The evening post. (Brunswick, Ga.) 18??-189?, September 19, 1890, Image 1

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fl\ll Y EXCEPT SUNDAY . S /] * v ? k I Bjr • gY'.VjJ V ■ m w® V- ' ffl W\ m; vvV'iM w W -DRESS Does not make a man, but it often makes a successful one. The most precious stone, you know, must bg cut and polished. —Lord Beaconsfield. WE ALL KNOW This saying to be a true one and to help every citi zen of Brunswick to be suc cessful I have laid in the most complete stock of ILOTMG FURNISHINGS,! I I i AND I Piece Goods This market has ever seen. There will no longer be any e xcu>o for a man being out of style. mF I My Tailoring depart ments a specially com plete, and being in 4 charge of T. Winter ♦ a graduaffof the John I | J. Mitchell Co., of New | t York city, all who give I me the r orders may expect perfect Errs and ENTIRE SATISFACTION. ' 7W 1 will continue to keep the celebrated Stein, Bloch & Co. Minn, Dunlap Hats. E. & W. collars and cuffs, Aiii a complete line of Fnraish ii© of Hie best quality and latest styles. _* ***** ********** My friends and the public will alv ays bear in mind that I guarantee the qualify and make of all goods sold from my house. j, JAS. S. WRIGHT, CLOTHIER, —and GENTS’ FURNISHER. HE EVENING POST Do yon want one ? £ f WEBER, P AC KARD, ] C O STEINWAY, NEWMAN,’ 7= 1 < | CWrl ,: ' SILVER TONE £ g 4 STARR, X I LOW iWIICES AND EASY TERMS -:- BRUNSWICK PALACE OF MUSIC C. B. IRVINE, Manager. Manufacturer’* Agent Write for Catalogue NEWCASTLE STRKET, BRUNSWICK, GA. Brunswick Marble and Granite Works. Monuments and Tombstones reduced 25 per cent. Those contemplating building should not fail to get prices on our elegant Marbk and Marbleized Slate Mantels. Estimates for building trim mings, of best stone, cheer fully given. Respectfully, Wilcox & LaManace, 214 Richmond St. shcjbFsmitiF DENTIST. Ofifce—Newcastle street, over J. Michelson’ Store.s DRS. BRANHAM & CURRIE. Physicians and Surgeons. Office— 3lß*4 Newcastle Street. Office Hours— S to 9; 10 to 12 a. m. Also 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p. 11. YOU CAN GET MONEY FROM THE BRUNSWICK LOAN COMPANY 422| Newcastle Street. o Loans made on Dbunonds, Watches, Pistols, Jewelry and all personal effeets. All transactions p) Irate and confidential. MONEY TO-LOAN On City and Farm Property at Lowest Rates. Apply to H. 11. HARVEY at Court House. MONEY TO LOAN. : Loans Negotiated on Real Estate at Lowest Rates. F. E. T WITTY, Attornev-at-Law OFFICE: 312| NEWCASTLE St. \(> ,\( COU MERCHANTS We are called, and we rejoice in the title. We are “No Account Merchants” because we do 4 Id Accounl.busmsss Or, in other woids, we save ourselves trouble, and our customers mon ey bj’ doing business toy Far Cash Reducing our expenses to the min imum, taking no chances of loss, and turning money over quickly, we are able to make lowest prices on all goods. We point to our prices in proof our statements, and invite the attention of NO AGCO IN F CUSTOM ERS. To the advantages offered by' the strictly one price cash system. Call on us at our One Price Grocery Store, And we guarantee ion will have more respect for u dollar when . you find out how much it will do for you at C BALL & BLACKSHEAR. [ 505 Gloucester St. 505, 1 H..T. DUNN & SON. Dinnei and Tea Sets, Chamber Sets. Fine Crockery, Lamps, J Fruit Jars, Baskets, Hammocks, Mosquito Nets Oil Stovi PicttU'ie, * Frames made to order. Stati iiiery. Blai k Books, :,t If. T DL’NN A SON’S, 1H M.Wc.VTM’ HTHK6T, • BRUNSWICK, GA., FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1890. I- FIRE ABOARD. A Smoking Hot Freight Train Comes Rushing 5 ' ... .. ‘ A Loaded With Cotton Ablaze. , pllfft Time Made After It Was j Discovered—The Fire De- partment's Response. 5 Freight No. 37, on the Brunswick and Western railroad, loaded with • e cotton, lumber and rosin, came fly- - ing in about 7:30 this morning at an I unusually high rate of speed. Police- * man Thompson,who was doing special duty in the vicinity of the depot, ob served smoke coining from one of the . box cars in large volumes. He im mediately turned on an alarm from box 16, and by the time the burning I car was speedily cut loose from the train, the lire department was on the ground. The car, which was loaded with cotton, was immediately forced open, and the wheels had hardly ceased revolving when a stream of water - was playing on the contents. In the meantime a force of yard hands tackled the freight, and bales began to drop out at a lively rate. The lo- ’ cation of the fire, which was in the rear end of the car, was soon gotten at and the burning cotton promptly wet down. The fire was first discovered by a brakeman at the five-mile crossing. . Conductor Pollen took in the situa tion at a glance, and Engineer Jim Savage pulled the throttle wide open. The run was made in ten minutes, as , there was