The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, August 15, 1890, Image 3

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1.--, ; SIS ■ Hr _ ■*< ’ *• ‘ ■ '' Bf ■s«w-e' , ggf w ra& W ■ ' ®s?Wy ’ : ■ K » .*o*. *■'* HF BBSS VK I ■ an.; I'iaii'i—i’»»at leaves the city at 7:00 ; Rn H ■ i R ’ Hn Route—Boat the city at 7:0( i Brunswick and Fernandina—Boats Tuesdays and Fridays and leave * ■ HBOT^BHe- Boats leave every day except Sun- in. and arrive at 5:00 p.m. 1 a’ i I- .ncj Blufl'— Boat leaves ■ ■ MS I_ •-1 - I ■HMPOI I ' s ■ 1 n ’ 1 " ishi %s '''" l '■■ I 'Pv :r 'p. '"W,' ■ ■ IHHHjI M L /;p S ( ?’.' - . HF ■■■ ■ ■ SUMMER RESORTS, EXCURSION RATES, otcijY 2 CENTS per mile traveled. TICKETS good TO ON RETURN *"* i j£ Tj?AV .“jC sale until TSZT A~g~ NOV. 16 th. let. No iron clad rickets to annoy families traveling without male escorts. The most liberal ar rangements ever offered. • For information apply to Agents E.T.V. & G. Railway System, or to aw.WRENN G.Eigt.taOls.Trai taiterM tale to and from Florida. The rfhort line between Brunswick and Jackson ville, via Jekyl. Cumberland. !>un._e ncs? and Fernandina. THE BEAUTIFUL STEAMER City olliirt Runs dally on the following schedule, tak ing effect May 11,M). standard time—‘doth meridian. S O U T II . Lv Brunswick via steamer 7:00 a m Ar JekM <MS a Ar Cumberland 10:00 a m Ar Dungeness 11:15 a m Ar Fernandina 12.30 pm Lv Fernandina via F C and 1’ Ry I .00 p tn Ar Jacksonville 2.25 p tn Lv Fernandina via F C and PRy 4 50 p in Ar Tampa via F C an J P Ry 7.20 a m NORTH. Lv Tampa via F C and P Ry >5.00 a m Ar Fcrnt.ndina via F <’ and I' Ry 2.55 p m Lv Jacksonville via FC andP Ry 10.40 a m Ar Fernandina 12.1" p m Lv Fernandina via steamer 3 00 p m Ar Dungeness 3.45 p in • Ar Ch nberlaifd . •' ' •<> p»■ Ar Joky I {: -30 pm : Ar Brunswick 7.15 p m Connections made at Fernandina to ami from nil points in South Florida, via F C ami P Ry, at Jacksonville to ami from St Augustine ami at 1 mints south. At Brunswick with E T V ami G ly and B and WRy to and fram all points west and north. A good bren'-fa I or dinner served on Ihe steamer nt low rales of 50c each. Through rates Bruuswick and J icksonville lir-t class: |i» round trip; $2.5j second c’.a s $4.50 round trip. Tickets can be purchased any time on applica tion to J. B. Norris, ag<*nt b t, V and (r i Ry. passenger'iojiot, or to J<.hn Wood, Purser on the •learner, to any point in Florula. D. C. ALLEN, General Ticket ami i’a-.-enger Agent. « C. LITTLEFIELD (.eneral Manager. St. Simon’s Line. NEW SL'HEDILE. (Standard Time.) On and after August Ist, schedule will be as follows: DEPARTURE. From Briin«wi< k For Ocean Fier anil Milld nt 5.3> and 7:. 50 a. m., • 2 and 6 |>. in. RETURN! Nr. Leave Ocean Pier at O:3U and lo:<M) i in and 4:30 and 7.00 p. in. SUNDAYS. . taave Brunswick at a m ar! 2 3* p.m Returning leave <)■ < :m Pi - at ] <•; > ui. and op, id. I D\lt f. ‘Mipe, -it • <•. nt. MONEY TO LOAN. Loans Negotiated on Real Estate at Lowest Rates. F. E. TWITTY, Attui t.ej -ut I.iiw. OFFICE : 312 J NEW< AH J.E M. IR. HOPKINS & CO., Real Estate and Insurance Agents. Represent a number of leading Fire Insurance Companies’ A large number of the most desirable lots in I'Sew and' Old Town for sale on reasonable terms. 150,000 Acres of Timber Lands. Correspondence solicited. Address CO., Office 207 Newcastle Street. