The Savannah daily Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1857-18??, December 25, 1857, Image 2

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jiwjuj fails PUBLISHED BY A . K. LAMAR, KDrrgK and proprietor. FRIDAY ttUUMNU. DEC. Mth. 1*67. Subscription Price* cl Savannah Papers. By common understanding, the proprietors ana publisher* of tne three papers issued in .Savannah, have adopted tue loiiuwiug uniform rate* of sub eonpttoa, to take eilect this day : Daily Paper, per annum, in advance $6 uu Tri weekly, “ “ “ “ 4to Weekly, single copy, In advance 2 oo live copies, to one address b o “ eight 10'O • ten “ “ •* 12 bo *• twenty “ * 4 20 Vo When not paid within one month Irom the umc ot subscribing, the charge lor the Dally will be Mtom dollars, and the Tri-Weekly Five. The paper will invariably be discontinued upon the expiration ol the time lor which it has been paid. The Weekly will bo soul only to those who pa> ia advance. The above rates to take eltecl irom ami after this date. SNEED & SIMS, Republican A R. LAMAR, Georgian. W. T. THDMI BuN, Aaer Savannah, July 1, 1860. Accident. —Yesterday whilst a seaman on board the ship Harmony was engaged in at* landing to his duties, he accidently fell over board, and was so severely injured by falling on a raft, that he had to be conveyed to tbo Hospital for treatment. ‘ City Council There was a brief session fast evening. Ordinances were passed relative to the city printing, and also 1&t the mainten ance of the Massic school, also for a meetiug to be called next Thursday on a li nance question. Christmas Goods.—The Poets of the Nine teenth Century is one of the very appropriate books for the season, now on sale ut the book store ol Mr. J. B. Cub hedge, it is but recent ly from the press, and is bound in handsome style, to suit well for a Christmas preseut* Ritirib Naval Officers—We learn from Washington that several naval officers retired* and otherwise effected by the action of the late Naval Board, have been nominated by the President to the benate for restoration to their former standing, in pursuance of the recommeu dation of the Courts of Inquiry. A Holiday for the Printkis.—Custom out here has granted to printers, the privilege of getting a day’s Chriatm&s in their bones on this joyous festival. Therefore there will be uo paper issued from this office to-morrow (Satur day). The Georgian will appear on bunday morning as usual Race To-Day —A saddle-horse race comes off this afternoon on the Ten Broeck Course—a single mile dash lor a purse, and free for all nags owned in this county. About ten horses will start, so there will be some line riding shown on the track. The public gats next to the railroad track will be the only one open, and admission twen ty-five cents. • The Ego Nogg B*ason—Eggs have gone up to so high a price in our market during the last sow days that we cannot understand how the sellers will be able to look a hen in the face, without blushing, for a month of Sundays to come. borne folks will have to take the “ Nogg ’ without the “ Egg,” and doubtless such will have a faying effect upon some constitutions. Improvements on Bay bTKBET.-We perceivo a very improving moveinoutv being effected oi* the north aide running west ia,.k building there in progress of being re-modelled, it will be raised oae story high- I er, giving it a decidedly improved appearance on Bay street. The frout is the best quality of Philadelphia brick. This property is owned by John Htoddar,d Esq., and the improvements are under the supervision of Mr. J. 8. Norris, contractor and architect. Blitz at St. Andrew's Hall.—The varied and attractive, as well as intensely iutcreetiug performance*of Senior Blitz, will eoon be at an end in this city, after which he goes to Macon- Betides his astonishingly trained canary birds and his illusions, transformations, experiments and deceptions, he will exhibit powers of ven triloquism, which will be a most laughable ex hibition of that wonderful power. Conversa tions with a great number of imaginary per sons, a change of voice from old to young, and the distinctness of tone ia so perfect as to be scarcely credited that the human voice is ca pable of such variety. Imitations will he given of children crying, old and young singing, in* sects, birds, Ac. He like- -j .Tuilu-< a dance of six plates on a • ■ iu.*•> *ubje. *aec advertisements and oiua. A Blitz-ism. —Yesterday tin* renowned Ven triloquist was pawing along tlie do* k wliil< a couple of negroes w*re bu*y lurniiiK vrr*ole of cotton for shipment. HmSignor thought he'd try their feelings ou oui •• peculiar insti tutiona,” and as the bale was hoisted on end, he made a voice appear to proceed from it, say ing : “ Say, boys, don’t turn mo on my head so much.” The negroes dropped the bale, looked at each other and exclaimed, “ What dal V’ The voice from the bale continued, “ Hush, I’ao agwine to a free .State, say miffiu.” “ You’so going to do no sitch trick !” said the cotton haulers, and oft’ they ran for help to get the runaway negro out of the cotton bale ! Mint Uavinpoi t. So far the weather, aided to some extent, we regret to say by the weukuesa of the company, has greatly militated against the success of Hiss Davenport s engagement^ and consequently indulge the hope, that we may be able to note a pleasing improvement, both in the actors and audiences. Hiss Davenport comes to us with a reputa tion fully ripened and matured by long and careful study, and endorsed y frequent and brilliant triumphs on the American and Eng lish stage. That she has no living superior in her line is generally admitted ; onr experience in the dramatic world has not shown us her equal. % It would be a serious reflection upon the taste and generosity of a Savannah public, if she were allowed to quit our lioards without an expression of approval from onr people, commensurate with her high talents and at tainments. Capture of Slavers, s*r. —The bark Win. G. Lewis 35 dajß from the coast of Africa, ar rived at Norfolk, Va., ou the 21st. She was captured as a slaver in the Congo River by a boat belonging to an expedition commahded by Lieutenants Walker and Cummings, from the U. S. sloop-of war Dale, Captain Mcßlair com mending. The brig Windward, captured as a supposed alaver, is expected to arrive in a few days. The British steamer Elector had seized the hark Clara B. Williams, and an American aobooner. There were a great many slavers on the coaet. and twelve had been captured since the arrival of the Dale. The Dale was to