The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, August 22, 1890, Image 2

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THE EVENING POST. Enterol in the |» »stortire at Bninsw’Ck, <»a., ax t>** -class m.rtcr. lbrnc<l evt*rr day. except Sunday, I rum the oilice oi-Tm Even:’.'i Post,'* JU l|ichn*jnd street. Kent & Frost, Publishers mpu Proprietor*. BUBSCBIPTIOX. One, ll.ffO I Tlirer month*. - sl.oo Six mouths, - 2.001 Otte month, - - 40 ADVERTISING RATES Jre very rea*onabl ?, am! will be furnished uj*ou application. TELEPHONE No. 49. TO SUBSCRIBERS. • The management of The Post is making an earnest effort for the prompt delivery of the paper to ever}- subscriber. Anyone who fails to get his paper, will confer a favor by re porting the sac t to the business office, 114 Richmond street. TO ADVERTISERS. All contract advertisers will please arrange to have the copy for any changes or for new advertisements, sent to the business oflice of The Post the day before the. change is to be made. The management will esteem it a special favor if this re quest is complied with. Gov. Northen, when elected, will need a good man to write his speechei. The Hon. John Temple Graves will make a handy secretary. The fiard luck into which th< Louisiana lottery has fallen may in spire afeeling of sympathy on thr partofthat company for its pat rons. Senator Call, of Florida, is meet ing with determined opposition upon the part of some of the news, papers of that state in his canvas for ,reelection to the senate. ** 11 Tin: German citizens of thii land afltry have set on foot a movement •g to the establishment of Ger enjo} it. a8 a holiday. The fourth Property thi. a very good holiday, and B mfy the German desire for iltl!l '\iofl>eer. "l K 11 h p< • .pend iibui ' < ", ' I w -'K -s®» Hiblic. He calls it "I KFi ! > itself to a frazzle. The spectre of cholera is looming ■ up in away to cause great appro ' hension to the world. A ease has already been reported as occurring in London. The East and a portion of Europe have been devastated by this most dreadful of diseases for some months past. Unless the strictest quarantine is enforced, it will be but a short while until the scourge may reach our shores. For the last time the world will have the privilege of witnessing the Passion Play as performed at Ober Amergau. The Prince of Bavaria has concluded to abolish the perfor mance because it |ias lost its lelig eous character and has fallen into the hands of the theatrical specula tors. The Prince is scarcely so thrifty as Princes usually are, else he would have demanded a percentage of the profits and have insisted upon a benefit for himself. . Sln*t: .Mr. Blaine has taken his position upon the subject of the tariff, and has boldly defied the ruinous leaders of his party, much of his old timed popularity has re vived. not only amongst his old friends, but there are many of his ancient enemies who are disposed to think more kindly of him. Should Mr. Blaine utter the word or two which alone are necessary from him in order to finally dispose of the force bill, he would probably come nearer to reaching the presi dency than if he remained silont. The fears of a foreign invasion have prevented the English people from encouraging any scheme which propose 1 either to bridge or to tun nel the English clianel An Ameri can has recently succeded in break ing all previous records in swim ming across this narrow, though tur bulent body of waler. Such easy access to their insular home Las probably not been con»idered by the | war department of the British gov- < cm merit. Some fine morning an < army of Frenchmen may swim over I and eat up all of the roast beef hi d I plum pudding of old Englund t "HERE'S A LOOKING AT YOU.” '1 he defeat if the LehlebacL amendment to the force bill mi nc- , count of the absence fioiu their pla ces of a number of tipsy congress men recently awakened the country to an understanding of the convivial habits’practiced by gentlemen elected to attend to the business of their constituents. Upon the subject of the