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. MERCHANTS AND TRADERS BANK. Deposits of ONE DOLLAR and upwards will be received. Interest will be allowed on sums to the credit of each depositor on the first of Jan uary, April, July and October. Pass books will be furnished to each depositor. J. M. MADDEN, M. KAISER, A. 11. LANE, President. Vice President. Cashier. "(ILAUBEH & ISAAC. Grrain,- Htiy and Provisions, Headquarters for *' Dry, Salted and Smoked Meats, Hams Breakfast, Bacon Lard, Meal, Grits- Corn, Oats, Bran, Mil) Feed etc BAY STREET ... Foot of Monk. I SAM B. BREEDLOVE Book and Stationery .Store. Fancy Goods, Lamps and Fixtures. I'ictures, Frames, Glass ware and Crockery; OFFICII SUITLihS A SPECIALTY. 219 Nr.WCAST'.E STHK T. TME NEW "SrO.R.±C Steam Dye House; AND TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. 003.'. LiT” <EV£3XI 3ELiOHI3a.Oa3LCI I. BILLER, Proprietor. KSF“ Gents’ garments made to order, cleaned, dyed and re paired. Satisfaction guaranteed. [MERCER UNIVERSITY.' ( MACON, GA.) COURSES OF STUDY: I. Preparatory school. 11. (1.\.-S!C 1L ( OVKSI . 111. scientifical Cou <r. IV. school of TH ctti.oia . V. Modern Languages. vi. The Law school. VII. Department or Itiactic l a; t * (Stenography, Book-keepin r. & •. Epenses.— Tuition Free in cour * -tu ly I', 111 and IV. I Matriculation and contingent fee. 5 > .■ nui: il •.. Board at Btudentw* hall, from $ i 1 Board in private f inilies from -12 ■ I - per month. Fall Term opens Sept. 21. IS9O. I . <• ; talogu and further iniQrmation, apply • » Prof. J. J. BItANTLY, or to the Preside! t, C. A. NUNNALLY. Macon,G a Ccnimereial RJSSTzII/iMA T / IOS MANSFIELD STREET. FIRST - CLASS IN EVEIIY RESPECT. Meals serve?! from 4 a. hl, till I2jn. PRICES OF AIEAI.It : Breakfast, 25 cents. Dinner, 35 cents, Supper, 25 cents. The Commercial lodging house is run in connection with the restaurant and is strictly first class. Lodging, 35 cents. The undersigned has been the late chief cook altlr.‘°c an If. lei for a I mg time ami » onse tpientlr the public will have ample proof that I am no'novice In the busine Asl ing a fair share of publ <• patronage, l am Arthur Roberts. » —i — ~ —— 1.1 i mm II ■ ilia ■— . . ■' " - Uli - r r Ocean Hotel BARBER SHOP. DOT AND COLD BATHS. work stri ttly SEASIDE COLLFGE FOP YOUNG LADIES. This institution will opt i. n Mon-1 day, Sep'outlier 29, The «< 4 t:t . will be compute, the t'aoi.ii •, , i. Instition th ii<nie|i. For circilm* or info m,! on <ln»» nt B- ii.»wi •», n! . r Auir t 1 K. CaLDWEI .I,. F> •IdeiiL THE EVENING POST: FRil)\ , AUGL T sT 15, 1890. vVatdimaker and .Jeweler. Rem >v.\i . I now occupy the old stand of R. L. Daughtry. The in creased space gives me an opportunity to display the many goods 1 have hereto fore been compelled by lack of room to store away. For the convenience of! ♦ the people of Brunswick, I have purchased an electric! clock, connected by wire with the Naval Observatory! at Washington. Every day I at 11 o'clock a. m., standard, I want all who carry watches to call at my store and get Washington time. 1 his clock is daily cor rected from Washington at noon, standard (11 o’clock here) and every watch in Brunswick should be regu lated by it. Don't forget this. Regu late your watch and you will appreciate its value. E. J. ALLEN, Inspector of w atches and clocks for Brunswick and Western Rail road. • LU.RAiICE SALE Z •'• ■ J Fine Partnr / . J U and Cuurch - ‘I OrMiiitw fro® z \ •U IHI< l>. w plan about “ ‘ . PIANOS. Sso waved „ / rvrrr nun-lmwr. . . I * ZW. h»wi l«.w« tme. | ■/St? on Plwi. OwtltSA . •>» I’lA’iO I. »l«l V» U» i f’. ' l> , dMtoM a* MIS. I .»