building lots at your own price to morrow at 3 p in. Hitch A Ntacy. ♦ • Warner’s and sugar coated yeast cakes at Dillon's cheap cash store. “ If you want to buy a stylish paia | sol or umbrella cull on Scbutz Bros. COL. DART’S LETTER. It Will Strike a Responsive Chord in Every Democratic Heart- It is with pleasure tie The Post publishes the following card from Hon. J. E. Dart, In it will be found words of cheer for those who’sup ported Mr. Dart in the recent pri mary. and by it the democratic vo ters of Glynn county may under stand thoroughly those sentiments of unswerving devotion to the party that animate Mr. Dart's heart. Every democrat, and likewise every independent, is especially in vited to peruse the following lines with much care: “Bin nswick, Ga., July 31. —To my Friends and Supporters: I hereby express to you. individually and collectively, my sincere thanks for your earnest and faithful sup port in Tuesday’s primary. That, no doubt, was a pleasure tn you. an I I assure you it would be impossible for me to fully express my deep ap preciation. But there is left a high er duty than that which actuated you last Tuesday—your earnest and un divided support of the Hon. 11. F. Dunwody. Indeed, a far more se rious issue is now at stake. Shall democracy triumph in October, or suffer ignominious defeat for lack of interest on your part? From each of you 377 I beg united action. Go to work to-day and continue in the field until the last ballot is cast, and when the sun slmll have set on dec tion day, let us be first (havingdone our whole duty to our standard bearer), to take up the glad refrain, ‘demoeraey is still triumphant in old Glynn.’ > As good and true democrats, your duty is plain. I f you but follow me as faithfully now as you did on last Tuesday, there can be no doubt ns to the result. Rally, rally nta.und the Dunwody banner and, with an unbroken front, rout, forever from their position, independentism and disorganization. Faithfully yours, J. E. Dart.’’ A Surprise Party. List night, ihe Magnolia Social Club, composed of young colored men. gave John Mcßae a grateful surpi ise. Mcßae is the man who was so seriously injured by falling fronji Kaiser's building on Gloucester strci t a few weeks ago. The club went to Mcßae's house earning with them a sup|>lv of pro vision--, which was [ r.sented to lie Rae. The gifts weic accepted by M' Rae, v, ho is unable to do any w who ri’.iilj' needed assis lance. The Rumor Was False. Itvas p.etty generally rumored this morning that Mayor Spears wc bl withdraw from the legislative race. A Post reporter immediately sought that gentleman and iuipiir. il if the i ir.nor was true. The mayor replied: “It is an unqualifiid lie : n 1 was started to bring about ill filling be tw. amea ml the D.u Is. Jan still in the race and will remain thr >'igh out.” R. f'.i ring to this matter Mr. T. G. Stacy w: s surprised to learn that some of Mayor Spears’ supporters charged him with circulating the re port. Mr. Stacy, however, is not re sponsible for the report. He was only repeating a current rumor and is in nowise responsible for the or igin of the report. ♦ ♦ Read the advertisement of M. J. Parker found in our advertising columns. Should you need any job work of any description, if will pay I you to call on him before placing! your order. — New sweet potatoes —very fine— at Parker s. eor»«r E and J s'.reets. S2O cash and balance $lO per month, are the terms of the auction sale to-morrow by Hitch & Stacy. When you ait down to breakfast the-e li nothing nicer thun Mt. Ver non breakl'asLalipes, fried nice and aweet. Go to C. L Parkcr'a if you wish s.mie of them. SPICY SPECIALS I Received From Georgia’s Me , tropolis This Morning. I Col. W. H. Hulsey Withdraws From the Race For Congress—Liv ingston Rules the Roost- Wanted 1n Atlanta. l Atlanta. Ga., July 31.—[Special. | —Col. Hulsey has been forced out of : the race and Livingston has things his own way. Col. Hulsey's letter of i withdrawal reads as follows: Atlanta. Ga., July 29. 