a decided disposition on the part of the train crew to get the car cut away from the highly com bustible material in the adjoining one. The fire was getting briskly under way at the time it was discov ered, as the motion of the train cre- • ated a strong draught, which readily acted on the ventilators. Seven ’ bales were considerably scorched and blackened, but the damage is only slight. The cotton was con- S'gned from Albany, to Coles, Sim kins & Co. There was quite a commotion cre ated around the yards, among the , railroad men particularly, and they were loud in their praises of the “get , there” time made by the firemen. , The steamer made a good second after the hose reel but the former was adequate for the emergency. The Senatorial Convention. The Democratic Senatorial Con-. ■ vention for the fourth district met at the Glynn county court house I yesterday to nominate 1. can | didate for state senator Col. James Postell was elected chairman ana Mr. S. C. Atkinson, secretary. Hon. Thomas W. Lamb was the | only candidate before the convention I and was unanimously elected as the democratic senatorial standard ’ bearer. New Fall hats and the popular Nelly Bly caps at Miss Shearer's. I I Have your watches, clocks and jewelry repaired by Mott, the jewel er, 215 Newcastle St. and you will be pleased, as he always gives satisfac . tion. For Sale, The elegant Furniture, Glass, Crockery and Carpets in No. 200 1 London street. Terms cash. Ap ply on premises or to 9-17-6 t- A. J. Mason. - ■ - - a♦ • '—- - , Go to I. T. and J. M. Keen’s for fancy and staple groceries |*hey are leaders in their line. Park Visitors. As The Post reporter was passing through Hanover park this morning, he was acosted by Mr. Wilson the park manager. Mr. Wilson asked: “How many people pass through the park daily? The reporter had no idea of the number of visitors and Mr. Wilson continued: “Well 1 came in the park yesterday morning ut 0 o’clock with a determination to count every one who camfi through the park gates. In the first thirty minutes one hun dred and seventeen people passed through. In the next halt an hour one hundred ntpl foil} fhehul pn.a cd through *. then f-uve up 1 lie task S as a tough job. To approx in: J o the number of park visitors I should «ay that five thousand live hundred |>"o ple pass tbrongli each day. Pretty fair showing is it not?’’ Buy one sin k of Keen's (. < hora ted Co.,quei..r brand Flour and you will uh- no oilier A FREE-FOR-ALL MAIN. Monk Street Commission Merchants Make the Feathers Fly. There was an impromptu series 01 battles this morning between thi game cocks of F. 11. Jeffries am Jones Capers. These enterprising, dealers do not rank rts breeders 01 handlers of the pugnacious birds They happen to have them thrown it on their poultry consignments bj country shippers. As a matter o course, the gamesters are in most instances the worse for age and war but a few days’ good feeding (level ops their natural instincts. This morning, things being some what dull, as Fridays are apt to be the clerks, to liven things up, hit ot the clever scheme of testing the oh stagers’ qualities. The terms wen three out of five for the champion ship of the square. Four battlei had been fought with honors even when a roving canine came along anc sniffed excitement in the air. There was by this time a cowd nearly equal to the one at the fire on the freight ear. The dog made a break for the roosters, and secured a mouth ful of feathers out of a big dominick. The other bird next attracted the new referee's attention, and a lively chase began. The rooster circled around the street corner a few times, and ran into the Merchants and Trailers’ bank with the enemy in full chase. Both fowls were secured, and the main abruptly ended. Arrangements will be made for its continuation at an early day. Time and place will be duly announced. The Toothsome Cane. The scarcity of fruit at this season calls for an appropriate substi tutc There is now a fresh supply of juicy cane in town in all its original crude ness, saccharine glory, from the fam ed home of the plant in Cuba. - Joe Hall of the Cal'fornia restaurant was on his accustomed perch in the tai lor’s window yesterday, engaged in testing the merits of the recent im portation. From the pile of debris from which thejuice had been extri cated by his securely anchored grin ders, it is evident that he thought pretty well of giving the article a place on his bill of fare. WEDDING BELLS. Two Weddings Last Night- Mr. Rodgers to Miss Moore and Mr. Harris to Miss Myddleton. The matrimonial season has open ed. Last night four of Brunswick’s most prominent young people joined their lives and fortunes. residence of Mr. T. C. Kittrell on Wright’s square was the scene ot a very pretty marriage last night at 8 o'clock. The contracting parties werej Mr. Osborne Rogers ami Miss Fannie