The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, July 10, 1912, Image 2

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The Miller County Liberal. Entered in the P. O. at Colquitt Ga., as Second class Matter Published Every Wei nesday JCSEFH & ZILA B. TCCir. Editors. Subscription, - - Si 00 per year COLQUITT, GA., July 10, 1912. The Post Masters of Georgia are to bold their annual convention this week in Savannah, Citation. Georgia, Miller County. Mrs Willa Sutton, having made appli cation for twelve months support out of the estate of A. D, Sutton, for her self and five minor children and appra isers duly appointed to set apart the same having filed their returns, all per sons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the court of Ordi nary of sai l County on the first Mon day in August 1912 why said applica tion should not be granted. This July Ist 1912. W. C. Dancer, Ordinary. NOTICE Georgia, Miller County: Will be sold on the first Tuesday in August before the Court-house door in I said county, between the legal honrs of sale, the following property, to-wit: 1 One bay horse mule about 8 years old, one black mare mule about seven years old, one gray horse mule about 5 years old, and one blue horse mule a bout 5 Years old, same levied on as the property of W. H. Knight, to satisfy a ' mortgage fifa issued from the City; Court of Miller County in favor of the 1 Bank of Donalsonville. This June 27th 1912. J. A. Phillips Sheriff. Notice: I have a scholarship to the Georgia Normal & Industrial college that I shall be pleased to give to some worthy girl. She must be 15 years or older and ready for Freshman class under the rules of the college. All interested, come to aee me at once. Your Superinten d ent, Billie B. Bush A > - -- SIOO REWAR D For Anything I Cannot Fix VAL HOGUE, COL^b S6I A. > No. 9254. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE COLQUITT NATIONAL BANK Jit Colquitt iu the State of Georgia at the close of business June IJtli ■ 1912. RESOURCES LIABILITIES: i Loans and Discounts $ 74,767 22 i Overdrafts, secured and unsecured U. S. Bonds to secure circu lation 10,000 Bonds, Securities, etc. 1,352 00 Banking house, Furniture and Fixtures 10,410 69 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) Due from State and Private Banks and Bankers, Trust Companies, and Savings Banks 5,414 15 j Due from approved Reserve , Agents 4,204 22 , Checks and other Cash Items 1, 168 48 Notes of other National Banks 5 00 Fractional Paper Currency, Nickels, and Cents 254 48 Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Specie $ 1.808 85 Legal-tender notes 695 00 2,503 85 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urer (5 per ct. circulation) 500.00 Due from U. S. Treasure TOTAL $110,580 09 STATE OF GEORGIA-- County of Miller, ss: I S, M. Watson, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. WATSON, Cashier. CORR EOT —Attest : T. G. JONES P. D.RICH G. BOYKIN Directors. • Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26st day of June 1912. J. E. LANE Notary Public. Sheriff’s Sale. Georgia, Miller County: Will be sold before the court house door in said county, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, on the first Tuesday in August 1912, the following described property: One black horse mule about 7 yrs old. Said property levied upon as the prop erty of Mrs. Laura Bush to satisfy an execution issued from the City Court of Miller County in favor of J. S. Bush against Mrs. Laura Bush. Said prop erty being found in the possession of said defendant. This July 3sd, 1912. J, A. Phillips, Sheriff. Sale Os Land. Georgia Miller County. Will be sold before the court house door in Colquitt, Ga. within the legal hours of sale on Wednesday the x7th day of July, 1912 to the highest bidder for cash the following described prop erty, towit: Seventy-five (75) acres of land lying and being in the South half of lot of land No. 82 in the 26th Dist. of Miller county, Ga., said tract being all of the south half of said lot No. 82 except 50 acres extending across the , south side of said south half. Said tract being bounded on North by land of W. M, Johnson, on East by land of T. J. Shingler & Bro., on South by land of grantor and of West by land of T. J. I Shingler & Bro. Said tract of land sold as the proper ty of W. H. Knight under and by vir tue of a certain deed with power of sale to secure debt executed by W. H. Knight to the undersigned Joe Toole dated the sth day of November 1910 and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court jf Millerjcounty, I Georgia, on page 5 of Book No. lof the records of deeds of said county. I The amount due the undersigned on said deed with power of sale being the sum of $560.00 principal, the sum of $32.42 interest to date of sale, the sum of $58.80 attorneys fees, the sum of I $12.85 court costs, making a total of I $664.07, besides the expenses of adver tising. I This the 2nd day of July, 1912, ' Bush & Stapleton, Joe Toole. I Attys. f Makes the Nation Gasp. | The awful list of injuries on a fourth !of July staggers humanity. Set over against it, however, is the wonderful healing, by Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, of thousands, who suffer from burns, cuts, bruises, bullet wounds or explosions, Its the quick healer of boils, ulcers, eczema, sore lips or piles. 