The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, August 27, 1913, Image 1

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• r , ■ ’ r. ’ The Miller County Liberal - Iz.. -L- _.... VOL XVI. A Young Couple Wedded. “Love laughs at lock smiths” and likewise it laughs nt the ob jections of parents, as was shown Sunday afternoon when Miss Louise Coachman gave her hand in holy wedlock to Mr. Isaac Jones. The young bride is just sixteen years of age. ll> r parents Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Coachman greatly desired that she should compliti her education and arrangements had been made for her t<> enter next month the BesJe Tift Col lege in Forsyth, but the plans w»’r. useless. The groom is the third son ol Mr. and Mrs C. M. Jones. Tie was twenty years of age a sea months ago. The high contracting parties ha.. arranged tc get married about two months ago at a house parly in Butler, where Miss Coachman was the honor guest, but her fath er was apprised of their attentions and lie succeeded in having (heir marriage pogtpr ned, hoping that his daughter would attain an edu cation. Before the arrival of .Mr, Conch man in Butler Mr Jones had Se cured license in Co'uml tn. Since the document was issued f it has been in possession of lie ardent lover, acd Sunday after noon the couple, after n short ride 1 in an automobile driven by Mr. ' Ivan Jones, arrived at llietiome of 1 Judge Lush Vann who lives near Babcock. Judgs Vann perform: d kfio ceremony T1 e l ay y pmug > 0 iple have returi e 1 to ll;,e home j QTt herpare'nts \\ lyere_ for a while. vW-U’J.p a* I 'i ii m'uy friends. I’llX ..£• ly He is a fav< rito among • a ( large circle of friends. The charm ing young bt ide has been much admired and has made many , friends since her parents ' located here about two years ago. May peace and plent attend the happy couple through a long use '■ fill life. rjo OKBOBMI (jMIOOJWP FOR 30 DAYS I ONLY II am o faring some Real Fine Jewelry at Bargain Prices. 1-1 Carol Diamond Hing I 'alue $200,00 $145.00 1-3-4 ” ” ” ” 165.00 125.00 11-1-4 ” ” ” ” 70.00 50.00 1-12 size 15 .Jewels 20 yr case I ‘al. $2'.00 15.00 1 Ladies Watch Elgin 20 yr cs ' 25.00 14.(1 1 Diamond Lovollier 3 perfect stones Solid, Gold Value 50.00 33.G0 11 Diamond Pearl Lovollier 22 Pearls 1 Diam ond solid gold ” fO.OO 25.00 1 Genuine Coral Cameo Broach solid gold ’ Value 25.15.00 1 Genuine rink Cameo Broach I solid gold, Value 15.00 10.(10 1' Solid Homan Gold Bracelet " 25.00 la.oo 1 Very Fine Gold Mesh Hag 20.00 12.50 1 Cameo Hur Pin Solid Gold 10 Pearls *• " 15,60 11.00 !1 Solid Gold, Cameo Bar Pin " 12.50 8.00 1 7-4 Carol Diamond, Stick Pin " 18.00 12.00 I handle only Reputable goods and they will give Satisfaction. Any of the above goods will be sold on the installment plan to j ci ■ sons of right standing. I (q / ’zzzy. EDWIN J. HUNTE Your Jeweler. •m assess© aanss ces Near Babcock. Dear Old Liberal; A« my last few v ords paid the waste basket a call 1 thought 1 would call again. I R‘-v. I. K. Chambers filled his regular appointment at tlm-M E. Church in Eldorendo Sunday. Two charming Miss Didie I’l'ott j.son and Mi-s Belle Griffin spent Sunday pleasantly with Miss Lula Collins. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Merritt dined with Mr. ami Mrs. R. F. Griffin Sunday. Our dear little school closes al Friday. We little chil dren regret it very much. Miss Dolie Thompson will leave in two weeks to enter the Cyrene I Institute. She will resume her; studies in bookkeeping. Lillie Miss Myrtle Thompson I spent. Sunday with Miss Mae Grif fin. Mrs. Clyde Wells spent Sunday with Mrs. G W. Wells. Ila! Ha! ask Mr. Waiter Thump I sou if his girl was al home Sunday | afternoon. Don’t cry you may I call again. Mr. Marion Fok/s caked on his best girl Sunday. M-. J-ert Merritt; bonided the north b n.'frT’Ljr fin . SiindJy night rwo weeks ago for Atlanlsr,Jin, has resumed his studies in s.i.uf blind. Mr. Richard Barker and Miss Lula Valentino al lei (led. prayer service. Sunday nighi in Eldormi do. “-fcoSEBI’D.” • ■-£ Jl* * <5 - The Georgia Florida & Alabama ■namity— will - aaaßfaW ■ their annual excursion tc Jackson ville via 'I' jllahas ;-'e and Si aboard Air Line Railway on Tuesday, September ’.Uh, lUI-5. 1 icK< ts good for five days. A con fprta Ide daylight ride to the most pro gressive and attractive city in Florida. See “Ad.” COLQUITT GEO GIA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24TH 1913 Kestler N'jws. Mrs. if. ( h>. HiglPtm.'Jr. has a.