The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, September 04, 1890, Image 4

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ROOSTER AND PARROT. MUOIHN ruin vol 'LL IIXII IX * XISITX HAS MORE TRUTH THAN POETRY IN IT. There wa® a little rooster. Not very long ago. Who thought he wu a booster, • You’d ought to hear him crou He noticed when he hallooed Tnc him rom* in the sky. Said he: -It think® I called it. And that’s the reason why.” His head was high and empty. Hi® craw was full of gall. e strutted around the lien-eoop And thought he knew it all a hen older bird®, and wiser. Who had Been a thing or two. Raised thM head® and tried, sir . ‘•Their cock— a-d< .odle-d'»!” He ?wore he could not l»ear it, And shook his head with vim, He called each one a “parrot, Who dare<| to crow, but him. The earth he claimed before him, A far as he could ace, Its creatures should adore him. And bend the supple knee. No hen ehould laugh and cackle, Nor should old Chanticleer tt ilh sturdy voice ami mettle, ( King out hi® lusty cheer. v The little rooster knew not, I But thought to hi® surcease; 11 he held back and crew not, F Sun, earth am! star® would cease. Hu cheek grew a® he nursed it. His pride was on the swell, ra> TUI his gall-bladder bursted IC U And all his feathers fell. Ll bl Dg f ,,ui dusty, . tow 111 ihc garbage heap, ■b mii the shovel tuatY t I. . . w ( i ■ ■ • Hk ' & ■ 1 7-W HP ; I !.. Jll.. ■■ « Vyear or money cheerfully refunded. Our line of Laces and Embroide ries are the most complete in the city and our midsummer slaughter prices still prevail. There is no such stock for immensity or variety anywhere else in the city, and no place where you can get such genu ine value for the money. Young men who are thinkjng_of something as a present to their sum mer girl, just to remember the soft moonlit nights of this delightful sea son. should look at our unmatched line of hair and neck ornaments, our bracelets and the splendid assort ment of those tasty and taking little Lace and Silk Handkerchiefs. The past has beeen a great week for Um brellas. The public has taken ad vantage of the great variety’ offered and the low prices. We still have a good assortment left—notice our window display. In our confusion we almost neg lected the mention of our Embroide red Valencienes and Spanish Lace Flouncings. We trust roc will not be so forgetful. They are worth looking at, from 74c. to $2.25. Come and welcome. You’ll find us on Newcastle No. 222 • * Palais Royal, Jiuct Wmnn, Prop. JUDGE COKER TALKS. The Amount of Business Disposed of In His Court Each Month. Judge Coker said to a Post re-| porter this morning: “Do you have I any idea of the amount of business transacted in my court each month? - ' On being assured to the contrary, he continued: "Well August was not a month fraught with remarkable oc i currences after all, but there were just forty civil suits disposed of. The suits were for various sums i an.ountiug from fifty cents to one hundred dollars. There are already fifty cases to be. disposed of during the month of September. “Now for the criminal cases.. There were just six criminal suits' more during the month of August than civil suits, or in other wolds, just forty six criminal eases were decided. There have becu five offen ders before me now since Monday morning with seveal to hear from to day. "Now sir, how much costs do you think we collected of those forty six I criminal suits? "Seventy five dollars? - ’ Well,! wish it was 'me third of that. The total amount of costs obtain ed from those forty six cases was ; less than fifteen dollars. Well, judge, what plan would you suggest for the collection of delin- I quent costs? “The same plan I have sugg sled before. That is to compel the would be plaintiffs and prosecutors to de posit the necessary amount of costs upon the bringing of any sort of an action. This would cut down hun dreds of these pettj- litigations now cloging the courts. Ilfits, Hats. Hatn. James S. Wright. OLD MEXICAN MINES. A Plucky Young American Ila** Become Rich Developing Thein. William Miller, a young American w ith a