<l U worth H, |ih>. COUNTERFEITED PETE f’CARTNEY \’>T»o of the fuivc.f.'.l Cronks i:i the IN ;tury of LiUor. The ( lev, rest ti a t’l : ever I I li,' d e : f > 4., with white J conn’'- red wi i the . eret w-rvico <ie- I iwtiiK of e . s trens- ury depa, es; , i 'i'honias E. Ixinerg.di, v..ts Pete ?fc(';irtney. He was h< in cud rai 1 in south ern Illinois, and could not boast any oducatio-.i. Yet ho was in every sense a picturesque figure in criminal an nals. lie was the only man I ever met who educated himself so as to be able to do every ttii.ig connected with counterfeiting. lie could engrave a plate, make his own inks and paper ..nd print the complete note. McCart ney had been arrested many times prior to my ar;•< st of him, and had always ut.uiagivl to escape. 1 captured him *t Venice, Ills., on Bloody island, the famous old dueling ground of that section of the country, which was a little north of East St. Louis. This was in the fall of 1871. 1 took McCartney to Springfield and turned him over to United States Mar shal Routt, who was afterward governor of Colorado. MeCerh / was eh.-ir rcd with counterfeiting United States r.amoy and committed t o jail in default of >:.7U0,0 bail. Ncg'hiatim.s were wit- .1 inld by tile tn usury depart ihaMcCartney should turn up eei' ■: plates for counterfeiting notes, an.i hi return hi ; b til should ba ro dueM to 'j'iia agreement was canii .1 out on both sides. Met’artuey gave up the plat-s and?,' 0,00, hi coun terfeit money. He bad to go to lie c&tur, 11! ~ where he had buried it, to dig it up. During the time that this notorious counterfeiter was out on bail lie was arrested in St. Louis, and was seriously shot in the fracas that followed tiie at tempt to arrest him. While in jail on crutches he broke oat, and left, taking with him four other counterfeiters who were confined at the same time. /. few weeks sub cuuently he was again arrested in Texas. A big reward hail been offered for his capture. The sheriff who arrested him telegraphed for the United States officials to come and take possession of him. To make his escape impossible this sheriff and his pos-o camped ont all night with McCartney, but he got away before morning, lie was again arrested short ly after tiiis by anoth- r Tex. s .sheriff. To secure him el'eatually this time tiiis ofli< i 1 mmiacled 'l<-Cartney’s arms and legs ,;r.d started for Austin. When the train reached Au-din McCartney had made his c.-eape. During the war I ■ w.'.s ; it -I " 1 o:i some charge in In diana an l taken to Washington heavily ironed, hand end f x.t. He escaped from custody by throwing himself out of tlie car window as the Pennsylvania . train was pas.-ing Horseshoe Bend, i Thi < is tiie nr ■ :t d,m g rous point g i I lie whole r id. Iledi loca 1 bissh lid r, but " -I' > oth r mga-y. I'i.n.-ly he was I'.apturc.l in Indiana, convicted and sent to the p itiar at Midfi p.m •' , . He is a i i.’. l man now, but in bis b.-'t days wus one of the most slippery f ilows that 1 ever heard of. — (. Lie., ,o Post. Au Easy I-I ice. A 1.-'d ' pp. <■ into cur office in ic-.reii of a;i nation. He was .-.sited: vmi nut now ' niployedi” “Yes, sir.” ‘■’i’i:. .i vby•’ ) yon '’i to change?’ “■ d:. J v. er ;. i : ■ i .