Mooie. Both the bride and groom are wel known all over the state and a host of friends congratulate them upon their happy union. Rev. Mr. McCook was the officiating clergyman. At 8:30 o’clock this morning the bridal party left for a short tour to Savannah. Mr. William 11. Harris and Miss Clifford Myddleton were the princi - pals in another beautiful wedding last night, They were married at fRe residence of the bride’s mother Mrs. M. A. Myddleton No. 1028 S. Albany street, Rev. Mr. Brown of the Presbyterian church officiating. A large circle if friends were present who tendered their heai’ty congratu lations. They will make their home in this city. Extracted honey at 1 T. and J • M. Keenes. Foreign Exports. The number of vessels bound for foreign ports since September Ist has been limited. On September 2nd the American bark, John Harvey, cleared thi i port for Rio de Janeirt with a cargo of 520,619 feet oflumbei valued at $7,289, D. L. Hilton Co consignors. On September 11th the Norwegiai Bark Spes was cleared for Hamburg Germany, carrying 1850 bbls, oi rosin valued at $1,840 and 41,961 gallons us turpentine valued ut |ls, 740. C. Downing, Jr. <fc Co. *fer< were the consigners. * Now is the Lime to join Mott’i Tontine plr.n watch < lass and get i gold wntch from $lO to on puy men t of |1 per week. Sew wheat. stock <> Conqueror brand Flour is mude frou ucw wheat. I.T. and J, M Kiyn TWO HONEYS :s 11 From Savannah Come to Grief in This City Last Night. d e )r A Gay Loth-rio Skips out With his Roommate’s Wardrobe, Gold Watch, Pistol and Grip. He Comes to Grief. y >f t Two of the gilded youth of Savan r nah, heretofore roommates and bosom fiends, dissolved partnership in Brunswick last night. Hereafter 3 they will not smoke cigarettes out of L> the same package ond pose as bloods n for the edification of susceptible but (I gl’Rly maidens on Tybee's sands. , e A. C. Phillips and F. L. Plater _ were the gay and festive sports, and , s they were like Damon anil Pythias B until a woman’s perfidy and Plater’s ( l cupidity resulted in Phillips waking up the other morning to find himself ( l in the soup of despondency and n gloom. The cold hards of the situa k tion hit him like an icewater shower ( bath. Plater had llown with his enamorata, and, agony of agonies; his e entire wardrobe, consisting of y dainty silk underwear, purple and j line linen, set off with gorgeous gar -3 ments fashionably cut :.nd artistic () ally shaped, had also vanished like a U beautiful dream. His gold watch and chain, high-priced pistol and e other articles of bric-a-brac, so dear g to the average blood’s heart, had t also vanished into thin air. J As soon as he could gather his wits together Phillips set out to fol low up his fleeing but false friends. To cover up their tracks, they’ gave it out that they were going to Ala bama, but inquiry at the post-office ■ disclosed the iact that their iflail was ordered forwarded to Brunswick. Phillips lost not a moment but boarded the first train this way and on arrival made a break for polite headquarters. Officer Thompson was detailod to work up the case and i 1 the culprit was located at the corner s of Bay and Gloucester streets. He made a grand.dash up Bay street at ‘ sight of his old partner and the stal it ~ wart policeman but was soon nabbed. It was an amusing sight to hear Plater plead for himself. There he was inside his friend's coat, trowsers, neck tie and so on through the entire ’• category of raiment. Phillips was so overjoyed at the lucky denou - meat that he did not prefer a charge, s but gleefully proceeded to take pos d session of his personal effects. The fair but frail promoter of the esca -1 pade known as Lilly Jenkins was >f domiciled on Newcastle street. When t she saw the tables turned, Plater h was soon convinced that he had no 5 lurther claim on her effections. Phillips returned home with his earthly possessions this morning, t It was during his absence looking up i a missing package containing $l5O Is in gold that the job was put up. He also recovered the missing money e before leaving Savannah. 0 Fancy New rice at I. T- knd J. M? Keen’s. it s Finest French prunes in tins and ? glass jars at I. T. and J. M. Keen’s 1 Wanted—A situation as clerk 1 Can furnish good reference. Apply ’■ at Brunswick Hardware Co. e 919 6. J. L. Holton. Canned goods of every description t at I. T. and J. M. Keen’s. The Raffle. Last night at the Ocean hotel saloon an elegant gold watch was rallied oil. Quite a large number of chances were taken and several good throws were made. The lucky man, however, was Mr. C. E. Hoyle, sign r painter, his throw being forty-four. ’J He will be glad to keep his friends and acquaintances informed as to r ’ the time, 'O ... > r Finest Creamery butter in the city l at I. T. and J. M, Keen’s. New Fall hats and the popular n Nelly Bly caps at 51 iss