The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, July 15, 1925, Image 1

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Milter,. County Liberal NO 45 Eldoerndo News Items. I ————— Mr. and Mrs. Vv'm. Roy Jones and daughter Jacquelin. and Mr Joseph Toole spent Monday night pleasantly nt the attractive home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J Pridgqn. Masters Emerson and Collie Haye Brown accompanied their father, Mr -L E Brown, to Col quite Monday to spend a dny or two with their aunt, Mrs Zula B Toole. Mrs. S. V, Nix and children re turned Sunday from a delightful visit to friends and relatives near Cairo. Rev. and Mrs. McLendon, the fatter a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Jackson, were Li Eldorendo Sunday. The former Jdivered a strong sermon at the M. E. church Sunday evening. Mrs. J. G Powell, who hu been in the Baptist Hospital in Atlanta for several weeks, reached the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs M. \ . Franklin, Monday on the lOo’clock G. F. &A. train. She is much improved, although not completely well. We ‘rfw-hosts o4<ri<Hi(h» in hoping that she will soon bt restored to perfect health. Mr. Alton Yates, of Brinson, ac companied by Mias Fannie Brown end her brother, Mr. S. M. Brown attended preaching at Mother’s Home church Sunday availing. “ I'wo O‘iurns.” <> To Preach Sunday Rev. Frank Platt, of Livingston, Texas, is here visiting his sister/ Mrs. Harre Stein. He has been invited to preaci at the M. E. church Sunday at 11 o’clock; and it goes without say ing that many of Mrs Ship's friends from both of the churches here, wli hear tl.ii splendid minister. Over in Blakely when hopreach ed ths other Jem mi ations joiner in worshiping at the Methodist church. Mr. Platt resided here in early childhood; but in boyhood his fa ther, Mr. Marion £latt, moved t< Blakely. Not many who formerly loved Sheriff Platt, still live in the conn ty. Most of them have passed “over the river, ’ but they left de scendants who wid be glad to heai Rev. Frank Platt. ■ o WANRED— Man with car tr. sell cojnj||gte line quality Ante Tire# and Tubes Exclusive ter ritory. not necessary. Salary S3OO 00 per month. MILESTONE RUBBER CO. East Liverpool, Ohio. WATCH COLQUITT GROW THE LEADIN'!Cp'Y OF SOUTH WET GEORGIA Liberalities Socials, Locals, and Personals. Ji Mr. W. W. Mock, of the Hand oofnmiini’y, .vas attending to bus iness her> this week. While Dr. Baughn looks after the patients of of Dr. '' . C. Haye, who ia representing his district in the Slate Senate, Miss Alice ( o k will act as Dr. Banghn’a st < retary Sh? started on her new ditties ibis week. Sunday Mr. G W. Cook carried his wife down to spend sometim in White Sulphur Springs, l'b> , as the guest of her sister. He reached home Tuesday. Mrs Cook will probably remain at the resort for a fornight. v Mr. and Mis. Wm. Roy Jones with Baby Jacquelin, drove into Colquitt Monday nt 7 o’clock a. tn He expects to resume his work in i'etines e? next Monday; and hi* wife will assist him in this worl when they again reach fi nticssi-o Mrs. Hattie Fudge bus trul her three stores beautified by <■ >ats of paints. The hardware and groc- ty at ores of .M eesra F. e A Co, were painted white will touches of blue, while Mr B 11 Fudge’s dry goods store is all white. Little Marylin, the twenty months old daughter of Mr am Mrs. ■). M. Fudge, is still very sic! ; but her symp oms seem !>• tl< » than lin y were last week. A train ed nurse v as iv cessary, and Mise Ethel Cowart was called fr n n Thomasville, reaching tl.e littk patient ‘■tinday. The baby ie un il r the careful treatment of Dr Baughn. ' Just r< c iv?d pretty l'ne f yonrr mens’ pants, any s'ze, and pric are right. See us before bnyirp mlsewheie. M DA\ IS. M re. Harry Stein is expecting uer sister, Mrs Siddie Stevenson of Groveton. Tex., to be a gu«s in lovely home in a !'• w days Some of the rider citizens love this visitor when she was known a. *litl ■ Siddie Platt.” She used t< go to school io air old store, whic : stood on Main street. It ■'quipped as ae academy; and tl.