The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, March 20, 1912, Image 2

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The MillcT County Liberal. Entered in the P. 0. at Colquitt Ga., ae Second cLisa Matter Published Every Weinesday JOSEPH & ZULA l». TCCLE, tdltcra. Subscription, - - SI 90 per year COLQUITT, GA., Mar. 20, 1912. The hen that eats Aunt Patsy’.*- Poultry Feed cannot help but .ay because the feed is turned 'into itJggs. Get it at Sholafb. Mr. Vai Hogue was assuring his friends last week'tliat he now *’be- Ijnged to the Four Hundred’’ It i characteris ic of him to make al lusions as if ne was a resident the metropolis of U. S. He is the proud possessor of an automobile and laughingly says he does not belong any mure to the “drag crowd Notice To The White Voters Os The Pataula Circuit: As your next Solicitor Ger°ral, it will be my purpose to conduct the affairs of the office for the bem tit of your State and counties and byway of being able more Suc cessfully to do that, I shall, with the consent of the court,-bavp u criminal court calendar. + , The purpose ot the calendar is to set criminal cases for trial on certain days so that parties inter ested, ei therasde fw id a 11 fs, with ess es oi bondsmen c n attend- court! and have their matters disposed of promptly and not be forced to b< Kept away from their • farms or places of business longer than is necessary. Outside ot the actual expense to parlies interested, it is a severe drain on the county, so much loss of time that could be employed in working crops and at tending to business. I am i;i fa- :— ■ Solttt tors General on an adequate salary. When one is interested in the re suit of a conviction, human—like there is special incentive to secun a conviction. This should not bi the case. A public tifficei’s soli aim in serving the people should be to wt 11 and truly look aitei tin interests of his Slat' 1 and’commun ity. His desire should be to set that innocent are discharged as well as to vigorously prosecute and convict the guilty. Frivolous matters and malicious prosecutions, that are without merit, nave no place in the court house. The placing of a Solicitor on a salary- instead i f the fee sys tem that is the law ofthepresent time, will eliminate all personal inteiest that he may have in pros ecuting cases and motive in prosecutions will be the welfareo'f the State that desires none of -its innocent citizens punished, and Ips sense of duly to his oath of < flic, will cause him to tr at every- man alike and fair. If such a bill is introduced in the Legislature, I shall be glad to lend my influence in the passage of the same. One Solicitor General of. the Stats is on a salary., It is tin Atlanta Circuit that'l speak ot. In this way. money will be placed in the trea.-iyy and your taxis should be lessened and the cost of holding your Superior-Courts writ be greatly reduced. I have your interests at heart and want to serve you. Yours truly, BILLIE B‘. BUSH City Barber Shop If as been moved -into. the Wilkin Build-wig; • near the Hot el; at which place, with an entiiffly r new and modern -equippment, its barbers wifi eoii- ■ | Unite to offer the White People of Colquitt -and ■ ' Miller County prompt and efficient service E. S. LAW H RON, Pro’p’r j OPEH FROM 7:00 A. M. TO 8:00 P. M. ' ’ j’ NEW DR/tjr? iit Q lam not handling Ice during the Winter months but 1' f still in a position to supply tfee public at cheapest prices I B rick and Li me—MyX e l Is something to which I will invitA* .xour. also, ra Al! busim ss entrus-ed to mo will be prom ply attended to. Ih W. L. HOSEA’' J I ruaVE 51 ; L - > , = essasalo3clear tEfr— estatecaass • ~t csi L ... .- ...... —Si — 4* —Wi._£.L. - —'-"X* "I*?" ■ — i—■ TIM'MI ’ ■ . ■ . ■ ■ - - S-—r. - - -. ■ l J Wil. JMI lUALA.I—ny I 'MONEY TO' LOAN 1 have mor.ey I > loan mi improved farrnja ids. i li'you Ml need inoui-y 1 canary-:' gfefiryou to det i'. V| ' P Ten Year Caa ftfee ' Made!.] IWhen liere'nt. ' llb-e ~f ilm. V Stnploli-.