The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, September 09, 1890, Image 3

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Hi s awp*” K ■ the season to «l.*t<: ig ~ $ | Xw 1 ißi '- 1: 3in» r,n: prices K Bl . -• v • ? ■ r '■ M -. SW : gL r‘B p M cvF -W If ftW^4'=>4 '’*' SBr "■''' i’- ,u - an, l lil " V B. x \ i trains :irriv< daily at !.: > i ! : hl, and depart at TiOoa-'n ♦ •«•: st. Mnvm’H f It’ ! * ! ‘'e& the city at s:00 r. m.. :••!> • Leave Ocean Pier • io:;:ti a. i.: » ’• Sunday schedule: Leave B ■ m., and >::» p. m. Leave O * ;* 'ier • in., and 5:00 p. tn. I Cnmlicrland ' I .os the city at 7:00 an*l ••? •• -ai • •n. * Savannah, I -k ernandina—Boats > arrive e •>i <ty s ridays and leave Wed neb'! » S: ' : . Darien L n. .-|..-i ■•!»>• except Bun- divntS:. ■ ci.l itr::»p.m. Satilla Kite- C.,::: ■ ■•> JI >-i'-v» nn<l | Tluii-.-la- irrit >■ tys au'l t.i- Fort of Brunswick. September 5. (Central Stfinlard tmu . Hi rh water’ ou th•■ b*ir 12:37 a.n>._ I - .' ;p. to. Lits water on tin* b»r <1:42 a. in.; 7::,-’p. hi. Ad i 34 minut'ts for sun t i* . VESSELS IN PORT. W BARKS. Bark John Harvev. Ain Tin tons. Phelan, Bark Sprs. N.»r. 4’27 tens, Gunderson. > duui, Nor. 552 tons. Olsee. Berk Dax. Nnr., 392 tons, Terjesen, Con ord in, Russ, 279 tons. Rank. B ARKENTINES. Win. H Dietz. Am. 46S tons ( Wakely. SCHOONERS. Lizzie B. Wiljy. Am. 543 tons, Kinney. Win..l. Lenno'ud, Am, *43 tons, Tupper. Srh It Bowers, Am. 414 tons. Wilson. G.'i tie AL Rickerson, Am. Anderson. Annie I * Henderson. Ain. 407 tons. Henderson Hi h, Nancy Smith, Am. 114 tons, Rayner, . Sch Kate s. Elint, Am. 555 ton*. DeWintfy. Mary J. Cook. am. z 414 tons. Higbee. ’larrietC Kilin, am., 491 tons, Shaw. Hrh. Viola lleppard. am 38» ton*. Smith. Harry Prescott Am . 4 .1 tons. Turner. Otello, ain. 332 tons Bond. Edward s. stcua. am. 321 tons, Ceal. Hard 4 <’ Beedren nm. Cousins. Earl P Mnsonuun sus tons. Vh kerson. JameiH ver. Lf1i,295 tons. Soaker. C Sf III:’. ain i i Cinnberland Route to and from Florida. The short line b Aween Brunswick and. Jackson vdie. via Jekyi, Cumberland. Dunge ness and Fernandina. • THE BEAUTIFUL STEAMER CM Biwtt Bunsdailv on the following schedule, tak ing elici t May 11. IS.K). standard time —-90th meridian. sou t n . jLv Brunswick via steamer. 7:0 »a m Ar Jekyi 'Wit m Ar Cumberland.. . .!(>:•»•» a m Ar Dungeness ll:4iam Ar Fernandina. 12::»pm Lv Fernandina vi * F < and P Ry :.oo p m Ar Jacksonville 2.25 p m Lv Fernandina \ia Foand PRy. • 50-p m Ar Tampa via F C and PRv. . 7.20 am NORTL'. Lv Tampa via F C and P Ry ’ a m Ar Fernandina via F ( and P R v 2.55 p m Lv Jacksonville via F C and P Ry. io. I” a-m Ar Fernandina 12 15 p in Lv Fernandina 2p m Ar Dungeness 15 p m Ar Cu.nbcrland 5.00 p m Av Jekyi (5.30 pm « Ar Brumwick Connections made at Fernandina t > and from nt) points in South Florida, via F < and 1‘ Ry, at Jacksonville to and from st Augus’ine and al points south. A! Briinsxvick with ET \ an<l c Ry and B and W Ry to audfr nn all points west and north. A good break fast <»r dinner served on the steamer nt low rales of sik; each. Through rail's Brunswick and Jack-onvilie 53.50, first class; $0 round trip; $2.50 second class $4.50 rountl trip. Tickets < an be purchased a>.y time on applica tion toJ. F. Norris, agent E I'. V and (la Ry. passenger depot, or t > J »h‘» W • al, Purscron the •learner, to anv point io 1 .