25c at City Drug Store. Capital stock paid in $ 40.000 00 Surplus fund - 10.000 00 Undivided Profits, less Ex- penses and Taxes paid 965 59 National Bank Notes out standing 10.000 00 Dividends Unpaid Individual deposits subject to check 22.406 35 Time certificates of deposit 1.601 84 Certified checks Cashier’s check outstanding 606 31 Notes and bills rediscounted i Bills paypable, including cer- | tificates of deposit for money borrowed 25.000' CO Liabiiites other than those above stated Total $ 110.580 09 Watson=Bush Insuance Agency Accident, Health aud Fire Insurance Offices at Colquitt National Bank anil First Nat’onal Bank Colquitt, Ga Notice! Biing your shoes to my Shoe Shop, lunatic) in Tom Keys’ shop on the right of the uoor. I also mend harness, and give satisfaction on all work. See me! Henry Chandler NOTICE. If yon want to buy a FARM or sell your Farm See Me. P. E Wilkin. DR. E. K. RAINEY, Dentist Arlington, Georgia. Office upstai'rs in post office building. Your patronage is so licited. Several barrels of pure, home ma le cane syrup for sale nt rea sonable price. For particulars call al Colquitt llardwaie & Fur niture Co. ts B. Cosby Bird, Physician <s• Surgeon. All Calls Answered Promptly, Office In Wilkin Bld. Colquitt, Georgia. FOR SALE. Two good cows. Prices reason able. For hither particulars ap ply to Joe M. Shingler. . Colquitt, Ga. Thorughbred Berkshire Boar B@“FROM THE BEST STOCK IN THE COUNTRY “W Service $2.00 or choice pig at 2 months old. For Particulars call at my office. i DR. E. B. BAUGHN j ! COLQUITT, - - - GEORGIA i ! - I City Barber Shop Has been moved into the Wilkin Building, near the Hotel, at which place, with an entirely new and modern cquippment, its barbers will con tinue to offer the White People of Colquitt and Miller County prompt and efficient service ; E. S. LAWHRON, Pro’p’r OPEN FROM 7:00 A. M TO 8:00 P. M. Brown & Sheffield. Black Smith and Repair Work a special ty. Our shop is the one formerly owned by Mr L. R. Beach All work Speedily and Neatly Done. Prices are reasonable and work guaran teed. Horse Shoeing and Automobile Repairing a Specialty. Brown & Sheffield t olquitt ----- Georgia. Jas. T. Persons Attorney at Law. Office in the New Wilkin Building. W. H. Krause P. D Rich. Krause & Rich Attorneys at Law. Colquitt, Ga. Bainbridge, Ga. E. B. Baughn Physician & Surgeon Office Next Door to Cook’s Phar macy. All Calls Answered Promptly. Colquitt, Ga. J. P. COOK W. C. HAYS Drs Cook & Hays Physicians And Surgeons All Calle Promptly Answered Colquitt, Ga. 8. n. BUSH N. I-STAPLETON Bush & Stapleton Attorneys at Law g@“Will piactice in State and Federal Courts. Reni Estates and Long Term Loans on Farms. See us Dr. R. H. Saunders :: dental ::surgeon : Office In The Warren Building Phone No. 70. Colq'itt, • Georgia. Wm. I. Geer ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Real Estate Agent. Will prac tice in all State and Federal Courts. Colquitt G i R. W. Grow r'WjATTO RN EY-AT-LAW ColquitAGa. - Commercial Law A Specialty. Money to Loan on five Years Time at 7 per cent interest TAX RECEIVERS APPOINTMENTS. 12th Dist. - Corea June 3rd, Cook Bros June 4th, Belleview ” sth, Babcock ” 6th, Boykin ” 7”. I will be in Colquitt during court also during city court in June and most every day not mentioned above. Please be prompt to give in as the labor is very heavy a great deal more than I expected last year. J. F. Bush. R. T. R. M. C. D. B. Womble Carries a full line of Coff'ns and Caskets Special attention given to Embam’ing I also operate an up-to-date blacksmith and repair shop and cordially solicit your patronage and guarantee absolute satisfaction. J\ly shop is located near the public school building. D. B. WOMBLE COLQUIi'T, - - - GEORIA • «D 9 9HSHBB9 • * • ’ ’ r '< Why Do You | j < Negfcl J Iby \p Your Teeth? I II When haring them filled in lime means less I cost, little Itain, and muck greater perma- ! nence of work. eg (CONSULTATION FREE. S DR. R. H. SAUNDERS I ~ COLQUITT. GA. $ = ft CES C3ffiKKOft 9MHM Oft - * NEW DRAY LINE. lam nn( handling Ice during the Winter months but I I still in a position to supply the public at cheapest prices Brick and Lime—My Dray Line I Is something to which I will invite your attention also. All business entrus.ed to nm will be promply attended to. W. L. HOSEA || J,JIOXK 51 AT DEPOT •- *~— ==•■. J Advertisna 3 Pays Thousands of Business JEC Men throughout the length and breadth of America, who recognize no sentiment ex- -5 cept results. TRY IT!