The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, August 14, 1890, Image 3

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Xf’X - " " „Z > Br Mjß--\*’■ tWWH> ;: W hows mint- h ii 75 Hr "- 1 - JBf V H II - w ■ lU s py s> BHK&BK w— ■ n J“*T I’:!--« i>U<*r I IS ;: '° n * ,n *« 4 ' 1 an< i - <: 0 p.m. H •:.:.) and 6:00 p. !.<• ive and 10:15 5:00 and ESk RS >’= ||3|l • Hr Bk u. -- ■. '. .'' ■ |L; KL . l«|MßLfc OOfSy&iWB ■■ «■— Carmel «»03 tens Oft Hawkins, K B XX/, : nEK rag! g|Bg Bl| Hg H Am. Stceiman, Kn p' | . BT - Hr ' SUMMER RESORTS, EXCURSION RATES, OWIiY 2 cots per mile traveled. tickets good to ■JN ’ RETURN SALE UNTIL INULY XTOV. 15 th. lst * No iron clad tickets to annoy families traveling without male escorts. The most liberal ar rangements ever offered. For information apply to Agents E.T.V. & G. Railway System, or to B.W. WRENN G. P. igt. ftaxvffle. Tni Cumberland Route to and from Florida. The short line between Bru i-wi •> and Jackson viile, via Jekyl, Cumberland. Lunge - lies? and Fernandina. THE BE/TThTL s I'EALER. Cilftfliwici Runs daily on the following schedule, tak ing effort May 11. Ist in. Standard time—‘.Kith meridian. S O U T II . Xv Brunswick vlaeteamer .7:00 am Ar Jekyi 5:45 am Ar Cumberland. . l<»:oo a in Ar Dungeness 11:45 a m a r I ernarnttna 1 ’ top m Lv Fernandina via b < ami 1’ Rj .uo p m Ar Jacksonville 2.25 p in Lv Fernandina via !• V and I* Ry I 5u p m Ar Tampa via F C ami PRv 72« ia m NORTH. Lv Tampa via F 0 ami P Ry * eo a ui Ar Ferni.ndina via b <’ and I’ Ry. .2.55 p ni Lv Jack SO fitil.e \ i . F 0 ;:ii'l 1’ R\ l< I"‘am Ar Fernandina .12 15 p tn Lt Fernandina via steamer... 00 pm Ar Dungeness 45 pm Ar Cumberland. . 5.u0 pni Ar Jekyl.. . 6 : 0 p m Ar Brunswick. 7.15 p in Connections math* at Fernandina to ami from all points In South Florida, via F ( and P Ry, ; t Jacksonville so ami from st Augustine and at points south. Ai Brunswick with I. T V and G By and B and W Ry to aiidfrmn all points w- st and north. A good breakfast or dinner served on Rhe steamer a■ low rales of ;»»-.• • uh. Through rates Brunswick and Ja<*k.-onville $ first class; |(> round trip; |2.50 second cla - .fl.'-ti round trip. Tickets can be purchased :v y time on applica tion to J. F. NorriS, agent I* I’, V ami Ga Ry. passenger do]>ot, or I » John Wood, Purser on Hie etcamer, to any point in Florida. i». C. ALLEN, General Ticket ami Passenger Agent. » C. LITTLEFIELD <u neral Man izer: St. Simon’s Li ne. NEW SCHEDI LE. (Standard Ti r.e ) On and after August Ist, schedule wilLbe as follows: • DEPARTURE. From Brunswick— For <>cean Pier anti Mills at 5.30 and 7:50 a. m., 2 and 6 p. in. RETURNING. Leave Ocean Pier at <> ,:;o ami IO:«<» a in and 4:30 and 7.0 u p. m. SUNDAYS txniVti Brunswick tU*3 ::■» a in :i d 239 p. in Returning leave o • m Pt» ra’ h . •. and II p ( in. •’ D A ICT,'Mipcrint ■•mlent. MONEY TO L(W Loans Negotiated on Real Estate at Lowest Rates. F. E. f WITTY, Att<>i i:<') -ut Law. nVFIi t • 31’21 XI.W( A"!f.l Fl 11. HOPKIHS & CO,, Real Estate and Insurance Agent's. ;i Represent a number of leading Fire Insurance Companies A large number of the most desirablp lots m New and Old Town for sale on reasonable terms. 150,000 Acres of Timber Lands. Correspondence solicited.- Address Z 3.. Z£2_ CO., Office 207 Newcastle Street. