The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, June 11, 1913, Image 1

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The Miller C nty ] iberal. TOL XVI. [DIAMONDS I ON CREDIT. I I Have A Lar : of Fli | Diamonds On Hand. g Set in either Rii s Lo I w Lotkets, Broches, Scarf ie I I Claps. Any Style &PF ze. DIAMOND RINGS FROM- sl6 To S2OO . I' I Soil On The installment J‘i >a, 1-P, Cn.-.h L.P- X anee C> Monthly Pa ■jmen.ts. g EVERY STONE GUARAN- g TEED TO BE O.K. | I My Stock Os Sliver Ware f IS COMPLETE. Rogers & Community - The Fool | I Made. All Kinds of Spool I dies and Fancy Sets. J./z/ Line of CM Glass, . til Mew 'l/frs, f Prices the lowest. Remember my Store is Known as p I a LADIES STORE, Clean and Orderly at All Times. ; X7 ' ; / ‘ / ’ ’ r //cjf 7 ■ (c //v/ /<//■/ m p/. p I " 7 z I | EDWIN J. KUNTZS?, U IYpur Jews-ar. 1 H ? e s** e- e tw' ■'. © ugg-u 1 His many friends*.are gia'i to see Mr J. W. Brnby up af ters recent short but s.-vere iil ntss. He ws under the treatment of Dr. W C. Hays. Mr. W. M. Phillips, a genial and prosperous planter from tin east side, was in town yesterday. City Court dirw quite a crowd 1 of Millej’s prosperous farin' is t the city’ Monday. Mr. S. M. Brown, the father <1 j ye scribe, of Eldorendo, paid us a | short visit The automobil h<- of Drs. Cook and Hays, ,i -i hind the Liberal office, if mar i-.: conn I■- tion rapidly. Half of June. i9i-‘, will have passed from.our midst Sunday. Mrs Sam Waders, of Port St J<e, Fla., war; a cburm'iig vr-itm last week at the Io n: of mt - band s pish r, Mrs. j. L \\ dki'i Resolutions Os Respect. Since tlio Almighty G/d in fli.- wisdem, Las s°en fit to take from us our btdovee sister, Maty Shef field, we, the members of Oak Grove Eree Wilt Baptist church, desire to attribute this r spent t( her in behalf of Imr loved ones. Sister Sheffield was a devout ebnetian woman, and had been a cevoted member < f our churci since its organization, neiiily 21 years rig-’. We greatly deplore the loss <•’ this good SiSter. hut cur los means He."ven’s grin. Sister Sheffi id was in her seven ty-sixth year when she died, M-i;. 2nd, 1913." Map the Great G d, who sw passi s all, bind the broken heart' of hir loved ones, and direct them to the home she has gained. t Mrs. M.A. Woodard Com. < A. L McDonald I M \V. M. Houston Cold Weather. J'lst think r,[ it. the second week in Jun? and the tin rmjmeterdown at one time as low as 52. 'Many farmers ar-? afraid that tlie heavy rains and the subtle quent cold, raw w ii.ds have wrought a decided damage to their cotton crops. i Overcoats, sweaters, quilts. [ blankets and Ilr s were much in evidence. - ~ ~ W. M. U. Rally. The Woman’s Missionary Un ion of the n A.-s- cirhion will hold a meeting' at Climax, June I Qi I, 18'di. Tuis will be the last meeting until the Anunal Mting at Don vil'e in S pb mbrr. Il is very important that , every oigai.iz ition send d, 1- g :<>«. tn.: ve insist that the sev-n .cburche.