The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, September 17, 1913, Image 1

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The Miller (Sbunty Liberal WA AT7. Very Romantic Marriage. A marriage which was a most thoroughly romantic affair took place yesterday rftcrnoon at, S o’clock at Coleman, Ga., when Miss Nita Mays, of Colquitt, was m tried to Mr. J. R. Laney, of this city. Mr. Laney, accompan ied by Mr. M. <). Grimestead, loft Dublin yesterday morning in an antomol ilo. Immediately upon arrival at Coleman, 'he young peo ple were mot anG married in the car. Rev. Mr. Hammock, of the Methodist Church in Coleman, performed the c.’.reinony, after which Mr. and Mrs. Laney came by automobile to Dublin, arriving this morning at an early hour. This romantic marriage necessi fated a trip of nearly five hundred n’ib>s through the country. Miss Mays is a lovely young woman and will bo warmly Wel comed in Dublin Heartiest good wishes are extended her. Ml. Laney is a prominent young busi ness man, occupies a responsible position with the firm of E. Drey er. Iliff numberless friends are congratulating him on his good fortune.--Dublin Couri r - Dis patch. The news of tin* marriage of Miss Nita Mays is a surprise to her largo circle, of friends here. The bride’s parents. M r . and Mrs. I’. I*. Mays, moved to this city when Mrs. Laney was just en tering her teens, and since they located hero the bride has been much admired for her many’ wo manly charade.istics ami her many accomplishmcuts. For the Inst two years she has been away from l.< •• I. re much of the (lint teach.. inwUc. Many girD ’ha ve ta-cp feared here who are making most excel lent wives and, we predict that Mrs. J. R. Laney’s name will be recorded among them. The happy couple has the best wishes of the Liberal for a pleas ant voyage over the matrimonial sea. SIOO REWARD Ac?’ any one who can convince me ! don / sell Hie lies lat the lowest price. The newest Novelties are being received daily. Ainas Goods will arrive in 2 weeks. I am offering all of the Latest Styles Diamonds, Watches. Clocks, Cat Glass, Silverware, Lorolliers, Broaches, Lockets, Bracelets, Gold and Silver Mesh Ba gs, Waldeman Chains, Toilet and Manicure Sets, Gold and Pearl Beads, l obs, Tic Clasps, Scarf Pins, Belt Pins, JI at Pins, Cuff Bu ttons, Waist Sets, Collar Pins, Beau ty Pi ns, Jewelry Cases, Silver Picture Brames, Silver Th im ides, Gold and Silver Knives. I will make good without question any piece 6f Jewelty that didn’t give Satisfaction, The best in whal lam offering you, and the terms can be arranged satisfactory. I EDWIN J. HUNTER J Jeweler _ A R T/STIC' ENG It A T TNG IA Good Woman Passes Away. A shad >w of sadness will fall on J the hearts of many of our renders) ns they learn that Mis. G. I’.! Shingler tins cressed the mystic strea n. This good woman died at the homo of her husban.l 1* riday jus! as the shades of night enfolded the earth. She wa~ fifty four years of age. For six and a half weeks prior to her death Mrs. Shingler suffer ed will) a kidney trouble. Her sufferings were so intense 11 bat for two weeks before she died the noble woman was unconscious. Mis, Shingler possessed a beau tiful Christian character which en deared her to ail with whom she came in contact. The deceased was a gentle, lov ing wife and a devoted mother. She will be missed from the fami ly circle. She is survived by her faithful husband and two eons, viz Mr. Frank Shingler, who is engaged in business in Donalsonville and Mr. George I’. Shingler, Jr., a pro fessor in Emory College. Her body was interred in tin' cemetery in Donalsonville Satur day in the presence < f many friends, Rev. Mr. Pierson perform ing the last sad lites. May the God in whom she trust-; ed so implicitly Soothe the wound ed hearts of her loved ones. News Omitted. Last week on account of tl.e burning in the building where for the last several years v e worked, algood many m . s items were . cwjlledrr tMri L I —r* M.maTi' >. >iiri>' with