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. ”1 MERCHANTS AND TRADERS BANK. :o e d Dep >ita of ONE DOLLAR and upwards will be received. Interest " will be allowed on sums to the ere lit of each depositor on the first of Jan uary, April, July and October. Pass books will be furnished to each depositor. , s “ J. M. MADDEN, M. KAISER, A. 11. LANE, I President. Vice President. Cashier. . Ora in, i 1a y and Provisions, , 1 leadquartera for Dry, Salted and Smoked Meats, Hams Breakfast Bacon I, i Lard, Meal, Grits- Corn. Oats, Bran, Miß Feed etc BAY STREET ■ Foot of Monk. SAM B. BREEDLOVE, | Book and Stationery* Store. I Fancy Goods, Lamps and Fixtures, Pictures, Frames, Glass ware and Crockery; OFFICII SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. 219 NEWCASTLE STREET. TJ<E KTE-W YORK ■ Steam Dye House AND TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. Cor. IF* cltxcT T=< JS*t. I BILLER, Proprietor- Gents’ garments made to order, cleaned, dyed and re- L ; paired. Satisfaction guaranteed. MERCER UNIVERSITY.' | MACON, GA.) COURSES OF STUDY: i. Preparatory School. 11. CLASSICAL COURSE. Hi. Scientifical Coi IV. School of Theology* V. Modern Language-. VI. Tin: Law School. | VII. Department of I’bactical Ai ts. (Stenography, Book-keeping. & •..) Epense.’.—Tuition Free in connrso r study I’, ' i HI and IV. Matriculation and contingent I'ee. S2O annual y. ’ I Board at students’ hall. Iron f-? • 11 per month. Board in private f. inilies from fls to sis per month. i j rail Term opens Sept. 24. W9O. lor catalogue " and further in form a'ion, appiy to Prof. J. J. BRANTLY, or to th ' Prcs'de* t. A. NUNNALLY, Maron,G a Ccmmercial 5 RESTAURANT ! a n 108 MANSFIELD STREET. a " FIR S T - CL ASS 11 11 i) IN EVERY RESPECT. r» 1) u Meals served from 4a. in., till 12 m. n . II ; PP.ICE3 OF MEALS : 11 t ■ Breakfast. 25 cents. Dinner, 35 cents, i J 1 Supper, 25 cents. n 11 1 The Commercial lodging house is ii\ run in connection with the restaurant i land is strictly first class. Lodging, . 35 cents. I? 1 Thn uml<*rslgne<l has the late chief co >k at the r 'c an IL tel for a longtime and r.onsc qnentlv the public, will have ample proof that 1 am no nnvb’o in the AU mg a fair share of pub! c patronage, I am Arthur Roberts. • _____ _ - Ocean Hotel ' BARBER SHOP. II IT AND COLD BATHS. £tiF4 n wot k stri til v first class. J SEASIDE COLLEGE I FOP YOUNG LADIES. , This institution will open on Mott ilav. September 29. The <<|u ; p>i »»• ■ will be complete, tin- faculty foil, lb** liiMiti iii thorough. For circuliirs nr information <li< - at Brunswick. iJ’u r ..tig -t I S. C. < AI.DWELL, I'l'cideut. HIE EVENING POSi: THURSDAY, AUGL’sT 14, 1890 Matchmaker and Jeweler. Removal.— II now occupy the old stand of I R. L. Daughtry. The in creased space gives me an opportunity to display the many goods I have hereto fore been compelled by lack of room to store away. For the convenience of the people of Brunswick, I have purchased an electric clock, connected by wire with the Naval Observatory at Washington. Every day i at I i o’clock a. m., standard, I want all who carry watches to call at my store and get Washington time. This clock is daily cor rected from Washington at noon, standard (11 o’clock here) and every watch in Brunswick should be regu lated by it. Don't forget this. Regu late your watch and you will appreciate its value. » E. J. ALLEN, ' Inspector of watches and clocks for Brunswick and Western Rail road. . ARANCE SALE Z ' v /hhww from ' # *“**'■ buahu-d m»- - . 4,1 T*.MI PICH ’EM, N. w plan , JORD ■ .!<<’ Hl’ ' paid z ABOUT mNOS ” MAVi:» _*3 ••»"» puri'ha>rr. tlll’U'.ll /.C,' / (nun , ■ XX, onPtaws. Ow •»«.-> .. 