leave 40on for Helena. All well ou board. Qtorgia Conference —The amount collected for the support oi missions daring the last year within the bounds of the Conference was for Missions $18,190 00 For the Tract cause 3,983 71 For the Sunday School cause 2,207 12 For the Bible cauee 2,867 77 Christmas. Hsre we are cheering up over the last sparks of the ember* of the fast dying old 1867, mak ing us feel— “ With what acceleiated speed the years Seem to flit by ns, sowing hopes and tears, As they pursue their never-ceasing march ! and causing us to ask ourself, as the world, — “But is our wisdom equal to the speed, Which brings us nearer to the shadowy bourn. Whence we must never, never more return? Whereupon, as we look upon the world at large, ths-4hairer to this query seems uot to bejas satisfactory as toe individually could deeire. However that be, this is a season, natu rally ice-clad, but ever rendered glowing by “merry Christmas,’’ gladsome.gatherings and social rejoicings. It is passed with joyous fa ces round well-spread tables and happy fire sides, and with becoming acts of generous hos pitality, good-will towards all men, and alms deeds to the poor and destitute. “This month at last, Times annual circle fills, But empties pockets with its Christmas bills; Tne prickly holly, every place adorns, Shewing that Cnristmas pleasures have their thorns.'’ As our readers are aware, the term Christ mas, comes from the Latin Church, and is a corruption of the words Christi missa (the mass of Christ.) In former times the celebra tion of Christmas began as it were last evening, —on Christmas eve, when, according to an authority at our elbow, the house was tin* decked with holly, ivy and other evt>-j'< ecus. Candles of an uncommon size were liapwTL un der the name of Christmas candW* which -iu*uld,uut_fee snuffed or touched till burnt out. Am enormous log, called the lure log orC’brist uias block, was laid upon the fire while the people sate around regaling themselves with beer, egg nogg, Ac. in the course of tbejuight small parlies went about the neighborhood from bouse to house, siugiug what were called “Christmas carols”—simple, popular ditties, full of joyful allusions to the Redeemer. A mass was commenced in the churches at mid night, a custom still kept up with splendor iu Catholic countries. The oldest style of English songs are the Christmas carols, which souuded pleasant to the half-slumbering ear on Chrismas morning. They were generally in this wise: “ God rest yon, merry geutleman, Let nothing you dismay, For Jesus Christ our Sav.or Was bom upon this day— To save us all from Satan's power, When we were gone astray. Oh, tidings of comfort aud joy, For Jesus Christ our Savior Was born on Christmas day.” There were many more customs in “the good old times’ at this season, which are dying awnj, like distant music, and which find but a lamt echo in our modern matter-of-lact days of “men tul and moral progress.' 7 Still, at the preseut day all who understand the anniversary they celebrate must know the daties attendan thereon and while you pursue them midst peace, plenty and joy, we wish you courteous reader A HAPPY CHRISTMAS. European News Per Adriatic. The following suspensions, Ac., are announ ced : W. B. Filler, merchant, Loudon, was declar ed bankrupt. His liabilities are stated at 4140,000. The suspension was announced ol Messrs. Albert Pelley A Cos., iu the Norwegian trade, with engagements amounting to £170,000, also of the firm of Krell A Cobo,iu the German trade, with moderate liabilities. Telegraphic advices Irom Hamburg were re ceived, to the effect that the Senate and Burgh ers had resolved to establish immediately a stale discount bank, with a capital ot 15,000,- 000 marks banco, aud that public opinion was eufcrely favorable to the measure. Numerous additional failures were reported there, inoiu ding the Aym ol Watty A Cos., banker*. The suspensions of the day comprised Lich tenstein A Cos., oi London, German merchants, liabilities £80,000; Hadland A Cos ,of London, in the Manchester trade, with £40,000 liabili ties; D. Convelle A Cos., Greek merchants— liabilities uot serious. There were also five failures on the Stock Exchange, in connection with the settlement ot the account; and it wa announced tnat Baird A Cos., Australian mer chants, would wiud up under inspection, and that Dutilh A Co-, of Liverpool, were likely to pay in full. The failure of J. G- Adams, calico printer, Glasgow, was announced. Liabilities about £120,000. Gold in large quantities was being sold to the Bank ot England. It having been shown that the good debts of the City of Glrsgow Bank amounted to $5,107,- 142 against liabilities amounting to £4,455,249, it was resolved by the shareholders that the directors should take steps for a speedy re sumption of the business of the bank. It had been decided to wind up the Western Bank of Scotland. Monday, the 7th, was settling day iu the English funds, and they exhibited continued firmness, the reduction of the rate of discocnt in Paris, and the arrival of specie from New York by the Arabia, being the chief cause of the confidence which was exhibited. The completion of the lines of the Mediter ranean Telegraph Company had been effected by the successful laying of the cable between Malta and Corfu. The Loudon Sunday Times says it is stilted to be the inteution of the government to raise several regiments of Africans for service in ludia; the staff’ to be comprised of non-com missioned officers of the West India regiments. The marriage of the Princess Royal and Prince Frederick William of Prussia, is set down for the 25th ot January. The work of launening the Leviathen was progressing slowly but surely. She was moved a few feet forward every day. Operations were suspended on the Bth by a dense fog. In both Houses of Parliament, on Monday the 7th, a royal message was received from the Queen, recommending the bestowal of a pen sion of £I,OOO a year upon General Havelock, as a signal mark of favor and approbation for his brilliant services in India. On Tuesday, the Bth, the pension to Sir 11. Havelock was agreed to iu both Houses, alter several eulogistic speeches, and complaints by some members that the reward was not near large enough. In the House of Commons Mr. Labouchere announced that the government bad determin ed to give a fair trial to the scheme for grpeur i£& 4SSM*£tfEip*<swar iKua for the purpose. Lotters from St. Petersburg affirm that the reduction in the Russiau array will include 3,000 officers and 200,000 men. This redaction will merely put the army ou the normal peace standard of 1852. New Sugar Cane.