The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, October 09, 1912, Image 1

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The 1 ler Go mt Liberal. VOL. AV. Diamon I Jewelry )ut | •Glass. |i ;> —tuiI—W~WCJWI»WI Illi—..■!»» - - f The grandest ’Lie o' Lie T N | ever shown in a ( I quitt. Diamonds! I in any style and pike, 1 ‘ A . ches, Lockets and <. 10.00 to 175.00. I I have the swellest liae of j Pins, Hat Pins, Be ' I Sets and Dress Set and I have the pr’ assure you I will sh thing new and you wHI be pk r Remember I only sell the will see that you get sat every way. Call around on the great White Wav. EDWIN J. HUNTER. ! Your Jeweler. It •OB OB «■■■■■» MBMEnOSI OOEUMBBS «JES 3 I p fi-* A 1| < ' ‘ ‘ . I have put in the Delivery Easin .s, a '.« e ■ti ger Hupmolyile car Ml calls answered promptly, day o: niaht. PRICES I’l. .SgNABLE . I J. T. JONES. Local Paragraphs About Town. i I There was quite a crowd in the ; city Monday. The Liberal should have stat' d last weeK that Mr and Mrs A.G. McMurria and their interesting family were occupying their resi- ( deuce on East Main St. A most cordial welcome is being extended to them. Poor old “aunt Indian Ellen" a familiar form on thestreets of Col quitt a quarter of a centare ago was here yesterday. She is barely able to now to step and she breaks down every once and awhile asslie thinks of her only son Cnarley who has been in the penitentiary for nine years serving a sentence for the killing of an unfaithful wife. The old mother prays that el.e may live to see her boy released on par ole. She is praying that some good man in this county wdl obtain this partial freedom, and allow her son to care for her for a few days before she is called to her long home. Cotton Seel Meal and Hulls at the Colquitt Gio Co. Phone 56’adv Col P. I). Ricji acc'-mpmi'd Iy ; • Col N. L. Stapleton and Mr Byron • Powell left y< 't.aday f-r C o.: It., to represent the Coiqmi'. I '..••pt’s-.t , Church in the B >w ■r> A socnitiou I which convenes there today. T hese I gentlemen will do: '■’! enjov mingling with the (." : -ti .n re presenting lilt' il.uicbcE be longing io this A Male n. Cotton Seed ?■:>-< 1 and Hull:.- ! cheap at Sin>lar‘s. tidy -I Few people stop to think that I horses, cattle arid other stock ever need a tonic. They will become puny same a ' peopl-. 1 If you wou:d keep your hogs,* chickens and horses l.eal’i'y g -t; some of out “B. D’ retnidies, 1 which is Black Draught, some 1 thing like the will ituown liver] medicine you take. Give them some and note the j difference in your stock. V-l; P b. Blown the "B D” st 11 rn id Dixie Piiavuiack? 1 ::c. 1 adv Colquitt Ga. FOR SALE. Two good cows. Prices reason able. For futner particulars ap ply to Joe M. Shiugler. Colquitt, G:i. Mr Bruce M 'Collum is at home again and is receiving many warm handshakes. Among those extending a royal welcome we know his mother rank irst. ('OLQ UJTT, GKtUiGI.I, 1I 'EDN'ESD. 1) dC.7V J: 11 d 9 1911. ! .*•. " U . s Leila Ageuqs n/ V gvef "Ti-.i is a n <ipcr win ■ ' is Death. Anti wit it lis sic • 1 Kill f And ti; flowers Hint gi jw be- A. i .1 liov; i(1 ever U Lvi'tt i 'i ■...;.• v. jiu in sui'.l.... •. I yea . 6 ,'ri ■■ ; ■ ./i: 1 : m. ii.f.iiaii- *. i- ; . ,■• o-ii li * i .11,' in <'.r ■>, dial fiiios L liu Adams had her ti-iui.' jtivl north east e; this city. 1:1 . I 1. . ' is > * ' .. : w... left n I tai orphan wi'ii i !younger brothers awl u&’Mbl; i sis! r to comfort and d.-visa w; : and tacaiis for their vi)o;).:< : ... . , . ,TK W a n fouo In.a (lone wl'iu ,'.-. cii id for the. children,’ st.aTk.'ic io duty, nnd bad proven l ire h ■ .ii .tin rto the boys and Let 1 ill I- Her - :.e .a .v them n-actil nn j hood and woman bbods r>Sti:.fe. Ab: tin r n: irrhfl and lifter the ; is. r be nut eth wife of Kdly,- who now r.silts with his f,.miiy in Jacksonville I'la. but ■■.'.ii.- .