1890. ' It being manifest that Mr. Living [ stor has received a sufficient num . her of votes to secure his nomination for congress from this district, and that the convention soon to assemble will no doubt confer this high dis . tinction upon him, I therefore with I draw my announcement as a candi . date forth it office. In pursuing this course I am moved by a desire t > act in harmony atfd accord with the will of the people expressed by their ballots, and while I have opinions of my own as to the policy of the democratic party with its present surroundings and environ ments.still I'm sure I will be pardoned if I withhold them on this occasion since my motives might be miscon strued and unjust criticisms indulged in. Therefore pretermitting any ex , pression of opinion, and volunteering no advice as to the course to be pur sued by the democracy, I retire from the fields with no heart burning* my defeat, and no bickerings ::s to the cause thereof. Ami now, in conclusion, I desire tc. most i arnestly and sincerely thank my friends and the people of this district for the many manifestations of their kindness and preferences to wards me while in the contest. Whatever my fortunes may be, 1 shall continue to strivcin the future, as I have done in the past, merit the good opinion of my fellow men. Very truly and respectfully, Wm. 11. Hulsey. I HE IS SOMEWHAT WUATHY. Atlanta, Ga.. July 31.—[Spe cial.] — Mr. G. W. Jackson, traveling passenger agent of the E. T., V. & G. railroad, advertised that he would leave Atlanta on 29th inst., with a piano parlor car for the use of the harvest cxeursioiiisls to the west. One of the best coaches owned oy the company was set aside for use as , a piano car, but when an effort was 1 made to put the piano in the car it was found that at least two inches 1 of the door facings must be removed 1 in order to admit it. This the ofli ' ciala refused to do, not caring to se ' riotisly deface one of the best coaches ( owned by the company, and to say that Mr. Jackson was not mad would be a statement very much remote . from facts. < rather a serious accident. Atlanta, Ga , -July 31.—[Spe ciaL ] About 11 o'clock ye- terdny j there was a. bad accident in the hi; . excavation being made nt the lowo. f end of Loyd street for the sewer a main. Tom (Jollier, a negro brick ( layer, was working at the bottom of the cxeava'ion, when some workmen above carelessly let a hod of bri.J: full up >n him, bruising and mushing . him very seriously. He was taken g to his home on South Boulevard and uiven medical attention. CALGHT IN CINCINNATI. Atlanta, Ga , July 31. —Spe cial. ] —Charles I’. Etlin, a man wanted in Atlanta for cheating and swindling, has been a.rested in (Jin cinnati through telegrams sent by . Chief Connolly. At 1:35 this afternoon Officer Cas per Brenning was sent for him, and will return in a few days. - —— ' S2O cash and balance $1(1 < i per month, art the tei ms of tin I auction sale to morrow by , Hitch Stacy. Parker always keeps a general line | I of fresh vegetables B o. I. mt’iins “bn on time” nt Hitch & Stacy’s auction sale to-morrow. If 5 < u are in need of n new iiiiibi’i’lhi call at the Palais Hoy all IxToje buying elsewhere. Sole leathir trunks* at Hirsch's. LAST NIGHT’S MEETING Os the Young Men’s Democratic Club at the Court House. The Young Men’s Democratic Club met at the county court house last night at 8 o’clock. I’iesident Atkinson was in the chair, anti in the absence of Secre tary Brown, Mr. H. 11. Harvey was appointed tu act as secretary. Under reports of committees, Mr. W. S. Branham, as chairman of a of a special committee on by-laws and constitution, made a report, by reading certain by-laws which had been framed by the committee. These by laws as a whole passed the house with hut little discussion. Under membership a number of applicants were received, which,with few exceptions, passed the body by a unanimous vote. On motion it was agreed that the club invite all true democrats to join in a public meeting on Friday night President Atkinson will istiue the call this afternoon for all democrats to come out on Friday night and listen to the discussion of the issues that confront Glynn county’s demo cracy. Hon. J. E. Dart has readily con sented to address the meeting, and it is very probable that there will be other speakers, 't'he object of this assemblage of democrats is to or ginize thoroughly, preparatory to 'he ensuing general election in Oc tober. The court house will doubt less be filled to overflowing. PERSONAL MENTION Mr. J. A. Lambert spent yesterday on St. Simon>. (Joi. W. W. Gordon, of Savannah’ was in the city last night. Mr. T. E. Artope, of Macon, is looking after business inteiests in Brunswick. Mr. D. M. Rogers, wife and child, of Talledegn, Ala., are at the Hotel St.'s. Mr. aim Mrs. W. B. Gunby