a car load stock from St. Louis, Mo., was among the items ' omitted. ' A “Miscellaneous Shower” at ' the Methodist parsonage is to be I a pleasing social eyont. Saturday , afternoon. COLOUITT, GEOIIGI.I, VtI'DXESPJ Y, HEPT.. 17 th. '913. Cooksville Items. | Dear old Literal, as this m t first call I v. ill make it short. t ' MissOtia Rebuts entertainer' ■quite a number of girls an<t» boVJ Sunday. "? Air. .Icssie'Kelly mid sister, lim their'little friend, Miss Marthenii 'iingh to'i were among the gnesD ,f Miss Ona Roberts Sui day.. ' Mr. Lee (.' ok l as a new bugg look out girls, don’t all speak ft onc°. ■■: j Ah I Claude, does it make you sleepy to think of Miichel! otiS*’ Sundry. Miss Ethel Cook was sad Indeed Sunday. Cheer no the worst £ yet to come. • People will soon be thn.ugtl' gathering. J® Roy Cook tics been very nnf#r tunate in bis cow business. 11 tins hail two to disappear • Tier within the lasi two weeks Me wish him better luck in the futnie. Miss Lucy Cook was in l.o.qtii t iaturday with her farther and, lil le sister anti her brother. Ralph Smith, a popular young ' nan of the Belleview settlement;, tmk bis friend, Miss . Lucy Cqyk and Miss Ona Roberts out to , ■ pr' ic'iiug Sunday out do County Lino Church. ’ ¥ '' • I . -I. I i Miss Nora Folds and her cous if Mr. Marion Folds were tlrrCu;,!) mr little burg Sunday. We l<-aFa , tnat Miss Nora Folds will take tl • school at New Lighfin a few days. We wish her good luck in he ? 1 chosen p r ofeßsion. 1 Mr. Will Cook and wife nt' . staying home for amusement ther . to Baker rignii..? There lias been some writing done this week and it seems that it all went to Mitchell county. . We regret to say Mr. and ■ Mrs. Jack Franklin lost, their lit- : tie boy last Wednesday. The ba by was loved by every body. We [trust that little Remus Murray is at rest fn the arms of Jesus. We , sjmpathize with his parents ind I hope they will meet ti.eir two little II dear ones gone before them. Their [eldest daughter has been confined |to her bed sixteen days with ty- I phoid fever. I Loo Cook escorted his best girl | out to church Sunday. Messrs. Ludie Addison and John I Kimbrel were riding by them-- Iselves Sunday, what’s the matter John? Jim Kimbrel has built him a new bitching post where he been visiting so frequently. Mr. P. C. Cook and family dined [with Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Cook j Sunday. The wedding helis will soon be ringing out in cur little ' Lurgi’. Don’t mind air. Lee C >ok’s and Mr. Ludie Addison’s name will mingle in the chimes. “SWEET DREAMS”. Notice. I will pay (5 l-2c for green cow hides delivered al the old stand of Clonney A Moody’s Restu&raot, at Colquitt., Ga. J )HN CLENNEY. iCome On Now And Let Me Make Your! | OPTICALPOPTICALELECTROSCOPTICALELEPHANTA ZIM AGOR IU M If you don't you will wish you had when you sec | the ones I make for the other people. Now 1 won 't be '■here but a few days and it is your picture work that / 'want to do. High-Class Photos, Post Cards and 1 ‘lew Work. Kodak Einishi ng.- i L. I. ARNOLD “In the Little Tent” Across from Dixie Pharmacy. Cotton. C<4jpt> is bringing clos a to li cents/ Who is saying that tbi fair orice paid is attributable to tin I )em >cratic ad ninistra' ion ? It. is most probable that if tin price paid was about seven oi igiil cents, “phopbefs” thrrugh >.ut this soclicn would he saying: 1 knew whin Woodrow Wilson was ‘l'cted that the farme v s voi.ld get nclhing for their cotton, i “Drunk and Trunk ' wrote from the Belleview coir munity but we had already received on • batch rd' news items and we did not. have space this week for two from the!- s one neighborhood. Girls in Eufirl.dn, Ala . are wear-1 .ig sht skirts. Now the town is died "You Follow". Savannah . ’ress. We hope ihe wotm n of Colquitt i .ill v-ver “ follow ' the destesfihle id kuown as the slit suirt. We lelievc that the women here are !io modest to j "fo'low” such m: \impi". ■ Mms Annie Lou Fudge has n i ,irned Io Forsyth to resume her . indies in the Bessie Tift College, diss Fudge has been the recij lent ’ r itiany pit asing attention- dur-j, ingitier vacation and she will be grehtiy m>ssed by’.Ler litr.:. circle | >f friends, Meesrs James Toclt ar.d -James Kimbrel It awe entered the <.’