— lt is said that some difference of opinion has arisen as to the com parative value of the several species of new sugar cane that have been introduced to Amer ican agriculture. The sorghum, or Chinese sugar cane, has been established by the perse vering efforts of Mr. Browne, Superintendent of the Agricultural Division of tfce Patent Of fice, as rich in saccharine properties and use ful as food for stock. The only rival which has yot appeared to the sorghum is the imphec or African cane. The stalk is rich in juices, and the bead of the plant is an ear of corn re sembling the Egyptian doura. Gov. Hammond,of S. C., has cultivated both plants ou Ilia estate season. The im pbee is later in ripening than the sorghum, and for that or some other reason Gov. Ham moud turned his swine into the field of im plies, which of course precluded a trial of ite worth as a sugar producing plant. The manager far Governor Hammond was Mr. Ilay, who has been chiefly instrumental in introducing the imphee. Mr. Ray has taken out a patent for the manufacture of sugar from the African cane. A Member of Parliament Killed. —London C. W., Dec. 19—At a dance in a house of ill fame in thin city, last night, a party of rowdies forced their way into the house, when a butch er, named Harding, fired several times into <he crowd with a revolver, shooting Hughes Wil son. son of John Wilson, member of the Pro vincial Parliament for this city, and also Messrs. Sweetman, Stevens, Merrick, Co*js and two other men and a woman. Wilsou has since died of his wounds. The others are soppoxed to l>e not dangerously wounded. Harding has not yet been arrested. J Tile Bank Act. The following is tbe Act passed by the Leg islature in reference to tbe suspended Banka. AN ACT. Entitled an Act to provide against the forfeit ure ol the several Bank Charters in this State, on account of non-specie payment for a given time, and tor other purposes therein named. Sec. Ist. Be it enacted by the Senate acd House of Representatives iu General Assembly met, und it is hereby enacted by the anthuniy oi the same. That the Act entitled an Act to compel the several Banks of this State to Mh deem their liabilities in specie, and to provide for the forfeiture of the Charters, Ac., passed aud assented to the 18ih December, 1840, be, ami tbe same is hereby suspended until the 15th day ot November. 1858. Sec. ‘id. Be it further ena< led, That when any Bank or Bankß uuw incorporated, or which may hereafter be incorporated in this State, shall refuse or fail to pay specie for any of its bills, notes or drafts oi other writing for which they may be bouud when demanded by any individual or individuals, they shall be li able to suit’thereon in any of the Courts of Law or Equ ty iu this State, and such individual or individuals in addition to the principal oi said notes, and the lawful interest tbereou shall receive ten per cent damages, lor such refusal or failure upon the amount so reiuatd or failed to be redeemed in specie; and it shall be the duty of all Junes iu such cases to find a verdict in favor ot the Flam till against such Bauk or Banks, tor the principal, interest and damages herein before provided for, and all judgements founded tbereou shall be collecteu by execution thereon, iu specie. Sec. 3d. Be it enacted by the authority afor - said, That the Governor oi this State be, and he is hereby authorizeu to withhold all Execu tive or Judicial proceedings against tbo sus pended Banks in this Stale, uutil the fifteenth day of November, 1858. Provided, that noth ing u. this Act shall be so construed as to withhold Executive or Judicial proceeding* under aud by virtue of said AH ol December 2Sih, auy Bauk iu.this State in case ol its insolvency, or against any bauk in the judgment of the Governor, whose proceedings shall be (iu violation ui its charter, said pro- ceedings at law shall be—?) instituted at outre lor the protection of the bill holders. Sec. 4th. Be it enacted by the authority atoresaid, That said suspended Banks shall on the fitteenth day oi November, 1858, commence to redeem their liabilities on demand, iu specie, by nAefore that time aud coutiuue to do so, aud in the event that any should fail, then and in that case, tbe Governor shall pro ceed forthwith toforleit their Charters iu pui suance to said Act of 18tb ol DecemDer, 1840 without further indulgence; Provided that up on proof being made to ms Cxueliency tbe Governor that there has been a general re sumption ot specie payureuts by Banks out ot the State ol Georgia, then and m mat case it sbull be the duty of his Excellency tbe Govei nor to issue his proclamation requiring all the Banks in this stale to resume vvitusu thirty days after the date of such proclamation, uuw no Bauk lailiug to comply with such proclama tion shall avail itselt ui the benefits of this Act. Sec. sth. Be it enacted by tue authority afore said, That should specie payments be required by auy plaintiff in execution irom defendant oi defendants during the tnueol suspension afore said, and upon an affidavit buiug made by said defendant or deieudanls that said demand is made, aud that the specie shall oe paid in dis charge ol said execution, then in that ease tbe Banks shall pay tbe specie lor their bills own ed and held by said defendants aud for that purpose, and iu case any Bank shall fail or re fuse to redeem its hills when demanded, upon the terms aud conditions heiein belote men tioned aud specified, it shall be the duty oi the Government to proceed under the Act of 1840, against all Banks so teiusing, to have their Charters forfeited by Judicial proceedings. Sec. Gth. Aud be it iurtht-r enabled, That all chartered Banks in this State, availing them selves of the provisions oi this act shall receive their own bills, notes, or certificates of deposit in payment ot debts due said Bauks, aud that any chartered Bank or its agents, refusing to receive its own bills, notes or certificates of de posits, in payment of debts due, said Bauks shall not be entitled to any ot the privileges or benefits of this act. Sec. 7th. And be it further enacted, by the authority aloreaaid, That co Hank in this State shatl be on lilted lo the benulila ol this act which shall send any portion ol its capital out of the same lor the purpose ol haying notes oi any kittd. Sec. Kth. Ife it fui titer t-hauled, xu*k no Bauk nor Bauk tsell,UiofhcDi oraaeuu, ahull eAItM Uiiditlj or *tn* tooa monoy oo