world of pluck and very little money, left here three years ago to ex plore some mines that had been located for him at the head of Yaqui river, 120 miles west of El Paso, TeX., and about the same distance from the Arizona line. He took with him three carpen ters and a professional hunter, who was . also a prospector. He has returned w ith a pocketful of money. He says that his party, after wander- I Jug ten days in the Sierra Madr<- and enduring incredible hardships, j reached the point for which they had been aiming. Miller, who claimed to have derived his information and u map from an old German who died here tlve years ago, says that they . pitched their eamp between the eastern and middle forks of the Yaqui. It is a country under the dominance of a ' tribe of Indians that even the Mexican military force lias been unable to sub due, and lias been hiila 1 arred to the entrance of any meta, seekers They found an old Spanish ruino > that was especially rich in ore streaks and worked there for two years. One r of the carpenters died before the place was reached, and the others built a bin, a furnace and some derricks. > They worked two years and took out about $30,000 worth of silver, which they managed to smelt after a fashion, and which they stored in camp. Then , another of the carpenters died. The 1 third was drowned bathing in the river while a freshet was on. Miller described the mine as some- ' tiling altogether wonderful. The seams of precious metal ran along the roofs and sides of corridors that were made by bauds that had crumbled into dust before George Washington was born. , Miller and his company found their way to tiie Mexican Central railroad and went to the capital. There they saw the official and claimed the mine, which was started by old Spanish ex plovers and settlers more than 200 years ago. They formed a company in whieii some Boston people were inter ested, and are now taking out SI,OOO worth of metal a day. This stuff is shipped to smelting works in Colorado. Miller has married a Mexican wife since be left hew, and is apparently very wealthy. His company is called the Yaqui Mining and Laud company. He states that be has neverseen liner farm ing territory than that which forms the banks of a stream that is almost alto aether unknown to the whites, and that President Diaz is much interested in a scheme for colonizing it.—San Antonio, Tex., Cor. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. I Why They Are Popular. • Some weeks ago the Marquis of Lome and Princess Louise were returning to London from a tour in the provinces. They occupied a compartment resei ved for them in the express train. At one of the stations the rush of passengers was so great that the care tilled up and many people could not find places. Thereupon the marquis opened the door of his com partment and announced that there was - room therein for four people. “Beg your pardon," said the guard, "but the com jartinent is reserved and 1 cau't admit e any others." "But I’ll be res|>ousiblu for the consequences," said the marquis t The guard was sorely puzzled. Bis orders were strict, and he didn't | ( recognise the marquis. "Would you mind giving me your card?’ suggwtv.l the pour fellow. "I shouldn’t like tug.-t > into trouble, sir." "I have no card," . answered the uutruuik smiliug; "but 1 am the Marquis of Lortje, and my wife, . tiw PrinceM le.uise, wialaa yon toad mit four of those ]»aseiiger» to partamt” That settled it, of course. 1 give this story as <>ue <>f many showing why tU« ijfUiqui* and his wife are jM/pulm in th* island -Eugetw Field’s London Let tw. IHE EVENING C'.s:: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER I 1890. EAST LYNNE I Will Be Presented At L’Arioso on the 22nd. Instant. The Cast of Characters in Full. The Prospect For a Brilliant Sea son. lmprovements In the Opera House. “East Lynne! - ’ That will be the iirot theatrical I exhibition of the season and will be | presented at L’Arioso opera house on the evening of the 22d inst. I And it will be presented by local talent. Several weeks ago the genial, ii istling manager