The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, August 08, 1890, Image 2

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I'HE EVENING POST. Entered in the pMtoffice «t Brunswick. Ga., at eonnd -elas s ma *.ter. excc P t snnilny, from the offic< ° • Ibk Ki Khi ,g Post.” lit Richmond street. Kent »’t Frost. Publishers an j Proprietors. SUBSCRIPTION? One.; year, - . it.oo j Three month;, - s].<* vix months, - 2.tM) | One month, - - 4< ADVERTISING RATES /re very reasonable, and will Im? furnished upoi application. ' TELEPHONE No. 49. TO SUBSCRIBERS. The management of The Post is making an earnest effort for the prompt delivery of the paper to every subscriber. /Vnyone who fails to get his pnper, will confer a favor by re porting the fad to the business office, 114 Richmond street. TO ADVERTISERS. AU contract advertisers will please arrange to have the copy for any changes or for new advertisements, sent to the business office of The Post the day before the change is to be made. The management wi!' esteem it a special favor if this re quest is complied with. THE MONDAY EDITION Don’t forget the Monday edition. Every merchant in the city who as not already advertised in The Post should, by all means, take ad vantage of the very low weekly ad vertising rate and make a contract at once. Special features will be added from time to ti' 1?, and an unusually large edition is always issued on Monday, thus •guaranteeing to the advertiser good return on the invest gi. fl fxk <», , ’ Sk K fl ■a difficult move the ,ny given : not cov- iction in ted in a emocrats, hy a ma a .larger ,o Cleve is natur s largely *ve some r . srence to the revolutionary legislation of the republican party. The President of the Argentine Republic has resigned. The Presi dent of the United States still draws his salary, but he has practically surrendered to Mr. Blaine. It has all came about in the simplest way. The Little man and the Big man ditiered radically upon the subject of Pan American reciprocty, atid the Little man had to give in. From this time forth the Big man will say. with Louis the Fourteenth of France, “I am the State.” The Legislature of New York passed a law at its last session, re quiring all executions to be conduct ed in private, and making it a mis demeanor on the part of a newspaper to publish a detailed account of the occurrence. As a result the news papers of that state, and the country al large, have published fuller ac counts of the execution of Kemmler than of any execution which has ta ken place, since Guiteau was hung. The newspapers claim that the law is unconstitutional, in that it at tempts to abridge the liberty of the press. s- ■ Cam it be that the torrid weather in the west has bred a sort of mid summer madness, or do the prodigies that are related to have occurred portend direful things of evil omen' Listen to this tale of woe; it is bui one day's draft upon our credulity In Dakota, hail stones fell as larg< as a man's head. A lion loose in th streets of Denver, is finally lasooe< by a cow boy, a pickerel chases i fisherman over an sere of ploughei ground and a crazy wan drives thro nails into bis boa*: and recovers. / coachman in California proves to l> a woman, and is now a happy wifi Loser prodigies thm. these hav hitherto thrown all Ko we luto Uai« THE OUTLOOK. = ! All along the line there is a more 18 ' hopeful condition of affairs, viewed ( from a democratic standpoint. The republicans have had unlimited swi y for more than a year, and the only i result apparent from their actions i",' has been the preparation of a seiies of pitfalls into which they seem >n preparing to hopelessly tumble. Since the present administration went into office, Ohio, lowa and i _ i Rhode Island have gone over to the democracy. Within the past few days, s elections in Alabama and Kentucky have resulted in largely increased ( democratic majorities. Pcnsylvania, f the very corner stone of republican t ism, is in danger of being lost to the . ! party, and should it remain constant to its traditions, ii must necessairly ’ do so by a greatly reduced majority. The force bill is practically dead, and the revolt of Mr. Biaine has di vided the republican party upon the ! question of the McKinley tariff bill That the attitude of Mr. Blaine,in reference to the matter of the tariff has seriously frightened the leaders of the party, is evidenced by the fact that whereas a week ago they were seriously thinking of forcing him from office and of ejecting him from ' the party, whilst to-day . they are considering whether it would not be wiser to adopt his views. The pol- > icy of Mr. Bluinc is democratic doc- ■ trine under another name. The democrats say, let us have free trade with the Pan-American -0011011108. Mr Blaine says, let us take within our proteetedboundories the other American republics. The democrats I concede this, and are ever willing to go further and include the whole i wot Id in the same relation. Whatever we may call this