Any note, hill, drait, or contract ol auy sort ver bal or written, at a greater rate of interest than at the rate ot seven per cent, pet annum, and only ibat rate for a longer or a shorter time, and all notes, bills, dralts and contracts of eve ry sort whatever, on which a greater rate of in terest is reserved or exacted usd received or bargained lor are hereby declared to be utterly void and of no effect, and irrecovable in law. Sec. SHh. And be it further enacted, That uo Bank nor Bauk agency ahull by itself its offi cers or agents discount or purchase notes, pa pers or evidences ol debt, made for a valuable consideration or a good consideration between the pat lien thereto, at a greater discount thau at the rate of reven per centum per annum, and tuat all such notes, papers and evidences of debt discounted or purchased iu violation ot this act, shall from tne time ot such purchase become utterly null and void and irrecoverable in law. Bec. 10. That no Bank or Bank agency by it self, its officers or agent shall either directly or indirectly sell any kind of exchange except sight exchange, nor exact, demand, ask or re ceive for exchange in or out ol this State, ol any citizen of this State, a greater premium than one per ceutum ou the amouut of ex change sold, when the bills of the Bank from which the exchange is sought to be obtained are presented at its counter in payment of said exchange, and for the violation of this section o. this act, the person paying the premium, his agent or attorney may and is hereby au thorized to recover three times the umouutof the excess by a summary proceeding, befsre a Justice of the Peace, the Inferior or Superior Court, as the one or the other Court may have jurisdiction, uudon which judgment shall be rendered at the first term of the Court, unless the principles ol justice shall require a post ponement, tor one term and no longer, and in which case the officer or agent who received the premium shall appear without any other process tbuu the service of the writ and give evidence; in case and it be fail to appear, the affidavit, or evidence of the plaintiff ahull be received iu proof of the amount demanded, and the suit shall be against either the Bank whose agent loaned the money, or against the agent, aud iu either event, the property of the Bank, snail be subject to the payment of the judgment, provided, that nothing herein con tained, shall have uny reference to foreign ex change, and provided further, that the person applying for the exchange shall, if required, make oath, that it is not to re-scll as ex- change. bee. 11th. The affidavits of Bank officers to their annual and semi aunual reports shall iu ail cases state that the Bank of which they are 0ft!....-. * >-y a*v4i, itn vfßcenr or agents iu any particular, violated the provisions ol this act. Sec. 12th. And be it further enacted, That perjury may be assigued on affidavits made by Bank officers and agents to the reports of the Bank, and on the trial of the defendant, on an indictment for peijury, the said affidavit and the name of the person signed thereto author ized to administer an oath, shall be evideucc that he or they were sworn thereto. Sec. 13th. And be it further enacted, That no suspended Bank, in this State, shall declare a greater dividend than seven per cent, while in a state of suspension. Sec. 11th. And be it further enacted, That all laws militating against this act, be aud the same are hereby repealed. Congr* national Proceeding*. Washington, Dec. 21—Senate Mr. Wilson, of Ma*s., introduced a bill, to appropriate the proceeds of 1,000.000 acres of land, for the benefit ot the free public schools in the District of Colombia. Laid on the table. A joint resolution to adjourn from the 23d inst., to the 4th of January, for Christmas holli days, was adopted. Mr. Bigler, ol Pa., made a speech in reply to Mr. Douglas,and defended the Administration, with reference to its action on Kansas affairs. A spirited debate ensued and lasted until the | adjournment. House.— Alter the announcement of the se lect committee, on the accounta of the lait Clerk, tne House went into Committee of the Whole, on the Treusury-Note Bill, the question being on Mr. Bank’s amendment, authorising au issue of Treasury iiotcs, only in the event that a loan cannot be effected. Mr. Letcher, of Va., advocated the original bill and replied to Mr. Banka and others who opposed it. l*eavc was asked, but not granted, to intro duce a resolution of inquiry, why Mr. Bernbi.-el, the delegate from Utah, should not be excluded I from the favor of the House, as the representa tive of that territory. The House then adjourned. Wubln|Mk Talk. lon ot tfs Baltimore Son writes as follow * on the abofe. War will Utah has not been formerly de clared by C<agretw—the war-making power— but tbe exjr.euce of hostilities has been recog nized on Ik Boor ot Congress, m the debate oa tne tinancii condition of the government.— The delegie Ir m the territory ol Utah has, meanwhiii been, admitted to a seat, and uu right to Uunquestioned. It will be a curi ous state 4 things when he shall lake tbe floor as delegal from Utah, to oppose the measure recommeacd by the Executive, lor leceiviug troops toerry ou the war against the Territo ry be reptsenis. It may be well doubled whether tab is at preseut a territory ot toe United boes. Brigham Young may, ere this, have cai ifd oat bis intended measure of creat ing Uuhuto a sovereign aud ludependeut State. II * not a Stale in tbe Uuion, but a State oufut the Union, and hostile to it.— Kansas, f s srgued in some quarters, will be a Stale, ihtugh out of the Union, after to-mor row, the t. We arieminded by the London Times that “tbe Uuid States are rapidly advuncing u the caretjespouaibilities am i expenses of em pire.” (jb could not listen to the recent dis cussions .Congress, without perceiving that the time ui gone by tor close estimates ol ex penditun -aud primitive economy in the ad ininistnufs of the government, uuu for spurn ing, witt stnotic honor s national debt. The interest < civilisation upon this continent sic committ to us aud must be advanced. Ex peudilui which could not be loreseen wheu the late < nnaWs were prepared, or what weic ujt cuibqed m them, will become necessary, aud a lai revenue must be provided for, or a resort to uatioual debt will become inevita ble. To crease tbe rales ol duties is suggest ed by soi : Senators as a means of replenish ing the .amury. It is by uo means certain that suel rould be tbe effect of high protec tive