The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, July 01, 1925, Image 1

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Miller County Liberal NO 4 In The Hospital Mt.=. Alice Colbns left the home of her mother, Mrs. Hattie Fudge, Saturday for the Riverside Hospital. Tiler? she underwent an opera-■ tiou wbic . she has been postpon- : in-» for about seven years. Many oi her near relatives have I been taking her mother and her two daughters to -ee her this week. They bring good reports from her bedside; and it is hoped that in about two weeks she will be ahle to return lien 1 . -■■ ■ - o Class Picnic Thursday, at the Williams mill site, Mrs W. C. Underwood and the members of her Sunday School class enjoyed a picnic. . Miss Jimmie Bush and Mr Robert Underwood were guests The water was inviting, the lunches delicious, and th® abund ance of lemonade and watermel ons furnished pleasing diversions for the young people and their be ( loved tenobcr. _ ; " ... -~o Oh Mother, Mother! Listen Here Terry’s Waterproof Cement mends anything, furniture, crock ery, chirrrrwrrre, auto tops, one tips, jjboes, ornaments, souvenirs, crack ed auto engine and radiators. When any article is properly mended with Terry’s Cement, you can’t soak, boil or bake it loose. This makes Terry s Cement bet ter than any glue. Call on drug, hardware and furniture stores in Colquitt, Ga„ f<-r it only costs 25c*s per bottle For further in formation write Terry Product ' Co,, 349 Pryor St., Atlanta, Ga. o - Revival At Eldorendo Sunday, June 21at, there opened at the M E. church a revival, which has been a spiritual feast for the citizens of our little burp i Rev. Harden, the pastor was ably assisted by Rev McDaniel, an evangelist cf the Thomasville district, who has delivered some splendid sermons There has been several addi tions to the church, and a spirit of genuine, old lime religion has been going on in the meeting from the start. Several of the Baptist church members have attended the servi ces regularly, and it would be hard for a stranger to tell one denom ination from I tie other. If the evangelist has so forcibly impressed bis congregations with the unity plan, that they will stick to this after he has left, then he will have wrought a good work for the community. The meeting will probably close tonight. “A Friend.” WATCH COLQUITT GROW THE LEADING CITY OF SOUTHWEST GEORGIA Liberalities Socials, Locals, and Personals. M rs. Clyde'Bush and Mrs. Al.- I nie Sutton are enjoying a visit a | Mrs. Laura Bush’s home, when [they formerly resided. Mrs Dixie Dixon's residence is bright with visitors. Mrs. G D ■ Field and her three sous, of Macon, | are visiiinir Mrs. Dixon and Mrs ! Annie Busin Mr. H T. Chambers, of the Twilight community, war attend ing to business here Monday Mr. E I l ]. Hornsby and daughter. Miss Sylvia, accompanied by their quests, Mr. and Mis Green Lewi®, of Fargo, Fla., were here Monday Mrs. S C. Haddock nt.d child ■ ren, of Cairo, are here, guests ol : sister, Mrs. E. B. Batrghn. Mr i Haddock is attending the teach-j era’ training class at Emory Uni-i Aflter a few days tin- vi-- : ■ tore expect to spend sometime j with relatives in the vicinity of4 C de in an. MreoOla Batts and her diugh ter, Mrs Addie Powell, and Muses Julia and Niiomn fowell return d last week from Itrlando, Fm , where the? were guests of the forrin-r'e sun, Mr. Letter Bitts, "ml his family Miss Emma Kate William- cam back last week from a pleasant vi it at the home of Iler unnt, Mrs. Lillie Davie, in Albany. Mrs. W B. Williams cmiv h«r< to spend a few days with hoi in 'the Mr®. Ella Mercer, since our Inst issue. She drove over alone from Valdosta in handsome Buick coach, a recent present from her husband Members of the "olored ram certainly do enjoy waterm* lon Sen ams in South West Georgia Tip drouths rather impaired the growl i and qualities this year; but it ir to see colored people e.arryiii; them from the sale places in many <1 rections. His many friends will regret to learn that Master Irwin Long is on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Roberts, ol Twilight community, w< ri viaitim friends as well as shopping heir Saturday. Mr and Mrs. F E Fudge and children motored to Bainbridge Sunday. Messrs Roswali Clem its am Leon Holloway, of Edison, were here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. E- Ca'iom seen’ Monday in Albany. 