The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, February 07, 1912, Image 2

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The Miller County Liberal. Entered in the P. O. nt Colquitt Ga., as Second class M after Published Every Wednesday JOSEPH & ZULA B. TOOLE. Editors. Subscription. - - $1 00 per year COLQUITT, GA., Feb. 7, 1912. OHCIAL DIRECTORY J. W. C. Worril J. S. C. Court Mondays Apr. and Oct •J. A. Laing Solicitor General. J. E Brown Clerk. J. A. PhiiPps, Sheriffr W. C. Dancer, Ordinary. Court Is- Monday in each mouth. S. B Wilkin. - W. J.Grimes. / Com. Court Is E. B. Jones i’Tuesday in each J. M. ShhtgliT ' month. W. 1. Moody. Tax Collector B. F. Bush, ~ Receiver B. F. Rawls, Countv Treasurer W. A. McDonald, County Survey or Jas. Knight, Coroner. C. C, Bush, Judge City Court Court 2 Monday in each Month Hell-Punishment J. E. Sholar Writes In the gospel as recorded by St Mark, beginning with the ninth chapter and reading the forty third to forty eighth verses, in clusive, we find where our Lord said of the members of the tody that if they offend thee, that is, it they prevent yon from doing God’s holy will, cut them off, for it ii better for thee to enter into Heav en maimed or half blind than be ing whole, to be cast into hell, where there is no death and tin fire is never quenched. As 1 d< not try here to quote the verbage of the scripture please read it. and see l ow I try to explain the trm meaning. Ryad algo Ltilj£ l*Jili to 3lsT verses? Our Lord spoke these words and took great care in illustrating here and in many other places the vivid cer tainty of a fiduro punishment for the wicked, disobedient and faith less generations of this earth. To not believe in a future hell is equiveltni to not believing in a future Heaven, and makes, Jesue Christ, the Son of God, a liar, Don’t let anybody try to be lieve that there is no hell. Jesus Christ did live is proven by al his tory and declared by the Holy Bible. His miracles of knowledge and power prove that lie is the son of God and that His words are true According to Christ’s' own words those who will not believe that H is the son of God, and will not be lieve His words and teaching and believe in God, are sure for hell. Hell, —Punishment. Some peo ple believe in bell on earth as the only In 11. There are many things which people do in violation of the laws of nature. Fertilise things they are sure to be punished in earih, an 1 this punishment follows their posterity down to the third and fourth generations, sometimes. There an? some things which are a violation of God s law, of the law of nature, and also of the laws of the land. Such as these are li able Io throe punishments, or three hells. Possibly we may use the term “third heli.” A man may possibly suffer the punishment of two hells here on earth at the same time. But in the future bell the punishment will bo many times greater than all the hells of earth combined. There are very few who shall escape the punishment for the vio lations of the laws of nature, which are all kinds of diseases, or the first hell. Many may' escape the punish ment of the law of the land, im prisonment. strapping, service and execution, —thestcond hell. Let us do die holy will of-God that may, and let us pray God that we may escape the future punisb mi nt,— hell. » »oaiiihmih no onswasssaaaa■===== — NEW DRAY LINE. lam not handling Ice during the Winter months but I , still in a position to supply the public at cheapest prices Brick and Lime—My Dray Line Is something to which I will invite your attention also. Al! business entrus-ed to me will be promply attended to. W. L. HOSEA J'jlOA‘E 51 ATDEPOT ® . e sts a® okrxs asn ® - = essS mn_i_■ f■— s_n i■■ it. is ■■» - • -nrr mm -•'-r ni- toiv i.ii.' t —xbur,ouuxmx l .. l .uuKmj s jjauMr-tjc- MONEY TO LOAJI I have money to loan on improved farm lands. If you need money I can arr; ge for you to get it. Ten Year Loan Can Be Made. When here at office of Busl A Stapleton. , J. L. WILLIAMS, liU'A"7l' 7 tr> .. i, ■.