The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, August 23, 1890, Image 4

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LA BELLE FOREST. The Golden Spot of Georgia and the Finest Forest in the World. Did you ever take the morning train on the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad, and scud along through the fo.ests of pine and the green meadows that skirt t,he beautiful country between here iad Macon ? It is a most delight ful little run at this season ot the ycai, The fields of forests, green with the promise of a plenteous har vest, the rolling hills clad in their kirtle of bright green and crowned with the primeval woods, God’s first temple, now sloping their broad backs to the very verge of the creeks, and now receding in the purple mists of a brilliant sunset until their tops seem to touch the heavens and take on the vague, un certain views that mingle with oui dreams of fairy land; the beau tiful little creeks wending their va rious ways through all this feast o! vernal loveliness conspire to com plete a picture that makes you lov» life and thank Aim who has lavished ali his good gifts upon this happj land and set you in the midst t< enjoy it. What a splended piece o roperty this little road is. What i C 'itry it traverses and what possi bilitl . , s it opens up to the itnagina tion, oi na £ er j ß [ wealth and a glori ous futV , ~ , • -e of public usefulness Now j ias bionic part of i L _H .it \' b om which is destined t< B knit with * , , , ~ . ■ ords of endurable not K in closest 5. ~ anion the South and th< t ... , ie world will be let mon the secret of the bealltiet y>nderful resources of our un " l forests; and our own fair r 'from whose neat waist dangles , the key to the situation, will start refreshed and with renewed vigor upon her forward march to more perfect prosperity and commercial importance. While we lose our selves in this summer reverie and indulge our imaginations in these Utopian dreams of w ealth and munic ipal grandeur, we must not neglect to seize the present moment and ex tract what we can from that. We know’ no better manner to put you in the way of doing this than by calling your attention to the splend id line of Tourist's Rutllings which adoin the counters at the PALAIS ROYAL. We have these goods from 15c. a box up to 35c. ; Checked Nainsook, White and Black Lawn at all prices. These goods just received and arc charm ing. Doyon want to examine a splendid stock of Fast Black Hose, which rangs in price from 15c. to our cel ebrated Silk Hose at $1.25? We are the people that keep them in all sizes and pricey Do not forget that our stock of Hindi's Umbrellas is the most complete in the city. Having just received a new line of Laces and Embroideries we can suit the public at large with styles and prices. It still remains comfortably son-r fob, friends. TUK pALAIS Ro) ai MUTZ BROS. > 1 ~ ~~ J 1 r 1 t CORSETS. A This week we will offer bar e gains in Cornets. We carry all e the popular and standard :t makes of Corset®, goods tlial e almost everybody knows tin 1 price of without ever examin -1 ing the goods. Our stock ii 1 all new, clean goods, and era braces all the sizes for Missei >f and Ladies from 18 to 30. i- e WE WILL OFFER A 1 lot of Ladies’ Corsets as y 25c worth -10 c. o 1 lot of Ladies’ Corsets al ,f 35c worth 50c. 1 lot of Ladies’ Corsets al 1 50 c worth 75c. i- 1 lot of Ladies’ Corsets al 75c w rtb sl. s. Thompson’s Glove-Fitting Corsets at sl. ,o Thompson's “G” Glove-Fit 1C ting Corsets at $1.25. •c Thompson's “G,” extra long ‘ B ( • love-Fitting Corsets at $1.50 Thompson’s “E” Glove-Fit ting Corsets at $1.75. 8 Thompson’s “E” Glove-F.t --t r ting Corsets, fast black, at ? $1.75. I Thompson’s Nursing Corsets • at sl. rhoinpson’s Abdominal Cor sets at $1.50. 