-. her gin-si. Ips attrrZve sister. Miss Lney-H Blakely. Messrs, 4. GtSoye E, L Cheshire, J. (). Ta-Jiir. Vinson I’abb, •Jack Colli.NUlL Georgi end E-si Tt,\ Tor- at .ailed tin -itig at Ms. 4J *>n>n Z day. Dr. Spormaio Jr., Jtm Head land. Ala., is li'g" <:6 iDfew tlayi visit to I,is sister M’|-. .. Walter Knowles. Dr. P. 11. Ki riti ii sp«l Monday in S. .p.-hoppy, Fa. I ■ M■. and Mrs. li. M . .ge au< laughter Miss TessiGl Mr. am -Mi Mrs. Duncan Davis, M rfs Matti. v hn> L'-wisand M iss Link ACruinb ey left Saturday for J’anacin Fla., wlnr they will spa fev weeks in the cottage b"r \V-. \\ i lad lock. -4 Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Tn for spoil ■'und.i' in Edison with filitivee. Air. Rogers from Chi lon liar recently purchased the fciriiilun .tore of P N J D z.’i-rpAud ha il- ve.l his fan i y h -;C A. r . I Rogers is the sister of MrJ’. . M I Bradlev of this place. V Judge.Duvier has bought Mr. idu.sC. lemans cross-tic’ bm-ine.-s it Sopchoppy, Eta. Mr i IL-zii-i mil hi« three eons, Mesby,-. L. Z Pierce and Anbrev wjll new move to Sopchoppy, L. Z. havia dis posed of his grocery busim s: here. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.» ol (jhlpuitt spent here.. riu-y’Avc-re aceompan td by tiieir a>n Bad by Jim I hip wife. The younger, geijl’inan *vil|. remain here throng h. * i tbcj bill er wdiile Mr. Bail"}’ hr As cd ~STb srs. Will B>.f yj CJIW.-. i irantham and Strickland of Ar lington were here Monday. Mrs. Clyde Bush of Colquitl returned home Monday after spending a few days with her sis ter. Mrs. Watson Poole two miles north of this place. Messrs. Walter Knowlys, C. L.l Tabb and Dr. dporman motored to | Colquitt. Sunday in Mr. knowlee : tear. Mr. Tabb has now purchas- | ed Mr. Knowles car having sold | his Ilupmobile to his uncle, Mr. jj. U. Tabb. | Prof. Stanton of Csret.e was j here Sunday, lie will be working | up weak Sunday Schools until the Cyrene Institute opens for the fall I term. Mrs. J. D. Stewart of Edison: ; returned home after several weeks i illness here at the home of Mr ■and Mrs. E. D. Taylor. Our Regular Correspondent. Notice. I 1 will pay (> l-2c for green cow j hides deliver, d at the old stand ol (-lenney Moody’s Reslur.rant, at Cohpiiit, Ga. J )11N C DEN NEY. ! For Sale. Two good yokes of oxen, yokes .and bows and a light dray. For prices apply to J. R. BEALL, Boykin, Ga. I ; Charles Crawford is the name of the young gentleman who* arrived last Saturday evening to brighten and bless the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Baggs. We join others in extending congratulations to ■the young parents -Cnmilh En ; lerprise. * The Liberal should nave noted i last week a brief call from Miss 1 Essie Taylor, a charming young I lady from Kestler, who was visit- I ing friends here. Home Burned. 1- i Wedueeday night about 12 , jo’clock, the home cf Mr. and Mrs J. S. Thompson was found to be on fire. The flames were too strong to I bo extinguished when it was dis covered; but tin men with the hose kepi the fire from burning the residences so near the burning building. The home with nearly all its contents was soon reduced to a smoldering heap of ashes. Mr. Thompson had the dwelling ' insured for fourteen hundred dol lars and lhe contents were insured | for four hundred dollars. Duly a small poition of bedding was saved. Members of lhe family ran ft ’em the flaming- residence in their light clothes Since the fire M". ami Mrs. i'hompson have located in one of 101. P.- D. L’ieh’s '■esiderces on Jull.bert street. No one seems to know how the ire originated; but it started in hi- dining room closet. Correction. Tn <?ur last issue we stated that illle Marjorie Hardin was taking i treatment prescribed for her at the Wi-sley Mi inorial Hospital I'he information was giver, to as ‘orrect. We learn however that this was» a mistake. Dr. E. B. Batigiin, the attend ing physician, has given her one dose of a mm-toxic tub>rcular serum, and he is of the opinion that the little one’s ccndition has . improved. | Mrs. Hardin has taken Mariorii’ 1 > two hospitals and r.t both of aeiu Hie piixsiciiu.s dingn s ( -d the . ...T jnst .a* il. ba'l ( . ‘ liagriosed by Dr. Baughn, w’Kicli I p very complimentary t<> the i.killj of the local physician. ’. I Entertained I A delightful affair, Monday evening | at the attractive home of Mr. and Mrs. iF E Fudge presented lovely picture I vMien their fascinating daughter, Miss I Annie Lou entertained informally for her three charming visitors, viz: Misses Wynnis Hobbs and Claude George of Blakely, and Lillie Roberts of Bain bridge.