■ J l ice.” V. had m‘ a pls ’f ir him. Noone wants a boy oi\ 1 n .. ho is se iking an si . ' ■ ; just here is the diffl d t;. v. ih 11 >!-. Tie v. ant easy w .1; and ; • .-..'rai lof earning mure lh-,:i 'h. ir w.’ges. W. tii? boys let us advise them: Go in fort.', • hard places. Bend your «b,. ;to the ta ,'.<of showing how much you can d>. 1 lake yourself s r to your employer at whatever cost of your.own p-rsonai e.: r, and if you d tl ' he will soon find that he cannot spare you, an 1 when you have 1 ma <1 how tp do work you maybe s. t tote; .h •ot's r , end .■ o when the easy pl-.ecs ar to be had t ■ y will’be yours. Lif -is toil some at b- !. to mo : of us. but tlie <• places ; ,-t tiie end. not at the le. a- ning, of life’s course. —Cliri dan at Wort i‘Lc?<\',; j v .:'.i ; I • Mt N'i;;ht. •■1 ■■ , ■ wulidn: :ng ! >i >n junto, N Y >rk, o:v? i i:i". and a photo;.,' ra;.h r nttrl my iitesntion b.v yi .e- » I ;pp- I an 1 ask • 1 him what he w. _■ do: - Hr re at night wi h a :!n o- - by saying: - i)o you s-• ; - > lows there on j electric light pi . ‘ :on ;. • . y' and 1 tab • : of .. f r a b’g W.'Ji p:'.u rl' ... ... . t .'IS t I U > :' i ' . t: ■ I ■f of every kind oft; e. mil th • .era 1 tree I n.'.ture I'ght r..l< rth lr <y.'-.. Nu;li- j ; could be s > p r! ■ t as th ■ l ax •• will iiar" made by our firm. In tiie i daytime I photograph fl iwer., mid ! grasses for <ie 'gm. in the factory, but' at night, you ■, tilt < ' ".-'ric light gives methe] ti •d, :-a ves.’ ” i —Cor. Huston Herald. A ■ .ic. - . I Lawj<t. Mr. IJ'iurk- <'■ ■ to bo out- I doing th- .. :■..-»<£ th ■ 1 :(:■ Ros- i eoe Conkling i.i making money from law pra -tCo. Sum - p ,-■ is put his e.irning' in the 1., t th,ri■ at half aired u d..llers Tim who do nut admire iiirn 'r t that ials is earning ; a livin',- by th • ' of-A nrm's mouth; ' but v,.‘ can I >ll them th :f no one gets rich in Ne.v \ imwivkiy.-i v.'aiout lai nt oroav of i . ; :ivalent*.—Julian Ilalpb in J 'I:: :. '. . *1 ’itri 'a Priilit hi t!u» "I'm.** A number of <x cuLiia t n a.i-t.-r are now I ” efi'd ' law h< Tlr Ir 1 'll s anilh ■ > tlr m bi. in ilr- d ■ jsu ... Hts. n: <1 they etui get iinnr n .' toss fur th ir v. rk I-on* ti-i b<a: and reiM' 1 ” eommn i li\ H'-cr- ..ry lii'Orgu ;| luis In-, a | ... t.i ig Inure f >r m inu jei>l An . :ey < ' *tr . il (Jsrliuid La nti ufiteol. re, i ,d Ex 11- r< tar; li< Ikuap luu> a good pru«■•.- El eon; f * HU 11 lu l.twyeiax . • i. m.'.oy, I*»t II I . of \i. I'.'ll.l'l co. lU>d ' | senators an; everyv.-ner.". Josepii k. i ."McDonald is a regular practitioner in 1 I the Washington conns and at the Cap!- I tot Jeremiah Wilson, once a member !n>m Indiana. .$50,000 a year as a Washin $ r i lawyer, and the fees of Judge Shell:: borger, v ho was a noted Ohio .• :r.:”iin t’.e - : "e-. .-:nr>unt to ten times a congre: Milan’s salary. Phil Tl inpsou, of Kentucky, is prac ticing in Washington, and as for ex bureau lawyers, you find them by the dozens. I understand that Ben But ter worth will drop the unprofitable field of politics to go into the more profita ble one of the law at the close of his term, and he could, if ho would, have a bigger patent business than any other man in the country.—Frank G. Carpenter in Philadelphia Press. Respect for Youth.