The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, August 11, 1890, Image 2

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THE EVENING POST. . ' 4=2 | Entered in the p»tofficeat Brunswick. Ga., a> econd-class matter. iMtwd every day, except Sunday. Irom the office orp‘TiiF. Evkni.’.g Post.** hl Richir jii.l Street. Kent a- Frost, Publishers ap4 Proprietor*. BUBBCRIPTIONJ One'year. - - <4.001 Three months, - fu.oo Sii months. -2.0 u | One month. - - 4<‘ ADVERTISING RATES >re very reasonable, and will be furnished upon application. TELEPHONE No. 49. TO SUBSCRIBERS. The management of The Post is making an earnest effort for the prompt delivery of the paper to every subscriber. Anyone who fails to get his paper, will confer a favor by re }>orting the fait to thebusiness office, 114 Richmond street. TO ADVERTISERS. All contract advertisers will please arrange to have the copy for any changes or for new advertisements, sent to the business otliee of The Post the day before the change is to be made. The management will esteem it a special favor if this re quest is complied with. There are twenty-five thousand dogs in New Y >rk. These voracious animals eat enough to support the population of several new states. William the Conqueror was the original force Bill. But William made himsell a nuisance, until his horse slipped into some hot ashes, whan he was not of much force ever afterward. The citizen who comes Jiome late ) does not more avoid a discussion bwith his wife than the republican of the present congress avoid the debate of ini juif kisurcu. BL. national to these the Kiwiil cun still bite, to HF Bur •" ' HJw i.. necesxir ~-|bt tiny world hate re* quarter by thi* time. li!, ''‘Vmpounty in Florida, there is 111 1 ■ u hollow stump from ~k comes a noise like a boiling ivee’ e. It is probable that a cam tlic ’V n orator has fallen inside it. ' ch [gentlemen have been known oth to get in a hole and to get into hot water. In the course of time we may hope to know something about electricity. The little allair at Auburn prison, in which one Mr. Kemmler conspic uouosly figured, was a pleasant ex periment for the benefit of our scien title men. Our scientists learn a thing or two as they go along. Tennessee is the on'y southern state that has adopted the Austral ian ballot system. At the recent elections held in that state the sys tem was found to work admirably. Republicans, generally, lost votes by the operation. Chattanooga, for the first time since the war, elected her entire county ticket. The recent telegraphic announce ment of the resignation of another one of the numerous presidents of the Argentine Republic also heralded the startling news that hides ad vanced one and a half cents per pound. The statement is not direct ly mad* but the inference is that the hides of presidents are referred to. Speaker Reed says, "to hell with our inland seas,' meaning, thereby, that the seal fisheries question was of no importance, compared with some other matters. This may not have been such a contemptous ex pression after all. Long headed republican statesmen expecting to visit sheol may find a degree of re freshment from so much cool water Has the murderer no rights which are to be respected? Trailed and skillful hangmen bungle the job and send him out of the world, regardless of hie dignity. Trained and skill ful electrician* undertake to improve' the matter, and It is not (improved. Let our murderers join in 'a |«tition to the legislature* to inflict their )<enally by drowning in a butt of ifi* ancient Malwsy vine WHERE ARE WE? The state convention, recently ad journed, was a remarkable assem , binge in that it has adopted no platform which is declaratory of its principles. In about a dozen lines the committee on resolutions mana ges to boost Gov. Gordon, to endorse 1 the nominees, and to r-■affirm the na tional democratic platform of 1888. The ablest