have returned from Tallulah Falls where they spent a month. . Mrs. T. E. Waif and children left this morning for Carrsville, Va., for a stay of two moths. ('apt. A. ('. Wilcoxon returned to Newnan last night. He will make Brunswick his home in the near future u Messrs. C. S. Stevens and I. T. Keene have returned from Tennessee where they spent two weeks very p’casantl v. Mr. L. Loeb leaves for New Y r ork to-day by the Mallory steamet. Hav ing severed his connection with the Palais Royal his many friends await his return with a good deal of inter est. For the Blind. The Rev. Mr. Perry, rector of St. Atbansius' church, has received n copy of the bible printed in raised type and designed for the use of the blind. The bible is printed in eight large folio volumes, and is quite a curiosity to those who never seen the method by which the blind are en abled to read by means of the sense of touch. It is understood that the Episcopal church makes this provision fcr placing th« scriptures within the reach of the unfortunate. Mr. Perry says that the books are at the ser vice of any blind persons in the city who wish to use them. To be Tried to-Day. This afternoon Charlie Peter Brown will be tried by Justice Co ker. Brown is the man wuo is charged with being an accessory to the Minnefield murder last Saturday and he has been in jail ever since awaiting a preluminary trial. His examination will take place this evening in Justice Cokers oilice. ' ♦ ■ !■ I Onions, cabbage and okra at Dil lons. Take belt line street cars for he auction sale of lots by Hitch & Stucy, to-inonow at 3 p, in., standard time. - * - Pickle”, 10 cents a dozen at Dil lons. ' 30huil(liu; lots at your own price Io moi r>w at 3 p. m Hitch A Ntacy. Mackerel), large uud fat at D.U lons. I’HICF. 5 CENTS ! CHARLIE COX. j The Steward of Smack Minnie l Found Drowned. The Body Discovered Floating in the Bay-The Captain of the Otello S Finds It.—The Jury of In quest and Its Verdict. i He was drowned sure enough. i I hat is, Charlie Cox whose mys terious disappearance was noted in 1 yesterday's Post, really found his ? death in the Bay. 1 1 bis morning between four and five o'clock the captain of the bark t Otello,which is mooved near the city wrajP i docks at Cook’s mill, discovered a .' I • body floating near his vessel. He ®kl had it made fast, and Coroner Harris > was notified of the find. , The coroner immediately had Com stable Levison to summon the fol ■ lowing jury of inquest: Frank- Goin*, Sam Brockington, W. J. God frey, Alex Manoe, W. B. Freeman, Jr., T. W. Dexter, Jack Gardner, Adam Girvin, E. J. Harvey, W. F. s'fl ; Barkuloo, W. Green and T. G. Mine- * | The body was taken from the wa- M 1 ter and placed upon the bottom of f an upturned boat and was then i viewed by the jury. A number of f men who knew the dead man identi lied him and a lot of testimony y"V liken in the case. ■ When the body was exg.M* - "i' mu of v <>! ' ' " rt t '■ ' 1 ' ~ . J -•S » 4W® 7 - J JB • 0 w • w 1 ■iW -’i ■ • n< u Ibiiil foiL-ef Hitch A StaW' , --- :i'<ii -,i 1- of '.>ll | o t* 10-HlomW&'sWSW Will Make ti e Bond. \> v fij- tin- sewerage? 5-:l-. and Tn-asurer Nelson re Vb||Bß| < 1" lav. uuderdate umla.'.t, 1.-om W Scot t West / I',. W<-t '*ewerage < ompa.iy. M: W.-il writes that he lo re •! lew days -liter the first, and ‘ "" V « . : 10-n make the ' SIO,OOO bond de- manded by|the city. He asks Mr. J' Nelson to have the proper papers drawn up and suggests that a pump- H ing station be selected before he CT comes. Salmon steaks, sliced and grated pineapple, desicated cocoan-”*, Si, l it- B lon's. Tfnrrriir Be sure to aifeiid the auction lag to-morrow at 3 p. m. All kinds of prints, muslins and bleaching at New York cost at Dil- BM lon’s. Take belt line street cars for the auction sale of lots by mH Hitch & Stecy, to-morrow at 3 H p. m., standard time. 4 MM All kinds of fine goods at living B prices at Dillons. Everything war ranted. vJIJ T’he auction sale of lots to morrow will take place at the J corner of Wolf and U. streets, . in New Town, two blocks from . licit line street cars. Furnishings for ladies and gentle- ‘ men offered at reduced prices by WB|| Schutz Bros, on Saturday. Tim ,iiicii'>ii sale of lot* to- 1., -iiov. -.-J! i.i.o plac.- atthc. ' W-'.l -.10l I -Ire,-Is M|||||| I ■- " Mo k* I".' I'll- -Heet mu* I; . a furnislnng goods will -.'iir-Uy ly hutz ’***’*' !!<•-in t- to alleixl then '<> morrow ut 3 p m.