.-ene‘. Institute in Cyrene. The y>ung| gentlemen are very anxious to ob tain an education and they have the assurance- of t being carefully trained m this inatitu'e which ■ is 'being fostered by Christian, mop women in tins -■<“ ion. \vV . gJ-J Jf ■ ' ' •rs does ectliing for himsul’ "Goethe. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Shingler. an esteemed couple of Donalson ville, spent Sunday here at. the attractive homo of her brother, Mr. -John C. Chason, Col. N. L. Stapleton is to leave tonight to attend the formal open ing -J the regular fall term at Mercer University tomorrow. Mr Lewis Bitts left Tuesday to j enter the Senior class in' Mercer University FL- has made a sjilen-j did record and Lis many friends: rejoice with him. Saturday, the till), inst., twin - , a bov and a girl, aiiived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Thompson The little ones will bs called Paul and Pauline. The young Colquittonians have r ct iv ed many attentions from relatives and friends. 'Die cashier of Hie F'rst Nation al Bank. Mr. J W. Bush with Messrs. J. T. Jones, Pete Bu-h.i James Kimbr ?1 and -I. O, Taylorl went to Atlanta Saturday night, Ms. J aylor stopping oil al Macon to visit a special friend, the rest of the parry wont on to Atlanta, where Mr. Bush purchased two Overland cars, a Roadster ar.d a Tonring car, for which he is agent for a' this place. Tl ey came bick through .’-Lacon ’Sunday af ti r non where Mr. Taylor joint d the party again and they arrived back here Monday night. They report a most enjoyable flip. School to Open. J 'Ln irn my S: io ol v, ill b(R ip< in d [ig the cur Ibiient cf pu a pils d '.-’ring to ent. r the fall term I m Monday the 29th inst. Air. E L. (Hit.-Dire has beet re-,di clod pri i.e;.l Hi is ; :opi> | iar school I vival Services. I On Saturday uigl t before the I ifirst i'liiiday in October sorvicepl are ti Le ue'il nt the Maznrenel ' Chore II in Boykin. 8 This v.’di be the openii g service I oi as< l ies of mi el i ogs to b ■ held I in that vilfag-, and the Liberal I .has been reqm s.ted to notify the I public that an earn', st invitation I is extended to nil. ■ Take Off - I Your Care. I Take off your care and lay it by a And with love’s iaughtvr in your eye 1 l.ook up to smile in peace again a At one who thinks of all men E You are the one great star and gleam ■ The hero of her golden dream. n Take off your trouble and your strife ■ When home to children and to wife I In twilight of the soil yon go, 8 That she may by your light laugh knew] The music of. the world is sweet I Ev’n where the busy anvils beat. Take off your struggle, let her see Only the sunshine and the glee, That in this hour at least the tide Ol k By freedom from the mocking wrath I That springs from almost every path I Take off and smile and : ' ig, I And make the gotten m®ne.-js a* 1 I I Will; hap’ #iat come- ,y. .vol . -tiling* M’S". ■ | —The Bentztown Bard in Bavin ore! Sun, Col. rm« Mrs. Billie 1‘ 1 usli have enjoyed a visit over in Ca milla this w#j‘k. They were guests of Mr. aiirl iJWrs. C (’. Baggs. 11 /iTTTI - w ’ r i -8 ‘'SwM I | Ju i YjO' V) | One drug; store is better than another drug 1 store because it has a better druggist and better 5 drugs. Our prescriptions are filled only by an a experieuceu roistered pharmacist; the drugs we use are the highest quality that can be got, and | they are always fresh. No matter who your doctor is, bring your '4 prescriptions to us and know you will get them a filled right. I fa Come to OUil Drug Store. | The Best Drug Store DIXIE PHARMAY. BBSBBQD SB ■'W Dr. 0. B. Hicks, I. e., Ear, Nose and Throat Specialis. id' Al bany. Ga.. will bi in Colquilt, Gn , Friday. Sept . I'.-th. will bo at Drs. Cook and Hays Ofiice.