4, . VS PI \NII *»I4 b> lb» nJ ,u.iit h. - RED THE KISSING HA3IT. | wiJtM can be purer, tell me, ui so trustful aud true as this—- tie fluttering kiss of a baby meeting its mother's kiss? Kisses that leave a memory enduring through as I Emb<- ving lovo aml.i rue: k unfettered by <1 s ' an. It i. t n h* r l\; y's kisses the heart of the mother lives, I a\ is Ling us rote uud mouth the k>vo she so freely giv | Wasting a wealth of tenderness that only a mother i knows. The past and future united in the kisses she be t-tows. What is more blisrful, tell me. than the kisses that love has blessed, I'he loss of a yo.ith and maiden, his lips upon her lips pressed? When they for their love’s sake only, simply its sweets to taste And waken their throbbing pulses, in the luxury H (,f waste,* I Till they’d barter the world and its riches, think all well lost, fur this— , To know the passionate sweetness that is merged , • in a lover’s kirs. On? kiss that is longer than twenty, twenty than une more brief, Making their lives all sunshine - unshadowed by dread or grief. - What is more sacred, tell me, than the kisses so softly pressed (On Cm* lips of an aged mother by those her heart loves best* I Her children gathered about her, to woman and 1 manhood grown, ■ l Th? kiv; of Idial affection, hers nlwavs, and her.; (done. A mother’s iuvo of a lifetime, its devotion Mie deems repaid In kisses es reverence holy, on her trembling lips thus laid; They bi <;ht n tuid chet r her pathway that leads to eternal pe;ic*\ And comfort the heart so faithful, till its th rob bings forever cease. Bay not Li. sea rue out of fashion or that they have IkMsii hibuoe i; fake back the sweeping assertion and all that the words include. The kisses of sister and mother, the kisses of lovers true. The kisses of fat ierlind brother, think what they may mean to you. —l’. 11. Curtiss in Good Housekeeping. Dentil to Insects. Professor Lintner, New York state entomologist, has made a microscopic examination of the insect’collections of a single electric- light, and estimates that the debris which he inspected repre sented 33,000 insects. As many of the smaller forms of insect life probably constituted the larger portion of those | attracted to destruction by the light. I he believes that the average number of i insects destroyed in a night by a single ' electric light is nearly 100,000. The larger portion of Professor Lint ner’s specimen collection from one light consisted of minute gnats, midges, crane Hies and similar small two winged in sects. No mosquitoes were discovered among the victims, as they are not at tracted to the lights. There were, how ever, large numbers of plant bugs, . which are injurious to vegetation, par ticularly of one small species of a hand some green gtissid, which feeds upon our A number of the moths ' and one of the leaf rollers which have made such havoc’ in tmr fruit trees were found, as well as other species of the same family. Professor Lintner in speaking of his examination said : ”1 was sorry to see quite a number of I the beautiful gauze wings among the heaps of the slain, as their larva) are 1 the aphis lions, which aid in keeping down pliides or plant lice.” -’The electric light,” to quote Profes sor Lintner, “will undoubtedly prove an active agent in the reduction of in sect pests, and also furnish entomolo gists with many rare specimens and . with many species never befoi-e seen.” —Cor. New Y’ork Sun. , Sleiuorial to Wendell Phillips. The pr<--_* -sili-m t<> erect in 1 his city a memorial 1:. dos sm hsi size and char acter os f > appropriately indicate the extent < .' Bo- ton's veneration for one of her in e>t eminent citizens—Wendell I Phillips will undoubtedly call forth a qu’.