« oak trees in Mrs Laura Bush’s yard (ih»-n standing to the rear oi theschool house),cast tin ir friend ly shades on many students. Dr P E. and Mr. J S. Wilkin, Mr Stevenson Mrs. Roy Grow and Ch editress are among those enroll-• in “Prof. Smith's” school. W e it. not speak for the others; but y scribe surely was afraid of th mentor, and 3is handful of switcin r Pardon, gentle reader, for the dive • sion. Many of us will be glad t see Mrs. Stevenson Mr. and Mis. J. W. Hamuy spent the week-md in La Eayellt, Ala , visiting tier parents. PULL FOR COLQUIT’tfM PULL OUT 'OLQIITT, GEORGIA., July 15 1925 Mr A C. Millm, of Flovilla, is hero visiting bis daughter, .Mrs B H, Fudge. He is very favorably impr sst-d with our section un tins hi . first, trip to Colquitt. Her many friends regret to learn dial Mrs G, W. Carter has been painfully ill nt the home of her husband near B-llev'ew She is the esteemid mother of Tax Collector G. G. Carter, of this city. We hope to note In r rtcovery soon. Mr William Wade has accepted a t> sition in the popular grocery s'ore of Messrs F. E Fudge ACo —o - Cemetery To Receive Attention 'Die,Liberal was requested this W-ek to urge those interested in the cemetery nt White’s ft idge to b‘ there for nn nil day w. rk ->gon I liursdnv the‘>'d Sunday in tugust. ' S me excellent cross cut saws and some sharp axes are the Way Hfa.citML. • ft"h nM-Fr---Y^rr--trftfort ’ advisable to renwae some 'nq-e trees nt lliin working. Os c .nrse Hie rakes, brooms, etc will also be iconssary • It is hoped Unit there w 11 I e n large nttendnnco at Pilgrims' Kef I n Angus' 13th ■ ° ~ Mr.te’.l). Bush who cairn from WaiiAfe Fla to spend a few days j vith It h mife and children and to niiigle with his friends and relii ives wont buck home si ice our uist'. He expects to return in ibout two w*eks and acco npany m wife an 1 children b ick to Wan. ihula where they lesidu in a hotel Airs. P E, Wildn and Dr E. B. Biughn are expecting their sister, Mrs L B. P rry and her daughter, libs Ev-lyn Perry of Camilla to visit them this week. o New Low Prices Mr B. 11. Fudge gives a solid i>oge of New bargains in this issue. He and his co.workts i ppreci ate the patronage of Liberal read rs and their frionds. A lii-ioly welcome awaits custo mers at hie store whether they buy much or little. He is anxious to make his stori n ea'ab' ehrnent of service. o --yj rr-" —. I Ir talk it over your bub- Scription Is DUE NOW. PAY UP Inlying Items Os xSrip. Through Florida fr - .«* • rs. Kate Pur soy Ci ok Lending Colquitt Inn 21st lar rivetlijiTGrand Island next day lr. j >in thy brothers from Tt-x nt the home of our luother, who lives at Qran I Island. Wi' felt a., though we had reach ed the lai.d of plenty. They had ufelons in abundance, and brought grape fruit in every morning by the bushels, from my brother’s! gtove. Jane 21th ,ve left Grand Bland ill n ipnrty of 23, to tour the ne-t const. We passed through many pretty towns enroute so Tntnoa, and llu prettiest filling *totio.,s I< ever saw all nl mg the way. At Pampa we went sight seeing,' and saw the benutifu 1 grounds of. the noted Tampa Bay Hotel. * We ciosaed Gandy Bridge across Tampa Bay. Tl is bridge is 7 miles long, ’l is wonderful to see ho.v the Innfl mid the mighly wnltrs ( cap b<‘, divided. We camped nt St. Petersburg ilint tiighf. The mosquitoes wi re ap iincieroiiij, w| had to go to the 11 ■!*.* but ii'ii'k to camps for break fust. •_ On thn 25th we went bi o’l to Tampa a: d other points. We had lunch at Bradenton Case. Sums of tiie party called fi r miillei, and di ' waiter pi inptly nsk d: “What [iar.l of Georgia are yon all from?” I'hen we drove to Manatee, ami all went in swimming at Sarasota B nch, afterwards returning Io Bradenton. At Arcadia we pitched our t-nt or the night; but were again com pelled to taKe refuge at a h >tel nt. • ccoiint of mosquitoes. Then we .vent to Zolfo, passed 'hrough Wauchula; did bo. stop. >ut stepped at Bartow for drinks, unched nt Unities City mid rested awhile. Tiieti we proceeded to Wint r ilnven, one of lie prettiest towns we saw. We rode rosnd lha most iienutifnl lakes and those b' nutif il .vinter l.ornea. Mailed curds in that magnificent new hotel. At “0 I indn, the beautiful,'’ w> .vent round sight soeiiig, mid tin m anty is beyond d scrip'i m. M_\ i-phew took O' round a lake and to see his beautiful now homo jn completed. Then we went back f othei laud; and on Sunday we wen to D.yto na, and on to Daytona B nci . .a’ 'iie hotel w° were tnteriained by my sister, Miss Alic.- Purfoy, who .