The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, April 23, 1913, Image 1

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The Miller County Liberal. VOL. XVI. I COLQUITT j NATIONAL BAN :, | I MONEY MATTERS I I We make it our business to take dj care of our regular customers as far Q as we can. | ® Those who do their banking busi- I ness in other towns should get their i I 8 accommodations from them. | We live here and pay taxes here. | We are in the Banking Business, g gWWBiI IIIJI IQ ; f| s/L Every little movement has a mean= ing all its own so has every drink we i make has a meaning ail its own. Our drinks and cream is as pure as ■ I childhood. P Give a call Tylyou will come again. Bush Bros Drug Store. I- —■ — - - - An Appeal ’’or > ■ A’u x Friday, Miss Lon.-lliWU’oiA. Let ter known is Miss “Coonie” Cook ■ whose h'*oae is near Boykin whs :i --town. Fjr years slit b*s had ‘'spell; r which render her powerless to move o speak while they last. Twice she has fallen in such a! ni n ier as to almont roast her | 1 hands. As rtn individual looks at what were once natural handshe wonders how the woman carries food to her mouth. That is about all she can do. There is but one person in the world for her to depend on that is • her feeble mother > >o is sixty eight years of ir .-, although She is itiduCr I ns Rhe cann t do , much woikfvi'tm jeesoii that she has to stay cou .lastly near to her daughter. All who have seen Miss Cook will readily admit she needs help. An\ one willing to contribute any am un,t will give it to Miss Cook at the home of her mother near Boykin or leave, it with the editress who wi'l i-.wjpt and pub- lisb the name of the doner with the amount given. Miller eoutilinris we believe will I tie glad to give something to aidj this worthy object of charity in ob- 1 taining medicine anil the necessi ties of life. t Kestler News Items. Miss Ruth Slappy, one if Alba ny’s most attractive young ladies is ht re on an extended visit at the home of Dr and Mrs P. 11. Kea ton. Dr Cosby Bird from Colquitt was here Thursday. A large crowd from here attend ed the Oid Maid s Convention in Colquitt Thursday’ night DrP. H. Keaton, Pierce Dozier •Jr. and Miss Ruth Sappy spent Thursday iu Blakely. _ i L ide Linda \\ el.bland Ei*z bt th ■l'ay illiyy.UenJ S! ..k ’■-i- Linda r i>u#X | g < from pneumonia El.z; belli has! typhoid L v ?r. Quite a number frotr here alien- ' ded the Harmony-11 anil picnic | Saturday at Babcocks Ln,ding. | They report a pleasant time. Miss Hilda Hightower, Janie Free and Bonnie R -ynolde spent the week < nd in Arlington. Messrs J. W. Batts and G. W. Free from Don n spirit Sunday here. Mr and Mrs M . M. Bradley and ehil.lieu. Messrs Jd (). Taylor and Emitt McKinnon spent S inday in L c !e. Mr Wa’ter Kuowl-s went t< Bainbridge Saturday and purchas ed a handsome Hup car. Mr and Mrs 11. E. Hightower and children and Miss Londes spent Sunday in 'Blakely at the borne of Mrs Hightower’s parents, Mr and Mrs Hilton. Mrs J<s. Cheshire from Mace donia is here visiting her daughter. Mrs J. S. Collier. Mr Vinson Tabb spent Sunday .. .. v .. . in B.’iievolence with home folks. Some attraction out there besides I homefolks. Quite a crowd from here are an-1 ticipating a grand time at Live Oak next Sunday. Mr Hugh Cowart from Arling ton callelon his best girl here Sun day . Miss Sarah Bird. At the Georgia Chatauqua to be eeldin Albany in 'he ueir future, .'diss Sarah Bird of this city will represent Miller County in the oratorcaljconteet. Sara is a bright girl and will complete with well trained gir's from other counties m the Second Congressional District if she wins the medal, but the Liberal if hop iug that the talented girLwill bring back with her the highly prized medal. COLQUITT, GEOUGLA, WEIWESIMY, APUIL 23 1913- f | Mr M. I>. Adame opened up I I m Main St a new fancy and (ami F y grocery store. Mr Adams is an h I experience J man in the grocery | [ < us in ess aml ail ord. rs to him will | be npprcciht.M. j Mr and Mrs G. (). I’nillips an I ‘Stecmed couple of the Macedonia f • ■■mmunity were here Tuesday. Mayha.vs ars ripening. Alreafy they have been < ff. r. d f-.r sale ili're. Hr many friends wer 1 glad to. j me Mr.