The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, August 18, 1890, Image 2

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Wr evening post. * r... -• Mitered in the p wtoffiee at Brunswick. Ga., a* c raid-class ma .ter. Issued every day, except Sunday.from the ofike otpTiiK Event.g Post,” 114 Itivhu* >nd street. Ke>*t & Frost, Publishers ard Pr jpnefora. 8V BSC tai riONJ One) year, - - |4.001 Three months. - Sl. n <' StX months, - 2.001 One month, - - 4<i ADVERTISING RATES Are very reasonable, ami will be furnished upon application. TELEPHONE No. 49. TO SUBSCRIBERS. The management of Tin: I’osr'is making an earnest effort for the prompt delivery of the paper to every subscriber. Anyone who fails to get Lis paper, will confer a favor by re porting the fat t to the business office, 114 Richmond street. TO ADVERTISERS. All contract advertisers will please arrange to have the copy for any changes or for new advertisements, s?nt to the business office of The Post the day before the change is to lie made. 'J he management wi!’ esteem it a special favor if this re quest is complied with. L 1 That the era of purification in politics has not yet arrived is shown by the fact that tjie Democrats of Texas have renominated a Hogg for Governor whilst the Democrats of Maine have nominated Mudd for congress. The Farmers Alliance is undoubt edly camping upon the trail of the faithless politician. Th ■ politician is sagacious and understanding th situation, is aware of the hostile de monstration in his real. He moves on, however, as rapidly as a stone bruise on his heal will permit The farmers’ alliance has met with its first defeat in this state where the issue has been squarely made. In Monroe county, the Hou. |L B. Cabaniss was triumphantly oitr 1.. A. 1 ’«>i.. I. r, 11. ■ ■ For V ■ ■ to | w - ■r t killed Br Bbr : ' MMm 1 >• .: ■Wit. It never dots any harm and some people may be convinced. The first count of the census bureau, yet unrevised, fixes the popu lation of Georgia al 1.840,000 peo pie. The census of 1860 gave us 1,542,000 people, being a gain of about 300,000 within ten years. The present basis of representation in congress is one representative fori each 150,000 of population. Should the present basis of representation I be retained. Georgia will be entitled to an additional congressman. Should the basis be raised, as is pro ■ posed, we will atleast retain our ■ present representation, whilst several of the eastern states will suffer pro portionate losses. Senator Ingalls was one i the I ideal of Kansas Republicanism. Os commanding intelligence, of capti vating eloquence, his influence upon the politics of the country has been great. But his star now seems to be' upon the wane. The era of passion and hate upon which he has thrived is passing away, and sid to relate ! Mr. Ingalls is in trouble with his former constituants who are unable to view the tariff question in the same light thut he does. The breach has been widened so far that | it is by no means certain that the i old relations could be renewed, even if Mr. Ingalls should go home, don a pair of homespun trowsers and per mit himself to be chased around a ten acre field by a swarm of bumble bees. Ira bouse which has been divided : against itself is in any danger of falling, the condition of the republi can party is at least precarious There are now three leaders, each of whom is striving, j upon jdiffeieiit Jit»cs. for supremscy. Harrison Blaine and </uuy represent the di vided house bold n&d each is read) bu I t) the oti • I uoii> i to gem bis i end* i REPUBLICAN LAWLESSNESS. 