Glover began to busy himself with makii g the nee essarv arrangements for the opening of L'Ariosa. He was fortunate in 8 -curing the very efficient assistance of Mrs. J. A. McDuffie, where superi lor taste in the selection of plays I caste or characters and costumes is proverbial. i Mr. Glover and Mrs. McDuffie j immediately bygan the work of sc lecting those who were to take pari iin the performance, Yesterday at noon this work was complete. Tim' liny have chosen well is sufficien'H , shown by the following caste ol characters: Sir F'r.incl® L ivi on Mr. W T Glover Aruiiibal'l Carlyle Mr. C E Shipp. I Lord M Hint Severn Mr UJ. Ero-t .liistH «■ Hare Mr. J GDI Kicliard Hare Mr. F rank A Dunn Mr. Dili Mr. E O Gillican j Officer Mr. Lewi® Jone® ’ Lady Isabel / I Madam Vinci Mr-..) A McDuffie Baibara Hare...... Mr.-. F A Dunn Mrs. Corncy < arlyle Mi.-> Lizzie Jlagan r Joyce Mihm Etta Hirschtield Wilmoii Mib.s Emilia llir.-uhlicld The citizens of Brunswick will re member the presentation of “East ’ Lynne” several years ago by local talent. Mrs. .McDuffie and Mr. Glover took prominent parts in the play at time. So successfully was it presented that the audience insisted on its reproduction which was grant ed. The company then went to Way cross, by special invitation, ami completely brought down the house. The lirst regular rehersal took place last night at Mrs. McDufliu's beautiful home on Newcastle street No little amount of talant was dis played, ami theater goers may expect to be highly entertained when “East Lynne” is presented. The season commonly termed “be tween hay and grass” is about to end, and Brunswick people are glad of it. The season which will be opened on the evening of the 22nd., promises to be one of great brilli ancy. L’Ariosa has been entirely remodeled, the aggruadizing»of the stage enabling grand spectacular disglays. Instead of those miser ably small dressing rooms, will be found large and neatly furnished apartments. In addition to this the seating capacity of the parquet has been increased to five hundred. Thus far the following attractions have been booked September —East Lynne, Erank j MeNish’s Frivolity Company, Three Fast Men < ompanv. October—The Penalty Company, Little coquette Company, Dr. Jo ky 1 and Mr. Hyde, A Legal Wrong < 'ompauy. November—Kiralfy’s Water Queen Company, Cromwell's Illustrated Lectures, Milton Nobles, Minnie Sc ward, Clara Louise Kellog, McCabe <fc Young's Minstrels. Beach & Bow ers, Tennyson & Dawson’s Gift Carnival. December Hose Osborne in Satan. The Ivey Leaf Company. January, iS’Jl—Annie Pixley. Al G. Field's Minstrels, Katie Putnam. The Waifs of New York. Rhea. February Maria G reenwood Comic Opera Company, Son of Mon te <’risto. March—The Emma Opera Company, Cold Day Compa ny. The people of Brunswick are as suied that manager Glover is care fully looking to their interest and that be will not book any but lirst class companies. James S. Wright hits just received a large invoice of the celebrated Dunlap Hats. Call and see them. Beat His wife. George Harrell, a negro residing on Amherst strict. was arrested about four o'clock this morning for beating his wife. She was fearfully bruised about tiie back and head and will carry the j marks of the chastisement tor some time to come. A warrant charging bio: with assault and battery was i sworn out before Judge < ul>i r this morning and In-will be r» arrested on that > barge when the city c ase Ik disponed of. - HUM.— I. H its, u lug nzhoftinent, la test styles, ut Jim. 8, Wright * THUDSDAWS TRIFLES. To-days Doings Briefly Paragraphed By a Post Reporter “But, Sir, to kAs a Mis® 1 W rung. You Sec “I do not Kiss Amis® j When i Kiss Thee.” al“ Saturday’s session will be one ot busiest session of the police court yet held. A negro band delighted a high toned "cullud” audience with some choice selections last night on Buy street. e' The regular weekly drill of the j i illeinen occurred last night. Tin I boys are getting in splendid shape ' for the fall contests. I- 'i'lie ordinance introduce 1 last "i night in the council, requiring tl,< I owners of vehicles