The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, September 18, 1890, Image 2

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POST. ®SeBI ■ : Hl>lt MIX I 111 CITY OF BRUHSWM K. Kntererl in tho p letofticc at Brun- a ■< k. Ga , as seennd-elass matter. C. L. FROST. : : : : : : : : E. SIMKINS rVBLISHEM *WB FKUrRIETOItS. ■UBSCRIPTK'S. One year, - - Fi.061 Three months, - #I.OO Six months, - 2.001 One month, - - «' Subscription invariably in advance. ADVERTISING RATES Are very reasonable, anil will be furnished upon application. TEi.rriloxi. No. 49. TO SUBSCRIBER 3. The management of The Post is making ar. earnest effort for the prompt delivery of the paper to every subscriber. Anyone who fails to get his paper, will confer a favor by re porting the fact to the business oflice, 114 Richmond street. TO ADVERTISERS. AH contract advertisers will please arrange to have the copy’ for any changes or for new advertisements, sent to the business office of The Post the day 1 eforc the change is to be made. The management will esteem it a special favor if this re quest is complied with. Lovsiana State Lottery stock is apt to take a drop. The anti lottery bill has passed both houses. John L. Sullivan threatens to make as b : g’a hit on the stage as he did in the ring, which is saying :i good deal. Hon. Patrick Walsh in an inter view in Washington was positive in the opinion that Gov. Gordon will sweep all opposition from the field. The volunteers and the present lire department ought to bury thejhatchet. This city appreciates the services of both, and would prefer to see white winged peace roosting on the roof. Cleveland's name was spontane on sly and enthsiastically cheered in the Connecticut and Montana demo cratic conventions. The steamship Lennox, now in port, carries one of the most piratical looking crews to be found in civi lized waters let, they are as docile as kittens. Appearances don’t count in their case. Atlanta is apprehensive that the scaling of compress chames by the Terminal system, will drive away a large volume of the cotton trade from that point. She need not get alarmed. Brunswick can accommo date a good ’shall' of the crops with out going into spasms. < oi.oNEi. Norwood seems decidedly anxious to break lances with Gov. Gordon. His challenge for a joint debate is charade’istic, and the gov ernor s response will be anxiously awaited. The isssue is now on and the near future will witness some in teresting passages at arms. South Carolina is not going to have amo nopoly of ante election history. The editor of the Atlanta Consti tution is a born diplomat as well as a shining light in the jouonaliatic constellation. It need surprise no body if he should in the near future display eminent qualities of stati menship. Take for example his latest climax—equally brilliant and audacious as his big boycot. Being un usually busy in making provision for the speakership of the next house, he manages to be judiciously reliev ed from a large show of exacting edi tional routine by a plan worth sc curing a copywright on. A sutlicient number of his admiring readers have been incited into writing cards for publication, thus making a crcdita ble showing, while in reality he it killing two birds with one stone. Clark’s name should have been • Eli, for he gets there. lue Anirnty < u«». A plea for the thirsty eats that haunt the back street* in the early morning may surely come in hen-. If you can not afford to give such skeleton visitors a sip of milk at least set a saucer of ■water before them. To see them hi tin back yards of closed Louses vainly lap ping at the dry stone under the yard hydrant is a pathetic sight.—Philadel phia Ledger. tumfly History. Ms De Style (in her bric-u brae cor ner)-—1 cannot imagine how my grand mother managed to keep this set us china so long Hiiico I have had it the servants have broken half u dozen of the <hoi*v«t pieces Mrs. Lswelluwl Proliably your grandmotlu-r did her own housework —(food News. Its Olber IWwI. Mrs Fungi.