1 The worst count v in the United States is undoubtedly Perry county, Kentucky, and it is not 100 miles from the bluegrass regions with its wealth and beauty and intelligence. I Perry county has no churches aud n > schools and no courthouse. It ha I a courthouse, but the people burned it axil ran the officers of the law out of the county, and no session | of com t has been held there for two years, until now a judge has been es-1 corted into the county by militia, j and is holding court in a tent close ly guarded by the troops. People have been killed ’ike wild animals , for years until hundreds of victims have fallen and a condition of sava- | gery exists that is appaling. The 1 men go armed constantly, there is no ! law but the law of force and assassi ; nation. Little attention is paid to the marriage relation. No taxes arc paid, and law, State and Federal, is > 1 defied. No murderer has been con- j victed in nil these years of outlawry | aud bloodshed, with one exception,; and that exception was sent to pris on for a few years. Peiry is a mountain county of Eastern Kentucky, lying within one tier of the line that jeparates Ken- I tueKy and Southwestern Virginia. llt has an erea of 700 square miles. The surface is irregular, made up of the Cumberland range, with inter vening valleys of great fertility. The billy portion is specially adapted to sheep raising. As rmal Republicanism goes in the South, this district is in all respects, fairly representative of the intelligence, public spirit and progress of the party. Show us a district in the south that has been uniformly Republican since 1870. and we will show you a community that, as a whole, is far behind the average in all that goes to make life and property and culture and peace and order valuable to civilized men. The people of Europe are not of such an inventive cast of mind as are the Americans, but sometimes they adopt our inventions with deadly effect. Notable amongst our inventions is the queer little game of draw poker. Our foreign friends were a little slow at catching the point of this at first, but that they have begun to faintly comprehend i ‘ some of its beauties, let the old story with a new application, attest. One ; cf the delegates from this country to the international medical congress in session at Berlin, recently undertook to beguile an evening with some , gentlemen over this game. At the I close of the game, the American | gentleman found himself some $30,600 out of pocket, and being unable to stand the loss, he quietly took such a dose of morphine as | caused him to pay the debt which :he owed to nature, although he left I his other creditors in the lurch. We boast, that the money which : the monarchies of Europe annually expend in maintaining their stand iig armies, we devote to the educa j tion of our people. The American people are a nation of boasters, and that, too, in the flight of some dam aging facts. It is true that great sums are spent in popular education. But when we speak of standing j armies, the effete monarchist points the linger of scorn at our bloated ; | pension lists, now swollen to i $150,000,000 per year. This sum I exceeds the combined pension lists of all the rest of the world, and is ■ greater than the cost of the entire ! german army by about $60,000,000. j j And yet the clamor is for more pen i sions, and the tide is only stopped ; because the treasury has been | ; drained and there is no more money | : to give away. Like the Greeks of old,we are con ! stantly busy in attempting to see or i hear something new. It is now said i that the management of the Atlanta exposition is considering the advis ’ ability of offering as an attraction at i the approaching exposition a genuine Spanish bull light. The genuine ep counter is not seen this side of Mex ieo, hut, for all of that, the gate re ceipts will pay for the outlay. The' only question is as t > the thickness of the epidermis of the management. It it can stand criticism without: j flinching, let the battle begin. Lit us smooth our ruffled feathers and pitch into the farmers alliance, it we cannot do auj thing else. There I I will be no bayonets at the polls this j year, i'iie force bill is dead aud ■ bulled, I lie subject had grown j wearisome. Let the people rejoin*. ——————— llu.i, o! New \oik, is said to have Ins eye on the legislature of that I •late, with th«- b»|o> of being < lected to the kciuU’ The country would I be glad to »e< Hit* out of the Wav .in ord«-r tb H ti.c t su way b« Kit |d(.ui for Ufovdaud a ill. I V ' LL'. iO" i>A' , At’GUST B, i>9o. RI AD THIS. About Mineral Waters: We have been made tb" exclu sive agents in Brunswick for the ! sale of the celebrated Bowden : Lithia Springs Water. It is espe- 1 eiallv recommended for all kidney, | bladder and urinary troubles. One I of the best recommendations this water can have is the very high endorsement given it by Dr. 