< rid i. I>. < . ALLEN’, General Ticket and Passenger Agent. « C. LITTLEFIELD General Manager. St. Simon’s Line. NEW SCHEIH LE. (Standard Ti ne ) On and after August 20, schedule will be as follows: DEPARTURE. From Brunswick— For Ocean l'ier an<t Mills at 7:50 a.m. and 2 p. m. RETURNING. Leave Ocean Pier at 10:00 a in and 4:30 p. m. SUNDAYS. I,eave Bruns wick at 9:30 a. m. and 2:30 p. ni Returning leave Ocean Pierat 10:30 a. m. and U p. m. U DART, Superintendent. SEASIDE COLLHiE FOP YOUNG LADIES. This institution will open on Mon day, September 29. The equipment will be complete, the faculty full, the instition thorough. Eor circulars or information ad « dress at Brunswick, after Auanst 1. s. c. Caldwell, President. mUNKENIfESr Liquor Habit. > Os Ml nt WORM THMtF/S BUT OH£ CUM omifts GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be given In coffee, tea, or in artlcleH of food, without the knowledge of patient if nec< HKary : it is absolutely harmleas and will effect a perma nent and *poed} cure, w Im moderate drinker or an alcobolic wreck. IT NEV’- , ER FAILS. Jto|»erates so quietly ami with such certainty that the patient undergoes no incon- i venience, and soon his complete reformation ia ' effected. H page book free. To be ha«t of LLOYD A ADAM". Druggist’. Brunow ick, <■» ' R. F. Bowles&Co kewnian Block, Bay Hired, Merchandise Brokers —And- GENERAL AGENTS. Agents f«»r Georgia and Florida for Ma>'D( ale nnd UrbA Safe <'ompanj and Alpine Sate < ompany Ageata for the IL Saner Showcase Co., and the < aligraeh Type writer | IL Hi nUriUliu ul LUij Real Estate Insurance Agents. Represent a number ot leading Fire Insurance Companies A large number of the most desirable lots in N<>\v and Old Town for sale on reasonable terms. 150,000 Acres of Timber Lands. Correspondence solicited. Address IS. I-ZOIKIITS Office 207 Newcastle Street. J. M. MADDEN, M. KAISER, A. H. LANE, President. Vice President. Cashier. SaArings ZEazn_l<i. Interest allowed on deposits in savings department of the MERCHANTS AND TRADERS* BANK. I CORNER MONK AND GRANT STREETS. BLAUBER ISAAC, Grraiii, Hay Pi'ovisionse Dry, Salted anti Smoked .Meats, Hams Breakfast Baeon Lard, Meal. Grits. Corn. Oats, Bran, Mil) Feed etc- BAY STREET Foot of Monk. SAM B. BREEPLOVE. Book and Stationery Store. Fancy Goods, Lamps and Fixtures, Pictures, Frames, Glass ware and Crockery; OFFICL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. *v t 219 NEWCASTLE STREET. tTJfcEE ME'W YOiRKi Steam Dye House AM) TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. Cor. X'" 1 eUTACi. ci Sit. L BILLER , Proprietor. JS&a/ => Gents’ garments made to order, cleaned, dyed and re paired. Satisfaction guaranteed. MERCER UNIVERSITY.I kMACON. GA. COURSES OF STUDY: I. Preparatory School 11. Classical Course. HI. Scientific ai. Course. IV. SCHOOL OF TIIKOLOHY. V. Modern Lanou \oes. VI. The Law school, VII. Department of Practical Arts. (Stenography, Book-keeping, Ac.) Epcnscs.—Tuition Free in couroof >tu ly 11, HI an<l IV. Matriculation and contingent f<s23 annual y. Board at students’ hall, from t.» i I per month. Board in private f.-unites from sl2 to sls per month. Fall Term opens Sept. 21, IsBO. For catalogm and further inform it ion, apply to Prof. J. J. BKANTLY, or to the Presidct t, G. A. X I X X ALLY. Macon,Ga Ocean View Hotel. Fi..c Surf Bathing, First-Class Accommodations and Easy of /Access. Being opened all the time strangers as well as ■ home people will 11 nd Ocean View Hotel a very pleasant place to spend a day, a week or a month. Terms—slso per day, SB, $9 and $lO per week. MRS. A. F. ARNOLD, Proprietress. SUMMER RESORTS, EXCURSION RATES, 2 CENTS per mile traveled. tickets good To ON elSltfOTffc RETURN SALE UNTIL let. No iron clad tickets to annoy families traveling without male escorts. The most liberal ar rangements ever offered. For information apply to Agents E.T.V. 8c G. Railway System, or to •• LI 118 l I Lift. iMirtUUm. vVatelimaker , and Jeweler. Removal.