- Lel:a” and the younger bro ther remained at the old Loine ste id, till tin) grim reaper through a tedious illtrss of malarial fever carried her over the mystic stream. M-and Mm Martyn Ad as re mained with her geveial days and M K-lly reached In • bed ile a few hours prior to Ler d a h. Mi -s A 1.-inii; is eerviv-.'d by two si i on > elder and on< jtppiig ( c w-..--. ate! by r > 1t:.... .. ,/.a, u . < Ti 'mains was iuterr. di Satur day a. i'.i-rim Lles't tometary near V. s Bridge, and R v~. 11. P. Stubbs officiated by the open j giave. May the peace which passetli understand!ii." soothe Ihev. < utided hearts of the relatives. An Infant Dies. * ty owr the city I'm., day evening; liie l imit!) Angel called at'• m. home of Mr ami Mrs E. S. Ridiiey. and bore t-i the heavenly laud the spirit iof their infant son, son little Tom Jones, aged about one year. i Tiie saddest part is tiial the moth i ' ir of the infant has been serisusly . ill f.-.r three weeks and during the I illn ss i f the baby she has not been ! • allowed tn see much of the little ; one and couid not doany thing for I it i'r its iuleiiS'- suffering. 1 Os course the trained nurse witii ' lovi ig relatives and friends to aid Is r, did al; that could be done foi • ' th" baby. ' : I The little one passed away at 7 and tiie-sorrowing biotlic>b and sist'-r.- were hurried to Mr ami Mrs T. (I. Jones residr-nco that tin mother might net hearthem weep ing. morning the mcither although iniriiing wi'ii fever was apprised of th ' death of her boy. Tiie remains were int rred in i'.< • nsi nee of a large crowd, Rev ’ i 11. P Stubns officiating. ' ! Tn Te-ir b reav. ment, the., par-1 enis the brothers and sisters have tiie sympathy of all who know them. May Hod bind up the wounded I hearts of those who miss the little . form .from the fnmilv circle,* gj ! A Man Mortally Wounded. Eriduy morning about 9 o'clock near to the Western extremity of the bridge where a str Hing clan of people were encamp* d, Will Ca tor indicted, with api ■>!, wounds on the person of Jim I’eard which idler three or four hours caused bis deiitln The facts leading tip to the kill ing are I’.ni.l to obtain, because ol 'the ugly details probably respon sible for the trng dy. From current reports it t'-ems that Mrs !>u l Yates >isd found her brother Jim'B.ard and their broth era wife, Mrs John I,‘eard betaking the S ve th command rat 1.1. Early Friday morning Mrs Yates told her elder brother John Beard lof th-) unfnitiifultjess of his wife, j and the tri achery of their younger br.JhigJim Beard. J jin it. ,ird it i. said b-ld Brai Yah :■ I I take Mrs Jin . 3.‘i.rd bucl: to hi r fathers, Mr Dan King. Ri-portj in ’icalt.: that when the young w'fe reached her fathers she told aim wil d Mrs Yules had seen but contended that Jim Beard was a rapist. This infuriated old man King who with his son-in-law V, ill Cator started to town in a buggy to swear out a warrant against Mr Jim Beard. But just before reaching town they’ encountered Jim Beard walk ing about the camp that was in r.r the foot of the bridge. As the buggy rcr led up near to Jim it is said that old can King cursed hiii). It, .-..terns thal -Jim cursed or said somethirig to King whereupon the >1 ler 'm.'i,. got out ci' hi- r.ugg'y am. Minded toward Jim pulllii'i':Y knife. ■Before gat uri. . •. -ngh !■ rill ■. .It) Iris hand tin ;. n • r i ci tm no the I .tt end of the whip ‘in I Mrcn old min King on the back of the I bead that bursted, the scalpand neo i the blood I * flowing. At the site of th.) blood young | Cator who had not sp'ki n and was Still in the buggy commenced shoot ing a special” pistol and four of the five bullets h tired hit Jim Beard, ilire.' j .r gh hi hands and arms and on entering ‘ tin- vitait through or i; ar to the right hip. zU tiie beginning of tin i-lioofing [young beard was facing the buggy I where young Cato was sitting; but lin trying to d-aige the bullets he turmd a little f.i.le ways and Unit i:. how he race tv- d one buikt near the hip. ...Tiie wound in the hip caused lii.t.) to fall and then Mr A. G. Mc- INair and Mr Oscar Shaw lifted | young B ard into his buggy. I Old man King got back in the; "bugvy with his son in-law, Cator and'.he vehicld se.intaining Beard and King were quickly driven tot the office cf physician-.'