-n. - . J. L. WI L L:.. MSv Growing Fast. | / Saturday without any- soleita-! lion on part The Li beral gain i ed five new sub.scribers That, excellent citizen, Mr B A.q Phillips who has been a s ibscrh ' ber to the L beral since our tiffe* j issue dropped in and paid for the paper to be sent t..ohis brother, Mr W. A. Phillips, Sparger, Tex. N*xt we received a letter con taining a check from that former, Colquittonian, Mr M. D. Huberts, who is in' tie fancy greet ry Imi neve in Richland, wit h instruct ions do orwud the Liberal to is wife, *. . • . •Then’a.subbQription fie was re-' ceived from Mr R. W. Miller, t. worthy Miller county boy, who is doing well in a drug store in Bar ney. Tlteu'Rev. D, Joiner and Mr J. I D. Dayis whf> are on rural routes, leading from this city dropped. in.- and had their names placed on the Colquitt list. We appreciate tb's steady 'growth, and are trying to make' the Liberal Worthy of the appre. ciation of our eight hundred #ulP" ocribers, and it is estimated th,it an average of five people read encl: subscriber’s paper. According toi 1 lioc~?3tfii'rirt^pKTr' L1 liei T 'o .is"' nov. s peruse 1 by four thousand readers. Announcement. L take this method of notifying the White Voters of Miller County of my , candidacy for the position of Judge of the City Court subject to the action/jf i the white primary to he held, ig tl.ej spring of 1912. If elected I promise a conscientious I administration of theduties of the tenth without favor or affection, fear or ha tred of any one. R. W. GROW. Eggs For Sale Brown Leghorn Eggs, 15 for .■?! .0'); Buff Orpington eggs,ls I,u 0 The chickens are fine single e< mt ; J fowls. Thus.* desiring eggs ci.i get either of these fine Lreejs ’by' : notifying < Mrs. Joe M. ShingLer - Colquitt, Ga. Attention Teachers The Annual Teachi rs’ (i.g’itule will be held in Colquitt fo.m April I,sth to the 1911 and every] teacher, unless providentially l.ii’.'’ dered, wi l ! la. expected to atteini The Institute will be conduct?d' by- Mr. F. E. Land, State Suptwis-- or. B, B. Bush, County x -.-| Superinteiidant, ■ J,. FOR TREASURER.. ■ ► I am a candidate for •'TrensurcV' ■ of Miller county, subject to<the» primary of April sth. If elected,' 1 promise an efficient, .and fnith- I fill dlecharge'of the duties ‘of tJiew office. . Sam M. Wats ox, J* i f For€dmmissioner r6m The 12th Dist. ■ 'I h ? 'iVuCef my’c in 1 I' ''orrthe'i ffirT s-f'CeHnVy- Commis' | lion r cJ-t!«>. J Jl-n.l>rs!': and wdi i appreciate the suppo-ft., oil, tin V'ti-rs '.d. tlig i(iijj/iel. li. I aiij the choice of the voters I shall dischai^ejbf^luries. of the .ffic, ivilhout fear or favor and to tlie best iff mv ability . ' Y> ufs To Serve, ? ■'' "'‘'VV. G.Stokes. • ' NOTICE. I: Vjiiwaritlo buy a FARM or -<•11 your I'i.ruqSec Me. ... ; ..ILE Wilkin. ' \ NOTICE. Nqtic. L hereby giveif flint gtbJ firm of W. 11. GrTni’s Co?' IVrl j Tore engaged *f i! file Grocery b|| SF uess in fhecify of Cbl<'iuitt,‘GnHß| i liis dnv II -selvt’d, M’ mutual ■ifeyt Wt, H L *i r f tn* *The iytV’ss w i iß'Be con -' ducted tat ibe sarffiv .-place' by B. 'Tin'inufuler the .firm name of > J.h.ou»l;S on GrocerypCo-.-vvlun will | S'tile, all firm liabilities ' and fe- | ceipt for alt. deb's du'- t<> the firm. ' Tins January 2.(>-h. 1912. ‘ •’w'.jf.'Grinles :B. Thompson. - c ‘ Ci'rtZn 'Seed Meal' and' Hulls e-heny m. Sholar's. ■ . i *• : No.’ 9254., - ‘ REPORT 'OF THE CONDITION OF THE COLQUITT NATIONAL BANK j At Caljuitt iw the Style of Georgia at. the close of ' f ' Trfsiness Fehruary 20.1912. ~~. • : , ■ ; . * , ’ ; ; ■ Loans and Discounts ’ 70,039 10 'secGreJ' aftd Wis&rtred' ’ r ‘ Bmttk#t<j, secure circir- ■. x-latpru . . 1 10,000. Prenajpnis.un .JJ . S ? By nds, etc. 252.C0 iLi-ik'ifiif" hovrel' Furniture ‘ ‘ l ’’Tind'FistwM*' 10,380 54 Banks ' ,hiot agents).' Due 7'?*>nrStiittr§nft.Pr|vnte *■ *Bunkl - 'imd -Bankers, - T.oslt ompjwies, ■ and , Savi.igMgJipJt 3 , 6.422 97 : Due from approved Reserve ' 13.170 43 bC"i?A? erG.othetfcCash Items 1. 