The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, August 20, 1890, Image 4

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LA BELLE FOREST. The Golden Spot of Georgia and the Finest Forest in the World. Did you ever take the morning train on the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad, and scud along through the fo.csts of pine and the green meadows that skirt the beautiful country between here rad Macon ? It is a most delight ful little run at this season of the yeai, The fields of forests, green with the promise of a plenteous har vest, the rolling hills clad in their kirtle of bright green and crowned with the primeval woods, God's first temple, now sloping their broad backs to the very verge of the creeks, and now receding in tiie purple mists of a brilliant sunset until their tops seem to touch the heavens and take on the vague, tin certain views that mingle with our dreams of fairy land; the beau tiful little creeks wending their va rious ways through all this feast of vernal loveliness conspire to com plete a picture that makes you love life and thank Aim who has lavished all his good gifts upon this happy land and set you in the midst to enjoy it. What a splended piece of property this little road is. What a it traverses and what possi ■k-. i; , .pt ■ M Khas become part of a which V ■ ■ \BRjed and with nnew.d \ ij"i Jnpon her forward march to more perfect prosperity and commercial importance. While we lose our selves .in this summer reverie and indulge our imaginations in these Utopian dreams of wealth and munic ipal grandeur, we must not neglect to seize the present moment and ex tract what we can from that. We know no better manner to put you in the way of doing this than by calling your attention to the splend ed line of Tourist’s Rulllings which adorn the counters at the PA LAI b ROYAL. We have these goods from 15c. a box up to 35c. Checked Nainsook, White and Black Lawn at all prices. These goods just received are charm ing. Do you waut to examine a splendid stock of East Black Hose, which rangs in price from 15c. to our cel ebrated Silk Hose at $1.25? We are the people that keep them in all sizes and prices. Do not forget that our stock of Hirsch's Umbrellas is the most complete in the city. Having just received a new line of Laces and Embroideries we can suit the public at large with styles and prices. I Uh, friends. Tn* ILuoUs RoiAL. SZHUTZ BROS. . tl |m rt * ai bi • I “ f I th I to bi re I or I a ; Ui Lt I! [tl w CORSETS. Is This week we will offer bar- N tl gains in Corsets. We carry all p the popular and standard makes of Corsets, goods that c ,' ' n almost everybody knows the t< .. . , . v price ot without ever examin- . ing the goods. Our stock is ll ti all new, clean goods, and eni- e ii braces all the sizes for Misses p r i • • » i 1 and Ladies b’om 18 to 36. WE WILL OI FER 11 ; 1 1 lot' of Ladies’ Corsets at a I h 25c worth 10c. C fl 1 lot of Ladies’ ( orsets at II r' 35c w<>r Ji 50c. ■ ‘‘ i 1 • lot of Ladies’ Corsets at d b 50c worth 75c. ti I lot of Ladies’ Corsets at isc w rth 81. Thompson’s Glove -Fitting c 1 Corsets at sl. >. . 8 I hompson's “G” Glove-Fit- a i - c t ing Corsets at $ 1.25. ( Thompson's “G,” extra long, ( . ,(r love-Fit ting ('orsets at $1.50. j 8 Thompson's "E” Glove-Fit- f j.) r ting Corsets at $1.75. ’ Thompson's ‘‘E” Glove-F.t- 1 | C ting Corsets, fast black, at 8 $1.75. Thompson’s Nursing Corsets t at sl. b I Thompson's Abdominal Cor-i" f< r sets at $1.50. Io II and G Corsets at 75c/’ J worth sl. \ i u ,R and G Corsets at $1 ~ worth $1.25. t 1 R ‘»nd G Summer Corsets at v $1 worth $1.25. 