« iTrnrrw- smsrrn "* A Prayer For Only A Dream The 29ih day of January' 1912, while ou ray bed sick, thinking over past life, I thought of the 13lh, day' cf December when my little son, Glover, was riding along trying to sing “Old Time Relig ion” and then ou the 14th, day he was shut and killed and cn the 16th, day of December he was bur ied. It set med to me like 1 just oanted to see him so bad, I asked God if it was only’ in a dream I wanted to embrace him in my arms, and bless the Lord he came that flight. lit and I rode to jet her and talked to each other, uid bless God it was sweet to my soul. He is just waiting to bid “papa and, mama” to come home. Jessed bt the name of the Lord tor I intend to meet him in Him en by' the help of God. Yours truly, L. E. Millikoxs. Several barrels of pure, henn ma 1-* cane syrup for sale at rea sonable price. For particulars call at Colquitt llardwate & Fur niture Co. • if A Child's Wild Midnight Ride. To warn people of a fearful for est fire, in the Catskills a young girl rode horseback at midnight and saved many lives. Her deni was glorious but lives are often saved by Dr. King’s Ne.v Discov ery in curing lung tr .-übles, cough and cole, which might have ended in consumption or pneumonia. “It cured me of a dreadful cott.ih and lung disease,” writes W. R. Patterson, Wellington, T* x., “id itr four tn our family bad died with consumption, and I gained 86 pounds/’ Nothing so ni.c safe for all lung troubles. Price 50c anti. SI.OO. Trial bottle tree. Guaranteed by City Drug Store, Cotton Seed Me«l and Hu].., citeap at Sholar’s. The beu that eats Aunt Patsy’s Poultry Feed cannot hi Ip but .ay. because the feed is turned into Eggs. Gi tit at Bhuiar's. Seed Irish potatoes at Joe Toole’s 45c a peck. EGGS FOR SALE -By those who teec Aunt Patsy’s Foully feed to their hens. B'ld by J. E. Sholar. City Barber Shop Has been moved into the Wilkin, LuHding, near the Hotel, at which' place, with an entirely new and modern equippvnent, its barbers will con tinue to offer the White People of Colquitt and Miller County prompt and efficient service E. S. LAWHRON, Pro’p’r OPEN FROM 7:00 A. M. TO 8:00 P. M. Notice! Bting your shoes to tny s Shoe Shop, located in Tom Keys’ shop on tnel right of the ooor. 1 also mend harness® and give satisfaction utir ali work. See me! I Henry Chandiet' W anted. To buy’ one good young buggy horse,' good size; good ey-s and gobi! conditioned. Also want cue ton of first class hay, delivered. Write, wire, or si e me personally. M. B. Vann, ’ Babcock, Ga. NOTICE. If yin want to buy a FARM or sell your Fann See Ale. P E Wilkin. Application To V ' Amend Charfer Georgia, Miller County. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of the Colquitt Hard ware and Furniture Company respect fully shows: Ist. That on the day of Octo- ber 1910 your petitioner was granted a charter in the Superior court of said county and made a body corporate for the term of twenty years with a capi tal stock of Fifteen Thousand dollars. 2nd. Petitioner finds th a t said amount of capital stock is larger than is necessary in the successful conduct of its business, and desires to reduce said amount to the sum of eight thou sand one hundred dollars, petitioner to have the privilege of increasing same when it so desires according to the terms of the original charter. 3rd. Petitioner shows that at a meeting of its stockholders held on the day of January, 1912, at which all stockholders were present, a resolu tion was unanimously passed authoriz ing a reduction of the capital stock as above set forth. Wherefore petitioner prays that its charter be amended as above set forth. Bush & Stapleton, Petitioner’s Attys. Filed in office January 30th, 1912. G. W. Cleveland, Dep.. Cl!:, Georgia, Miller County. Office of Clerk Superior Court. I, G. V.’