doc trine, Sir. Blaine agrees with the democrats that there is a demand for more extensive marxets. He has . heard this not only from the manu facturers of the cast, but it has been , thundered into his earn by farmers ] of the west; yet it is too late for j Mr. Blaine to save his party. The j country distrusts it upon a measure . into which it is forced. The inter- B ests, which such a course will an j tugonize, will shut oil the supply of money which has been found so nec essary to carry the elections, and nothing will be left for it but to go 1 into retirement. > Wm. Kemmlek, the murderer was [, executed at Auburn Prison, in New » York State, on Wednesday morning. , Ihe long agony of suspence to which this wretched man hud been sub jected reached a fitting culmination in the horrors of his death. The 1 motive which has induced the State 1 of New York to attempt this new ex -1 periment in executing her criminals was an attempt to substitute a less painful and revolting death than that upon the gallows. That un consciousness came to Kemmler in stantly upon application of the elec tric current, the attendant physi siuns agree, and there is no way to disprove their statement. That life was not extinct at the expiration of seventeen minutes was equally appa rent upon the current being with drawn. The htnnan imagination can scarcely conceive of a more hor rible scene than that which was en acted is the death chamber ot Kemmler. The terrors of the Span ish inquisition could scarcely have impressed the imagination of those who witnessed it with a deeper feel-I ing of horror. Humanity revolts at such an execution. At best the method was but the merest experi ment, in applying which « large por tion of the people of New York were opposed. It is now not improbable that the next legislature of that state will yield to the pressure of popular sentiment and repeal the' system. The representatives of the demo ernsy of Georgia assembled at tl • state eapitol yesterday for the pur pose of nominating a candidate for governor and the other slide offices. It was a rally of the true democracy ; of the state, unmarred by any of the I dissensions which have vexed thel local divisions. If there is such a I , thing as a Farmer’s Alliance in Georgia, it was not apparent in the | proceding of the state convention. I r Col. Northen, being without opposi I lion, was unanimously chosen as the ' s democratic candidate for Governor, il The Hon. Phil Cook was nominated ? for secretary of state; the Hon. R. it U. Hardeman was nominated for treasurer, and the Hon. Geo. N. Les- , >cr was chosen as the candidate for ; L Attorney General. The convention I *i' is still in session. ai u The white plume of Mr. Biaine , ( l has until recently presented a some , what rugged appearance, n<4 unlike A the tail of a rooster caught in the H .; rain. But Mr. Blaine has grown 1 I tired of this untidy api«arance and •• I has furbished up his plume until Hi « begins to look quite wai like uud ferocious THE EVENINT, P(hS I: FRIDAY, AUGUST s. 1890. Paints and Oils. We can save you money on paints and oils Two tons Atlantic Lead ■ just received. Pine linseed Oil in ■ any quantity. Ready-mixed Paints cheap. We sell more paint than any house in Brunswick. Comic and see 1 us and get bottom prices, > Lloyd <fc Adams. Drugs and Medicines. We have the cheapest, freshest; ■and best assorted stock of Drugs and.’ Medicines in Brunswick- This is a fact that cannot be disputed. We are satisfied with a fair profit. Lloyd & Adams. — 1 Prescriptions are made a B[>eciaity at our store, We dispense Squibb’s preparations —the best to be had. No fancy prices. Quick delivery to any part of the city. Send us your- prescrip tions. Lloyd <fe Adams. — Turnip Seed for Fall Planting. Rutabaga, Flat Dutch, Red Top and other varieties. Everything fresh; not an old seed in the house. Now is the time’to plant. Lloyd & Adams. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dr. J. E. MCMILLAN. Physician and Surgeon. Office—Payne building on Monk Street. PEARSON ELLIS, Attorney at Law. Office— 312| Newcastle Steeet. Will practice in the State and Federal Courts. 11. 11. HOWARD, Real Estate and Insurance Agt Office in Scarlett Block—Newcastle street, j Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Will practice in .Supreme Court of United otites Court at Savannah, and in the Su perior Courts of Glynn, Wayne, < harlton, Pierce and Coffee Counties and elsewhere by special Contract. office in .Scarlett Building, Newcastle St. Dr. O. W. TUCKER, Physician and Surgeon. Office -No. 121 Newcastle Street. A. C. BLAIN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. No. 314 M Newcastle Street. j Residence, GOH albemnrle street. Office hours—ha. m, to 5 p. in. SAMUEL BORCHARDT Attorney-at-Law. Office No. 121Jtf Newcastle Street. Special Attention Given to Maritime Law and Questions Affecting Land Titles. BENN ET & GROOVER, Attorneys at Law. Office Up-Stairs, Cor. Monk and Newcastle Streets. SAM C. ATKINSON, Attorney-at-Law. Office In Wright’s Building, Cor. Monk and Streets. DR. R. E. L. BURFORD, Physician and Surgeon. OFFK3 novas—o to 10 a. in., 1 to 4 p. in. and 7 to up. to. OFFWi' And Rooms— Kaiser Block, Newcastle Street. , Brunswick Title and Guarantee Company (INCORPORATED.) 