- ■in this, the First District, viz Climax, Calvry, Magnolia, Pirn Forest, Salem, Union Springs and Whigham; send lepreserdatives Send names at once to Mrs. W. M. (darter. Climax, Ga. Delegates will go over on noon train Tuesday', 17th, so we have ar ranged an informal meeting for 4 pm. Services will also be held at 7 p tn. Two sessions with basket lunch vil! be ihi- pro:.;ran.- for Wei'i e-d-,y IStb. Services nt 9a m. 1v ry me intersted in Mission work most c irdinlly iiiviltd to meet with us. Mrs. C S. Hodges, Sup*. AW M. U. Mrs. 11. A. Vinson who has beep «> seriously ill s< emsto improving inder the treatment of De W. C. lays. Little Miss Annie B, lb, a pr< tty laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry I Tabb, is here visiting at the home ’ of her aunt., Mrs. J. H. Christie. COLQUITT, GIIOTIGPI, JI !■ j Miss Gey Brown, who has be< i IxkLig a normal course in the ' G N. &I, College i :l SlilVdgevii . pissed thronrh b-rh 'fhur.-dat 'evening route Io Hie bum-- o, !Ik r pare its and .Mrs. J [ ? I Br-.wn, in iCi 1 reudo. ;■ Little Miss Evelyn P,-r>y, of iri l.i is enjoying a visit here rd tl e I.otne of her aunt, Mrs P E j'Adkin B fore retunring home tin' fy ch’ld wil i 1: at t: - home i f her uncle, Dr. E ;j. Ba ughn. Mr. XV. P. .Diinn left Sunday ev.mii’g for FUI.-mere, Fla., a eif tn which Nortai-rn dttpi'Ji.-t bay ■ become intens'ed. ,le left bis v ting Son, W, P. Jr.. wi'h Mis' Dixie Dixon, who baa bad ci aigi of tile iittD mie .-.ince the dettb of i's i: otlie, who w.i■■■ li< r daughter. AL. D'ii.n will carry with him to' bi- 1 new-home tin- best wishes of ail who know him. The Li 1 er-al is indebted io Mr. Joe Brown, of i'll rondo, for be- ! iiig ab'e to renca its readers this! week. His right Land Lias not I igo’ten its cunning; and be sets i lype ir that cheerful maimer char-1 acttrislic of liiin. Kestler News. Mr. A\ iggens Webb, a traveling ale-man, was with home folks herez this week. Mrs Lucretia Haddock and lit tle grand clnbtihtc r, Pauline, re limed hoi.:-- Saturday after a threes weeks visit with relativ-s in Cuth beit. They were accompanied L h me by Airs. Haddock’s sister, 3 Mrs. Lula Douglass. J Airs: Charlie Bostwick, of L j bugled, spent 'he week end iicr'll guest at the hospitable home of Lc E dau„iiter. Mrs. D. C. Sanders. M .li . ill : 111. fit - 4il 'll® of Albany, r -turned home Sunday after a few days visit at the home of her sister Mrs. E. D. I’tylor. - Wd regret very much that Mr.-' z V his bed with typhoid fevt r is not expected to live. His daughter. Miss Essie, has also suffered very much from an attack of appendi citis within the past week. How ever the is belter now, and we sio ■erclv hope Mr. Phillips will yet recover. Miss Carrie Crumbly was called the bedside of her sister, Mrs. John D.xo i, at Babcock. Monday. ,[rs. Dixon has typhoid fever. Mrs. -1. D Tay h r spent severs, days in Macon this week. Miss Una Haddock returned iiome Monday from a tew days 1 .i -it with relatives in L'dison. Mr. Giddy Cheehsre returned trrmi EmoryOoliegeThureday. His many' friends are very’ glad to have aim at home again. Mr. C. D. Tyler and sister, Mrs Hatfield, from Monticello, were guests at the home of Mr. and Airs. E. D. Taylor Sunday. Oar pastor, Iv-v. N. J. Christo-i .’plier, of Cyicne,’assisted by' Rev.