11 and G Corsets at 75c worth sl. Il and G Corsets at $1 worth $1.25. f Il and G Summer Corsets at $1 worth $1.25. Self-opening Corsets at 75c worth SI.OO. French Woven Corsets, Em broidered busks, at 85. French Woven Corsets, extra ( long, at $1.25 worth $1.75. Patent Medical Corsets at $ 1 worth $3. C. P. Corsets at $2 worth $3. ■ SCHUTZ BROS. HIE EVENING POST: SATURDAY, AUGUST 23 BRUNSWICK STREET RAILROAD Change of New Sys- ‘ tern of Transfer. I’he new stables on Mansfield , street are now the meeting point of • ■ all the street car lines. The street I ear system is now practically ccm ' posed of six divisions, as follows: The Belt Line, Eastside Division ] from the stables to a point on J street, near .J. J. Spear's residence. The Belt Line, Westside Division from the stables to J street near J. ' J. Spear’s residence. The Union Street Division, from the stables to First avenue and New castle street. •The Dixville Division, from he stables to the Dixville terminus. The Newcastle Street Division, from the stables to the switch near the grist mill. Transfers can be made at the sta bles from one line to any one of the others for the one fare, but if trans fers are made at division terminals other than the stables, fare will again be collected. Cars on the Newcastle street di [] vision leaves the stables every 7.J minutes: the Union and Bay street d cars, every 10 minutes: the Belt line cars both divisions, every 15 minutes d the Dixville cars every 30 minutes. e No Fight At All. Mr. J. R. Dillon, the well known Newcastle street grocer, informed a . Post reporter this morning that no fight occurred in the rear of his j. store as published in a morning paper. J Shocked by Electricity. During the electrical disturbances last evening about 7 o'clock, Georgia .Mills, a white woman of ill repute, was seriously shocked. The acci it dent occurred on Monk street nearly oposite Merriwether's old stand. i The woman was felled to the side- A walk and was, for several sninutes, j insensible. A carriage was procur j sed and the unfortunate woman was taken to her ranch on G street. it »••• Miss Shearer is selling out her stock at cost to make room for fall millinary. See J. J. Lissner <fc Co.’s ad, in to-day's paper. * - —— g t-i Blood Purifier Cures Boils, Old Sores. Scrofulous Fleers, Scrof ulous Sores. Scrofulous Humor and all scrofulous diseases. Primary. Secondary and Tertiary Con , tageous Blood Poison, I’lerrous Sores, diseases of the Scalp. Salt Rheum, Blotches. Pustule*. Pimp les. Itch. Tetter, Ring-worms,Scald-Head, Eczema, . Rheumatism, Constitutional Blood Poison. Mer -1 curial Rheumatism, Diseases of the Bones, Gen eral Debility and all diseases arising from impure Blood or Hereditary Taint. Sold by retail drug gists. $1 per bottle. Roy Remedy Co , Atlanta, Ga. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. THE (Steamer CORINNE ,' Os the Satilla River Transporta i tion Company leaves Brunswick for all points on the Satilla river every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 o’clock a. in., sharp. Returning, leave Owen's Ferry every Tuesday, Thursday and Satur /[day at 7:30 o’clock a. in,. Merchants and patrons of the line are requested to have their freights i promptly ou hand in time for the Steamer. C. S. STEPHENS, Agent. ■i N. B. Through connections with | New York and Savannah Steamers, i All freight rates as reasonable ns by any other line, and satisfaction guarunte-d. The Peoples’ Market, Cor. Monk and Mansfield Sts. < The Peoples’ Market is now open again and is better than ever pre ; pared to furnish the very , BEST OF MEATS f .fWi rc<- delivery to any portion lof the city. R. G. STEEN & SON, Proprietors. 1 I J. E. YOUNG, I Back Landing Lumber Yard Pine and Cypress Lumber, Luths. Flowing, Shingles, s < idling, Moulding. < using, etc Correct Meatnremect Goaraiteei. l 1 in furu <1«»« rb«sr< » umluw foiiU r« »foM4»abl*' I*l’ice’s. . »<a JW <* u l-u. s >l.l t *Ho ». i AN INJUSTICE. A very Popular Clothing Clerk called Namjs. The. Post had something to say yesterday of the Cincinnati Cloth ing House an<l the well known and popular clerk Mr. A. S. Berlack. At the end of the article the ‘ com posiior” spoke of a Mr. “Barlock” meaning none other but the genial I Berlack. These mistakes will occur, but if you want to make no mistake at all in buying clothing and furnishing I goods go to Apte’s well known cs tablishment .and friend Berlack will ( fix you up