dull , and, at all eveuts, the public mind is better spared for au advance in the. direc tion of iv trade tbau a return to a protective mifL , L The fifes committed on the reveuue, under the preKl impericct system oi appraisement tend to Varnish the revenue und to create an iuequalitkjf imports in different ports, l’uis matter wj uo doubt receive atleulioa Irom the Trensurjlud irom Congress. The Tmabuky Note Bill—The Baltimore riuu, say* The bill to authorize the issue of iieasuryjdyp was taken up toi discuasion in the betiw In the course oi Mr. Hunter’s ex planation if the bill he stated that he had uo okyection a modification whereby the time within wL h the notes should be issued should he lnuitec > oue year. As to the rate ot intei est, whiel us the bill provides is uot to exceed six per ce ~it was believed that the nous could be 1 it on a par with specie at a much lower raU The Set tary ol the Treasury was advised that the a essary rate ot interest for the find six million would notxceed three per cent.— That woul not exceed three per cent. Thai would kee them at par. As to the residue ol fourteen I Uious, it was provided that they should be [changed at their par value, tor specie, wiq the bidders who shall agree to make sucfAxchauge at the lowest rate oi in terest und six per cent, de also suggested that the si i of tweuty millions was fixed lor the reason nat six millions would be wanted between t present time aud the Ist of Janu ary. The >urplu* was exhausted, and the treasury w • now operating with the mint fund, to the prvj lice of the coinage of the country. It was pio, r, as expeneuce had shown, that a surplus < six mllhous, to meet exigencies, should bet allied in tbe treasury, and a sui plus of six bilious for the use ot the mint, it was uot u itable to the government to sufi't-i payment equisitious upon the treasury to be delayed- was contended by Mr. Hunter that the a es would afford a great accommo dation to t 9 merchants aud the banks, espe cially at a ne wheu the latter were endeavor ing to sost a specie payments. In the w rae of tbe discussion Mr. Seward remarked at the revenue during the preseut year wouli neet the deficiency. His opinion was that t i bauk suspension aud tbe financial revulsions m the effect of panics. Later fin India —A despatch from Cag liari to the fritisb government announces tin arrival at J ez ot tbe steamer Oriental, (nui the ragulai nail steamer,) with Calcutta dates to Novemt r I—one week later. Two c4r >js es provisions had arrived safe Tiler* beeu some severe fighting, and General 0..'-am was reported to have been wouudtd. ; Sir CuigbCaiupbell aud staff left Namevoor for l'awri|2p* on the 28lb of October, to which place ue # >pa were being moved up as quick ly as pos-lfcu, and would proceed to the relie I of Luckni when in sufficient strength. The arrffvi out of several additional troop ships is-rep* ted. Lord PReerston, in announcing this news to the HoueoM Commons, said he feared it w** but tbe eut the last message relating to the convoy mi had reached, not Lucknow, but AlumbagbA Mobile Races.—Thu sixth and last day of this me* ig over the Bascoinbe Course took place ye* day. The sport offered was au “extra - ra which seems to have resulted in much dkMfrttaUßent to those with whom the engagement ommenced; for while the two ri vals were Wt'chiug each other rather too close ly, the nitfducea ineud slipped by and ear ned off tbe!|i ize. Bascoint#Cune—Sixth Day—Sweepstake* —mile beau best 3 iu 6: Entrance sloo—ball forfeit—to urry 100 lbs. each: S. M. Hill's i h. Carey Bell, by Wagner, out ot a B dglord mare 1 1 1 G. Bay Prince, by Black Priuce, oil of Fanny Harris 3 2 2 F. Scrugg’4- b. Achmet, by Prophet, out of n Plain mare 2 33 Tine: 1.645—i.635—1.625. The raceawe uow over, and we may there fore expre.4 a hope that hereafter the pedi grees aud deceptions will be given with a lit tle more ucdraoy aud attention. Coffee aml jlugar. —The following statistics of the productln aud consumption of coffee and sugar are intonating: Brazil produces 320,000,- 000 pouuds t- coffee annually, being more than one entire hi f that is grown in the world.— Java product 120,000,000 pounds, Ceylon 50,- 000,000, Sai Domingo 35,000,000, Costa Rica 9,000.000, kraeba 6,000,000; aud the British West indies.,ooo,ooo. Os the 2,800,000,000 pounds of sigar produced in 1856. Brazil fur nished pounds, Cuba, 800,000,000, British We*uudies 360,000,000, and Louisiana and other Gil States 260,000,000. 34,000,- 000 pounds i maple sugar are made iu tbe northern BUee in a year, and Fiance, Belgium, Germany, A stria aud Russia make about 340,- 000,000 of sugar in a year. In consump tion,Great swain requires aunually, for bet coffee, tea a ftfwwcetmeato, about 836,000,000 pounds, and he United States demands aome 7C0,0U0,000 tpliUa. The colle ;ou of diamonds and jewelry which wa&irked on one of the European stea mers by the v torn-house officers, were sold at public uuctioi .'V order of U. ii. Marshal Rea ders, iu Nc York. The whole collection was valued at bout $55,000 and sold for some $26,000. The difiicui ;s between Bpain and Mexico were again 1 luming a more pacific aspeot; atid the Paris of the Times says that liord Hoi leu would leave that eity on tne 10th for Mad 1, with hopes of bringing the Mexican qucJpn to a point of negotiation, i( not to uu isbutpt peace. Hill A Max. igin’s foundry, at Baton Rouge, Louisiana, wn lestroyed by fire on tbenightof the 14th instai . Loss $25,000, of which SB,OOO is covered by surance. Mobile, De< ,20—The Black river-ban risen 50 feet abovt low water mark. Four or five thousand 1 les of cotton, and large quanti ties of grain pd cattle have been lost, and other damage one. At a Nican pan meeting on the 20th, in Mobile, Gov. jftnston presided. Addresses were delivered by Percy Walker, Judge Meeks, Lan dou and others. Resolutions weie adopted vorable to General Walker’s enterprise. £ The Adriatic iras thrown open to the public for two days < King her stay in the Mersey, and admiring ci Ktrds availed themselves of the opportunity of i ape cling the noble vessel. The Frederic! fburg (Va.,)* Recorder states that Unload Wo Baon Wright, toimeriv Sheriff of Caroline, to cut hia throat on Monday uight, Jtttbe Bowling Green. St. Paul, Minnesota, Dec. 20.