attempted suppression of the sale of liquor in the nation’s Capitol,; a Nolhern Journal has this to say : i ‘‘Senator I’i.i.mb.s movement against the indiscriminate selling of liquor in the Capitol is commenda ble. There is altogether too much joviality in that building. But all the unseemly rioting which goes on there is not confined to the restau rants in the Senate and House wings ’ of the Capitol. If there is beer sold over the counter, there is whiskey in the sidebot.rds of the committee ( rooms- Then there are the elabo ’ ' rate breakfasts which have recently ’ grown into fashion and at which , there is altogether more champagne I K drunk than is compatible > with the 8 proper transaction of business.” , ‘‘We ure sure that no one wishes j to regulate the morals or habit* of | l_ Congressmen nor to restrain their conduct by sumptuary rules, but the “ people have the light to ask thei” 1 legislators to conduct themselves in . a gentiemcnly way, Gentlemen do I not drink whiskey in their business offices, end committee looms are { nothing more or less than business offices. People with a proper re p gard for their dignity do not permit their confidential clerks to keep liquor in their offices. Yet commit tee clerks often keep liquor in the Capitol and sometimes have a sup n ply for the Chairman. Perhaps the i- Senate ought not to intrude into the | r committee rooms, but it has a per i feet right to insist that the ns- i * taurant shall not be turned into a ( bar room and’there shall be no drink ing for the sake of drinking in the public places of the Capitol.” ‘‘As tothe ruin of young men at the f Senate or House bar, that we fancy is a figment of a prohibition imagi nation. Young employees of con e gross who are ruined by a drinking e place on the floor below, would not e be restrained from ruin by being 0 obliged to cross oyer to the opposite | t hotel. If Mr. Plumb’s reform could f be confined within the realm of rea son it would be admirable. The trouble is with the liquor question that the reformers are very likely to I be more intemperate than the , drinkers.” —, , r On the day before yesterday, at Atlanta, Gov. Gordon endeavored to 1 secure a hearing before the convert L ‘ tion of the Farmers’ Alliance. The convention, in its official capacity, r declined to hear an address from any . one not a member of its body. Au 8 arrangement was made, however, by r which the governor was enabled tn j address the members of the c mven ,■ tion in their unofficial capacity and j i simply as Georgia farmers. The ] . governor spoke eloquently ’upon the t subject of the ralation of the alliance ■ . to the democratic party, and ex pressed himself as in harmony with most of its views. The gov 1 ernor, however, had the courage to I j flatly say that he could not endorse ' 1 the sab treasury scheme. It is pos i 1 1 sible that this position may cost the i governor his reelection to the senate, [ but he retains the respect of all men ’ in his. thus plainly declining to sail ! under false colors. > -■ - The triangular tight upon the sub > ject of the passage of the forte bill i has begun in the senate. Senator Quay is leading one faction of the re publicans, and is receiving the hot shot of his republican colleagues with his usual equinimity. As an embezzler of public money and as a corruptor of voters, Quay was not denied the comfort and aid of his 1 P-irty, but now that he has ven ture 1 to claim his position as a leader, he is denounced by those wh > are reapiag the benefit of his rascality. There are highwaymen and sneak-thieves amongst politi cians. Quay belongs to the highway man class. A new election law. which has been passed in Indiana, requires, the parties to head their tickets with a symbol of some kind. The demo crats will adorn their tickets with the rooster, as of old. The ancient symbol of the republicans has been the coon, but a new departure might be suggested in the adoption of the more patriotic Grandfathers Hat. The inspector of customs for the port of Brunswick is accused of mis conduct in oflice. lie olfeis a " defence of himself. Let him be " heard, and in bis official condui t let .. him he judged by the same stuudaida -■< that are applied to an) other matt. HIE EVENING POST: FRIDAY, AUGUST 22. 