. Cleveland. Deputy Clerk of I the Superior court of said county, do hereby certify that the above and fore- I going is a true and correct copy of a I certain petition for amendment to char- | ter as same appears on file in my office. Witness my hand and official seal this the 30th, day of January, 1912. G. W. Cleveland, Deputy Clerk. Seal ’ Jas. T. Persons AttoJ ney « t Iff ‘ Office temporarily in the Court House W. H. Krause P. D Rich i Krause & Rich i ........... Attorneys at Law. I Colqtiiit, G i, Bainbridge. Ga E. B. Baughn Physician & Ft rueon | Office Next D>ior to Cook’s Phar maev. All Calls Anawerct I Promptly. Colquitt, Ga j. p. cook w o. hay: Drs Cook & Hays Ph ysi ci ans A x dS u kg E' ■xs All Culls Promptly Answered Colquitt, Ga. B. n. llt'SH x. 1,. STAVLJCTO? Bush & Stapleton Attorneys st Law practice in State tine Federal Courts. Reid Estates ant Long Term Loans on,Farms. See us Dr. R. H. Saunders : : DENTAL : ; SURQFQN : Office In The Warren Building Phone A'd. 70. Coiiy-iTT, - Georgia. Wm. I. Geer ATTORNEY AT LAW Ri a) Estate Agent. Will prac tice hi nil btafe tiinl Federal Courts. 'Coquitt (J, R. W. Grow ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Colquitt, Ga. Coin,mercial Law A Specialty. . Ml »>«y. tp Lona <oi five -Year* Time at 7 per cent interest DR. IS. K. RAINEY, Dentist Arlington, Georgia. Office upstairs in post offtet building. Your patreniige is So licited. Watson=Bnsh ■ ■». ir-owr. i-tamz. in ■■■ »—Kjr3aKjg» insuance Agency Accident, Health aud Fire Insurance Offices at Colquitt National Bank and First Nat'otjal B ink CoLQpiTT, Ga, A NOTICE ! To all the Fariycrs of th is and other sections Everybody likes good work. Call at my itew sh'ip in front of Hip Fudge and Bailey stnbks. Bring your hides of every kind to me. I will pay Lest pvici s. Brig all of yotii' Bicycle tires rubber buggy tirvs, brass of all weights, rubber shoes and all' kinds of rubber that you have to dispus'i of except bvitiiig. L R. BEACH PEUifiiA I|l?ft roe with a frightful cough aud very weak. I 1..--el'i hen Icould treat;; ,\ur.< p< a}, mr 10 to 20, llj loc • c< ddnothelp' me, but I wdu ceßg .Jtc.y cured by S D». KINC’B tiow Dismsry g Mrs.-J. B. Cox, Joliet, DI. 150 c ASID $ 1.00 AT ftLL DRUGGISTS. Auto Livery & Repairs lam now in my new garage on Main S. and am better prepaired than ever for delivery calls. Our rates are reasonable, cars strictly first class and our drivers careful. In connection with our delivery we have opened up a repair shop with a corps of efficient workmen and we are in position to handle all repair work in the best and quickest manner. We solict your patronage and guarantee satisfac tion. H. S. SUTTON Colquitt, Ga. r-Ftff ?i frm tpyi «E9 ttflKO CVSEHW* MEOOHEBSB ITlurugiibred Berkshire Boar figr-FROM- THE BEST STOCK IN THE COUNTRY “ST Serri ■ SI.OO or choice pi a at 2 months old. For | Tartieulars call at my office. I DR. E. B. BAUGHN e » COLQUITI'. - - - GEORGIA s _ —v— zz. -• -7 | MONEY TO LOAN Long Time and Low Interest 1 um prepared to negotiate quick Loans on Improved Farms, for H any number of years, from three to ten, at a Low Rate of Interest. 9 Loans made to negroes also. Also want Options on Farms, large or Ismail, and on White Oak and Poplar Timber. Come to see me or write John D. Abernathy, 3 GAY BUILDING ----- BLAKELY, GA. t ( Tywl i -W I I 4iW I wT it / A Constant ■%<? Protection A telephone on the Farm affords the Farmer’s family freedom from isolation as well as protection in the absence c; the men, Mr. S. S. Lee, of Blanch, N. C., writes: "Some time ago one of our friends’ husband was compelled to be off until ten o’clock at I night. During that time no one was in the house but his wife. She talked to us all up and down the Ime, and each family was ready to go to her at a minute’s notice.. She said she was so glad she had a phone, as she would not feel at all lonely.” Write for our free booklet and see how little it costs to have a telephone on your Farm. Address Farmers Line Eepartuaect SOUTHERN DELL TELEPHONE $ A % & TELEGRAPH COMPANY WJSJj 242 South Pryor St., Atlanta, Ga. Tlw i ‘ I 2hp 1 ” needed in every home I 11C L, lUC iCI 1 in M iu er Ccunty.