—The canvass of the vote in tburtState is incomplete. The Democratic can (ft ate for Governor is elected. There was no Legislature. r Miscellaneous Items. A little eon of Wm. O. Vincent, of Jackson county, Ga., wm accidentally killed with a pis tol, with which he and a negro boy were play ing, a few days ago. Mr. Daniel Campbell, of Chesterfield District, 8. C., was so severely injured by a fail from a building iu process ot erection, ou the 9th inst, m to cause his death. Wm. A. Street has been promoted to a first class (SI,BOO per annum) clerkship in the Pen sion Office, to take effect December 1,1867. J. H. Peabody has been promoted to a se cond-class ($1,400 per annum) clerkship iu the same office, taking effect on the same date. An exchange says, Col. A. H. H. Dawson s compliment to the ladies, was none bat a true lover and admirer of the sex, could enuuciate. Coi. Dawson iu indeed a polished writer and uu eloquent orator. A letter statesithat 1,000 stand of arms, two pieces of canon, and a large quantity of am munition ieit New York for Gen. Walker a day or two ago. Woman, the fairest work of creation. The edition being extensive, let no man be without a copy. ” Do you keep the bar here ?” inquired a traveler ot a geullemauly bar-room loater, a lew days since “ No, sir ; the bar keeps nit here.” Tbe last survivor of the Wyoming massacre (Jeremiah Spencer) is living in Torriugtou, Connecticut. Jesse Spangler's stable, in York, Pa., with 100 bushels of wheat, was destroyed by tire Thursday. Marvin H. Lines, a highly respectable citizen of Utica, N. Y., committed suicide by cuttiug his threat on Monday. Geu. Hcnuingstu is still iu Washington, but has little to say in regard to W alker a move ments. Bince the deuih of N. R. Stimson, Esq., the New York Day Book has passed into the nands ot a Dr. J. Vau Evrie, Horton A Cos. Halifax, Dec. 19.—Bir Gastard Merchant has beeu promoted to the GovernorsUip ot Malta. He is to be succeeded here by the Earl ot Mui grave. The Augusta Chronicle A Sentinel has struck ofl Four Hundred aud Forty uames, who are indented to them over Three Thousand Dollars. The whole voluutcer force ot 2,000 men are now iu active service ferreting out tUe Indians in Florida. Near Sparta, Ga., corn was sold recently at seventy-five cents per bushel,on twelve mouths credit, with interest trom me date ot sate. Miss Maolarlane, daughter of the Sheriff oi Hamilton county, Canada, drowned herself ou Wednesday uignt last, because hei love was un requited. The long editorial in Sunday’s Washington Union censuring me course oi Senator Doug las, is charged by tne Herald’s correspondent upon A. O. P. Nicholson, late editor of the Unioo. At sea, Oct. 23,1857, Alexander P. Stirling, Os Natchez, Miss., lell overooard from the steamship Sonora and was drowned. The body ot the child of Mr. Leonard, ot Milledgevule, Ga., who, a few weeks since,had beeu stolen or lost, was found in the woods about four miles Irom Mliiedgeville on lost Thursday. Old gentleman, (affectionately,)—My sou, why do you chew that filthy tobacco ? Preco cious youth, (stiffly,)—To get tbe juice out ot it, old codger. The brig E. Drummond arrived at New York on Tuesday trom Aspinwall, having on board a flock of Llamas, consigned to James Fisber A Bon. Napoleon and Eugenie have beeu making ol Compiegne a scene ot testivity and extrava gance equal to any of tbe costly displays ol Louis the Great. Anew sect has sprung up in tne Highlands ot Scotland, calling itselt the Chmotk ot the Aucient Faith, it members claim to have covenanted privileges witu Heaven. The number ot imigrauts arrived at the port of New York op to tne ldth iusl., was 182,802 an Idcimmo or 4V.748 la compared with last year. “Can you tell me, Billy, how it is that roost er always keeps his leathers sleek aud smooth?” “No.” “Weil he always carries his comb with him.” - All reports as to character deal largely in oxageration. “1 never knew,” says a wise man, “oue either as good or us bad as he was represented.” Mary Agues Devin, a sister of charity at Rochester, N. Y., died at bt. Patrick’s Orphan Assyiem on Saturday aged 20 years. She was educated ut Ewmetsburg, Md. Charleston, Dec. 10.—A smart sfiock of an earthquake was ieit in mis city inis morning about nine o’clock. [A light shock was lelt in Augusta.] The heart oi the lute Mr. Stiuiaou, of New York, who died so suddenly ou lite Long Island Railroad, was found on the post moi tem exami nation to weigh tweuty ounces. Bukers, generally speaking, are a set oi loafers, often kneady, aud not always well bread! “My boy, what does your mother do tor a living ?” was u.>ked oi a little barefooted ur chin. “She eats cold victuals, sir.” A “pious dog” is said to be owned in Fal mouth, Mass., that has beeu to church regularly lor years, aud has also attended punctually all the lunerals in that town. There was a large gathering of the unem ployed in Quebec, ou Mouduy last. Au unsuc cessful uiumpt was made to rob some flour stores iu the lower town. The Mormon agents iu Eugland have stopped emigration irom Europe during the pending difficulty. E. J. C. Keweu, who has exerted himseli for the “regeneration of Nicaragua,” was iu New Orleans on the 6tn iust., en route to As pinwail. The Provincetown B&uner says:—“Large quantities of mackerel are now caught occa sionally in nets off - onr harbor. As many a* o,OUU are sometimes taken at one haul.” Twenty-seven thousand Mormons have emi grated from Europe to the United States with in the past sixteen years. Dr. Marsden Campbell, a well known citizen of Opelousas, La., aud a native of North Caro lina, died there recently. Toronto, Can., December 19.—At the Par liamentary elections, which have taken place five constituents have returned ministerial can didates. Fifty gamblers have been notified to leave the city ot Dubuque, lowa. On the 19th inst., Mr. Kenan gave a Cham pagne lunch, to the Legislature at Milledge vilie Ga. The noise of the lying corks was heard at some distance from the scene of ac tion. Fitz Green Halleek, the American poet, is, it is said, about to publish anew pom. Last week a man by the name of Tyson was drowned in the Chattahoochee river. Old Gent.—“ Don’t cry, iiltle boy. Did he hit you on purpose ?’ Injured Party —“No sir, he hit me right on the head.’ Tom says, when they won’t trust a fellow for bis drink long enough lor him to swallow it, he tbhjks credit a leetle too short. The ladies say they are opposed to stopping the Males on the oabbath, especially iu the evening, unless they stop at their homes. Washington, Dec. 21.