- i.'Mbretnson, of Shellman, will be-- gin a s-Ties of meetings Imre at the Baptist church Monday. Mr. Char lie Lviiitr, frojn Cuthbert, will conduct the singing. Mrs. 0. K. Sharp?, of Arlington* spent Tues.lay here, guest of Mrsj : G. George. . ; Misses Maude Haddock, Nancy Lou ami Mr. Lemuel Wiley attend, ' ed the picnic at five bpridges Sat! nrday.- Mr. and Mrs. W. R. II i;U > dock and children, M r.a J.M. T-iiiii r iinson and children, Mrs m. 1). . Taylor and daughter. MissEessie, attended the one at Tomlinson $s Tyler’s saw mill. They all report a nice time. C ilquitl keeps improving. Dl}? 'jwne 11 th Ihl jjpiiy Ho rd' edding. ay uieiuing JfcAeji* ' I^inu,-wt >. h s m >de fifrejfii?- scyca' u ontiis iinie IDlli Shop: r.. I fsojfym-enetd-altifr". w'lier- Ee . \V. i. * ? 'j&As.''- i’l n t. impjes.-i vi pr- - t...- word.- p ' '' F’i wa; si ohi-. T ss’ i( -l d!'v -s <'?' Hie iiumedia'e .I ‘ T’ ■ *vt d. ’’ A "Ti ?.r .1.-e-of white sidti-. t! e ■», ■‘■'‘b* ■"•d s**' l M - < vontfid occasion. & ■. K?'; t ; 'L-’ 1,1 w ''« 1 nils' ntin Hie ■ ■ ■ ■■ ’ ■> ■ ~ jSvdJJNig Li idea i s t niivo ''E' T lUli k v , n ad is esteemed for ; . ,Yi.R’P.oei ooh and her many I ■jWn'ailf vir; .by ail - ,\;i< w Kd>groom, who 'i; originally L ■ ~ 10] <i Kl'K'.cin 1-- of iic.qu.iluliirji s. wLg his sojourn here as geuernl liy-ihger of H.l* C-ypr-:- I ’ H&R P f ' s '' ,;s ' 4,ll K tl>c Hltributi sot ;- || l ’U : ’'' l!irn v -'?r:hy of my cm.ii-. : JLifc.D-p-iSid in him. i k' r il.e ceo-mony ,T.- i : sb.?< d a tailor macle suit of blue, i 1< "-r. hat to match, and his r- uti-nii - cl- the happy couple left for <( ii ..bridge, where tin. y boarded a ' , ,TT f bound train, intending to l- ..d Sj-.iiae tim in Eiorida. I'-- I ling they will -also visit ■ f' ‘ >'i -■ ■ .»t i. i■ .in,. - 1';;,.. ] ir, ji e™ Mrs.- Aiiynn expect to Tgßßlias'fitted up jt'ma.r!igents in I i.-,- . ) A i’ e at. liomo■ tb.t f;■ iewF ■. I ugh a I rug usef.uLsii‘c-' ma ‘ K*ii contracting parties bo wizect.’ i Christal 0. Cook, the eldest son r»i tl o editri . ie: T A-iy '•> ?' ' Jf.d a si - di-. i in . i..c .?, pr;-, to ent: ring the regular term which opens in September. We canno'. -xpn-ss how anxious wo are thal the lad will take fas', hold of the iiiiitruetioii meted out to classes in tiiif famous institution. Through the Coun try to Indianapolis. .Mr. Oliver Jones and Master I Eugene Bailey left here this week | ; to' go -through the jountrj io Mr. J. 'V. Bailey’s Co!? car io li.diiai epulis, Ind. Winn they reach their de.-dimi tUn the manufacturers of the Cole' automobiles wid repair and re i moilel the machine, converting it i into a touring car. _ When the v,o.k is finished Mr.' Jones, accompanied by Air. Bai ley’s VJung son, will drive the .luachfue back from Indianapelis ■ to tiieir home in this city. Nate the attractive “iiii’’ of Mr Edwin J. Hunter, who has a beautiful lit e of jewelry, siiverwar e'.c. Air Hunter guarant -es his h;\oiß: and he is worthy of the I Conti ience beetowed in him by Lis J many customers. ■ ' | We regret to note that Mr J;e e I , i ; .s 1 ; ■' < cyncl .' - ■ Jugly with rheiiiiiii'ism ia his fe* t j Dr. E; B. Baughn is atlendiiig j hi m. f . 