The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, June 26, 1912, Image 2

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The Miller County Liberal. Entered in the P. O. nt Colquitt Ga., as Second class Matter 4 «.! ■ . .. . — 1 • Published Every Wlinesday JOSEPH & ZULA B. ICCLI , Editcrs. Subscription, - - SI 00 per year COLQUITT, GA., June 26,1912. The general assembly meets in Atlanta today, and t r fifty days the August body will attract the attention of many good citizens Their death on the Titanic taught the world the value of some of the men that went down w’th that ship. Astor was regarded as an ordinary man about town to, whom connection with the d’vorce court had given more than usual prominence, but the manner of his death proved that he was of the stuff of which heroes are made ; George D Widner was regarded in much the same light as Astor, yet the news comes that his eollec- j tion of books willed to Harvard is | one of the finest of rare and auto- • graphed first editions in the world, and his placing it where it can be used by the young men of America shows that he was not only a stu- , dent of literature, but a man of j patrioticjliberality. Speaking of ■ books reminds ue_that Major Butt ■ was unknown as an author, but h:s ; book, published this month, is said to be au interesting contribution to the literature < f the year —Sa vannah News. Cotton Seed Meal and [lulls heap at Sholar’s. OMB* CBB* 98853 CSr3E3B3SE32S OEKSfIECSfIRSS? <E’SE3£OE2SESES €33BB3SH3BSHB (SIOO REWAR D| I For Anything I Cannot Fix VAL HOGUE, | No 6498. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Colquitt in the State of Georgia, at the close of business June L'/th . 7,9/?. RESOURCES LIABILITIES: Loans and Discounts ? 95,445 66 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 1,216 97 U. S. Bonds to secure circu- lation 10,000 Premiums on U. S. Bonds <5 00 Banking house, Furniture and Fixtures 5,199 25 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 7,022 42 Due from State and Private Banks and Bankers, Trust Companies, and Savings Banks 1,371 51 Due from approved Reserve Agents 14.87069 Checks and other Cash Items 270 56 Notes of other National Banks 25 00 Fractional Paper Currency, Nickels, and Cents 151 51 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie $ 1.743 15 Legal-tender notes 95 00 1,838 15 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urer (5 per ct. circulation) 500.00 Due from U. S.Treasure x TOTAL $137,986 72 STATE OF GEORGIA— County op Miller, ss: I J W. Basil, Cashier of the above named batik, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best <f my knowledge and belief. J. W. TH SEI, Cashier CORRECT —Attest: W. J. BUSH .). P COOK N. L. STAPLETON Directors. Subscribed and sworn to bef< re me this 21M day of June 1912. L. M. ARMSTRONG Notary Public Mule Taken Up. One small mouse colored horst mule, branded, taken up May 22. About four years phi and weighs ab< ut 650 lbs. Owm r can get him by paying for this, advertisement land alt exp°ns. s. Held at my home Seven mil'* west of C Iqni’ton the ByiyiOrldg and f \dar Spring toad. Write Ip. or see J- A O K-al I Colquitt, Ga Man Coughs and freaks Ribs After a frightful coughing spell a man in Neenah, Wis, felt terrible pains in his side and his doctor found tv. o ribs 1 had been broken. What agony !r King’s Ke w I. i -covery w .".Id have saved Lim. A few teaspoonsful ends a late cough, while persistent use roi ts absti nate cough:. expels stubborn co Is or heals weak, sore lungs. “I feel sure its a Godsend to humanity,” write s'.’rs Effie Morton. Columbia, Mo. “for I be lieve I would have consumption to-dny, if I had not used this great remedy.” Its guaranteed to satisfy, and you can l get a free trial bottle or 50c or SI.OO size at City Drug Store. For Senator: 1 I To tie voters of Milh-r County; 1 Under the rotation system this | is Miller Comity’s tiui" t ■ provid ■ a senator from tire i-Lht c istrict llu resp mse to the encouragim | wishes of many ">f the go al c.ti -1 zens cf Mil'er Ooiiuty as 'Veil as i i bein'" my ambition to serve tin people, I hereby aiinuiiiic* myself a candidate lor .his honor at tin August primary. If you favor my candidacy I will very much appreciate any ac ■five support yon may render me. Yours very risp W. J. Bush. Makes ‘he Nation Gasp. The awful list of injuries on a fourth of July staggers humanity. Let ovei against it, however, is the wonderful healing, by Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, 0 thousands, who suffer from burns, cuts. | bruises, bullet wounds or explosions. Its the quick healer of boils, ulcers, i eczema, sore lips or piles. 