to keep them ill j the stie< ts at night, is causing con II j siderable comment. ’ . '1 he entertainment gv -n by tin Willing Workers Society, of the s Presbyterian church, last night a! s > the residence of Mrs William A- I dersons, on Mansficld-street, was n great success. The Rush lodge No. 48 1. (J. O. F. ( will meet to morrow evening prompt t ly at 7:30 at their hall. Business o I great importance will be transacted ■ I All members are earnestly icquestci to be present. r. While passing the Ocean hote ’■ this mording, a Post reporter over ii heard a remark made by a New n. Yorker, who has been spending sonn weeks here, to the effect that Bruns wick is the best town of its size In / Had ever seen. They are all of tin n. same opinion. i. » » PERSONAL MENTION it, M. B. O. Middleton, of Atkinson 1 was in Brunswick last night. Mr. R. W. Dunning of Troy, N. C e is in the city fcr a lew days. ' l Mr. J. F. Bailey, of Bliley’s Mill; '' is registered at the Ocean hotel. Mr. J. R. Cox of Savannah, is cir , culating among his friends in Bruus wick. X v Mr. Leou Le\y, representing the B Christian-Aloerlin Brewing company. is in the city. . 'I he many friends of Misses Mag gic and Fannie Shearer will be gla 1 j to know of their complete rec-oven . Hats, a big iicsoriinent, la ( test (styles, at Jas S. Wright’s. Two Trains Collide. The Easf Tennessee passenger , passenger train, due in Brunswick at <1:15 a. m., was several hours late this morning. The delay was occa- ■ sioned by a wreck in which the road sutlers a considerable loss. 'l'he wreck was the result of a col ' lision between two freight trains The passenger trains were unable to pass, consequently passengers, ex 1 press, mail and baggage were trans ferred. No accurate account of the disaster could be gotten up the hour of going to press. Young man call at James S. , M right’s see that elegant stock of Hats just received. A Naw Building. The vacancy between the Ocean j hotel and the Times office is to lie improved. This 10l is owned by the Ocean hotel company and they pro pose to construct a handsome store room on it. This store will be 23x584 feet and 20 feet high. When con structed it will make a decided im provement in the appearance of that part of Monk street. The structure will cost about two thousand live ■ hundred dollars. ' .lames 8. Wright has just received a large invoice of tiie celelirated Duulai) Hats. Call I and sec them. When you tail to get paid off, cull on the Brunswick Loan ( om ! pany, 422 ; Newcastle street. James S. Wright has just received a large invoice of the celebral d Dunlap Hats. Call t and see them. » J Fortunes For Many. Allen, the blacksmith, is now a I millionaire through replying to an 1 advertisement of unclaimed estates , Ac., Ac,—Times, Loudon. Mar. Ist, j If your ancestors came from the r old country write to the European I Claims zVgeney, 5H I’earl St., New II York ( ity. inclosing 25 cents for re , I ply, ami learn if yoa are an heir to “ I of the tincl-iinic 1 estates there, worth ‘ more than a billion dollars, that > i rightly belong*, chiefly, to America i s 'descendants of Europeans who came «to America years ago, Ifyour an I ecktors came over more than 5o years Jag > tlwie ik a p . bal-ilitly that that ' I you are au heir to a fortune. !'-l lit. Hata, a big hi- tot styles, nt «la*. !-. \\ light *. fJVliat We Hav’nt Got. 'L , — ,o) - most money m town, largest store in town. handsomest clerks in town. cheapest stock of goods in town. ' (o) ' What We Have Got I, Five small children crying for I bread, that Have got to he fed. A full and complete stock of Gro v | ceries, every article of which is stan dard goods and bought to please the trade. \ epetables received weekly from New York, also as good Butter as can be bought, which we get week e, ly and insure its always being fresh We have a fine Grape Wine, 3 years old, for table use. that cannot beex celled. '. What We’ve Got to Do, Sell enough goods to feed the live small children—we don’t eat our selves. P- S.