- A Ifarifo pbystafam say* tiial ouimUuh piste - practice will almost iMMtsinly ruhi Um- laud th any gfri Mi Faugte Y«». and M lias Um-muiu efts.4 tju llu h-mpurs of tla |*-opte la-At 4pur Jfoo't you tfonjk ao. igy dutrf THE FALL TRADE. Every indication points to the - fall’s trade being the largest on re cord. taking the entire volume o the country at large. The move merit which set in earlier than usual when the status of the crops was as sured. • outlined the ptospec’s as above noted. - For a month past there has been an unusual heavy line of orders pouring in on the job bers and importers at the principal mercantile centers and at New York especially the movement has Jis— tanced the record. There particu larly the Southern trade is ‘.he crite rion which maps out the season’s business. The fact is the rapidly in creasing volume of trade which flows from this section to the metropolis is recognized as taking the lead over the West and Northwest. Southern buyers are more liberal in their deal ings and this taken in connection with the extraordinary develbpement of all the South’s material resources has made the trade of our section the most desirable in every way. The only stumbling block in the way is the obstructive tactics and general perversity of the present session of congress. Consequently, the sooner the statesmen at Wash iogton adjourn and go. home the belter. A general sigh of relief will go up from a too overburdens I and i oppressed country when (ongiess packs its gripsack. To even attempt an estimate of the damage the wran gle over the McKinley bill has en tailed on business would make a startling showing. The iniquitous | measure itself will prove much worse than the agitation. Nevertheless,' such is the remarkable recuperative capacity of the great trade movement j of the I nite 1 States that, notwiih-; standing the shocks being invited by | republican greed and sectionalism, ■ wioi good ciops assured, business goes on improving. To come nearer home, now is the time for the business men of Bruns wick to take advantage of the promis-I ing outlook,and give the city a grand onward boost. Now is the time to take advantage of every opportunity. Look at the example of other cities ! Obscne liow the business men pull together as one man to push their respective localities to the front, not a feature is overlooked or a point lost. Let our live aggressive lu-i --ness men take the helm and show what Brunswick proposes to do. There is bound to be a big influx of visitors ! and tourists here this coming winter. | Let them see that Brunswick is * town worth coming to, that there is I sunething here worth seeing. Who will be the Hist to make the move? Have your watches, clocks and jewelry repaired by Mott, the jewel- . er, 215 Newcastle St. and you will be i pleased, as he always gives satisfac tion. Go to Keen A Co. for everything! in the produce line. They sell to! the trade only. Piano and Organ Tuning. A first-class tuner and repaiierand traveling salesman for Ludden & Bates, may be found for a few days ; at the Central Hotel. Go to Keen & Co. for everything i in the produce line. They sell to the trade only. • ' - ♦ —————— For Male. The elegant Furniture, Glass, Crockery and Carpets in No. 200 i London street. Terms cash. Ap ply on premises or to !• 1” (it. A. J. M ASON. Oh, Woman, Lovely Woman! There are some queer couples in the world, remarked a real estate agent. The other day a man and a woman called to see me about renting a flat. The woman did all the talking, and L turned to the man for oou Urination or | > corroboration. Ho always agreed with her, and did it very meekly. ‘ Well,” said the woman, “I’ll give | - you $25 for this flat; won't we, John?” | “Yes’ui.” “And I’ll pay my rent promptly, too; won’t we, John.'” 1 »• \ r * », | i vs in. ” "And take good care of the house; ! won't I, John C “Yes’ui.” t “But.” 1 inquired, as is usual in sueh ; cases, “are you man and wife?” “Mun and wife!” exclaimed the wo - num sharply; “indeed we are not; are f we, John?’ • I “No'in." What!” says I, “not man and i wife?" Not much! I’d have you know that iu this family we are wife and man, ain’t we, John?" “Yi-s'm."—Texan Bitting*. Horn with a Mu.lui'u. I hors.- with a mustache is some . thing of « iii>vi-lty, and such a eurioadty I attrm-ted quite a large crowd on Front *trm-t one nftenuMiu. The auiiual i« ji-t black, and from hi* up|M-r lip grows a bunch of hair of (l light and u* ( i thick a* th* hulr on hia body, hut iiiea* | tiring over two in.-he. m 1. ngth and a. •tiff a* bririta*. Thi» hair part* in thc UUddh- and < uri* to th*- rid.