1890. READ THIS. About Mineral Waters:— We have been made the exclu sive agents in Brunswick for the I Mile of the celebrated Bowden i Lithia Springs Water. It is espe- ; cially recommended for all kidney,) bladder and urinary troubles. One . of the best recommendations this waler can huve is the very high endorsement given it by Dr. T. S. IG-pMns, Thomasville, Ga., who is i so favorably known in our midst as one of the most successful and conciintious physicians of Geor gia. Call at out ’store and gel de scriptive mutter, testimonials, etc. Wo also have the leading imported mineral waters or. hand, embrac ing genuine Seltzer, Vichy, Apol linaria, Hun* adi-Janos, Bitter, Sprudel. Freidrickshall,and others. | Saratoga Springs, Congress and: Hathorn Waters by ’he single hot ■ tie or case. Come and see us. LLOYD ADAMS, Druggist. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dr. j. e. McMillan. I‘liysician and Surgeon. Oi-i-K E—Payne building mi Monk Street. PEARSON ELLIS, Attorney at Law. Oeitce- 312| Newcastle Stceet. Will practice in the State and 1 Federal Courts. _______ —• 11. 11. HOWARD, Real F.slate and Insurance Agt On H i; m 8. iirlett Block—Ni-wnmle Street. ! Attorneys and Counsellors at Law * Will pra tire m Supreme Court of ”•/’«. I L'nilcd ■'•t ltrs Court al Savannah, anti in the >ll - perior <om ot Glynn, W ayne, < 'harlt<»n, Fiercr I mid Coffee Counties and tl-ewbvre by special < Contract. Oiliroin Scarlett Building. Newriulle st. Dr. O. W. TUCKER, Physician and Surgeon On let: -No. 121’. New<-n.,tle Strei t. t A. C. BLAIN, M. D. Physician and Surgeo n N0.’314,‘a Newcastle street. keisi<lenrr, s .Übemnile stiett. Oflice hours—9a. in, to 5 p. m. SAMUEL BORCHARDT Attorney-at Law. Oi l ICE No. 121 Z L Newcastle Street. Special Attention Gi\rn t » Maritime Law and Questions Affecting I-and Titles. BENNET& GROOVER, Attorneys-at-Law. Oi l ici: Up-stairs, Cur. Monk and Newcastle Streets. SAM C. ATKINSON, Attorney at Law. Ori lUF in Wright’s Building, Cur. Monk amt New castle Streets. Brunswick Title and Guaranty Company (INI’OKI’OK vntD.) NUAuAsTLE <TREI*.T. ROOM>2am,l J CHOVATT BLOCK. Cyrus Shelton, Attorney at Law. Manager Guarantee-Tltb sto R (a l E>latc in the city of BrunsMik and Givnn county. Uriuplvtr" ab stracts f<r al! property in said’eity and county from the earliest peri<» i to the present lime, ami supplier nnisslon ; caused by the destruction of a portion of iil vim county records. Forinhr mat ion apply to the Manr.ger Ocean Hori-.i. BARBER SHOP. hot .\m> cold baths. £VII work stri :t]y first class. badam'S «> jniCRDBE d KILLER. /The Greatest Discovery of the Age. OLD IN THEORY, BUT THE REMEDY RECENTLY DISCOVERED. CURES WITHOUT FAIL CATARRH, CONSUMPTION. ASTHMA. HAY FEVER, BRONCHITIS, RHEUMATISM. DYSPEPSIA, CANCER, SCROFULA. DIABETES, BRIGHT'S DISEASE. MALARIAL FEVER, DIPTHERIA AND CHILLS. In short, all forms of Organic and Functional Disease. The cures effected by this Medicine arc in many cates MIRACLES! Sold only In Jugs containing One Gallon. Price Three Dollars -Hhimill iiivotuieut when Health and Life can l>e obtained. “ History of the Microbe Killer” Free. CALL ON O.? ADDRESS •I. T. lt<>L’K WELL. Solo Airent, Brnnsu irk. Ga, Muim wottto Mate/s Birr o*f cun O'HllftS GOLDEN SPECIFIC Ilj aiilH-givrnlnc i.-a ..nnai i. i» »of < WHUuut th< knuMlvdgi *4 putlvcH ts nrr.—.Arv it Im ■l»»u|u<4»l) barnileM* am! will « tt< < t u prriua. UrUt and *prr.|) t urr. whrltwr th.- i« t* drillti-r »>r mu Mhudu llr r« < k IT XEV hit FAIL*-. It «>p« ral> » *<> j tirtiy h* dna iti> , n I -i-rtMitily li<at u><> pal ami u !.<!«• rg- • - nu ittuun I < rruirtice. and mmhi »>>•« ■ •?.;! t. iu.Mtiwn l« 4* fr« r i‘- Im- |«a<i wf LL«n l> A Al’AM' IhtigHi («, Brunswick, ga i Sale. —-• ••• FBEtlE! l ': The BEST | in the I STUBBS-GREER Hardware COMPANY, jm.giß-MBWCASTLEST.