-M. A. Gay of Babcock ■ leni y. sterday. She was kii esteem | d gti st a', th. horn aof her dr. ugh | er Mrs Crawford < Mrs L "oy Kimbrel and Miss I El Zi Kimbrel sp nt Til sday here i t’hey were guests at the attractive | ■ c.m'e of Dr.nntl Mrs P. Co,,k. Among the charming visitors! iti.ur sanctum last Week was Mita I j Prior L-m Sheffield. | Mis P. E. Wilkin and Ler tw, j j d r ictive sum will L-ave next week I I f- r an extended visit at the home! >t her sister, Mrs Perry who lives i' on Camilla, Col B B -Bush is making < flpr'e i : io orgnniz" a Boy Scout Club here! j uid many of the boys are antici-| i paling much pleasure by becoming j members of it I A natch of Irish potatoes grow--! Img on the north side of the rivuFt heading from the public squar-' by pile bridge spanning Spring Creea I attracts the attention of hundreds who pass th tn. Th” potatoes an on a lot piitc'jased some time ago by Mr R. S. Bell, and that gentle, ma.i is demonstrating Lie ability Ito do truck farming He keep! 1 the bugs from the potatoes by sprnr ing them with a mixture contanl ing Parjs gre: 9k . News From ' f T' Route 4 Mr Bose Westbrook# from Ai j bauy is the guest of his brother Mi H. W. Westbro ks. Mr E. L.Cheshire’s school closed I Saturday with a picnic at the creek. Mr and Mrs George Richardson moved to Mr Tom Tabb Satuiday Mr A. J. Smith spent Saturday night with Mr Jessie Layton. Miss Susie Smith spent Satur ' lay with Mrand Mrs E. T. Stan. I tin Mrs John Say ton while visiting her daugh’er was called to answer he summons of death. May God >less and heal the heart of her loved ones. Mr and Mrs Jin Stanton ar>- dl smiles it is a boy. , Come again Bum we like foread your letters very much Jack and Snowdrop. Mt Hebron i Items. Miss Madge Ivey spent the week end with Miss Maude Harrison, The Harmony and Hady School had a pi nic Saturday 7 at Red Bluff there Wire pec pie from several' other places there, and dim er was | plentiful for all. Misses Susie and Inez Miller spent Sunday with Miss Maude Harrison. Mrs Jennie Hardy spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Lum Miller. Mrs W. G. Pow.-ll and daughter Julia are visiting her parents Mr and Airs Henry Batts. Air and llrs R. F. Hardy and children spent Sunday ufternoon at the home of Mr and Mrs E. I) . Tavlor of Kestler. I >I ~ Superior Court convenes M>>r: la*. Jurors and to a large e«.tent | ; liifbood name - i the county is n- i veje-d in them will Imvo mu.di i.., j cijAider; next weik. WSlntlny, w hist Lug winds i ■ 1. .i, L ! '#dust in c oti'ls tl.icugh tln-Q jXexl Saturday, the tt> h lust, is a l:.e dale desigtiali'd for years for |- rOtnemboring ih>- heroic w. rk r 1 i. ii’t Cons dtrito X et. rails on th ?. little (i, his of the Civil W-u. | jMr H u ! >< rt Phibipc as full ol < fe ntid in. rgv ns ever, is in towi. P A'i - mn.y. •j Mr "Bob S' clli lias he i- L f|m iliary cal hr! i>y hieniniiy f ■ mJ - X •■ in t>• i t -/ay. 11 is e-c■ • ~..■ J ’ tin r M-s 1. 0 lii hi h;|- | I 'teen very 1B lot the kst few days i' ■; Mis* Nellie Coop: r was called Oduitay to Whigham by the dead, f *an aunt. As we go to press the W ’pular yo'iiug bi'dy has not vs re. I 'jfe hu.u? ‘ to Im-r position as sidesL<d\ jin tue store of Mr J. E. Sholir ' i. i S « Col P. L. Rich was alt. i>..'i>ig ■ To .business in Dawson Ibis week g | Mr and Mrs Will Co >k returnee E I'Jouday night from Atlanta. 