—-The latest advices irom Kansas Indicate the adoption, at the election today of the slavery proposit on with the constitution. Harry Hendrick, a trapper, of Plainville Ct., took 14 skunks out of one hole, last fcJatur day. The eamiag. of the “Chain Gang” at Sacra mento, fur the month of October, are reported at*4ol 60. The pbyaitiaus of Worcester, Mats., have tendered their gratuitous services to such of the poor as may be sick in tbst city. Secretary Stanton was removed because he would, and District Attorney McKeon because he Wood-n't. A Query fry one of the Printer/. — IT by is a loaier in a printing oflioe like a shade tree 7 Beoause wo are glad when he leaves.’ ’ Tbe Selling <1 trail flea of BeerlaavVa Holland Blttrrs. Qvub , Con aba, Jane 20th, 1844. —We have ao doubt it will sell well here. Seed as oae gross. Join Mcasoif & Cos. I*GN r KKALf Canada, July 1, I*s4.—3end us twe gross Bosrhave’s Holland Bitters. We want a medicine of this kind In our market. John Bikes * •., Medical Hall. Saint Paul, MLNwawTA —There la quite a ready ■ale here for jour Bssrhavu’s Holland Bitters. Wn. H. Wout. Wkllsfuro, Va., Nov 1, 1866—Scud me another box, mree d’iset’, Lee: have’s Holland Riturs. It is I‘kiag ‘he *d b re •!’ all other Ritters. p . Wm. H Kirxbr Yoke, Ia„ reh 4, 166,—1'b-aae send me, per ex pres-,,‘.x dux* n Bcerk.,ve’a iloiland Utters. We are e li.-eiy out. Uec26 C. A. Morris k Cos. Wood’s Restorative.—Of all tue restora tives tor the hair that have been invented, Wood's pre-emiueutiy claims the first place, it will certainly restore tbe natural color of the halt, it the directions are followed for a suffi cient length of time. It also has produced as tonishing effects in bunging cat a growth oi bair, wnere the head uad beeu previously t aid. Wood does uot pietend mat it will do this in ail coses; aud we luiuk ins candor is a good ieeommeudaliou oi the virtues which his res torative really possesses. It the roots of the hair are destroyed, no human power cun make them grow again; but where there is any vital ity toil in tbe root, the restoratives will soon renew the hair iu ail its pristine vigor, it has uoue Ibis repeatedly where all other remedies had failed. It is iberelore worth while in all cases to make the experiment. For clearing the head of dandruff', aud thickening aud strengthening the hair it has no rival-—West ern Patriot. A— dec 18 Kxtkaoi.uinakt.—t*roi. cues • De Gratii, iutioducer oi ihc gentium Du Grata's t£icirio Oil, is mw iu lowu, having arrived irom Uamsourg, i'a , yesterday aliuruo n lue prutcobor :s aloppmg ai that tune no.inred ■•s'a'Wnh.ueui, me Koumain Ho T i \ ouuUin s iliu itouru w ere e..eral 1 at*> i lie stayed o.r ug bit vi n to laltiumre, and appears u be I t- lav irue U-*Ui will: au great men. ‘V Uu Jersiaud tbe I'ru uabor mteuds to de i.ver a lecture ibis morning * 9 o’clock, at the t vutre Market, when aud where be will iuily con bis beat ers of the beacticial eUucts of hb >ar earned I lectnc Uil iu assuaging tne sufferings oi buiuauit}.— bait. Hm. gy ibis Oil may be relied uu for deafness, to be bud of tbe agents bore. Sec advertisement in auotbur cotsnin oot2^ (fDiumtmat Millipw. — - OKFICK OF TUX DAILY GUOEUIAN, ) Savannah, December 24. ) CX/rroN.—73o bales sold to-day at the following particulars: 14 at 9, -oat9>, 16 at 9 6-16, 65 at fltf, 9at 9 9-16, 160 at sits, 83 at 9fi , 277 at 9\, 69 at 10, aud 40 at IVX- fixpuru, NEW YORK—-tcamsliip Thomas Swann—633 bales Upiand and 61 uo Sea Island Cotton, 1 bale R< p ?, ‘.6 casks Rice, 262 sacks Wheat, and 10 bales Domestics. PLYMOUTH—s=hip Clio-324,168 feet Timber, aud 13.860 feet Deals. FHLLADEi I’HtA—ALrk < B Iruitt—l lot old R R iron, S3B bales Cotton, 8u caiksßtce, 46 bales Domestic*, lo do Wool, tb do Yarn, and sundry pkg-i Mdse. NKW Y’OHK—6chr Target—2oo casks Rice, 630 bales < ottou, 1 box Scales, 81 empty Jgbls. Sntilligntre. Port of SrvuiihxJUl D.cember 24 A i'l l veil. richr KUsa Ann, 1 om-ngu, < geebee, with 2700 bushels rough rice, to R Habersham & fc'on. steamer Gordon, Barden, Charleston—to J 1 Steamer Augusta, Fraser, Augusta, to ri M Lafll- B llat, Plantation, IQuO bushels rough rice, to W Woodbtidge. Wiibarusou’s flat, sAv&nnah river, with v6J bus r i, P |o J Wohatason J IS* t “ aa ° L Dr King's flat, cavAui ah river, with lbt'O bus rovgh rice, to R Habersham A bon. Cleared. Steamship Ihomas Swann, l'ost. New York—Brig ham, Baldwin A Cos. chipCno, Haynes, Pi>mouth—2< igham, Baldwin & Cc. „ Bark C B Truitt, Scholl, Philadelphia—Patten, Hut tou a t o Schr Target, Furman, New York—Ugden, Starr a Cos. Steamer Gordon, Barden. Charleston—J P Brooks Departed. riteamer (Jordon, Barden, Charleston. Steamer Talamico, 1 hi’.pot, Augusta. Steamer Isaac Scott, Dillard. Hawkinsvlllc. Steamer John u i.awton. Keebler, Hudson’s terry Sailed. steamship Thomas £w*un, Post, New York. Receipts Per Central Railroad, Dec. 544 620 bales Colton, and Mdse, to Cohens A Hertz J W Lathrop A Lo, A a Hartridge, A A Hardeo A Uo. Evans, Harriss A Cos, Tison *; Gordon, Bsbn A Fos ter, l atten, Hutton a Cos, Bolbwell AWhuebeau, ‘'onurrut, Webster A Palmes, A P Wilter, laua\ w’aabburn, T F bievens A Cos, Kxbnu A Smith, ana Hariwh k A Cooke. Passengers. Ter -u-amahlp Thomas Swann, tor New Yo; k —t B inks. JHe ulnckaoi, M Isaacs. Miss AtWnhenu er > Rukry, *■ Richards. l’ .i>uuell, h.\\ Lag ley, N JL. Chuuuicr, J Tucker, J Smith, and 6 steerage Per steamer Gordon, Irom Charleston—M Bt us ter I c-.hcu, AU Woodruff, RC Abee, KC Hag ou il f J l’erry, H Williamson, J 1 Robc r is, J DeLiiio,’ l’ (.am(UtU, W Wille., Mr /Lades, 1* • Long. A c Welter. W (J /fee. J S Lee, 0 M Jones K B Knelt, J K Kut.c< g-. * Whkl, Miss Graham, t Mulyueux aud 2 aughter , Mrs Martin, child auu avi, au i 6 ceck* Coimlguecit, Per t,learner Acgu.-ta, iruiu Auguia~66o baits Coin u,iico bbls four, Zoo hags tohorts, and bun dru-h, to 8 V i.ullllt-au. Hunter * Gamuicll, anu others. Per hearner Gordon, irom t.butlefeton—l* K Fla Bj at. .-'ll t G Lawlou, LC Wade, I K Wblis, J Wiliam on, Ii hitrd-ou & Mai tin, Powell* Cos, hT JSoaie it 0,l Mi.n u. ___ ELE( I'tOiV NDTICK. AN Election wd* oe he U at the Court House, iu tuu cuv >i’ tvauuab i * aud tor the county o; on Monday, the lourih day wi Juuuuiy nes iBSS, belug the iirt Mouday thtreol, in the y *ar ui oar Lord one thousand eight huuuied a..a tbty-oigtu, toi aCi.i kol he updnoi and lulorior Cauriri Ot Chatham count}, nra oh rll ot Chatham county , lor a Taa (ollucioi ol Cbarhatu county, lor a Receiver oi fax lb-turns <*t > hatuain county, lor a County Treasurer, for a County Survoyo*. an tor a Coroner 1 Cham utn couuty. Thu p lls will be • ptUed ol \ o’c.ock, A. M., anJ bo closi-c at i (Pel 1 ck, i*. At. Voters will entei bj tbe western door anu retire ttuongu the taotern **lo6 Shenlf ul ,i.e i ciutiy c.f thulium] (it hi. law ful Deputy* is hereby r. quird to belu uiun.auce, at or Lear *i.