men of the state seems to have Lad but little voice in the convention, ami its deliberations apparently' fell under the control of the small fry politicians. In these stirring times, when revolution is threatened and the very principles of our government are upon trial, it is a strange anomoly that the high council of the democracy of Georgia should forbear to speak. Is it another one of the curses of our condition of race antagonism, that the intellect of men is dwarfed from the want of a field in which to exercise their abilities? Has it come to this pass in Georgia that democracy consists alone in control ing the negro, and that affairs of na tional import are of no interest to the people of this state; else why are the oracles dumb, and why no auth oritative expression of the opinions of people? Recently when a republican state convention failed to endorse the at tempts of the republican leaders to enact the force bill, we eagerly sought to convert this silence into a con demnation of the measure. That a convention of Georgia democrats should have adjourned without em - phatically voicing the sentiments of the people of this state upon this all absorbing subject, not only exhibits its members in the light of being an i unrepresentative body of men, but justifies the claim that, at heart, the i people of this state are not opposed » to it. Indeed the astute leaders of the republican party have not been slow to turn this situation to their advantage. The silence of the Geor gia state convention has been coni mented upon at Washington, and ’ the argument is being used, in fur therance of the passage of the force bill, that all that has been said - against it was mere bluster and the -■ idle vaporings of irresponsible pai . ties. > What of the other great issues of i the day that have become potent > since the adoption of the nationa democratic platform of 1888? Has democracy no viev. s upon the sub ject of jthe more advanced theories of protection as taught by Mr. Mc- Kinley, or was the subject too pro found for the convention to wrestle with? The new political heresy known us the sub treasury scheme, has the democracy' no opinion upon i that subject, or is its silence to be i construed into its approval? It is ; difficult to know where we do stand in Georgia to-day, or what there is in common between a Georgia dem- i ocrat and one from any other state i of the union. The Knights of Labor have order ed a strike of all of the employes of the New York Central Railroad, con nected with the running of freight and passenger trains. Bet ween 3000 and 4000 men are out, and not a train except those carrying the mails has been moved over this line since Saturday. Mr. Chauncy Depew, the president of the road, who is now in Europe, has been telegraphed for by the employes. He is informed that his representatives are discharging the old employ es of the road without cause, and unless he returns and ad justs the matter, there will be trouble The cholera continues to ravage th* coast of the Red Sea, end is slowly marching upon Europe. The late ness of the season prevents any grave apprehensions of disaster be fore another year The most re nowned convention of medical men in the world is now in session at Berlin. It would be a blessing to science and to humanity, if enough wisdom could be bestowed upon it to enable it to devise the means to stay the progress of this dread disease. The Czar of Russia is muzzling the press in Finland. He has warn ed the editor of our “esteemed contem who publishes that widely circulated journal, The Helsingboro Hufvadstadblailets, that its para graphs are objectionable, and that this excellent paper will be suspen tied unless its tone is altered. It is probable that the Hus. etc, has been cracking jokes at the expense of the Czar'a boiler iron overcoat. , A learned physician knows of (teroon* who drink well water, hy drant water and