8 ti [, Self-opening Corsets at 75c s worth SI.OO. 1 II French Woven ('orsets, Em broidered basks, at 85. French Woven ('orsets, extra r song, at $1.25 worth $1.75. Patent Medial Corsets at 82 worth $3. i d i, C. P. Corsets at $2 worth $3. . b 1(. e s * r * I J 1 SCHUTZ BROS.! HIE EVENING TO MOVE THE TENTS. Pent Dwellers are Ordered to Move- Will They do It? An ordinance was passed through he city council and approved by the nayor on the 17th day of last Feb uary prohibiting the construction of iny tent, booth or any other sort of milding other than that deemed fire proof” by the council within he fire limits of the city. At that time thej-e were several ents standing on Newcastle street, ut until within the last twenty ays no attempt has been made to emove them. They were, however, n the Ist day of August served with notice to remove the tents outside lie limits by the city marshal. The ime expires today, and the tents arc till up. Will the officers tear them down? lere is the rub. They have notified he tenters t.ijremove. Some of them vil 1 not obey the mandates of the aw. A Post reporter called on Mr. kelson, the clerk and asked him if ,he city expected to execute the law n this case and. seize the tents. He replied, that such was the course to be persued. Nothing further 3onld be elicited from him, and the reporter called on the tent proprie tors. R. V. Jumis was first inter-, viewed. He said: “I have sold out and will remove to-morrow.” ( ratter Bros , the pho tographers, we”e asked wlia* they expected to do. They replied: “We intend to remain here and continue business until our license expires* provided we are not molested. If, however, the authorities see tit to demolish our tent, we will see if they are not responsible to us for any damage we might sustain. We! have retained Messrs. Bennett and Groover to represent us and we will light it to the bitter end. John Suter was next seen. lie has sold out his tent and will remove his stock this evening. Other tent dwellers are preparing to discontinue business and remove the obnoxious Lents. To morrow will tell the tale. • BRUNSWICK STREET RAILROAD. Change of Schedule and New Sys tem of Transfer- The new stables on Mansfield street are now the meeting point ofl all the street car lines. The street car system is now practically com posed of six divisions, as follows’. The Belt Line, Eastside Division from the stables to a point on J street, near J. J. Spear’s residence. The Belt Line, Westside Division from the stables to J street near J. J. Spear’s residence. The Union Street Division, from the stables to First avenue and New rustic street. The Dixville Division, from he stables to the Dixville terminus. The Newcastle Street Division, from the stables to the switch mar Lhe grist mill. Transfers can be made at the sta-j bles from one line to any one of the ithei’s for the one fare, but ii trans fers are made at division terminals ither than the stables, fare will again be collected. Cars on the Newcastle street di vision leaves the stables every 7A’ minutes: the Union and Bay street oys, every 10 minutes; the Belt line . ars both divisions, every 15 minutes Lhe Dixville cars every 30 minutes. Miss Shearer is selling out her stock at cost to make room for fall mi Ilin ary. See J. J. Lissner & Co.’s ad. in to day’s paper. Call and inspect our stock before purchasing your monthly and weekly groceries. Jones & Capers. The Peoples' Market Cor. Monk and Mansfield Sts. The Peoples’ Market is now open again and is better than ever pre pared to furnish the very BEST OF MEATS fMF*Free delivery to any portion of the city. It. G. STEEN & SON, Proprietors. J. E. YOUNG, Back Landing Lumber Yard P.Ue and Cypn-.s Lumber. Luths. Flooring, '-bitigles, < eiimg, Moulding. ('suing, etc Correct leamunt Gcaraiteetf. Li.luUt-r »*4 Mv | uilliir fun,;, • 1 . . . . K Wednesday, august 2' isoo. I’iiSt: INTO ETERNITY. There is Where Her Soul Was Hurled. By a Bolt of Lightning.-Anna Jane i Williams the Victim.-She was Killled This Morning at Her Home at 11:3O. At 11:30 this morning, many poi sons • lhe city were startled by ati unusually loud clap of thun ler. Persons were heard to exclaim, that; something had been struck at no! great distance Such proved to be the ease. The 1 pealing sound that startled the ear! was the .drum beat that ushered a I soul into eternity. At No 518 Cochran avenue, lives' Kilty Cargle, who keeps a small; boarding house for negroes living in that neighborhood. Kitty is a quiet, | respectable looking mulatto woman whose health is not good. Three weeks ago she employefl another ne gro woman, who lives on St. Simon’s Island, to come and assist her in her household duties. The woman's name was AnirfTJane Williams. To day, aj, about half past eleven o’clock, Anna Jane was sitting by an open window in the little kitchen of , the hou.