. Dr O. B. Bush ti ited the wounds! of-Tim Beard and Dr E. B. Bau-j ghn stitched ’and bandaged the! 'scalp of old man Kin.,'. W.dlCater g.ive liiniself up and ; Sin riff Phillips placed bin in ■ Jail. While young Beard was on thel operating table it is said he admit-1 icd breaking of tlie seventh com-I mandrner.t with bis brotnera wife; but or intimated that she was as guilty as be. Mr Beard died about 1 B 0 P. M.; | Friday living only about Lc.urs' ■ after he was wounded. After Mr Beard’s deal h a warrant " Was sworn out for old man King 4 and ha too although wounded lias been imprisoned. i The body of Mr Beard was in- [ (tarred Saturday' in the Rawls ceme 'tiry Mesdames J. C. Collinsand \V . B. Horton, two charming ladies of I I’abcocK are spending this' after noon in the city. Bicycles I and it Fixtures. [: I ■ . o > Vr.i the largest and < be e of bicycles and fixtures < J > ever shown in Colquitt. I J NOW LISTEN! > ideyour wheel for anew nit “See Me” For C V ich it U lakes le repair a wheel I hare it. If I h-u- n.l th- repairs youhad better see sonic % scrap iron wan. . < W. H. Grimes > > c ' at the express office S ~~IHURRAH! fur the City News stand. Books, Magazines, Post-Cards I. B. JONES, On The White-Way. Boykin News: I “By H. D. P ’’ Our farmers who nave cotton to gather are welcoming these - Jiful days of sunshine. Rev. J. L. .McLendon of Cole man preached a very interesting sermon at the Nparene church here Sunday. Mr Wm Thompson of near Brin son who lias be. n critically ill at the home of Mr J. M . Nallf was able to be removed to the home of his son-in-hw Mr Bernard Powell Saturday morning. I 4 Miss Maltib Lon Stamper of Ja-1 kin began teaching the school here] Monday morning. Owing to so] 'much sickness and the harvesting •of crops the attendance is quite . small. Mr and Mr-- J. (). Moody’ visit - .1 I relatives near BlaK’ly last week. L’hat pleasant little lady Mrsß. I O. McNair of Arlington is visiting ( her mother Mrs 11. Z. Clifton this ’ wet k. | Messrs Emmet Nells and Walk ■er Stegall of Colquitt visited home ’ folks here Sunday. M'ss Ethel Moody has just re ■: turned from r. pleasant visit at the ! ; hospitable home of Mrs J. M. ; Keen of Benevolence. Mi and Mrs E. Bird of Eugene were welcome gusts of their moth .er Mrs 11. Z. Clifton Sunday. 1 Mr J. R. Beall joined the merry 1 b of excursionists to Columbus 'Monday A. M. i Mr J J. Harrell of near Colquitt' I was a pleasant visitor her * Sunday. I IN 0.57 The store of Rev. XV. I. Moody was broken open Monday night and merchandise amounting to a bout 3175.00 stolen. The thief es caped without leaving the slight est clue to hisidenity. The death of Miss Leila Adams was indeed a sad surprise to us. We deeply sympathize with those who will miss her most. Convicts Moved Yesterday morning Capt. T'G. •Jones was moving the convicts [and the camping outfit west of ' town to a point not far from Mr. Joe Shinglers turpentne plant. The Columbia road toward Lu cile is to be graded. The winter will find tne most of the roads in this county in good condition. Notice. I have just got Smiley’ Bush 31 thctiLSnil shingles drawed with knife Any one wanting shingles got by’ band I will get them tor three dollars per thousand, them furnish ’.he timber. L.R. Beach, Colquitt Gs. . We have the exclusive agency for I MME. Robinnaire toilet articles manu- I factored by Jacobs Pharmacy in At lanta, call in and let us show’ them to you. Dixie Pharmacy. adv. I