cistern water, and yet do not have typhoid fever. Per flaps our *afety lie* in the mixing of .our dunk* HIE. ENI&G FO'I: MON DAY, ALGIST 11, 1890. KI All THIS. About Mineral Waters: — We have been made the exclu sive r.gents in Brunswick for the sale of the celebrated Bowden Lithia Springs Water. It is espe cially recommended for all kidney, bladder and-urinary troubles. One of the best recommendations this water can have is the very high endorsement given it by Dr. T. S. Repkina, Thomasville, Ga., r. ho is so favorably known in our midst as one of the most successful and concientious physicians of Geor gia. Call at our store and get de scriptive matter, testimonials, etc. We also have the leading imported mineral waters or. hand, embrac ing genuine Seltzer, Vichy, Apol linaris, adi-.Janos, Bitter, Sprudel, Freidrickshall.and others. Saratoga Springs, Congress and Hathorn Waters by the single bot tle or case. Come and see us. LLOYD <t ADAMS, . Druggist. P R O F ESS IONAL CARDS. Dr. J. E. McMILLAN,' I’hysician and Surgeon. Offic e—Payne building on Monk Street. PEARSON ELLIS, Attorney at Law. Oi fice- 312. J Newcastle Stceet. i Will practice in the State and Federal Courts. 11. 11. HOWARD, Real Estate and Insurance Agt I t Off iCKjn Scarlett Block—Newcastle street. 1 —..... ■ -... HARRIS & SPARKS, > Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. 1 Wil) practice in Supreme Court of Georgia., United -t 41c* Court at Savannah, and in the su f perior Courts of Glynn, Wayne, Charlton, I’ierce and Coffee Countice and elsewhere by special Contract. Office in scftrlett Building, Newcastle St. 1 Dr. O. W. TUCKER, 5 Physician and Surgeon. I • : Office -No. 121.'. Newca.-tlc Street. AC. BLAIN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. No. HU, 1 . Newcastle street. ( Iw.idenee, Sos .Übeinarle street. Office houri—9 a. in, to f» p. in . S A M U E L BORC H A I\DT Attorney-at Law. Offick No. /KF“.-*'«ccial Attention Given to Maritime Law and Questions Affecting Land Titles. BENNET& GROOVER, Attorneys-at-Law. offick I p-btairs, Cor. Monk ami Newcastle Streets. SAM C. ATKINSON, Attorney-at-Law. Officf in Wright’s Building, Cor. Monk and Newcastle Streets. DR. R. E. L. BURFORD. Physician and Surgeon. Offp’3 docxs—9 to 10 a. m., 1 to 4 p. ni. and 7 to H p. ia. Officb And Rooms -Kaiser Block, Newcastle Street. Brunswick Title and Guarantee Company (INCORPORATED.) iXBX NEWCASTLE STREET, ROOMS 2 and 1 CHOVATTBLOCK. Cyrvs Shelton, Attorney at Law, Manager Guarantees Titles to Rnal E-tate in the city of Brunswick and Glvnn county. Cemplete ab« stracts for all property in said city and county from the earlie-4 pentito the present time, ami supplies omissions causcil by the destruction of a poillo'i of Glynn county‘records. Forinlov mat ion apply to tin- Man; ger WILLIAM KNOX, Real Estate and Business Broker. Retail Stocks Bought and Sold. 304 1 Newcastle Street 304|. ®RADAM'S niICROBE | KILLER. Ths Greatest Discovery cf the Age. OLD IN THEORY, BUT THE REMEDY RBCRNTLY DISCOVERED. CURES WITHOUT FAIL CATARRH. CONSUMPTION. ASTHMA. HAY FEVER, BRONCHITIS. RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, CANCER, SCROFULA, DIABETES, BRIGHT'S DISEASE. MALARIAL FEVER, DIPTHERIA AND CHILLS. In »hort, *U term* d Organic an* Function.) The cure* cffecuxl by this Mvdklne are lu many i*kw MIRACLES! Hold only in Jtnr. contalnlna One Gallon. I*rlre Three llollnr. nemnll iuyertrnrul wik-u Health mid I llu co I* obtained “■iatory of th* Miarob* Killer" Fra*. CALL ON O'l AOOHtSt* .1. T. K‘« t» W M l . A.etit, Ita a. ua. h < ... Sale. ICECBEAM The in the Hardware COMPANY, JoJdWWSUdIi ■ -- - - - - - i O. ,-HL XX O ZL X 2 , | House ami Sign Painter! Begs toinform the citizens of Brunswick that he is now located in J. Michelson’s *l>uilding, on Richmond street. Porters old-stand. He always employs the best workmen and asks the public to Try His New Sign Writers. Mr. Hoyle