-e, whilst the Carole woman was busy replenishing the fire in the stove. The Cargle woman heard the tremendous crash of thunder, and at the same time felt a severe shock herself. Turning around she saw Anna Jane falling, apparently dead to the floor. The news soon spread over the city that a woman had been killed ' by lightening, and Dr. J. \. Botts and a Post reporter hastened to the I scene, Upon an examination, the doctor soon discovered that the woman was dead. The fatal bolt had evidently struck her in the head. Iler tongue was scorched and her lips weie seared, otherwise there were no signs of a violent .death. The doctor de clared that the death had been instantaineous. A great crowd of awe stricken! darkies had assembled around and ! in the little house, who took their turns in gazing upon the features of i the dead woman as she lay as though in sleep. This is said to be the first instance ! of a death from lightning stroke that « has occurred in the city in many years. The coroner will doubtless 1 hold an inquest upon the case, and a jury will probably return u verdict in accordance with the above A Nice Cottage Wanted- A strictly first-class, careful ten i ant wants to rent a cottage con'alu- ' ! ing 3to 5 rooms. Prompt pay and : [good references. Address giving ! location and price L. M. Care Evening Post. Slaughter:- -Thats the proper | ! name of the prices we are selling is.imnier goods of all descriptions at. I J. J. Lissneu Co. Jinney A Johnson 31b (Jans of but Iler the best in the world at Jones & ( apers. i Some very elegant flowers at Miss , Shearer's below cost. Corset Sale. The ladies should read the adver- ■ ; I tisement of Schutz Bros., corset sale [ Jin to day's Post. ’ All grades of cor sets are offered at extreim. lv low tie» i " ii res. For Rent! Y A nice five room house with large, I lot. near Lover's Oak. for S2O per! month. Apply to Hitch & Stacy, j 2221 Newcastle Stieet. ts. Roy’s Blood Purifier J Cure* Boils, Old Sores. Scrofulous Ulcers. Scrof. ' Ulous Sores Scrofulous Humor and all scrofulous . ; diseases. Primary. Secondary and Tertiary Con tageous Blood Poison. Ulcerous Sores, diseases o! , 1 j the Scalp salt Kheunt, Blotches. Pustules. Pimp- I les.ltch.Tetter King-worms.Scald-Head.Eczema, Kheumatiatu, Constitutional lilood Poiaou. Mer- j i curia! Rheumatism. Diseases of the Bones. Gen . eral Debility in<l al! diseases arising from impure Blood or lli reditary Taint. Sold by retail drug, fists, fl per bottle, Roy Remedy Co-, Atlanta, Ga. (ONEY \ I’ARKEB, WLok-sa‘e and re’.all in Wood | Coal BRI n K SHINGLES AND LATHS.j; BRUNSWICK BRICK WORKS. J , ua. ; '‘tf h-'* * * d M’**’ ■ * ■I. . . f. . . .la ,1 . * 'a.< t. t<IU k' . I WW - | ! I HH| -ju* wnimiar • i aaa-,.- Tj.aßrt'-- -r li ' I Slaughter. ■ I Barcrains j - j - s ’ Haws v I | “ Cor. Gloucester ana Grant Sts. ! u e M | “ ■ Slaughter. .1 Owing to the departure of one | J of our firm to the Eastern Mar/cets to pur- | | chase our Fall StocAr we will from this j / B Date Sell our Summer Goods of (Mer// | | Description IIEGUIDLESS OF PKOF- i ■ 1 -I B IT. This is no trap to. catch the un- | ■ y wary, hut a genuine offer ot best Quality | I of goods at Sluaghter Prices. 11l I JL I I J. J. LISSNER & CO . | LEADERS OF LOW PRICES I __ ’ I g imni minwuwii « rj TP GTTTpp v - / * ■*-*• kJX " LXJ " x > THE Furn it ure . » I ) E A. EE R, ()----INTe wcjisf le Street-"-; M o=o 71 v j 0 JG r 0 1 K Wg B 0 r bWPMi ; ® P- o? *' I J M I•' — 1 *• 3 I H H'Hi 3 7f\ Z 11 iu LI nil <i a, rHP"SI t j: JI IF Hi 5 ® h(] o _ £ ® ■H ~~ L... I & y BP^ 8 U ■ L4j 1 p| 5 L? ® Having moved to mv new and commodious <|iiai*t(‘]*s al 310 Newcastle street, I nm better than ever prepared to show my elegant stock of I I ILXI'I I KE, w hich I w ill sell on very close margin. me mill. < . E.