* Boys, especially, shrink from any ap proach to ridicule on the part of their elders. A wise and amiable philosopher confessed to mo that his disapproval of a certain person of n an- • from nothing more serious than an unlucky question put to him in his boyhood by the celebrity w e were discussing. The man, meaning to be pleasantly jocose, in the presence of others had asked the boy what he thought of matters and things in general. The fitting repartee is not apparent at once even to a ma ture mind, and the poor victim had re mained confused and silent, recalling his painful position ever afterward at j 1 sight of his tormentor—until displeas- I I ure, thriving upon itself, grew into re- I sentment.— Scribr.--'- PRO FESSION AL CARDS. DrTT e. McMillan, Physician and Surgeon. Office —Payne building on Monk Street. PEARSON ELLIS Attorney at Law. Office- 3121 Newcastle Stceet. Will practice in the State and Federal Courts. 11. 11. IIOWAllI).. I Ileal Estate and Insurance \gt j office m Scarlett Block—N<‘Wc.i>tk* >ti "tt. HA FJV S & SP A I\K 5, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. pri tire in Supreme Court of (U-urg’ii Unite.! . t in -- c ourt al mi\ .ninah. ■-.nd in the su perior Co nt- of Glvnn. 'V ay iif, < hailton, I’d rec and U<»lT« • Counties nr.<! tl -vu here by special Contract.. Dr. O. W. TUCKER, J’hysician and Surgeon. Office -No. 121 Newcastle street. A. C. BLAIN, M. D. ]?hys’.ciun and Surgeoj. N0.314‘a Newcastle Street. Residence, 60S oJbcmarle street. Office hours—o a. id. to 5 p. m . SA MUELBORC HA P V DT Attorney-at-Law. Office No. 121 X Newcastle Street. OR-Special Attention Given to Maritime | Law and Questions Affecting Land Titles.. - L— BEN NET & GROOVER, Attorncys-at Law. i office Up-Stairs, Cor. Monk and Newcastle Streets. SAM C. ATKINSON, Attorney-at-Law. Or-KICI In Wright's Bnililing, Cor. Monk and Newcastle Streets. , 'Brunswick Title and Guarantee Company*' (INCOKVOttATED.) 303}* NI AUASTLE STREET, BOOM* 2 and 1 CROYATT BLOCK. ’ cyki s Shelton, Altui.ey • Law. Manager 1 Gnarauh 1- • R-.'i I. int-in th'-, <Hy <>f Bruni-w. k ..»■•’ ’«!''• c . Lciiipltfte :.b --stracts fi r all property in said city and ,<wlv from the earli:- • period to th. pieM-nt time, and supplies »!i i caused -r a portion <d diynu muuty records rorinivr j I mation apply to Hie M Vk ILLI AM KNOX, R-::l E-tat • and Ihi- n < llr-'kc . Retail Stocks Bought and Sold. 3011 Newcastle Street 301’,. - ADAM , S jniCROBE KILLER. The Greatest Discovery of the Ago. O-D IN THBORY, BUT THE REMEDY RECENTLY DISCOVERED. CURES WITHOUT FAIL CATARRH, CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, HAY FEVER BRONCHITIS, RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, CANCER, SCROFULA, DIABETES, . DKIGHVS DISEASE, MALARIAL FEVER, DIPTHFRIA ANO CHILLS. In stat, ml terms ol Orjsnlc and Functional Clsoaso. 1 Ths ran , efl'- ti<l Uy thl, Medlrino aru 14 MIRACLES I « aiuittlMtrnssiuwiH ; wb llmhhund Mk'M toobuiud, U M; Jtr/ v* Microla Fr««. 0/LL UH O < 4 ,T | How can I get a Solid Gold Elgin W«tc"n, Warranted Worth $40.00 for $10.00? Answer.—Buy it on the Tontine Co Opsrative Payment Plan. TJN TARA L! J'.LEI) plan of purchasing wa'yb.c . The premiums allow ! r tmm the net co-l to n '“ ’ ‘ ’he co-.* <»f rianufacture, an<i gives every Btockh a guarani < ! i.ii the watch will n«if <•)-! him n* >re t Irin •?’*.» i ea-.i purchase of anv jewelry, •??; M {, " < 1 41,1 - Aml»‘j ".‘i .1. •■;..! .Me;" h.; - j . < mil'.--. r 'iuz i\ from SJU.OU d >v. ii ;*.s lo'.v aa $lO.tH) • our?, nu we give you more value tor your money than any Other Comnn >y. Lur agent will fuini.Ji you v ith blanks, or v\ >i will i n ward them f » n the <»fli e. A.