cannot be surpassed as to House, Sign and Decorative Painting. lie will also reset broken glass. . C. E. HOYLE, House and Sign Painter. P. O M ILL E R House Mover. Headquarters corner Mansfield and Ellis Streets. a specialty of moving buildings of all kinds, satisfaction guaranteed. A. J. Braswell, PRACTICAL— WHEELWRIGHT AND BLACKSMITH. | Manufacturers of W agons and Buggiee. i General Repair Work of Every de-1 scription promptly done at the lowest living prices, and in the best workmanlike manner. HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY When you have any work to do in our .line cal on us. Oglethorpe St., rear of Biunswlck Hardware Co., Brunswick, Ga. satisfaction uua ran teed. Bowles & Baker, Kewman Block, Bay Street, Merchandise Brokers 1 —And— GENERAL AGENTS. Agents for Georgia and Florida for < Mai neale and Urban Safe Company and Alpine Safe Company. Agents for-the R. Sauer Showcase ( Co., and the Caligraoh Tyne-writer. 1)7 T. DUNN, I Clothing and Gents’ Fnrnishing Goods. i My friends and the public generally a'e cordially invited to call Hnd < examine mv stock < f .NEW SPRING CLOTHING 1 styicu t‘» plrttae t <• uio t fasli<liou< . . * BlOi k. Ni uMt if* * t I ' g A aWXaWEffiMKBR-s^^S — ■) V'' fEmmfioTl 1 , [ b j Quite a number of visitors have called I i in to fcnow what is meant by the mysteri- ; | ous number “99,” which has been appear- > | ing for several days in this space. ! The explanation, so. simple that you : R will be surprised, is this: 99 people out ' •' i of every 100 who have made a purchase i ■ ■ in my store have called again to express their satisfaction and make other pur- 1 g chases. ■ They could not afford to do otherwise; | the best of goods at reasonable prices will h maA-e friends and patrons every time. I appreciate most heartily, the pat- H • ronage already extended to me, and pro- g ■ ; pose to continue in the line I have laid out | d J ---/ceep nothing but the cleanest, freshest | and best goods that money can buy. Do you appreciate the advantage of I ■ | buying always from a clean, fresh stoefc > ij | of new goods? if you do you can have | ♦ that advantage by trading with | LS. CKAIfi, Hie Grocer. ■ II Gor. Howe and Newcastle Streets, I |•• • I . . . 1 " 1 ' *> ■ ’ Under one Management CENTRAL HOTEL PUTNAM HOUSE I. L. PETERSON, Proprietor. Special rates for regular boarders. First-class in every particular. •W“Your patronage respectfully solicited. CrO T? O f M. PAK Kt K V' 1 \ J for all CLASS OF I JOB PRINTING. New Press, New Type, New Oltice, Kaiser Block—Newcastle Street. , J.W.JiiiinACo.. 7 Dealer' in and manufacturers of Carriages & Buggies, Texas Pony Carts, $lO to >13.501 each. New and second - hand ■ Wagons, Buggies and Phaetons. One nice building lot 34x150 for sale. / ' bat gain m New Store ant Dwelling combine | „ J. W. NUNN, CO. < orm i Mai'tlHd and Iley lin’d* StwK | WE ARE HERE. < “As snug as a bug in u rug." j THE PEARL SHIYIIG SHOOK. I M nk Mm>v< 10H *■ ; • rtdy ! Will | <l« i • :i« h and cle? g« • t.» >n.iii uuk« ;Hi Hi J WESTERN MEAT MARKET, Charles Baumgartner, Proprietor. All kinds of Western and Tennessee Meats at Wholesale and Retail. Select Bie nds’of the Finest Breakfast Bacon and Hams a Specialty. DELIVERY IN THE ClTY.“®ft l?’M Wall Paper and Window Shades. Signs, Banners, Decorative and Plain Painting. Autists’ and Decorators’ Material, Dry and in Oil. Fancy Work material oi every description W. E .PORTER m i-m WINDOW SHADES Complete with Spring Rollers, Handsome and ArtisFc designs from 50 Cents to SI.OO Each. We can suit almost every taste, and we are not anxious to hold them over for EXORBITANT PRICES. ' r Call and see them at C. McGARVEY’S. 31G NEWCASTLE STREET 31G Bl KH WINTON, Brunowiok STENOGRAPHIC AND TYPEWRITING N*n». 3H am! 314*11 •treet, w Town HEADQIAHTEKH. PI 1 I R fl II I All work neatly nn<l promptly exo lonor & Builder —at— And >u|Kiinuniknl. B.mVLESa BA KEU> OFFICE