improper shape. Some very elegant fl iwers at Miss Shearer’s below cost. It was not Mr. Palmer. . In the article on the gas question in yesterday’s J. T. Palmer was quoted. This was an error, Mr. Palmer was not seen at all and of . course had nothing to say outlie! subject. Call early and secure your choice of iiats and millinery from Miss Shearer, below cost. Shocked By Lightning. Lottie Simpson was severely shocked by a lightning bolt last night while driving on Newcastle street. Dr. Mijls was called and. after hard work, succeeded in restor-1 ing her to consciousness. At noon to day she was resting well and had apparently recovered from the shock.! AT THE CHURCHES. Where and at What Timo the Ser vices Will be Held To-Morrow. [standard time.] Second An vent, Cor. D and L Streets—Ehler IL V. Skipper, pas tor. Services 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. - in. St. Fkancis Xavier's Chvkcii, Cor. Newcastle and Howe Streets—Father J. Hennessy. Mass at 8:00 a. m., and evening devotions at 5:00 p. in. Methodist Chukch, Cor. Monk and Norwich Streets—Rev. McK. F. McCook, pastor. Services at 10:30 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. Sunday school 4 p. m. Bai-tist Church, Cor. Mansfield and Union Streets—Rev. E. Z. F. Golden, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. Sunday school at 4 p. m. N-> service after Sunday school. Presbyterian Church,Cor. George ; and Reynolds Streets—Rev. Paul ;' F. Brown, pastor. Services at 10:30. j a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school at 3:30 p. m. Y. M. C. A.—Rooms in Scarlett block, 3114 Newcastle Street. Reg ular Sunday service to morrow. Rooms open daily from 8 a. m. to 10 p. in. St. Mark's Church, Cor. Glouces ter and Egrnon Streets —Rev. 11. E. Lucas, rector. Litauy celebra tion of the holy communion, and ser mon at 10:30 a. m. Sunday school at 4:30 p. m. Evening prayer at 5:30 p. m., standard time. Wed nesday evening prayer at' 5:30 p. m. St. Jude’s Church, E Street—Rev. D. Watson Winn, pastor. Morning prayer and sermon at 10:30, Sunday! school at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, < evening prayer and sermon at 7:30. Services during the week every afternoon at 4:30. COLORED. St. Athanasius, Cor. Monk and ! South Amherst Stseets—Rev. J. J- Perry, pastor. Sunday school at 10 : a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at I 11 a. m. Public Bible class | 3:30. Evening prayer find ser | mon at 7:30 p.m. Daily morning ( prayer throughout the year at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday evening service at 7 p. m. First African Baptist, Am herst Street, near Gloucester—Rev. ! John Williams, pastor. Sunrise! prayer. Preaching at 10:30 a. in. I and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Slaughter:—Thats the proper I name of ihe prices we are selling summer goods of all descriptions at. J. J. Lissner & Co. For Kent!! A nice live room house with large lot, near Lover's Oak, for S2O per month. Apply to Hitch & Stacy, 222| Newcastle Stieet. ts. CONEY i\ I’ARKEK. Wliok-tsle and re'all dealers in W<mml §Co»I ■B R. I n K SHINGLES AND LATHS.S —»OJ.K BRUNSWICK BRICK WORKS. • o h Oh A. A IIL 4 Ac. I'u PZrlfcU HMI* h ttfoil < *« Pip Mg, i**« iifoiiiif I r « i d». MUM \ 'rSS3ZiSSS» <Y|H Slaughter. ;■ I - l, ssner & co.' S ,j Rarffims I /■ I1 / M Slaughter, .w Owing to the departure of one of our firm to the Eastern Markets to pur- * J h chase our Fall Stocfc we will from this ■•' Date Sell our Summer Goods of every , oB | Description REGARDLESS OF PROF- I IT. This is no trap to catch the un- | | nary, hula genuine oiler of best Quality I of goods at Sluaghter Prices. I J. J. LISSNER&CO I LEADERS OF LOW PRICES I « * * c. e. shipp, tutu 1 ii E Furniture. DEAL E t? , s>3lo—Newcastle 8 treat —-310-0 u V 9 o M ; - 0 0 T feuS©! - P o BrHl® ® m § JW 11 u M ■ nil g ® &0 Q T ® ® ■p4 H H LU m E7T; I llavi.ig moved to my new and commodious quarters at 310 Vewcasth* s<reeL I :»m heftcr than <*vrr prepared to shon my ‘fi’iianf stock of Fl RM'I'I’RE, which I will sell on very close nargin. .<«••■«* me a call. C. E. SHIPS’,