* After rook and other games were en joyed a course of frozen dainties and cake was served. Those attending the reception left under obligations to the fair young hostess. Store Burned Al Corea Friday night some rogue or rogues entered the store of Mr E Bird, and after robbing it applied the torch. The fire was discovered after it was too late to save any of the contents or the stove house. The loss falls heavily oh Mr Bird as he had no insurance. There is no clue as yet to the guilty party or parties. The store door was found open when the fire was discovered, Mis Vera Whigham of Whigham, is] here this week visiting at the pleasant | home of her cousin, Miss Nellie Coop- | er, R; v. W. A. MeDroald’s manyl friends sympathize with him in the death of his brother, Mr.Thos. R. McDonald, which occurred in Blakely’ at about I o’clock Sunday' moruing. TLe minister was in Blakely several days before Lis brother’s death. Mr. Leslie Meek’s ei'h-st laugh-, ter will enter the Academy for the Blind ir Macon th’s fall. She is not blind but her sight ie defec five. Nr?. Joe Shingler is assist ng the parents in placing their laughter there. ) Entertained. 2 Wednesday afternocn the P. T. . O. Club was delightful! eiiterlain ‘ ed al the ai'r ietive home of Mrs. H. Drew Roberts. i As the guests entered punch ■ was served ly Miss Ethel, the ’ pretty daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. ■ E. S. R idney. Several games were played, then a contest “Popular Inventions’’ was enj -yel. Mrs. W. C Dancer was awarded the prize, a book, ‘’The Wreath.’’ ’ After the contest, icecream with cake was served Mis. Roberts is p charming hos fess and her gtiesls enjoyed her ent: riainnn-nt v.-rv much. • Ann ng tbe popular planters in town Saturday was Mr. A. C. Bush. Airs Cora B. Williams wa made president of lhe G. F. & A. Ry. Co,, Saturday afternoon at a directors’ meeting. Mr and Mrs. Ed Jester and llieir infant son of Bainbridge were here last week ami were ac corded a most cordial welcome from their many old friends. We are pleased to nolo that Miss Mamie Jones who has been ill lor the last few days is now < onvidoscing under lhe careful treatment of Di. J. P. Cook. . I Atlanta, Augusta, Macon and I Savannah banks are to receive shares of lhe from the national treasurer}’ to be used in marketing the cotton crop, Mr. ami. Mrs. Hi nry McCollum i an < steemed couple of Baker county, were among the recent visitors here. They were guests at the pleasant home of Mr. and IMkJ.fl.teJL"’,. 1 .Mra Joi- M.. lel’t o,i, morning with her bright little so*h < -foe. Jr., to enter him as a pupil in ;the Sparks Institute, in Sparks. ,This is a Christian School fostered especially by the Methodist de nomination. MMM fflmMl Sift HI . I i / i t I i I H - I I ■ f - I I YI o I i I -3 The sooner you learn to come to our drug Q 0 store for everything you need in the drug line, ft the scene’’ycu will come to the store that car I Iries none but the purest, freshest drugs and f| choicest drug store articles. JI e want your H drug business only because we give you reliable H medicines and merchandise for your money. ft Children’s school supplies of all kinds. Come to OUR Drug Store. I I The Best Drug Store I I DIXIE PHARMA Y. ■ L. 1 'WOBBOHftftnft WBBBiWBMi Mft A Huge Rattle Snake. Thursday, mar to the home of Mr. M i J.lli-ton. Miss Drusilla ami : Callie Harrell found a huge’rat tle snake. They called to a colored man and he went Io Mr. Middleton’s , sot a gun. Mr. Middleton and Messrs. -I E. Lain' anil 1 IL Busi, soon reached the place where tbe reptile was coiled. Mr. Middleton killed the monster. It measured more than o feet and I inch and earned l.'J rattles an 1 a button. Their friends will be glad to learn that Air. and Mrs. \V. A. Pickron are doing well in their new holin'. They’ live in L’ampa, Fla. Mr. Pickron formerly held i position with I lie Cohpiitt Hard ware A Furniture Co., and he and his wiL’ ar-’ pleasantly remember here. Mr. Harry Ste.n, Tuesday night if last week stepped from his crib, door. His foot tested on a piece of wood which turned and wrench ’d the im-mbt r until il was broken I’he popular merchant was unable to leave his room, for several days but he is now, we are p'eised to noli’, able to be at his store on crutches. Tmwnrm«MriT>r>T~T zwgj . ■ nnißT-IUW 11 ■!! ■ P MMB —i| W THE NE4EJ) OF* i -INSURANCE? ■mrfm' r—ri „ *DE T'll /■: EIGHT k IXD See RICH & WATSON