—The c I ildre n an- not for e ' die. These arc a few cold facts that • are us in the face, t 'alland _ sc e u.s and we will make the prices i satisfactory. L. I’. WILSON, o- o o m n . I 414 Biy Street. 414. HENRY M. STANLEY :i tv?’- •■"A IX “IN DARKEST AFRICA 3, Tho complete story of Stanley's recent thrilling a> I ventures and the disclosure of his important ■ discoveries will appear Tor the first time in the i • work written b> liiinseif, entitled "In Darkest Africa.'' In two volumes, profusely illustrated; price vL. > p<-r voltun-. Do pot bo deceive! by any < f the so-caiicd ‘Stanley books” noi - b'-ing offered as ‘'genuine” and : s “authentic.” To no one of these has Stanley contributed a line. ,il " wiil be pol<l b .v s,,b --“ LILH Im, script ion onl\. We are now ready “i to appoint canva.- i : Applicants should state j experience. Rcmetnlter that Mauley’* own . hook, the only one in which he has a personal interest, will bear on t he title page the iniorint of • Chaiies Scribner’s Sons Apply to JOHN K. N£LM)N, Chattanooga, 'Fenn. | Sole Agent tor TeniiCMßee 9 Alabama and Georgia* WE WILL 1.0 T- ~ nTi fl m oTTasai tub If* 67 Z'-x JEWELER, I zAmL. Aik! get one cheap by buying 1k it on tlic 'routine Plan of I ONE 1.01,1. lit IK II Wt.EK. CALL AMI HAVE THE PI IN 1 NPLAINFH TO TOC. I make a specialty of Watch, Clock . and Jewelry repaiiing. .If you have any work that others can not do. bring it to me and 1 Kill guarantee ,to fix it. Eyes perfectly fitted with Kayton’s celebrated Gem crystal Leu- ses. Florida < uriosities a specialty. I’4 Remember the Jeweler to deal with is BxVyATCo.: | I£OTT, 215 NEWCASTLE STREET Oglethorpe hiio ui. link. Brunswick, Ga. Capital, ------ _ SISO,OQd Surplus and Undivided Profits, - 35, GOO M. ULLMAN, AV. E. BURBAGE, Jno. 1). WRIGHT President. Vice President. Cashir (MHAHOOCHEE VALLEY EXPOSmOK j tv, X- ,■ jAy-k MAIN.BU ILQING Commencing November sth. Ending November 15th. ’ COLUMBUS, GkA.. A SEASON OF UNRIVALLED ATTRACTION. This Exposition Wirt Be One of the Most Complete and Interesting Ever Held in.the South. EVERY DEPARTMENT WILL PRESENT A FINE DISPLAY. LIBERAL PREMIUMS OFFERED FOR COUNTY AND INDIVIDUAL EXHIBITS. 1 > The Attractions for Visitors Will Be Numerous and Varied. TROTTING and RUNNING RACKS. MILITARY COXTESTS and EVERY KIND OF AMUSEMENTS. ALLIANCE DAY, MERCHANTS’ DAY, DRUMMERS’ DAY and RED MENS’ DAV. j Balloon Au t and I’arackutn Leapt Every Day During tho Exposition. ONE CENT A MILE RATES OVER ALL RAILROADS. Everybody come and Lave a good tine, Columbus will be in her glory. j F or tardier luformatiou, catalogues, etc. addraa* « J. J. SLADE, President, C. B. GRIMES, Secretary, W. H. LOM Real Estate. Insurance* and Gcneia! COLLECTING AGENT 500 Monk St, Brunswick, : : : : : : G.t I W ill buy and manage Iteal t’state oi < um>. is- : Mon. l’„y Thxcs, keep up l.muranceb Collect 1 Rents «•»<•. The <oilection of rents a Specialty. Mr. >. B Alexandtr ha* charge of the Collect l»v.>nrt incnt. I Correspondence Solicited. RiTEIJENCI S. 1 he Men hunts an<L 'l’raders Bank. Atlanta National Bank. Merchants Bank of Atlanta. UG'yIUUiKtJL Wholesale and retail dealt rs in <»<ml *E3 B, IO K SHINGLES AND LATHS J ~ SULK AGENTS l oll— « BRUNSWICK BRICK WORKS. MX- keep in .-tuck Alabama <> i Pressed > I-A< I\it B|{|i K <nt t t uih _. A wcri’ip ing. in’.lmling blue.'and »»<>< <N. order- Solic.ted. ft atH fact ion <■ u ir.inteed, ‘ J. E. YOUNG. Back Landing I Lumber Yard l’ nc anil Cypress Lumber, Laths. Flooring, Shingles, Ceiling, Moulding, < ',' ■, etc Correct tamMt Guaraiteei. o Lumber not in stock will lie furnished on short notice and at reas. nnble prices. Telephone No. 11; I <.d <MU< <i Box No. l.’>. Notice to S’ tie lu; '<! ers. A meeting of Stockholders in the Brunswick Savings and Trust Cc. will be held in its office at 4 p. in. Sept. 30, to consider the advisability of increasing its capital stock to SIOO,OOO. 3 11m Malloky P. King, Cashier. The Ihmlap Hat leads the world. See the latest styles at i at Ja nes S. Wright's. ■ I J I .9 IS THE fl dIIPIIST GROCERY HOUSE I LT BHL’XSWiri. / Gives Better Bargains. —— GIVES AN HOYE NT POTYD. — DEALS SQUARE Joo’l Diaappi. ’ Try Him Once! YOU WILL Yol llf<lTl ’ IT.