Shearer’s. □r “2 ’ Found ’ A gold brcaelet. The owner can " secure same by calling at The Post i,- and paying for this advertisement, re * ’■ The finest lot of chickuas, plucks and eggs just received at r. H. Jell ’• ers a- - finest lot of eliicki as, ridiicks and eggsjuxt received ut F. |L Jeff in liupoiU il Mu* coroui of all kinds at ti. I. 4 and J M Keen'*. FRIDAY’S FINDINGS. The Day's Doings Briefly Para graphed by Post Reporters. F The fire department is in excellent condition now. The county chain gang is at work on Habersham park. The servant question is slill agi tating the ladies of this city. The delegates to the clerks and sheriffs’ convention have returned • home. Complaints are pouring in against 1 the gas company yet for poor gas service. The proper name for the disease commonly known as ‘broken bone fever’ is ‘dengue’. Work on the Michelson building on Gloucester street is being pushed forward very rapidly. ! Postage stamps can be had at the . Brunswick news depot when the post ’ office window is closed. Street car drivers were made hap py this morning by the sudden change of the weather. The Light Horse Guards ha« their monthly drill last night. They are getting into grea shape. A new two story brick building is being erected on the lot adjoining the racket store's old stand. Several cock fights occurred on Monk street, near Grant, this morn ing. Where were the police? Mr. C. I. Stacy says that the top of the real estate market has not been reached, nor will it be soon. Citizens are complaining loudly of the inefficiency or absense of a stock law to keep cows off the public streets. Several arrests woia made bj’ the police yesterday and last night. The recorder’s docket will be very full to morrow. Several street fights occurred on Cocbren street yesterday and last night. Several of the participants were captured by the police and run in the jug. The recent repairs on Newcastle street, have caused water to collect, which gives off a very offensive odor. Let the sanitary officers evamine the matter at once. A Birthday Party. At the residence of Mr. W. 11. Howard, corner of George and Wolf streets this evening from 2:30 to 5 o’clock Miss Bertha Howard will cel ebrate her thirteenth birthday by entertaining a number of her little friends. A delightful time is antic ipated if inclement weather does not prevail. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Robert Bruce of Richmond is in the city. Mr. J. A, Geeen of Albany is in the city at the Central to-day. Mr. Jake Beach is improving rap idly and will be out again in a few days. Ordinary Dart has been confined to his room with fever for several days. Mrs. F. 11. Lindsey is still quite ill with fever at her home on Lon don street. Air. D. T. Dunn returned from Porter Springs after an absence of several weeks from the city. Mrs. F. K. Keogh and daughters are visiting friends in Charleston. They will be gone several weeks. Clerk of the superior court, J. A King of Upson county, returned to his home at Thomaston last night. Miss Eva Mansfield, one of Ma con’s lovely daughters, who has been visiting friends in this city will re turn home to-morrow. Mr. James K. V- Carr of Savannah, who has been in attendance upon the clerks and sherifis convention, returned home last night. Hon. Alfred Herrington of Eman uel county is still in the city. He contemplates removing to th is city | to engage in tho practice of law. Rosin for Russia. The Norwegian steamship C'brii tian Johnson is -taking on a cargo of 1,926 barrels of roain at < Downing. Jr, A 4 o.’s Jock for Pittsburg, Bn»- aia. * s plain Olof hen ate r has the • redit of bringing in tfie first S< au dinaviao mu fruit to thi > ix»rt. • Puts fmit, jello •> and yrcaerves at I I. T. and J M Keen *. PRICE 5 ( ENTS ANNOUNCEMENT - We have taken this space in the Evening Post, and propose to furnish the many readers of the paper some very interesting fact's on the subject of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shot’s and Furnishing Goods. We will receive m a few days a tremendous stock in the above lines, every article oelec ted with care by our Mr. Walker, and with an eye single to the especial wants of this community. Having earned the title of “leaders of low prices,” we will continue to deserve it, and our friends and the public generally may depend upon us to supply , their wants cheaper than any one else can do. Always keep your eye on this column, a list of prices will soon be furnished that will almost startle you. , You ’ will wonder how We manage to jelT goods, first-class goods too, so cheap, but if you get the goods you do not need an explanation. However, if you insist upon knowing wc will take pleasure in informing you. Every visitor to our store will be waited on courteously whether they wish to buy or not. , ar. r.a - J** J. J. few,<6 Co. head ers oj LOW PRICES.