-k ail your ri f< ? Purchase ,V rtt hr* an<! IhnniomlN <• i the loMtine < rative Payment Plan. 1 his is the only pla tby whicn goods can be s >LI on e isy p.aym.mts nt a small profit, as we can na -•• no |<hh.. | )V delivering"ds beterc tin y are id for. Call ami have the plan explained to you by axxcl Jeweler 215 NEWCASTLE STREET, peAj.ek IN’ FLORIDA CI’IIIOSniES AND OPTICAL GOODS. Fin<‘ W.,tch, Clock and Jewelry R« pairing .1 Specialty. Satisfaction Guarardecd. WlfflOiil'E HTIOhLIffi, 3ri i nswiclc., G-a. Capital, - - .$150,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits, - 35,000 M. ULLMAN, W. E. BUBBAGE, Jno. D.WRIGH, President. Vice President. Cashier mi» m is in front of the procession. Not a day comes but that orogress in some direction is mad Not a day passes without new subscribers being Idea to the list. Merchants of Brunswick, read the following picture,think over it carefully, then semi in your businessto the EV E ]\ T I N’ POS T • ■ THE EVENING PAPER LEADS. In commenting on the change of base of Murat IL'.lstil. th-* fami uh editor of the Cincinnat 1 Coinmei- (i.iActte, tu that of the Brooklyn i « | siandai d I ;on. an afternoon paper, the Times- Star rciri - that “the superior ryrita of an evening p/i| er when compared with tho?o of a l-v : 11 ;<■ [. 1 The one i •• :t history of to-day, the other a history <■■■ ■ i-'i : Un' <i ; reut, 11 >■ <•' in rn a fl i n i '1 be pun,’ i of trim < i the i- h-giu i For the i -io th.ii ■ ■ '’ll 1 v. ill tin' cr.iv, I>L I»i' li •• < t! (• l.ii-i- L. - t. i as he bolts his breakfast and gulps down hiscef- j II' 1 ti»»n o the|-ric< of th m < h<- h: I <ll pci-', tlu I -in . 1 ;<-hh hi <»’. lock mo intiiig tt.e l .i< l. of a <-. or < r the mantel, ho ( liiuiM-if for doiibk dut., v.z: dlge-ting hi-supper and the da: hi-tory. Nothing!n the ct ruing pa.rr? escßpc* thr rva-iZ’s eye; trie- IS||||| M ments arc >i- \ our-, d. 11 i. iof a lurch of nows only ii i hide I at, the r* ruin a p.q er isdr\ on red. The advertiser is awakening t j this exj ensive Jfl| In t. The man who has b <n pilloried in tiie ; vesper edition, will swear to its truth, and offer 1 a number of accusing witnesses as accumulating i Jm testimony. TV Ti-rie Picture. The p<*ople may rest assured that THE POST will continue in the line it has started, confidently believing that “Right is Might, and will Prevail.” The management earn estly Solicits the patronage of the People, As suring them that all Promises will Im, carried out to the letter. (MMOCB VALLEY EXIWTM <- A *W n. > Av k ’,■ ~y|hjx ' ■ / fits**' "‘r • / ■:■ MAI H .au I LO INS Commencing November sth. Ending November 15th. COLAJMBUS, GA. A SEASON OF UNRIVALLED ATTRACTION. This Exposition Will Be One of the Most Complete and Interesting Ever Held in.the South. E"ERY DEPARTMENT WILL PRESENT A FINE DISPLAY. LIBERAL PREMIUMS OFFERED FOR COUNTY AND INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITS. The Attractions for Visitors Will Be Numerous and Varied. TROTTINC and RUNNING RAtllS, MILITARY CON TESTS and EVERY KIND OF AMUSEMENTS. AI.LIAN'CE DAV, MERCHANTS’ DAY, DRUMMERS’ DAY and RED MENS’ DAY, Halloon AMe.-iuloni.uixl I’uruebuU. UM|.b Every Day Dining the Exposition ONE CENT. A MILE RATES OVER ALL Everybody come and have a good tine, Columbus will he in her glory. For Itu tlivr inioimatiou, catalogue*, etc. addreaa s J. J. SLADE, C. d. GRIMES,