1 hey went ov< rto consult Dr. Irw in rd ative to the conoition of Mrs Calhoun’s eyes, which are gi ing her trouble Messrs Harvey Shepard and L on Wigg us, of Edison, were vis itors here Sunday. PULL FOR COLQUITT OR PULL OUT COLQUITT, GEORGIA., WEDNESDAY, Jiilp I !920 Col D. Rich spent the week nd attending to business in I’am a. Fla I Ilia many friends will regret to learn that Mr. E, Xi. Siu (field has j b-eii very’ seriously ill. Three | physicians and a trained nurse have been attending him. Rev W. A. McDonald was n guest nt the home of bis son, Mr T I’. Mil) maid, Sunday. Mr. M L. Miller was also invited over is a guest, he being one of the min ister's old friends. . Mr. Blackshear Brady, of Al bany. was in town Thursday. Mrs.J. M, Fudge, accompanied by Misdam-s W. C. s niid J. S. Shi Hi.-d, also Miss Laverne Geer, spent Monday afternoon in Bainbridge. Mr, Fred Powell left Sdurday t'< inaku bis bome again ii Mi uni ,-> Fioridii. returned Saturday from a Week spent delightfully with her m>n,l Mr. \V. E. Tabb, who was attend, ing an Epworth League Conven lon in M icon, ami the home of her I' i par-nie, Mr. and Mr®. Tarpit y, ini' Poombsborp. Ou their return] they left her youngest son, Mr,] Langston l’ai>b, in L'-hsburg, a nest in lh<* home of her brother. Mr. W. E Tarpley. Sberiii B, E. Hjnaton’s new i b &k build-big, just north of the ■ Ii Lug ata icu, is hearing comple tom. It will be used for an auto i mobile garage, where repair work will be d me. i ( Bainbridge is exp cling an im mens.? throng on Saturday, the Glorious old Foutth. Messr® G W. Chamber®, \V. IV, Mock, and the latter's son, Mr. Will Mock, nil representive cit iz-‘ms of lit.' Hand common ty, have bten attending to busimss here since our last issue. Last week the patrons of the school here learned that Mr. New ton Staph ton had been employed to teach the s'xth and seventh grades in the Gramma School He finished High School here two . ears ago; ano' has attei d d the freshman and sepomore classes i i Mercer University during th two intervening years. With Miss Ingram, Mrs. Scott, Miss Ch'oe Grimes, Mrs. Clernsots and Mr. Stapleton ihe faculty n f the Gran mar Scho.-I here is now complete. Mrs J. W. Bush of Albany is hre at the home of her motl er. Mrs Hattie Fudge. M r ‘r!ames Fudge, Bish and Jones go con stantly this w e'; o the bedside of Mrs Collins « h > Hm w convalrs- v. in th ■ Riverside Hospital in I Bainbridge. Arm Broken ! -# ] M.;-|. G J Kimbrel broke her left mim at the wrist Monday, ttie 22nd Inst. H 'i| husband had brought their two out here to attend sehcol Abduvii half h iur before his re turip ttie matron started to enter a orilvthe Ho ,r of which was just a liitladistance above the ground, to gather eggs. She had placed her iij|ht foot in the do r. A plunk/.used as a step, gave way b fore sh • j u‘ any weight on the r ght ; and th* drop of her; left foot e i'ise I her to fall, and I tlb-n the | a nful acc dent oo • curred ( Soon' I)f ]<• aton came by He di I the injured arm up in plas'er of | Mr. jvimbn’l almost had bleed poison<n his left ham! al the lime his wifi was hurt. Iridilv Dr. Wilkin lanced it. Monday Mr Kimbrel said that Ina baml and his wife’s nrm were b ill) bt'tier, ’ -’t • o ■* ihu.d- I , . J - Monda;. ns Mr and Mr® W. J Wilkin w, re passing along a road i about eleven miles beyond Cor del , enroute Io their home here, tin accident occurred in which none f th. three occupants of th® cur wi re hurl; and that is where a mir acle was performed. The matron was driving, her hmiband was besid > her, while their inf ut daughter was asleep on the tear sent. The rondw iy is nt the top of an embankment. Mrs. Wilkin looked back a moment to see n sign. The next the couple kju’i , their car was turning over down the cmbnnkmeiit, which is said ob • lifieen feet from the road way to t.h- ground. None v- re hurt at all, except the young mother was slightli liruist d. The baby was still asleep, among wraps etc,, in the top of the car, the engine was still running the car wasn’t injured, The family proceeded on theii way home in it aa soon as it conk be placed back on the highway, and all n j ice jvith th in that none were hurt. The car was moving at a slow rate of speed, and fliat is sai I t< tie one reason that very Itlilednm ige wne done. 0 Mr. and Mrs. J. C R d erts wen here Saturday. His family hai surprised him the 25t1l u t. with ■ del cions dinner and a reunion o' ■he u.artiiil daughters and theii ; companions. In the evening sev en g iiloji® of ice cream