-, U* doe* a 1 iuu*tu«4i* <** th* lip of a umii. rhoHing that it ha* Lh*u quite a* <-uit-fully > Dallied The uniurnl 1* th* pr->|mrty of 7'l*4l4** Jmmm, of Paaou, t , jo 1 )• ac* okl Wor. e<. f Mu»* ) ‘IN..,— * THE 1-y. i.iXU IHUMMY, SEPTEMBER 18. 1890. CHARGES MODERATE. E r «e &o ■ ■ 3. 1- j ?_ x i § > I i 2 ~ z: ~ c 5 > ? $. f 00 2 . I £ .-/OS g F 3 “ c Bic § ; s C“ s £ (P * « 3 H I- 2 FREE DELIVERY A. J. Braswell, PRACTICAL WHEELWRIGHT AMD BLACKSMITH. Manufacturers of Wagon* an<i General Repair Work of Every de I scription promptly done at the lowest living prices, and in the best workmanlike manner. HORSESHOEI NG A Sl'E( IA I.T¥ Wl.i-n you have any work to <lo in < nr line ctil on ii-. Oglethorpe > t .rear of Hiunswick 11 .ini wan ( (>., Bruns wick, («a. .Sitisfadlon inu antee-l. ra uMMER ra OFFERJ I)UY in Auprust. Septemtor, J J or October and pay when crops are sold. Spot Cash jk y Prices* The Lowest known. J lint & little caHh down, balance December 15th. No interest. Our entire block—any make— w #lll kJ If mB price or Btyle. BEST Sam l unIMtKH l,,er oUer we cvrr noule. ■ d Air" I Write for Circular—** 1 ■ U ALL t ■ JSL.HJIER OFFER 1800 r 18901 LUDDEN & BATES, SAVANNAH, CA SUMMER RESORTS, EXCURSION RATES, / .. ONI.Y 2 CENTS per mile traveled. TICKETS GOOD TO ©N tJwRWSr RETURN SALE UNTIL uov. 15th. I,t - No iron clad'’tickets to annoy families traveling without male escorts. The most liberal ar rangements ever offered. For information apply to Agents E.T.V. & G. Railway System, or to ® B. W. WRENH G. 1 Roy’s Blood Purifier Cures Roils, Old Sores, Scrofulous I’lcers, Scrof ulous Sores, Scrofulous Humor and all scrofulous j diseases. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Con ! tagxious Blood Poison, Ulcerous Sores, diseases of the Scalp. Salt Rheum, Blotches. Pustules, Pimp- I les.ltch,Tetter,Ring-worms,Scald-Head,Eczema, Rheumatism, Constitutional Blood Poison, Mer | curial Rheumatism, Diseases of the Bones, Gen eral Debility and all diseases arising from impure j Blood «»r Hereditary Taint. Sold by retail drug i gists. per bottle. Roy Remedy Co., Atlanta, Ga. RADAM'S I j K,LLER \ The Greatest Discovery of the Age. OL.D IN THEORY, BUT THE REMEDY RECENTLY DISCOVERED. CURES WITHOUT FAIL CATARRH, CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, HAY FEVER. BRONCHITIS, RHEUMATISM. DYSPEPSIA, CANCER, SCROFULA, DIABETES, BRIGHT'S DISEASE. MALARIAL FEVER. OIPTHERIA ANO CHILLS. In short, all forms of Organic and Functional Disease. Th* cure! ilteeied by till* Medicine arc iu luuuy cases MIRACLES! Hold only in Jiik' containing One Gallon, l-rlri- Tlirrc liullnm aaninll Investment when Health and Life cun bo obtained. “History of the Miciobe Killer" Free. CALL ON OH ADDRESS .1. T. li<>< li'.Vl I I . <ol<- Uenl. lit un-n ii k. < .a, Neckwear- I have juxt i<*< eh'4‘d my sec uu<i invoi *e of fall mckweii', fliu Mime will I) • np< red up and put on nale to-duy. Il ;uh i>al4e for lhont< who w i-li t<» t Mouiething new nml iioblu to ■ aii «us Iy. JW life— goit'l-i WJI g«* lik<* a ilti-h. .1 Al, H. W lilrui I (’lolliu I i ! STUBBS-GREER I lardware COMPANY, ioAimm.-it.aß wifTiiom ™ nil, BrxtrLS’wic'k.. Oi. Capital, - Surplus and Undivided Profits, ■ 35,000 |)L ULLMAN, W. E. BURBAGE, .Jno. I). WRIGILL’ President. Vice President. Cashir Under one Management CENTRAL HOTEL AND PUTNAM HOUSE, ■ I. L. PETERSON, Proprietor. Special rates for regular boarders. First class in every particular. ifMF~Your patronage respectfully solicited. Ocean View Hotel. Fine Surf Bathing. First Class Accommodations and Easy of Access. Being opened all the time strangers as well as home people will find Ocean View Hotel a very pic isant place to spend a day, a week or a month. Terms— per day, SB, s!> and $lO per week. MRS. A. F. ARNOLD, Proprietress. Ocean Hotel BARBER SHOP. HOT AND CoLD BATHS. work strictly first-class. 11 11 ■ - ■ NOTICE TO PUPILS Os the Public Schools, their Parents and Guardians. N jw pupils will present themselves ; to the undersigned at the Glynn Academy, corner Egmon and Mans ticld streets, at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning, September 23. ISSN). Pupils holding promotion or ad mission cnid* will not present them | selves until tin 1 opening of the schools, on the follow ing Monday, . Sept. 2*.'