'l. S. Kcpkins, Thomasville, Ga., who is i so favorably known in oui midst as one of the most successful and conch ntious physicians of Geor gia. Cail at oui store and get de scriptive matter, testimonials, etc. We also have the leading imported mineral vaters or. hand, embrac ing geDnine Seltzer, Vichy, Apol linaria. Hun' adi -Janos, Bitter, Sprudi !, Frei<ir: Saratoga Springs, Congress and Hathorn Waters by the single bot tle or case. Come and see us. LLOYD A ADAMS, Druggist. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dr. j. e. McMillan, I'hysician and Surgeon. Office:—Payne building on Monk | Street. PEARSON ELLIS, Attorney at Law. Office- 312.| Newcastle Stecet. Will prac’iec in the State and Federal Courts. 11. li. HOWARD, Real I'slate and Insurance Agt Ot i ice in Scurletl Block — Newcastle Street. HARRIS & SPARKS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law Will pr i'tlce in Supreme < ourt of <-■ a (Jniti 'l 't iles< “Hi t al Savannah, an i in the - u perioi- < <• nts us Glynn, Wayne, ( harlt ■u. !‘>« r< «- nmt < ulVt ? Counlivff ai.d thewiirre by special Contraet ■ < Hike n •<•u htl HhlliHii--. New < tr-lle >t. Dr. O. W. TUCKER. I’hysician and Surgeon OFFICE No. 121*i Newcastle Street. A. C.' BLAIN, M. D. Phys’cian and Surgeo). ♦ * No. Newcastle Street, i.-eti'lence, '>ns nibemarle stiect. Ofllce hour*—l» a. m. to sp. m. SAMUEL BORCH A I\DT Attorney at Law. Offiuk No. Newcastle Street. Attention Given to Maritime Law ami Questions AlVccting Land Titles. BENNET& GROOVER, Attorneys-at Law. Office l p-Mair>, (,'or. Monk ami Newcastle SAM C. ATKINSON, Attorney-at Law. Officf In Wright's Building, Cor. Munk ami Newcastle Streets. Brunswick Title and Guarantee Company (INUORPOR \ TED.) ;W:U, NF A CASTLE STREET, ROOMS 2 ami I CUO\ATT BLOCK. Cyrus Shelton, Attorney at Law, Manager : GuaranteesTlth wto Rmil E.-tate in the city of Brinn*wi*k and Glynn county. Ccmplcte ab stract- h r al! properly in said city and county from the earhe t perlo lto I!.e ;n c-< nt lime, ami ! supplies »mi.->tdon.. cairned by the destruction of I a portion of -Hyun county records. For Infor i mation apply to the Manager 1 WILLIAM KNOX, I Real Estate and Business Broker. Retail Stocks Bought and Sold. 3011 Ncwcust’e Street 3044. dgm. RAdam-s Wl miCHOBE (JuS>) KILLER \ The Greatest discovery of the Age. OLD IN THEORY. BUT THE REMEDY KKLENTLY DISCOVERED. CURES WITHOUT FAIL CATARRH, CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA. HAY FEVER, BRONCHITIS, RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, CANCER, SCROFULA, OIABETES, BRIGHT'S DISEASE, MALARIAL FEVER, DIPTHERIA AND CHILLS. In short, all forms of Organic and Functional Disease. Ths cures effected by this Medicine nrc in ! many caaea MIRACLES! Fold onlv in Juks containing One Gallon. I'l-ice 'l'lirt-e l>..llnr- >tsmallinveHtmeut when Health aud Life out be obtained. “History of the Microbe Killer” Free. CALL ON 04 ADDRESS .1. T. Rot KIVU 1 ■ -"!>■ Vo. io. Ili nnm ick. Ga* pRUNKE N g ES r Liquor Habit. muint vogu) mue /$ mrr omi cum o* HAitfES GOLDEN SPECIFIC. Jll »ii Iwgu «<H iu f viflTvr. I* a. or hl MfUctr* of MilliMUt (lit* UuowhdMf of pai|**nt If <>«*< < il übwiuU-l> Rariul«**» will • Hr t a ptrma- Biiti >p. rtl) t IT* »h. lh» l the «>.*! r Ja< f* 11.... . I rinnMi uraHMi* < «»ib’ ui<. i 11 si v 41. FAIL* l< ' |»-lrii.» fc. . >rl l> i. I'4 vtill. I»UI h iMi.-nlj to»l U.< uh i, , . , u- VHI.II t Ill.rtlHfOb lli» • .