25c at City j Drug Store. Capital stock paid in $ 40.000 0C : Surplus fund 14.500 0( ’ Undivided Profits, less Ex penses and Taxes paid 4,415 5a National Bank Notes out- i standing 10.CC0 00 I Dividends Unpaid ICO.OO , Individual deposits subject j to check 40.903 10 ! 1 Time certificates of deposit 2.875 03 j Certified checks I Cashier’s check outstanding 133 06 ; Notes and bills rediscounted I Bills paypable, including cer tificates of deposit for j money borrowed 25.000 Ct Liabilites other than those above stated i Total $ 137.986 72 Watson-Bnsh hisuance Agency Avoid mt, Health aud Fire Insurance Offices >4 Colquitt National Bank and b'tral Nat omil Ba;J Co; quilt, Ga Notice! Bi ing your shoes to my Shoe Shop, locat, d in Tom Keys’ shop on the right of the uoor. 1 also mend harness, nod give satisfaction on all work. See me! Henry Chandler NOTICE. If yin want to buy a FARM or j -el: your Farm See Me. P E Wilkin. DR. E. K. RAINb-Y, Dmfist A-.i:.g!oti, Georgia. < . , .‘H . Office upstairs in post offict building Ynr patronage is So in i ted. r S. veral barrels of pure, home nn le cane syrup for sale at rea tonal'-L' price. For p rticu'ars •ell .il Colquitt Hardware & Fur niture Co. ts B. Cosby Bird, ' Physician <)' Surgeon. All Calls Answered Promptly, Office In Wilkin Bld. Colquitt, Georgia. • FOR SALE. Two gffbd cows. Prices reason-* 1 ib'e. For futuer particulars ap tly 1° Joe M. Shingler. ‘ Colquitt, Ga. «3EgSS23ESS 5X323 C.:. K'XSBB 253 «S 3 CHEE! SEaSSSSEEff ®-j Thorughbr cd Berkshire Boar Ij . FROM THE BEST STOCK IN THE COUNTRY j Service $2.00 or choice pig at 2 months old. For I Particulars call at my office. i DR. E. B. BAUGHN j ’ I ’ COLQUITT, - - - GEORGIA 1 I ' J j-- afax.ii ■■Tl >r-Twju.-.->aa ii ii rnwrni'WMm6CT»M—■— »■’ ua City Barber Shop ■r - Ml i ■ in JUT" —iMTf-.»■■■■!■ i i .in—i no—— aigr . umi-.nj. kj -.i r. -,-r Has been moved into the V\‘ilkin Euilding, near the Hotel, at which place, with an entirely nt w and modern cquippment, its barbers will con tinue to office the Il 'hite People of Colquitt and « Miller County prompt and efficient sendee ’ E. S. LAWHRON, Pro’p’r r ' OPEN FROM 7:00 A. M TO 8:00 P. M. own & Sheffield. Black Smith and Repair Work a special ty. Oar shop is the one formerly owned by Mr L. R. Beach All work Speedily and Neatly Done. Prices arc reasonable and work guaran teed. Horse Shoeing and Automobile Repairing a Specialty. Brown & Sheffield Colquitt . - " ■ ' - Georgia. Jas. T. Persons Attorney at Law. Office in the New Wilkin Building. W. H. Krause P. D Rich. Krause & Rich Attorneys at Law. •Colquitt, Ga. Bainbridge, Ga .. E. B. Baughn Physician & Surgeon Office Next Door to Ci ok’s Phar maw. All Cails Answered Promptly Colquitt, Ga. J. P. COOK W. C. HAYS Drs Cook & Hays Physicians And Surgeons All Calls Promptly Ar.swtr d Colquitt, Ga. Q. „. HUSH N. 1.. STAI’I.ETI>N Bush & Stapleton Attorneys at Law piactice in State and Federal Courts. Real Estates and Long Term Loans on Farms. See us Dr. R. hi. Saunders : : DENTAL : : SURGFON : Office In The Warren Building Phone No. 70. Colq'itt, - Georgia. Wm. I. Geer ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Real Estate Agent. Will prac tice in all State and Federal Courts. (Colquitt Gi R. W. Grow 1 • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Colquitt, Ga. Commercial Law A Specialty. Money to Loan on five Years Time at 7 per cent interest TAX RECEIVERS APPOINTMENTS. 12th Dist. - Corea June 3rd, Cook Bros June 4th, Belleview ” sth, Babcock ” 6th, Boykin ” 7”. I will be in Colquitt during court also during city court in June and most every day not mentioned above. Please be prompt to give in as the labor is very heavy a great deal more than I expected last year. J. F. Bush. R. T. R. M. C. D. B. Womb I e Carries a full line of Coff ns and Caskets Special attention given to Embam’ing I also operate an up-to-clate blacksmith and repair shop and cordially solicit your patronage and guarantee absolute satisfaction. My shop is located near the public school building. D. B. WOMBLE COLQUITT, - *- - GEORIA @ Viy © OJrWSOSS @ $ 0 r-’V ■' | g Why Do You g i ' I I Neglect I | Your Teeth? a | ~ I | II hen having them filled, in time means less I cost, little pain, ami much greater penna- 5 ® nence of work, b COMS ULT. ITIOM FILEE. | DR. R. H. SA UN DER S » ? COLQUITT, GA. Q NEW DRAY LINE- lam not handling Ice during the Winter mouths but I iu a position to supply the public ilt cheapest prices BricK and Lime—My Dray Line to which yoilr All bus.m ss entrus.ed t. mo will be promply ..ttended to. w. L. HOSEA AT HELOT __ 0 - g Advertisna tays 1 housands of Business i Men throughout the length and breadth of America, who recognize no sentiment ex cept results. TRY iTI §3iUUI OSS