. Colored pupils will present them selves al the same ihit.s and hours to the principal at the Kislev «< Ijool. | Nev pupils on T'icsbni. Sept. 23. and i pupils holding cm Is on Monday, 2t» hiM.sit II Oim. Superintendent | uiiht offTnSß -1 <-DORS NOT TRADE --- - ““ _ _____ k g gj t; I I am _7k_f tez? “bib-art Person About one person in ten doesn’t know that the other nine of his fellow-mortals have come to the conclusion that it’s al ways safest to trade with R. S. CRAIG. About one person in ten doesn’t Anew that.his neighbors are isaving money on every deal, because they trade with R. S CRAIG. About one person in ten can’t he expected to know that 8 am “headquarters” for everything in Groceries, Staple and Caney, Canned Goods of every description, Domestic and Imported; in fact, everything you deed to eat. m YOU THE ran PERSOK? I ffl TO W J-Tu- S_ C3rzi?oc©zr?_ GOR. HOWE and NEWCASTLE STREETS, IWm. Crovatt & Go., Draaiste ani Apothecaries. DEALERS IN PureDiuge, Medicines, eV Perfumery, C<»r. Newcastle and Monk Streets, BRUNSWICK. : : : : GEORGIA ! D. T. DUNN, Clothing and Gents’ Furnishing Goods. K My friends ami the public generally a> e cordially invited to call and examine iny stock < f NEW SPRING CLOTHING Styles to please ti.c most fastidiom' Scir’elt block, Newcastle .street HENRY M. STANLEY "IN DARKEST AFRICA The complete st >ry <>f Stanley’s* recent thrilling adventure- im t the disclosure of Ins important disc<»\ei • s u ■ ; ap|M ;ir tor the first time in the work written l>% hiniMelt. entitled •‘/i*| /Xtr' f"* ; r«t i " In two v iutnes. profusely HlUstniP • : pri< e: . per volume. Do not la? deceiv- t nil) u f-e-ciiiled ••Stanley ■ book-*’ 1 : !•< :nr < ls« red as ••genuine’' and ’•imth nti T > n • one <>t these bus Stank y | < olitTioute ! .1 OH- . APCMTC kW: I I.e ‘Old by sub. HUCn Id. • i < Hi) 'o « non !■ l<app lilt 1-. Apphriiiit* AtKHii'l sfat« « \p« i Ren. nljer Mtanlrj •• <»u n hook »h< •»i»l. . "iiiwl'eTi he liaaui |M*rsouul > I 1U r« ill l < ’.II •■lithe till*-p.4|r< the imuriut of Charles Scribner’s Sons Appb l<» join It. KIiLMIK, < Um< Trfili. hole IgrNl fur *1 • tiMbuttiM kud t«rurgia. |THE EVENING POST >i i is in front of The procession. Not a day comes but that progress in some direction ismade Not a day passes without new subscribers being added to the list. Merchants of Brunswick, read the following picture, think over it carefully, , then semi in your businessto the EVE NIV G- EOS T I A , i THE EVENING PAPER LEADS. In commeutii.g on the changeof bnfe of Murnt Halstead. the fain us editor <f the, Cincinnati | Commercial Gazette, to that of the Brooklyn : standard Union, aqafternoon paper, rhe Times> Star remarks that “the superior r erits of an evening paper when compared with those of a i morning issue have long bees acknowledged. The one is a history of to-day, tlieother a history of yesterday; the one is current, the othe ris a , back number. The number of triumphs of the ; evening paper is legion. tor the issue that comes out with the crowing of the cock tt e busi ness man lias no ton 3 save that which he steals ’ as he bolts his breakfast ami gulps down hiscof f< e. Ho glances at het- llinestioticcslate.-1 quota- • tion of the prices of the products he has to sell and then abruptly exchanges the paper for his hat For a crit cal reading of the news he de- i jmmls upon the hours following his H o'clock • meal. 1 hen, with his si ppet s on ami his fe< t mounting the back of a chair or the mantel, he settles hi i.self fir double duty, v.z: digesting his t-upper ami the daj’s history. Nothing in the eri ning pa:»cr-escapes the readex’s ejc; tele graph. 1.-eal, e lit.nlal,miscellany and adverti.-e --mc't - .tie devour*d. It is not a lunch o( news, h i a \(-ritable 1 anqaet. The morning paper is •ml nibble i at, the evening paper Isdevoiired. Th advertiser is awakening t) this expensive t< t 'J he n-ai who has be»n pilloriel in the ; r edi-lon, will swear 11 it- truth, amt offer a nuti:l>er ol accusing wiiuC’eesas accumulating ti tummy. A_ Tl* iie Pictiire. «• Ihe people muy rest assured that THE POST will continue in the line it has started, < tmlidently iM-fieving that “Kight ’s Might, and «iil Prevail* The management eurn estly Soliciis the patronage of the People, As suring them that all ProinlaeM will i*e carrhd out to the letter.