-k and generous response. It is the infcn'i. n to dedicate the hall in 1833. The building is to be essentially a “Cooper institute” for Boston, with meme.rial features that will make it stand to t'.:*";- -riod it commemorates as Pilgrim hall and Forefathers’ momi -1 : :it to the first settlement of New Englund anil as Faneuii ball and Bunk er Hill monument to the revolutionary era. The work of collecting the necessary money is in the hands of a legally cor porate;! body, of which G--n. Benjamin F. Butler is president and (lev. J. Q. A. Brackett is treasurer, with a repre sentative and efficient board of direc it . There is already ijuite an amount | a-- cred toward tin- building ami ihe advi. ory board having the matter in charge is now moving t-> -ure the ad ditional means, with particular and i-: iiate reference to money (or the land on which the building is to be erectw I .. —Boston Herald. Technical. Th- technical spe<h cf people in various trad; s and callings lias an in tore, t f-ir o; :r is than dietiomiry mak ers. Even th.- m- I uninviting loca tions hive I.itig i.'i. .■ which attracts by virtue of its individuality. The Ire.!c st illustration of what I mean comes in tliis form: “.'r-ii't you going to haven new driss for the I alls was the inquiry addressed to the wife < f an undertaker. "1 can't aliord it,” was the dispirited reply ; “you know it's be tween seasons.” “What do you meant” “Why, the pneumonia ; .-flson is over, ajid the chol; ra infantum season hasn’t begun.”—( hri- ian I nion. A Free Gift. Mrs. Bibbs—See her ■' Why are you ' unloading all th -se shin ties in front of iny door! We haven't ordered any. I Driver —No, mum. They eotnes ■. Id Ith ■ e-mipliim-nts of the neighbors. 1 You ri folks thinks 4,-om the way. ■ yotn-buy act.- that <-.i-i’t a .' r l to ' bti;.' any. ■ w \ork \\ < ekly “Mold It to III* No*e.“ An English niodi'-ai man who wan * nt out to Bulgaria to look after the b tilth of English workmen on n rtd/- w ay hud occasion to take a fi wrtitehes in the eyelid of ?n h-r c. To h -euro quit t on th" part of hi.-< thimb patient he propo.-"d to atiinliiisier clilorofortn, i and called u[xm one of the engineers to assist him The >• -tilt <-f the <np-cri lIK-Ilt is told by the asoirtuiit: -'lt was M ttJed tluil we should take ti.-- h< i into a el». q thickly strewn * \ 'lt I A ll’ M f I is. Ilitili.l tail* iliaiakat .»«> viiuA-otorm. Th whs qiiii'aty aone, I or rather commenced. Th- chloroform •* was poured on a thick cloth, and I held b it to the horse’s nose. At first he ob jected and tossed his head, but present ly a content d i < k came over his face j ,- and he stood stock still. a “At this I said, 'ii sall r’.-ht, doe i ' tor; get ready, he will soon be elf.’ To > which the doctor replied, ’I am rather ' astonished that be has not gone through t r the excited stage.’ , “Just as he said this the horse gave a sudden plunge which knocked me over t on my back in the hay. and then he r commenced the most eccentric unhorse like proceedings, lie sat up on his t-.jl r mid tried to reach the roof with his feet. Failing in this he jumped up and rushed into the corner, where ho did s his best again end iig.