-Nc.Zlßi C- "i—'T* *7* ( house and Sign Painter Begs toinfonn the citizens of Brunswick that lie is now located in .J. M'dielson's building, on Richmond street, Porters old :tand. He always employs the best workmen and asks the public to Try His New Sign Writers. Mr. Hoyle cannot bi surpassed as to House, Sign and Decorative Painting. He will also reset broki-n glass. |C. E. HOYLE, House and Sign Painter. P. C MILLER, House Mover. Headquarters corner Mansfield and Ellis Streets. I<akes a specialty of moving buildings oi all kin I-. Satisfaction guaranteed. . , - - - A. J. Braswell, PRACTICAL WHEELWRIGHT AND BLACKSMITH. Manufacturers of Wagons anti Btugiew. General Repair Work of Every de-, scription promptly done at the lowest living prices, and in the best workmanlike manner. HORSESHOEING A Sl'Et lALTY When you have any. work to do in c ur line cal 1 on us. Oglethorpe st . rear of Diunswlek Hardware to.. Brunsw iek. Ga. Satisfaction 211? lay teed. Bowles & Baker. Kfwman Block, Hay Street, Brokers GENERAL AGENTS. Agents for Georgia and Florida for | Miu nrale and Urban Safe Company! and Alpine Sate Company Agents for the R. Sauer Showcase' ’ 0., and the Culigranh Tvue-wiiter. D. T. DUNN, Clothing and Gents’ Furnishing Geo Is. My friends and the public generally a <■ cordially invited to call and examine my stock < f Ninv SPUING CLOTHING St vies to pi a* ■ • ' < i not fastidioui. ■ block, Nvwc’ulh* "tru t i, I I £1)01) L- w^r^jß-tyrr^gr-•*'<«,■ Those who have favored me with their patronage all say with one accord, “Vlr. Craig you have certainly made a I y»ood beginning in Brunswick so far as I keeping the bast o' goods and selling them at reasonable prices is concerned, your business is bound to grow every day.” ■ Yes / have /.ept the very best that I can be bought and will continue so to do V as long as I am in business, and I am I grateful that my efforts have been appro- B ciated. There are enough people in I Brunswick who want first class grocer- B ries to sustain me in my endeavors; of this i feel assured. I • ---5 To any w ho have not yet been to see ■ me ! have this to say, “call in and look at I my store whether you wish to buy or 1 not, your visit will be appreciated and if * you happen to make a purchase, I am certain of a customer. In ail kinds of Canned Mears, Vegeta bles, Fruits, Jams, Preserves, Relishes, (de., foreign and domestic, I have the greatest rarity. ZEt. S. OZBLA.ZEGL G-rocer. GOR. HOWE and NEWCASTLE STREETS. Under one Management CENTRAL HOTEL and PUTNAM HOUSE, I. L. PETERSON, Proprietor. i Spe Hal rates for regular boarders. First class in every particular.* XMF“Aour patronage respectfully | solicited. O O T O ( M. PAR K E IT] FOR ALL CLASS OF JOB PRINTING. New Press, New Type, New Office, Kaiser Block—Newcastle Street. J.W.SiiiiiiACo., Dealers in and manufacturers of Carriages & Buggies, T’ex'nA Pony Carts, ,$lO to $13.50 [ i each. New and second - hand ■ \V agons, Buggies and Phaetons. One nice building lot 34x150 for sale. fW* I bargain in New bture and Dwelling combine J. W. M NN, CO. < <»rn<*>'MantfDld and He\n<>ld«‘H»rv» , t' - WE ARE HERE. “As snug as a bug in a rug.” the pearl shaving saloon. ** j «• med w »rk!»»«•»« oftly «iiii4«jed' tr '<••.< ! and <v« ry t.iih . iik-. < all a?id f •-c u«. Til Loh « uoLpa.*«. | WESTERN MEAT MARKET, Cl:arles Baumga rtne r, Proprietor. I —— All kinds of Western and Tennessee Meats at Wholesale and ! Retail. Select Brands’of the Finest Breakfast Bacon and Hain* I a Specialty. |IjZrFREE DELIVERY IN THE CITY.TSSI W. EXPORTER, HOUSE AND SKSN PAINTER. • t KALSOMINING, PAPERHANGING , AND HARDOIL FINISHING. All work guaranteed Also dealer in Paints, Oils, Etc. I ’’ 500 Monk Street. W JI WINDOW SHADES Complete with Spring Rollers, Handsome and Artist’c designs from 50 Cents to SI.OO Each. * We can suit almost every taste, and we arc not anxious to hold them over for EXORBITANT PRICES. Cail and see them at C. MCGARVEY’S. . BIG NEWCASTLE STREET 31G BURR WINTON. STENOGRAPHIC AND J , A Kr....,'. m.AI>QIAI tT / 310 Ml Builder —nt? And Supnit.u-n.l. nt. duiVLES A i < ;• n< < Ii \ tr W A