— I now occupy the old stand of R. L. Daughtry. The in creased space gives me an opportunity to display the many goods 1 have hereto fore been compelled by lack of room to store away. For the convenience of the people of Brunswick, 1 nave purchased an electric clock, connected by wire with the Naval Observatory at Washington. Every day at i i o’clock a* m., standard, 1 want all who carry watches to call at my store and get Washington time. I This clock is daily cor- 1 rected from Washington at } noon, standard (ii o’clock here) and every watch in Brunswick should be regu lated By it. Don’t forget this. Regu late your watch and you will appreciate its value. E. J. ALLEN, Inspector of watches and clocks for Brunswick and Western Rail-, road. I organu OFFER I I >UY in lufult. - 1J or Odol*r Mid p.» wiurn Tr crop. .old. Npul Lull , Price. Tb. tawAhn ■k Ju.t.liUl.Muui4ovn UMmkui II ..... Hlrto W Our .Mir. rtoßk-MuWRb F mluurnß « rt »i« bf-wt *«m. nUffllnLlfH wee,rrwurli . ■N . , _ ■ Writ, tor Circular -*• ■ UALL ■"< »l Ml.ll tIH-EK IbiMl r IB9OJ LUDDEN & BATES. vented a Railroad Wreck. “Yes, sir,” remarked the gray haired gentleman with a slight tremor in his i voiee, “I have given up railroading | now, having become a little bit too far i advanced upon the road of life to sit in a cab and niaku a locomotive move. Oil! you want to know about that dog of mine. All right. I used to run into I Chicago on the Lake Shore on old 432. I That dog never missed a trip over the road with me, and 1 owe my life to him i upon more than one occasion. His J name's Slide,’ not of ‘Slide, Kelly, ; slide!' fame, however. I’d go down to i the roundhouse and see my old girl run out, and then monkey about Iler to see ' that nothing was out of whack until it was time to start. , “Right at the hour Slide could be seen ■ coming down the street with my dinner basket in his old mouth. When it be came time to start I’d give the whistle a chance, and Slide would be on board in the cab beside me. That dog never ■ would walk. He was too blooded for that. It became no trick at all for him to climb out on the foot board, run along and jump down on the pilot, get up again on the other side and walk into the other window. Whenever we got to New York Slide would go down i and ricte into town, bigas life, on the I cow catcher. 1 even taught him to i | pull the whistle cord whenever I com manded. Everybody along the lino knew him. When 1 got down to oil my wheels he would always follow and watch to see that no kids jumped on the locomotive. “I remember distinctly one stormy night as I was approaching Clricago. There’ was a tremendous tempest on the lake, for I could hear the dull roar of tire waves beat upon the shore. I | had to lay upon a siding and wait for ■ ordc> to pull in over any one of the fifty tracks that spread out near the ! city. There was a little telegraph station a few r<«ls away from where I j lay. Orders were confidently expected in a few minutes, but they did not . come. My fireman and I got lonely sitting out there in the driving rain, ! nnd not even distinguishing each other's voices in the din. I remember Tom yelling “It'll lie a hard time out on the Jake to-night,” and then the light came from the station bobbing up