-Jn to rim up the I wall, tumbling over on his back at each attempt. Then he tried to put his : 3 head through between lioth his front j r and his hind 1 -gs, and so went head I I over heels forward. “I bolted, but wilt ;b. believed that the unfeeling doctor held the door 1 against me, and only answered to my I entreaties to be let out, 'Hold it to his . nose! hold it to his nose! Look sharp and hold it to his nose!” and when at . last I stiececded in bursting the door open and making my escape I was greeted with contemptuous looks and s words! “A Rarey might have liked the situa tion. I tun not a Rarey, and was very cautious how 1 went up to the boast, even after he had got over his flurry , 1 and stood stock still, looking very mueli astonished, as well he might.” • PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dr. J. E. McMILLAN, , I’liysician and Surgeon. i Oi t’K E —Payne building on Monk | . Street. I PEARSON ELLIS, Attorney at Law. Ofi ice- 312.1 Newcastle Stceet. Will practice in the State and Federal Courts. t - 1 I ———- IL IL HOWARD, I I Real i s!ate ami Insurance Agt 1 Office in Scarlett Block—Newra.-He stn < t. , ’ Attorneys and (lofinsellois a' Law » Will pr'ißice in Supreme ( <>uH o' Groig : a ' I nilcl 't t!< - ( onll al >a\ annnb. an 'in it>'• f perior Co ti ts of Glynn. Way nr. ( harlL»n. I’.' i- » L and Cofled Counties nad (1 cwl.crr by specia I . Contract. I Oflire il ‘-rarlrtt Building. N' Wra.-lh >t. J Dr. O. W. TUCKER, .1 _ . , . r I’liysician and Surgeon } office -No. 121 s Newcastle Street. A. C. BLAIN, M. D. Physician and Surgcoi. N0.314.M Newcastle Street. Residence, 508 ..llicniarle street. t 1 Office hours—fl a. m. to sp. in. ; i SAMUEL A I\DT -1 Attorney-at Law. I k I Office No. Newcaatle street. Attention Given to Maritime i Law and Questions Affecting Land Titles. BENN ET & GROOV E E(, Attorneys-at-Law. Office Up-Stairs, Cor. Monk and Newcastle Streets. SAM t. ATKINSON, Attorney-at Law. Offici in Wright’s Building, Cor. Monk and Newcastle Streets. Brunswick Title and Guarantee Companj' (INCORPORATED.) 303 X NI A’cA-sTLE STREET. Ro O- 2 'll CROVATT BLOCK. Ctrl’s Shelton, Attorney at Law. ?.fan:igcr Gunrantei sTltks to Rnal Estate in tb<* city <0 I» , *ud-\\ i k and Glynn county. ( <*n:pb 1? :b --st rm t* h-r nil property in n.’i id city and < ntint \ from the earliest |>crio*4 to the pt r.-ent time, ami Hlippiir' tin inions caused by the drstrucii >»i <•: a portio’t of Ulynnrounty rr< ods. F«»r info** mation nppb to the Man; ;?t WILLIAM KNOX, Real Estate and Uusine-s B-i-ker | Retail Stocks Bought and Sold, i 304! Newcastle Street 301!. RftPAM’S J ’JffICROBE ( jJL) killer. VThe Greatest Discovery of tbs Age. 01.0 IN THEORY, EOT THE REMEDY RECENTLY DISCOVERED. CURES WITHOUT FAIL CATARRH, CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, HAY FEVER. BRONCHITIS, RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, CANCER, SCROFULA, DIABETES, I BRIGHT'S DISEASE, ‘ MALARIAL FEVER, OIPTHEHIA ANO CHILLS. , In khort,,llforiß«ol Cro»nic»nd Functional L'isecw. I 1 Tin i-uro» ctli." u<l ' H‘i» SI -lii liio »«-• 1“ ' I I Ill'll', cuw» MIRACLES! 8, Id only f-i .1 r;< conU'iilfW Oi” Gallon. . , |», iff IT.r.-. t> .ili.zh "..'-ut | wl ■ Il Jlui.lUl" i I ItiKilll t*»ld»JU ” Xfiu’.ory of .be Mi troke Killvr” 1 < CALL OH C I ADDHubR I J. T UOeh A P l.t. •»“!* A,*Ui. , , I r, u «1,... 1... How can I get a Solid Gold Elgin Watch, Warranted Worth $40.00 for $10.00? Answer. —Buy it on the Tontine Co-Operative Payment Plan. TJX l-Ai: \ I.r.i t.Ep plan „r pnrc'ri-i''.., v.'.'itch i-, Tlio pri-mtiii-. Allowed retlu-•• lim net co. Ito ma.i\ <-».’ktielder.'in Mt <•!.!