1 ! , Air Isaac J ties spertt a day or , -two in Butler this wees, a memC r ata house party bcirig.b -id in that i city. I Miss Mattie is in But! r 1 attending a Louse party. 1 - 1 ' SI gi .-f n ■S /J g ij V, • R '--3-<..;■ c,you || »w“hi keep our ci- 3 H condition. ' 3any fa. g I® T ll S * Wl ennot find in any other g |fc store m 0.13 town. Better quality lor your money I mus H Kake our Drug Store Yom-. ... fl Come to OUR Tug Store. | The Best-Drug. Store | I i.. i J CmTL; .dORT OF THE CONDITION OF ANK - ‘ f ? -i, 1 'd 7 I* bitsuu’ss nunfi :y 1911, , "' r fiESGOHCES LIABILITIES: Loans and Discounts 7114-. i t Overdrafts, secure! and unsecured 15 U. S. Bonds to secure circu- lation 10 cGO CO Premiums on U. S. bonds Bonds, Securities etc. 3.1.'? 54 Banking Furniture and Fixtures 10 62019 i Due from State and Private Banks and Bankers. Trust companies. Savings Banks 3 510 07 Due from approved Reserve Agents 5 570 34 Checks and other cash J terns 256 39 Notes of other National Banks 520 I Fractional Paper Currency, Nickels, and cents 403 52 Specie S ?. 1.,! 05 J Legal-tender -notes 565 4 056 05 ' Redemption fund wifi U. I'. Treas rer (5 per ct. cirjul ii I.} 500 j Due from U. S. Tv. 500 : TOTAL 110.790 39 STATE OF < i EORGIA-.-Colxi v I b. M. \\ utsun Cashier of th ; s.venr that the above st,dem. nt is I mid belief. I r. Subscribe ands .vurn to befo . I W G. Watson ' Wanted a (in :d B.iiliif.-For tin s ; Iv'ofqnitt I- -I'icf. A job that will j pay from d 25 io :,st) per month if “ j worked. It Holy taki t about lOdays of tlie mouth to make it. Now T 1 1 want a man of iuteligi nce and ; v. ht can read an ’ j-y an •• < riginal : piper 1 want a mail whocmi move r ti.n let the m'jwHiim. Work t s what I want a man to do, and if lu works lie will win out. See I . A. Free at lii« elii in 'die c- utt; r house. 1 I' ipital stock paid in 40.000 00 1 ii'l'-lus fund 10.000 00 I j divided Profits, less Ex- p.nses and Taxes paid 1 295 31 National Bank Notes out- standirg 10.000 CO Individual deposit ssubject to check 22 552 Tia.e certificates of deposit 11.847 90 Cashier’s checks outstanding 94 9o Bills ; nyati'e. including cer tificati 3 01 deposit for : . i . -rewed 15.000 CO Total no 790 39 or Millei:, ss.- he above named bank, d.i solemnly’ true to th? best of my knowledge 8. . W atson Cashier. CO R R EO'i Att est : P. D. Rich G. B lykin !'• D Rich' me. 10 day of June, 1913 Notaiiy JTblic. 1 ■ iii.-niy friends of Miss Nellie I ’■ a ; siady in the pupuliir stab.ishim ut of Mr. J. E Shola-, ■'•’■i- r -Tct ti-. 1 am that she is 0:1 'h sick list this week. R 111 is ? e,:: n tie i-’•; i I Allday' -I'i i■■ r-- ady down- pour. Mr. and Mrs. Arthii.- Chapman iir. in t< Mi afternoon ; disking hands with their many ‘ friends here. AY). 27