and down, I and someone came hurryuig up and I gave me the written orders to proceed i over the last track to one of the I stations on the outskirts of the city | | and lay there until a special had i passed. A ,-i’ “Well, the brakeman got down to' throw the switch, when Slide a bee line out of the cab and fivw at the fellow as though he had’ gone crazy and back. Why, lie simply tore sounds into shreds. He jumped at the fellow I every time' be made a movement for the switch. He would crouch down | and beg and whine tefribly. “ ‘Say. Charley, I won't touch that j switch.’ the brakey said as he walked toward me With a white face. ‘Tliere’s ' something gone wrong, and I know it,’ ! he went on. At first I laughed, but 1 gradually something strange name over i me suddenly. I could feel the worm i perspiration trickling down my back bone. The conductor got impaticiit and yelled to us to pull out. The I brakeman started back to throw the j switch again, but, sir, the dog displayed the same tactics and even bit the brake man's hands. Just then there was a sudden lull in the storm. The most mournful howl I ever heard came from that animal. “‘My God, look!’ cried the brake man, pointing up the track. Both of us sprung to our posts and peered to ward Chicago. A great red light came like a Hash out of the inky blackness ami the special rushed past us like a whirl wind and was gone. “Four white faces looked into one another's countenance a moment later, and just then the ojxTiitor came rush ing out with orders to stop us, but we had been stopped by a keener instinct than human intelligence and telegraph wires. » Yes, he was our mascot,” con eluded the old engineer, brushing a strange moisture in his eyes and walk ing further along life's rugged road. The dog had gone before him.—Denver News. G<*n. Grant's lleply. On the evening of the first day's bat tle of Shiloh, which had been a defeat, the quartermaster came to Gen. Grant and told him that if he was again de feated on the next day he could not transport the troops (about 65,000 in number) if it was necessary to cross the river. Grant asked him, “How many can you handler” “Ten thousand,” replied the quartermaster. “Well,” said Grant quietly, “if we are defeated you will be able to carry all that are left. - ’ —San Francisco Argonaut. • ■ r ■' 11 To Brighten Up the Picture Frames. (iiit picture frames may be bright ened by taking sufficient flour of sul phur to give a golden tinge to about one and one-half pints of water, and in this boil four or five bruised onions or garlic, which will answer the same purpose. Strain off this liquid, and withit, when cold, wash with a soft brush any gilding which requires re newing, and when dry it will come out bright as new.—Exchange. Bismarck's bedroom contains only i three pieces of furniture-dan enormous ' wash hand stand, a small camp bed stead and a bootjack. Tpere used to , lx? a couple of hair brushes. “Take them away," said the prince a few j year** ago; "a towel will do to part my hair nowadays." Then, is no n e in mixing intivti m the <d amateur photogruple rs ' unless you share their enthusiasm. Get half a dozen of them together and they will begin about “pyro," ami “iron de ' velopcr," and “bromills- printn,'*- and i “color values,” ifnd their language uill dejxirt so fur from every <luy English that you »|x*euUtto w|iet|ier they uro tuiking Hanskrit or Flux-taw. Tliis is flow it hap|x-u* with some of the women artist* who use photography a* un u>l i JuiH-t to sketching. - -Now )ork Com- ■ nerciaj Advertiser. way, Attorney at Law. Ofliee—No. 312.1 Newcastle St. Oilice Hours—B to 12 anil 2 to 6 Dr. j. e. McMillan. Physician and Surgeon. Office —Payne building on Monk Street. PEARSON ELLIS, Attorney at Law. Office— 3121 Newcastle Steeet. Will pradiee in the Stale and Federal Courts. 