- far hHow timeout of manu.aclure, and gives every stockholder a gnarant”<‘ t hat thi* watch will n»t cOttt him mn* than $ M.tD (a H|M>t cash purchase of anv Jewe<rv, and Bi.tny would .ink ?,;».r r.» •> > . Au I • ich t u-kholder has 2.) opportunities of gH ing it. Ir*»»n 530.U0 do» i> as h.w Vt <• sell only stan l.ii*<i Am * i ‘.;n Wat. ues that bear the manufacturer’s guiramei a, we ours, iM weg v«* you tm»rc v hie forvour mon«*y th in any other'Jornoany. ’ ii* agrtii v ill u y uu 11 h blan'-xor w •. li! f'B.’WTi d tlieui (r i-n fne < *ll • \ . iiyour friends to pur«*ha- » !.rh*nml Itiamondß on the Tontine Co-Operatfve Fsjrment Plan. This is the only pl t> by whicn goods can be sold on easy payments ala small prodt, a3 we can have no losses by delivering goods before they arc paid for. Cail and have the plan explained to you by ZMZOT’OT, s UV‘£X’tctiixi£i,l.B.ei’ a.Tx<X Jeweler • 215 NEWCASTLE STREET, is FLORIDA Cl iiIOSIIIES AND OPTICAL GOODS. fc’iae Watch, clock and Jr well v Repairing a d’C< ialty. .- ion Guaranteed. wwiwiOWWsffi, En 2 ns’wiols.. Ga. Capital, ------ - $150,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits, - 35,000 M. ULLMAN, AV. E. BURBAGE, J no. I). WRIGIT, Presi lent. Vice President. Cashier nsi is in front of IHq procession. Not :i iltiy comes but that progress income direction is mail Not a day passes without new subscribers being added to the list. Merchants of Brunswick, read the following picture, think over it carefully, then send in your imsinessto the EV E NT I NT G- POST’ I 4 L LAOS. ■ 1 ■i ’ ■ ’ ).>< ■. . < 1 • ■" ' .;<•• ...i' JU. H . '".L.. - ■ 1.1 • ■ i ■ i' • ■ • H i'-. t ' : ‘ ■ l ' ■ • ’ • i - ! :l<< <■< 11 ',|| ;. : • : ’ .' • : * . ■ V. i. :• Ii - V-'- ;> ; !l. • I 1 • • ! Il • ) |.'dl.< Is I’.* I-.,- I', n il • 1.. !1 .1. J ■ <.. I'.-tii-,. -Ti ■ p.ip< 1* I'l.r Ills ' "'’*i- Jill Up-n till* hours follow m/ his <»’<•!« k meal. 7 hen, with hia f! ppera on and his feet mounting ti e bai kof a cL.h r or the mantel, he si tth .hi.i -i iff r d*>ii ! duty, Ti/; digesting hi riipia r and the day’.-hi-toi y. Nothing in the ’ evening papers esenp-s the rettdet’a eye; tele graph, local, editorial, miiiceUany and advertise ments are devoured. It is not a lunch ot news, but a veritable I anqnet. The morning paper is only nibbled at, the evening paper la devoured. The advertiser is awakening d this expensive fact. The man whoUtas been pilloried in the vesper edition, will swear to its truth, and offer a number of accusing witnesses as accumulating • testimony, i_ . A. Truie The people may rest assured that THE POST will continue in the line it has started, confidently lielieving that “Right is Alight, and will Prevail.”* The management earn estly Solicits the patronage of ihe People, As , siiriiig them that all Promises will be carried out to the letter. Cll.™i'ilEE W Ml® ,C - Commencing Hoimbei sth. Ending November 15th. COLUMBUS, GMk. A SEASON OF UNRIVALLED ATTRACTION. This Exposition Will Be One of the Most Complete and Interesting Ever Held in the South. EVERY DEPARTMENT WILL PRESifNT A FINE DISPLAY. LIBERAL PREMIUMS OFFERED FOR COUNTY AND INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITS. The Attractions for Visitors Will Be Numerous and Varied. TKOTTING ami 111 >NIMS HA< ES, MIMTAIiY CONTESTS and EVERY KIND OF AMI SEMENTM. ALLIANCE DAY, MI.IK HANTS’ DAY, Dill MMEHS* PAY and RED MENS’ DAY. Balloon A»c«n»lon» an.l I’arue-leule Leaim Every Day During the Exposition. ONE CENT A MILE RATES OVER ALL RAILROADS. Ev«ryl«»ly eoni« and have a good tifjs. Polunibux will in her glory. For fritter information,’ < Htalogue», «U-, addn-M > f. J. SLADE, President, C. B. GRIMES, Secretary