was • i j y -d by a1; t>ui especially t>y th-, children This affair cominemo rated the anni vernwy of hie birthday, 0 — No m iter how little ’ We may happen to be, The power t¥> in Ip other* • Is f-.r you and for »e. ■ New LOw Prices Mr. B. H. Fudge gives otir read ers a page of bargains elsewhere. Many of hese goods will have to be seen to be appreciated. Read the “ad,” call at the store, v hich is full of the necessities of lib, and you will find shat Fudge's Prices are Lower and his Merchan dise B tier than the Mail Order Houses.” Those are the facts expressed by s >me who know. ( Exon«e the p 'sonal reference). ■ The editress has never ordered a friigle tliinu (except school equip ' ment), from any mail order house sine - she moved to Colquitt in Au gust 1897. nearly 28 years ago The ten years sheso'd go ds in her husband's store, she ordered stocks of goods from wholesale houses, If ther< ’s any profit on any ar ticle, we greatly desire thst the proßi will build Colquitt ins ead of bull ling any other town or city; ami Mr. B H. Fudge will give bet tir vain » to the people of this ] section they cun obtain from I any mail order firm. G ive him a trial. You’ll be con v i uc • d u I three -4 apt». o- ■ ■ Wise And Otherwise Idle talk is never idle. Easy treet runs up hill. There is no meat ou the bone of c intention. The biggest fish bigan life on a small scale. Things don’t come ■ ur way till we go al t-r them. T e chief spring sports were cros-- vord puzzles. Good advice is not appreciated till it is too lute to use it. If you stand up for yourself no oody will sit on you. Laws would b 1 resp e'ed i they were more respectable In Bible rimes h woman turned II salt. Xow if yon make’em mad they turn to pepper. A man don’t iniud buying a H >p p i adr ni, but tie thinks a long time before buyii g n rah >Uie. o I Mr. J M eedge accompHiiied iv Mr A K Bird carried ii truck o d of gin m c linery to Columbu hi- week. It is the policy of the Fudge Broihers to have worn or def clive par's of their gins re pair in Columbus each year prior to the gitruiog sertß >r. Mrs N- Hie Cook and Miss Alice Cook are attending to business in Bainbridge today. VOL NXV'IH: “Get Togather” I -And Ge! I ■ ] X ’■ J By Jame Edward Hungerford All the world is in tout on gettir g i Happines®, success, and fame, f And alr of folks are fretting , Cause they do not get the sum- ; AH their efforlsare like bubbles, And txplode-and they blame fat®. But the reason for their trout le i Is- they don’t CO-OPERATE! They are overlooking OTHERS In their frantic search for pelf; Seldom '.binningof Uieir brothers All their thoughts intent on self; They ar.i out to get a liviug-- Some may starve, but they mm' ent- Let tile “rich ones'’do the giviug ••While with . t iers TH EY “com pete.” But, som*bow, they fail to “make it,”- One by one their plans explode; 'Vealtb is here-they try to take it And shift ofi their pauper’s load; In their efforts they’re unCeaeiop, And they battle day uud night, But their burdeim’re iucreasiug | All their uhoriiihed dreams take | FLIGHT! It’s time that we were waking To the fnct that must GIVR; Those intent or.e always taking Only see the “I” in LIVE; If we'll wisely work with other?, We’ll win ns sure as fate; Are you ready? Fall in brothers! Here's the word “CO OPEL-ATE!’’ o Messrs Lawson and Newto.i Stapleton are playing ball in Col <r nbia, Ala. with the Ft. Gains team. Misses Virginia Arliue and Pau line Ricli of Bainbridge were guests M ‘tiday of Miss Aleen Wil. kin, Mesdnmes 0. B. Chester, of Thoraasvill-, ami Earl Gubee, of Valdosta, were guests this week i t ‘he boinc of Mrs. E B. I augbn. For 8' veral weeks Mrs. G. W. 'o >k lias been a member of a party ■f sixteen who are louring Florida. She is witti three of her brothers, he Messrs Purifoy, some of them from Texas, and one < f her sisters, ind sll except Mrs Cock are ac ompauied by members ol their espective fuinilits. Mr, and Mrs J. ,V. Lovering, of it 1 Lakeland, Fla , passed through •ere tiday enroute to the homes of r®lativrs west of town, where they will enjoy the Fourth. He is iu charge of an orange and grape ru t grov ; and says that the po dtiou pays him b tter than hie ■vork did in this county. The weather remains eic-eding yb< t, dry and dusty. Gardens, u n a iy < onmunities, have burn d up, and corn is now beginning to suffer A general good rain would, Le ides doing the crops > and stock a tut of good, be a bleaa ug to mankind.