11. 11. HOWARD, Real Esti; e and Insurance Agt - Office m Scarlett Block—Newcastle Street. ’ MAJLIS & SPAP V KS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Will practice in Supreme Court of Georgia United ■'tiles Court at Savannah, and in the Su perior Com of Glynn. Wayne, Charlton, Pierce and Colled Counties and elsewhere by Special | Contract. Ofliee in. Scarlett Building, Newcastle. St. Dr. O. W. TUCKER, Physician and Surgeon. Office -No. 121', Newcastle Street. A. C. BLAIN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Nu. 314 Newcastle Street. Residence, 508 Albemarle street. ■ Ofllce hours—9 a. m, to 5 p. in. SAMUEL Attorney-al Law. Office No. 121 X Newcastle street. J©?"-Special Attention Given to Maritime- , Law and Questions Affecting Land Titles. BENNET& GROOVER, Attorßeys-at-Law. Office U|>-> tail *, Cor. Monk and Wewcastk' Streets. SAM C. ATKINSON, Attorney at Law. Office in Wilght’s Bittlding, Cor. Monk ::n«i Newcastle Str< ets. - j g; Brunswick Title and Guarantee Company (INCORPOR ATED.) 308 K NEWCASTLE STREET, BOOMS 2 and I CROYATT BLOCK. Cyrus Shelton, Attorney at Law, Manager Guarantec.-Tlth y to Roa) E.-tate in the city of Brunswi *k and Glynn county. Complete"ah -tracts for all property in Hii I‘city am! county from the earliest period to the pi esent time, and supplies omissions caused by the destruction of a portion <d Blynn county records. For Infor j mation apply to the Manr.gcr CT? QTTT'P'P . Hi. OXllX^x , THE i / . r Furn. it ure. ID E A EER, LO—Newcastle Street—-31O<$ u 4 - t o 0X B g o ft »iw “ ® ITi 0 mnTi ffloSl H £S 4—* Ph ; s " fi ’ !’ I! II II 111 i r. II nIB 811 all 5 S 31 ‘ r~i - : ® ..■■bi rm | ® ()« o | ® ffl llof (D Pl ? ■ w llavi.ig mined to my new and commodious quarters at 310 X<‘wcastle s«ree*, I am h<‘lV‘r hnu ever prepared to show my rlcirant slock of KUHNTi’I KE, w hich I will sell on very close margin. me a call. C. E. SHIPP, Fiarßiiturc AT LOWEST PRICESAND On Easy Terms. ■-W 1 «HMM WaMHHBB ■■ Be Sure To Call On • McGarvey, 316 Newcastle Street. jV. B.—Me Garvey's Store is Packed with Furniture of All Grades and Prices. He (an Suit You Fvery Call on him. W. E. PORTER, ~ HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. i dl« 4 t-tinn n •bi,,, ”7 ' ‘ " ii; linnj! ;!g|[ jYinmi , n , . KALSOAIINING, PAPERIIANGING AND IIARDOIL EfNISHING- All wbik g»arnntccß Also dealer in I’tiinls,. ~O,ils, it I t> - 500 Monk Street. ~, ~T— * —T ’ - *—~ . ... .... ' -—■ ■ •! ■ ■ . i ■ -.r: ~— BURR WIXTON, 1 1979 JI , i t< '• '* \o4. at* and ;iiu b sirMtXt .vw lu,v i . • > Contractor! Builder ■ . J. 1. And Postoiflcr bojc i.MI <*otfeK»niidci <•«» fl.yjivit.ed —. ;i <3- OTO M • ' 1 Sr ir ■ ~ K -Jj'p ‘ FO i ALL CLASS OF .10 B Plt IN T1 N G'. T", .. New Press; New Type, New Oliicc, ! Kniser Block—NvWeaSllc Street. —J! .li! .■.'.l—T.r Brunswick STENOGRAPHIC AND TYPEWRITING IIXADQrAUTBHB. ; i All work neatly and promptly exc | 1 chtod* Fitrenjige 11 GEO. W. KIRBY, JR., —at— BOWLES A BAKER’S OFFICE Bay Street - The Peoples’ Market 1 Cor. Monk and Mansfield Sts. The Peoples’ Market is now open again and is better than ever pre pared to furnish the verj' BEST OF MEATS ■ ’ ■ ■ , delivery to any portion of the city.' 11. a. STEEN <fc SON, Proprietors.