■turned with ns to join our pirty ii the East Const. Le'-ving Grnn'l Island Monday, June 2911 i, were iu St. Ci nd C.ib r lunch, and visit <1 the z >o, s<. - ,ng thedeei. bears andfo*is. A camped at West Palm B-nch for ! the night. Ail towns have nice j 'amping gr. Hinds, and nil ennven lenceg an- free, exe. pt registeriu i ! s cir. , We had the most beautiful drive if one hundred mil s down the, Indian River. A'oug the way .we ( saw, ou either side of the drive way, cocoanuts, bananas ard pine appks, growing in abundance. Die 40 miles ocean drive way was v< ry piotnrrque. Next, we were at Hollywood, a beautiful new city being built, where my brother owns a 10l for which he has refused $35,00000, and is holding it at $1,000,00 per f out foot. e were entertained here at the Great Southern Hotel by real es tate men and Dr. Hurt, of Chica go, After lunch they took us out driving li view the lots which were for sale, A person can’t conceive of the enthusiastic spirit all over Fie., unitss one goes through. There's enough work going on to give ev-, ery man and child a job, who iwanl to work. The whole state is being divided in’o subdivisions. We stopped at Miami, the “won der city,” and called at the home ’of 'V. -I. Bryan’s son-in-law, but 'no on.’ was at home. We left our 'cird. mid took souvenirs from ‘ i-hrubbery in the yard. At the govern nent se d de p irtm nt we saw coco trees with ■th? green fruit of which c-wo is made., ■ We also saw the Zaechaetis tree aid seemed to listen fir a voice which sail: “Zacc.ineus, Come I) .wu,” We enjoyed the Royal Palms hug. ly, too. We th' ii went out to i-ea on Bys cane Bay, in B ntric- Pliilnde phis S S. Piva so nice mid cool, ind heard sweet notes of music on water. Pivns, all very inspiring Crossing the great Cause Way was very . xciiing, as co,>s sl< o < ready to shove one on at 40 mil-'S p-r hour. But having the one way drive, there was no sense for accidents. Lenvii g Miami for Grand Inland. once more w.n stopped at Holly wood for drinks. Stopped nt beach it Palm Bench, and all we t in swimming. Camped there for !h< eight. L aving camp at 5 o'clock, wi stopped al Stewart Case for break fast. Then on to \■ ro Agaii striking Indian Riv< r. We sav an extremely long 'iiigntor Out from Oca'l •, we went to S 1 ver Springe, and went out on a sight s eing glass bottom boat, and sav dup st impossible things at b Itotii if the water. Most beautiful scenery arises. Snow sc.-ncs and every tiling at bolt in >f thespring’ The water being from 30 to 8t ! t-et deep You COlbd ev n see • .lim - on the bottom of the wate. We cum-' on mid had lunch at Thomasville, mid on Io Colquit bringing 15 of th? paity to my h >me. Il was, indeed, a »ost woude) , ful tup. With evr ry j iy tilt r ’s a soirov. !z\. ,i'M-d, it was a ae arutioi. j The boys going back to the fi> w it; all fully realizing that I e same party would never id) be to •gether again. I I VOL XXVIII 1 * '■ p In The Hospital Her many relatives and among our readers will regret to learn that Mrs. J. M. Miller was a carried to the Bainbridge Hoepit , al luesiay, suffering from uppen r'dicitis. • M r and Mrs Al I Iler's little da ugb r|ter is also threatened to hais to | undergo an operation for appendi- Hotis Ibe Liberal joins their .| many friends in hoping that this ■ operation will not have to be per t formed. News from the bedside of the beloved wife and mother ie to the . effect that she is doing nicely and ( is expected to reach her home here i Tuesday. i o— ■■ - I Belleview News Items Tuesday, the 14th lust., a sur prise birthday and wedding dinner was given to Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cobb. Mr. Cobb was 60 years old on the 13th, Mrs Cobb was 65 on . the 15th and were married 39 years i on the 15th. All present had a i nice time. Ice cream wai served. Mr. L. A. Phillips, of Bainbridge, is in the Riverside Hospital con valescing from a s?vere operation for appendicitis. ‘ All inGrested in the Belleview cemetery especially urged t i meet nt the sacred spot Tuesday b fol.' tin? fourth Sunday in this . month, prepared to hoe, rake and sweep. “Magnolia ” o A Reunion Sunday, Mrs Rons Jones was hosh-sB nt a reunion. Her four grown daughters and her two grown sous, with the grand daughters eml <oue, gathered once more und, r tlie parental rooftree. 'Dime who have spent the day it thia home, know that, at the .non hour, a feast will be placed before them; for Mrs. Jones knows iiow to prepare splendid edibles. Mre. L. W. Cobb, her daughters, Misses Sallie, Golden and Jewi-I, ,ier sons, Meetre Thomas au i Ralph C .bb, of Sale City, wer .- oroujht over Sunday by her hue- • mJ and thfcir father. Mrs. Hodgea and son,of Heleta' vbo bad been here for a w-eL,Mr I T -Hiles, his wife and son, Mr nd Mrs. Ivan Jones and the tw > • oting ladies, Misses Goldeu an 1 Mmnic, wlu are still inmates of he old Ie me, joined their mother i tins reunion Next Sunday this pleasant par y will be dispersed Mrs. Hodges, er eon and two of her nieces. I ss-s Sal i- and Golden Cobb, -oil accompany Mr. Hodgea to I-leii'i, and Air. L W. Cobb" will ojme r or Mre. Cobb and the othi r I hree children to return to Saks lily. I We «re gnd that they all en joyed their stay here.