‘is j I <«- Isf. I I Uli I. ia * • I«<J ♦* j tMavfe, h ,) i,, , j 1 Mn l> a 4UAM • b.ft,'.. ,-la, Mr •ISW.r'L, UA T< or I Sale. 1 ICECREAM FIEEIBS. The REST in the ■< . STUBBS-GREER Hardware COMPANY. Um C. E. E: O "2 r LE , house and Sign Painter o In gs toinfiffin the citizens of Brunswick that he is now located in .1. M chelsoirs building, on Richmond street. Porters old stand. He always employs the best workmen and asks the public to Try His New Sign Writers. Mr. Hoyle cannot b< surpassed as to House, Sign and Decorative Painting. He will also reset broken glass. C. E. HOYLE, House and Sign Painter. P. C M ILLLR, House Mover. Headquarters corner Mansfield and ’Ellis Streets. I<akc.s a 'pcclalty of moving buildings ot all kind.-, satisfaction guaranteed. A. J. Braswell, PRACTICAL WHEELWRIGHT AND BLACKSMITH. Manufacturers ot Wagonsand Burgles. General Repair Work of Every de scription promptly done at the lowest living .prices, ami in the best workmanlike manner. HORSESHOEING A SI'EITALTY ■ When you have any work to- do in onr line cal on u>. i Oglethorpe >t.. rear of Biun-wick Hardware Co.. Brun>wick. Ga. > itisfaction gui i antced. Bowles & Baker, Kewman Block, Bay Street, i Merchandise Brokers Ami— GENERAL AGENTS. Agents for Georgia and I loridaforj I Ma- male and I’rban Safi Company and Alpine Safe Company. Agents for the R. Sauer Showcase ( Co., arid the Culigraoh Tv i>e writer. D. T. DUNN, IClolhing and Gents’ Furnishing Goods. —_ : i My friends and the public generally a'e cordially invited tocnll and < examine my stock < f NGW SPUING CLOTHING Styles to plea.-’ t e tilo t fastidious » ll»Oi M, ACWI wt, I mil IliliHM •Those who have favored me with their patronage ail say with one aceord, V “Vlr. Craig you have certainly made a V good beginning in Brunswick: so far as I • keeping the bast of goods and selling them I al r< k asonable prices is concerned, your jHH| business is bound to grow every day.” W Yes / have Aept the very best that can be bought and will continue so to do 1 as long as I am in business, and I am I grateful lhat my elforts have been appre ciated. 7’here are enough people in I Brunswick who want first class grocer- a ries Io sustain me in my endeavors; of fl this I feel assured. fl To any who have not yet been to see me / have this to say, “call in and look at fl my store whether you wish to buy or fl not, your visit will be appreciated and if you happen to make a purchase, I am fl certain of a customer. ■ lu ail kinds of Canned Heats, Vegeta- fl hies, Fruits, Jams, Preserves, Relishes, etc., foreign and domestic, I have the greatest rarity. ZEi. S- G“Zt?ooezr?_ COR. HOWE and NEWCASTLE STREETS j Under one Management CENTRAL HOTEL AND PUTNAM HOUSE, I. L. PETERSON, Proprietor. Special rates for regular boarders. First-class in every particular. £ff“Your patronage respectfully solicited. GOTO M. prni rt~] FO i ALL CLASS OF JOB PRINTING. New Press, New 'Type, New Office, Kaiser Block—Newcastle Street. J.lU'iiiiiiAfo., Dealers in and manufacturers of Carriages & Buggies, Texas Pony Carts, $lO to $13.50 each. New and second - hand Wagons, Buggies and Phaetons. One nice building lot 34x150 for sale. rtF* i bargain m New Store and Dwelling ' combine J. W. NUNN, CO. Cornet VmMleJd and no! ; WE ARE MERE. "As snug u» a bug in u rug.” THE PEARL SHAVING SALOON. w ok win t F<- i woikMi«ii • vH»pl»»)e-i Will >< ■hi muii lair, < nil and * mi; a*. 141 M»L 4 GUI-PL- . • jWESTERN MEAT MARKET, Charles Baumgartner, Proprietor. All kinds of Western and Tennessee Meats at Wholesale and Retail. Select Brandsjjf the Finest Breakfast Bacon and Hains ' a Specialty. ! FREE DELIVERY IN THE ‘Paints, H Paper aud.Window Shades. Signs, Banners, Decorative and Plain Painting. Artists’ and Decorators’ Material, Dry and in Oil. 1-anev Work material oi every description W.E .PORTER I 500 M onk Street. JiL JOO. WINDOW SHADES Complete with Spring Rollers, Handsome and Artisvc designs from 50 Cents to $4.00 Each. We can suit almost every taste, and we are not anxious to hold them over for EXORBITANT PRICES. Cail and see them at C. McGARVEY’S. • 316 NEWCASTLE STREET 316 BURR WINTON, Brunewiok STENOGRAPHIC AND TYPEWRITING so.. „ < v.w HKADQCABTKB.. Ml I R A II | All work neatly un<l promptly exe I manor $ Builder fl fl • I'<J*'.»»*!• •I'4 Lm ( l Mtf h lit ii 1 HU