11. ?-.opts the i perati. n he underwent A flor tlie benefit of his eyes will pmmpletily cure them and hisj® many friends join llio Liberal in iga [wishing that his hopes will be i ■ [fully realized. j Dr Mulligan Dead. g After an inyal diem of sever:.! 'T" vear= Dr C. J. Mulligan died at bis h one on College street ai an ! .4 . arly hour Monday morning. Dr Mnlligin yyas the last survi r i t his immediat " 111.-; wife and v > i g i their several children died at dis ffi i ferent times some years ago. H s remains were interred in the i Lt Hi family burial lot in Blakely ccme I ” tery on Tuesday m ruing at clock, Rev. O. L. Jones conducted ■ J! religi' us services at heme am. : ia conclu hog them at the grave. | ® Dr tdu'ligan was a practicing i physician for many years and was well known throughout Early Mil- i fe ler, Calhoun and Baker counties, E in al! of which lie practiced his i ■ profe.sion more or less. i ■ He lived for some years on a farm ‘ in Miller county nu ving thenct from Blakely, latir he moved to | B Arlington and resided tin re for a j sg long period of time and practiced his profession. The cires of life sitting heavily g upon him as he grew older he sold j ® ou‘ in Arlington and came back to Blakely to spend his di dining years and built a home on College street. A He Lad never left his he use since j « the death of his wife last year. Dr Mulligan left quite a hand- I & som” property, consisting of 1,000 ” . i r.t h nri r n r m i n 1 r . n 111 i 11 VP acres of hue tanning lanct live nm?a iio’’lh of Colquitt in Alilh r county forty acres withint lie incorporation limits of Blakely and a house and lot on College street,-Early County News. Mr Johnny’ Batts from D >reu is visiting home folks. * I -Mr Byrd Hardy spent Sunday j with his mother Mrs Janie Hardy- Mr D. C. Cook spent Sunday with ins son Mr C. L. Cook of Rowena. Air Les’er B itts and M iss Man h Harrison were out driving Sunday p. tn. « Sunday with flier in Damascus. Every’ body is invited to attend the commencement at Hardy 1 School House tjie 2ond of May. ■ Will try to please every body . Hardy School. <Fw»gi J 8 I nt W I I I •;Y -■ • ' ' A- ' ■ /'V...A V7 I I? _ S IWB ■ ;c;R a / „ ■ fee- ■ x H '\STH * EH t G he’d it nothing short oi a crime for a drug || * stere to fill prescriptions with impure or old drugs ■ | which have lost their strength. Bt Absolutely none but the highest quality, purest H | freshest drugs go into the prescriptions we com pound or the remedies we supply, bring your pre- H scriptions to us. We make no mistakes. Come to OUR Drug Store. K I The Best Drug Store « I DIXIE PHARMACY. | I _ I ’ ' 1 ■ I a if 1 ' i I e I i i I ? I I I I £. j. Hunter, Jeweler. J Boykin News Items. /•// //. 1). P. Our clever depot agent. Mr W H. Grimes spent a few hours in Colquitt aft. moon. Rev vV.I. Moody’s new stori presents a neat appearance witl j its coat of white paint. Dr W 0. Howard and family of Leary were welcome guests at the , lospitable home of his brother Mi C L. Howard. Miss Ethel Moody is indisposed i this week. She is sutbring will I measles. . .1' I Mr D. D. Grimes was a pleasant [visitor here Sunday P. M. Mr and Mrs J. B. Powell s;ent Sun lav with friends near Eldon n de. Mrs C. L. Howard is making i preparations to spend the summer | in north Georgia. Sue will be I ly misled by her many friends. Aliss Lula Rawls of Eldorendo is visiting friends here this week". Mr and MrsC.C Lunsford have the sympathy of their friends in thedenthof their infant Sunday I afternoon. May He who doeth all Lings well heal their wounded i hearts. I I For A Night Os ’ Pleasure Go To The it 1 MAJESTIC. A Q.6'7