30JIS NEWCASTLE STBEET, ROOMS 2 and 4 CROVATT BLOCK. Cyrus Shelton, Attorney at Law, Manager j Guarantees Titles to Roal Estate in the city of Brunswick ami Glynn countt. CcmDlete* ab stracts for all property In said city and county from the earliest periml to the present time, and supplies omissions caused by the destruction of a ptirtlou of Glynn county records. Forinfor mat ion apply to the Manager WILLIAM KNOX, Real Estate and Business Broker. Retail Stocks Bought and Sold. 304 .J Newcastle Street 3044. ®RADAM’S HHCROBE KILLER. The Greatest Discovery of the Age. OLD IN THEORY. BUT THS RBMBDY RECENTLY DISCOVERED. CURES WITHOUT FAIL CATARRH, CONSUMPTION. ASTHMA. HAY FEVER. BRONCHITIS. RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA. CANCER, SCROFULA, DIABETES. BRIGHT'S DISEASE, MALARIAL FEVER, DIPTHERIA ANO CHILLS. In forms of 0r»anl« and Functional Olsaasa. Tba euraa iffetud by lbl» ModJdna aru lu IJiHUf IhM'l MIRACLES! Hold only tn Ju<» ooutalniaa pne Gallon. Pro. Three l».>lfar.-a«i»»lH»>«luwut wbeu HMdih uixl baobUDunL " Hiatory of tba Microbe Millar” Free. —— ll call on or adorem I. 1. IBM UVVLI.I.. Aole Aawit. - IE or Sale. ICECREIM FIEEIEBS. The BEST in the STUBBS-GREER Hardware COMPANY, MiMM CT,-Mt C. IE. I-I C"X. S , house and Sign Painter Bi gs toinform the citizens of Brunswick that he is now located in J. Michelson’s building, on Richmond street, Porters old stand. He always employs the best workmen and asks the public, to Try His New Sign Writers. Mr. Hoyle cannot be surpassed as to House, Sign and Decorative Painting. He will also reset broken glass. C. E. HOILE, House and Sign Painter. P. c. MILLER,! House Mover. Headquarters corner Mansfield and Ellis Streets. n specialty of moving buildings oi all kinds. Satisfaction guaranteed. - A. .1. Braswell, practical WHEELWRIGHT AND BLACKSMITH. Manufacturers ot Wagons and Buggies. General Repair Work of Every de scription promptly done at the lowest living prices, and in the best workmanlike manner. HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY When you have any work to <lO in our line cal on us. Oglethorpe st., rear of Bt unswick Hardware Co., Brunswick, Ga. satisfaction guaranteed. Bowles & Baker. Newman Block, Bay Street, Merchandise Brokers —And— GENERAL AGENTS. Agents for Georgia and Florida for Ma< ntale and Urban Safe Company and Alpine Safe Company. Agents for the R. Sauer Showcase Co., and the Caligranh Tvue-writer. I D. T. DUNN, ~ I Clothing and Gents’ Furnishing Goods. My friends and the public generally a'e cordially invited to call and i examine my stock <f NEW SPRING CLOTHING Styles to please tl.e ino-,t fastidious, I Scarlett block, Newcastle street j V' ■ ® I 1 I I I fl fl Watch for an explanation of the above I ■ in next Saturday’s Post, and in the mean- I fl time buy your groceries where you can get ■ fl them clean and fresh. fl f | 11. S. CRAIG, the Grocer. ■ Cor. Howe and Newcastle Sts, a W sl 1 Under one Management CENTRAL HOTEL AND PUTNAM HOUSE, I. L. PETERSON, Proprietor. Special rates for regular boarders. First-class in every particular. Your patronage respectfully solicited. i . "'-.—J—'—! 1— (,J L> PAK K t h7~| FOR ALL CLASS OF JOB PRINTING. New Press, New Type, New Office, Kaiser Block —Newcastle Street. J.WJlllllktt'O., Deniers iu and manufacturers ot 'Carriages & Buggies, Tex ad Pony Carts, $lO to $1:1.50 each. New and second - hand Wagons, Buggies and Phaetons. One nice building lot 34x150 for sale, i bargain in New Store and Dwelling I romblnu J. W. NUNN, co. Corner Wan.fleld and Kevuohta Bownt* WE ARE HERE. “Am snug bm a bug in u rug." THE PEARL SH A VING SA LOON. J<Mj Monk Street A<» ' wmk only *‘iwuU*y«l Will tr« at«»« b ami every g» i aliM. J j ua. 141 LUM < UuLDk. k. WESTERN MEAT MARKET, Charles Baumgartner, Proprietor. All kinds of Western and Tennessee Meats at Wholesale and Retail. Select Brands’of the Finest Breakfast Bacon and llama a Specialty. fcgTFREE DELIVERY IN THE CITY. ea. ' Paint Wall Paper and Window Shades. Signs, Banners, Decorative and Plain Painting. _* Artists’ and Decorators’ Material, t TDry and. in Oil. Fancy Work material oi every description. W. la .PORTER ,> 500 Monk Street. JBL JBL WINDOW SHADES Complete with Spring Rollers, Handsome and Artistic designs from 50 Cents to. $4.00 Each. We can suit altnost every taste, and we are not anxious to hold them over e for EXORBITANT PRICES, Call and see them at I C. McGARVEY’S. 316 NEWCASTLE-STREET 316 r BURR WINTON, Brunswick , STENOGRAPHIC ANO TYPEWRITING x.». liH *>id al«,ll f.rect. New Town. , HKADQUARTXM. Ml I A A II I Al! work neatly an<l promptly exe .GmMormm —at— Aud Kiu|»eniik-n<h-nt. IMK LES A BAKEH'K OFFICE, iiMetfiAuMP bu* liu. ihjlumii-'I liijy I