® Uourt House, to preserve ana mam taiu p oper order and accorum at the pods, me Couo'y Constable- are ct mmatideJ to be in atteu daui-t iu the i -biy, to keep the same unobstructed, and obey the command.* o. the presidium Mag is lrate. J and .-Lpenutemients. by outer ol the.i Honors, A VYM. H. Cl Vi.ETaS i. C. c. c. WU K, BRAND EY, J. 1 C.C. c. . k NciAH b KN A P, * 1 C. C C. j HN &.tt*.Vo.v j. i< c.c c. U&J P. HaIUHuN, j l 9 V. c. A ten : Whjjam H Hciamcw, t ierk 1. 0.0 U. declSl •otrrH-WBflivKUM r. a. stock for bALK. CITY TKEASUKEIi'S GFSTUK, i Savannah, 22d Dec. 1867. f RESOi.VKD, That the Mayor he authorioed rosell usufiicieut uumuer ul Shures of the South Western Maiiroad Company Block, to raise the sum of tweuty thousand dollars to wards tile payment ot the instalment soon to become due uu the City'asubecriptiou to the Atlantic and Gull Railroad. Aoulv at this office. Apply a*. j g WILK | NS> dec23-tf City Treasnrer. ’ NOTICK. TUB uroclamalion oOilu ons hundred dollars reward lor the apprehension aud lodgment in tail with *ufficieni proui loopovtct, the peihon or nereons who broke into A. L. DeLarges tre on Friday night, and stoic ihe* i >*nj lour • Utolf,tWo Knivw, flvoklver i at cue, Pantaioo.a Ac is hereby withdrawn and the reward offered vnll B,0r<1 ” R. WAYNE Mayor. Attest: kAwaaoG. Wusoa, Clerk o^Cmmul. New Advertisements. ATBEwNUn! D. R. AUu... G. S. Karnes,..... \ t’r*g and .-■•av** i^iger. A ChrLtwis Yi eat. FRIDAY EVENING, ‘<• vkR 5, t>7. The performance Adrienne the Autr *s. Adrienne.... Mia Da * up rt. ” Tableau of Charlotte Corday, v In which Miss Dveuport will aing the Marsellai*#.’ To conclude with The Pleasant Neighbor. SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 26,186 TANARUS, Re-Engagement of Miss J. M. Davenport, the celebrated Tragedienne. The performance will commeuoe (by request) with Romeo and Juliet Juliet *.*• Rome. MfSeUTII. Overture by Orchestra. To conclude with Cousin Joe. Consul Joe H l ’-1*- Bernard. £9i •ours open at 7. Performance l > commence at IX great attraction St. Andrew’s Hall. FOR ONF WKEK ONLY. THE ORIGINAL AND CELEBRATED Signor Blitz, THE WONDnKFDL VENTRILOQUIST. THE GREAT MAGICIAN, and his learned CANARY BIRDS! will give bis amusing performances at the above placo on TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 22D, and will continue every evening during the week. Commencing at talt past Seven o'clock, and on Wednesday, triday and Saturday afternoons at Three o’clot k. Adm, Fifty Cents. Childreu aud Set vents, Twenty-live C* utß. deogu A®- Republican ana News please copy. SI’EAMPACKKT SWAN. | vgy Stockholders are hereby notified that a dividend ha* This Day been declared by the Directors, payable ou demand. dec26-lw M. A. COHEN, Agent. New Dutch Herrings, JUST RECEIVED 20 Kegs, in Fine Order. AND 300 Boxes Sardines. For *ale low at dec2s-lt DICKSON’S. FOR RENT. MThc Brick and Wooden Stab lee at the so *t of President street, recently occupied by-Bailey A Lyons. Possession given im mediately. Apply to decZ6-3t C. A. L. LAMAR. FOR SALE. The Morgan Mare. a a beaotii. i Oteemui Mare, Fix years 7>-3Y> ol <L can trot in 8* minutes, is gentle ’and kind, with boauriml natural tail, ■LLudL aud is the moßt stylish a'_:xnal in Geor . 0. A. L. LAMAR. CLARK & LIPPIkT, attorneys at law, ALBANY , GA. Having returned to Dougherty county, and asso ciated with me in the practice of Law, Alex. S. Lippitt, Ktq , prompt atul taitiTul attention will be given to all business entrusted to our care. We will practice in tbe counties of Dougherty, Baker, alhoun, Lee, Dooly and Worth—in the t'Upreme Court at Macon; in the U. B.Urcuita.and wh rover specially engaged. Particular attention will be giveu to tne collecting and securing e! money i e mauds. dec 2 6—l m Rlt'H’l). H. CI.aRK. Holiday Supplies. KaHIN'S, cr p and choice fruit, MUSCAT L>o. j whole, half and qr boxes also : Extra Fine Fruit & Preserves. Poaches. Pears, Plums, Green Gages, natpierries, Citron, Ginger-, Pears, Cherries. Currant Jelly, Grape Jelly, Crab Apple Jelly, Brandy Poacher &<*. v 4tc. AND iquarl* amt pint:.) BORDEAUX OLIVK OIL, English Mustard, Spices of all Kinds, ALMONDS, NUTS, AC , BA Ail'S CHOCOLATE, COCOA, BROBA, FA BIB’A, COBX STARCH, With a general assortment of SELLCTI.D GUOCKHIKS Just received aud tor bale by YV. G. DICKSON, <Jec24-3 Barimnl street, near the Market. Butter-Landing. Kl KIN tXIRA UOShKN bUTIi ci, PIG HAMS, Smoked beef and Tongues . Pig Hacon and FUJLTON MAHKET Bb.l l, . Fig Pork aud White Beans. For .ale by W, O. DICKSON, deo24-2t buruard-tlreot. VALUABLE PROPERTY at Aduiiisiuiatrß Salt*. (rOSTPOMBU.) jea* By virtue ol’ a decree of the Superior T Court < f Burke county, the uudemgued Kla Aummuiiiaivjra ol Bt*mucl Dowse, laic of bure county, deceased, will offer at the Market House, u ihec.iy ol Auguia, ou the FIKbT T U Y IN JANUARY next at public Outcry, six hundred and toriv acres (more or les>) oi Pino land, near Hichmund Bath, aujoiniug ihe Butt Track, Rachels’ and otuers. ALSO : Thu decuaoie Residence, at Rich mou t Bulb, known as tne Summer Residence ol said uo.eased, it has or mno spacious and well tiuished r uins, IU iact halls iu each story, panirie* and me< y cou\ emeuce that could be ue siied. The grounds art* handsomely improved with tawns, . roves th-ue f-uu trios, &v It in oituatcd six *>iiks ir> u* *• lt.iiia, on the Georgia RaiUoai, .iiu .- x e w mn.s tr m Aigusia, three mdes of too ■ tana * o*d lendiug lrotu that cily, besides he. giu Uie uodst ol a it lined aud tuurai community, bietd with every religious aud educational priv leg - Kver>thing i ousidered, it it oue v I the most ui and delightful resi dences in l. ■ entire up r> ALSO : (Jn the same day, tue> wilt otlei fer sale, before the hum i HO 1 se. u .he town o Waynesboro’, Burke couo'y : A large and Va cable Tract of L d*d, coutaimug tdurle. u huudred acres, (more or leesj lying in san. list uuund county, knowu as Bmaituel. iymg mthc mad Irom Walker’s bridge to Lou svilie, iu the fork • t Kooky anu Beaver Dam O'eefcß, the sak place but g wen improved aud a very ue-irable piautatiou. terms cash WM. P. WHI.K, T THv>-. M BkRKiEN. VAdm’r JOHN J deckd a!3 aa,27DI&2J PALMETTO BASKETS. A FULL SUPPLY ou hand at ail limes, lined with satin of various colors, single aud dou ble bundles; also a few wire grass oi dltlereut shapes, for sale low at the store corner Bryan and Wu.Ukor sts. Ul. At. UHlFtitN, sep6 M Lastataa.'* -