229 92 ! Nates Banks 565 00 ■ r'<a<*)ona] -Currency > fJickcls,. imd’.Cents* . > 249 40 IN ' *8 • • SpM' l - , d l e.wd.tender Jlotee , ? 280. 00 .1,951 4a , jijr'ft. circulation) 500.00 ’ TOTAL. . , ,$114,760 81 of Miller, ss: j ’ f CWiier of the above named bank, do solemnly - .. s ~,r i hjTtffi ;*as ivbNtMemeut is true to tlu best of my knowledge and iieli.T. • • *’’** '' S. M. WATS )N, Oaihijr, .‘...f' _ CORRECT —Attest: \ P. D. RICH G. BOYKIN 4 F. E. FUDGE Directors. ' ' 'Subscribed and sworn to before me this Ith day of Mar. 1912. ' • S.B. WILKIN Notary Public. Jas. T. Persons Attorney at Law t Office temporarily in the'Court House, W. H. Krause P. D Rich. Krause & Rich Attorneys at Law. Colquitt, Ga. Bainbridge, Ga. E. B. Baughn Physician & Surgeon i Office Ni xt Door toCiok’s Phsr- I tnacy. All Calls Answered I Promptly Colquitt, Ga. j. p. cook w. e. HAYS Drs Cook Physicians And Subgeons All Calls Promptly Answered Colquitt, Ga. - 8.8. lit'Sn X. LSTAPI.KTOS Bush & Stapleton Attorneys aLLaw £S“Will pi act ice in Stqfe and Federal Courts. Real Estates and Long Term Loans on Farms, See us ' S' Dr. R. H. Saunders : : DENTAL : : SURGEON : Office In The Warren Building Phone No. 70, Colq iTT, - Georgia. Wm. I. Geer ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Real Estate Agent. Will prac tice in all State arid Federal Courts. Colquitt G« I R. W. Grow ATL'ORNEY-AT-LAW Colquitt, Ga. I Commercial Law A Specialty. slLgMouvy t° Loan on five Years ' TimeVbNr’per cent interest .1 I DR. E. K. RAINEY, Dentist. I Arlington, Georgia. Office upstairs in post offict building. Your patronage is so licited. Capital stock paid in $ 40.000 00 Surplus fund 10 000 00 Undivided Profits, less Ex- penses and Taxes paid 948 79 National Bank Notes out- standing 10.000 00 Dividends Unpaid 50 00 , Individual deposits subject to check 28.776 78 Time certificates of deposit 1.766 92 Certified checks Cashier’s check outstanding 3.218 32 Notes and bills rediscounted Bills paypable, including cer tificates of deposit for money borrowed . 20,000 00 1 Liabilites other than those ! above stated l’ ■ ’ 1 X ) )■ - . Total _ $ 114.760 81 | Up-To - Date | | TAILORING < < Mrs. G. JJ'. Cole, at her residence on First 1 < Street in J.-. S. Ji ilkin Building., hereby solid- 1 e its the tpatronage of those wishing FIRST < r CLASS'SE IFI. VG or TAILORING done. Her < < irork is GUAIiANTFED to give SATISFAC- " 4 > Tl(L\ and. - ' ► Prices Are Reasonable J > CALL ON HER W * < *** —agaE» frSKHWfr aaaa qd egMUit qp cap smbb ohhmmi Thorughbred Berkshire Boar | BS-FROM THE BEST STOCK IN THE COUNTRY I il Service SJ. 00 or choice pig at 2 months old. For I Particulars call at my office. I DR. E. B. BAUGHN J I • COLQUITT, - . . GEORGIA I •MansaßKßS«£assKe»cssa»a» m mim Mn i——— «■*■■■■ MONEY TO LOAN ♦' Long Time and Low Interest I um prepared to negotiate quick Loans on Improved Farms, for - any number of years, from three to teri, at a Low Rate of Interest. Loans made to negroes also. Also want Options on Farms, large or small, and on White Oak and Poplar Timber. Come to see me or write John D. Abernathy,] ’AY BUILDING ----- BLAKELY;'GA. rmnr ißiiii MBB V ’ Ilf It Is Anything i Carried Usually | I Carried in a stock of General Merchandise you will find "it | I in my store. You will also ! find that my prices are ex tremely low. Remember the place. ! i JOSEPH TOOLE j I COLQUITT, GA. .- ! O SHKOBBB ■■■■■■* Hood-Bye. ■Sweetheart, good-bye! That fluf fing sail te spread to waft me ■ far from thee. And soon, before the farth’ring' gale, rMy ship shall bound ppon the §ea. Perchance, all dee Tate and forlorn, These eyes shall miss thee many a year: Tho lost to sight, to memory dear. Sweetheart, good-bye! one last embrace! <>h. oruel fate-lwo souls to sever! Tet in this heart’s meet sacred place, Thou, thou alone,, shaft dwell forever; ' And still e'halln collection trace, In fancy’s mirror, ever near, Each smile, each tear, that from that face-- ’’’ Tho foei to sight,- to memory dear. Tuomas Moure. ■ X % • j