The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, August 19, 1925, Image 1

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Miller County Liberal NO 50 Revival Services Rev. J. M, Sullivan of Macon is c inducting a series of meetings at the Baptist Church. Much inter est is being manifested in them. They will paobably close at the evening service Sunday, so it be hooves those who would bear the faithful servant of (rod to be at the ehurcb this week at the 11 o’clock A. M. and 8 P. M. Everybody is invited. o A A Card Os Thanks We deeire to exprets our thanks and )be thanks of our great-aunt, Mrs. Bettie Haul, for every kind ness manifested during the illness andsubsequentdeath ->f our mother Mrs. Hattie McNair. We hepe God wi'l bless every friend and acquaintance who has been so kind to ns in our deed trouble. Sincerely, A. G. McNair, Jno. F. McNu r, (Miss) Agnes McNair, and the four other eons. ; . ■ ■ ■ q Mr C. B. Bush Elsewhere in Ibe Liberal, Mr C B. Bust), a popular, experienced and reliable automobile dealer, speaks to the people of South West Georgia through The Liber al this week. The new line rs care lie will dis play will not only be a credit to Mr. Bush, but a credit to our town and county. ■ o - Bells Cash Store For low ptices on on Groceries call on R. S. Bell in the brick store at the depot. He is a commendable young merchant witti a depedable line of the necessaries. He will be pleased to know that bis “ad” on the front page was no tice by any reader. Tell him you appreciated his low prices. ■ • o A Card Os Thanks vVewish to thank our friends and neighbors for their many mani festations of kindness and sympa thy extended us in the sickness and death of.our sister and aunt; and we especially desire to thank those who took their cars and car ried the family to the cemetery. May God’s richest blessings be showered upon each one of you. VVm. Middleton <fe family, Jno. Middleton & family, Henry Middleton & family. o Her friends will regret to learn that Mrs. L E. Calhoun woe pain, fully ill last week. She is now 1 convalescing. WATCH COLQUITT GROW THE LEADING CITY OF SOUTHWET GEORGIA PULL FOR COLQUITT OR PULL OUT Liberalities Socials, Locals, and Personals. Mr. J. C Roberts, a loyal citiz -i , of the Twilight vicinity, was her. Friday. B. H. Fudge now showing the new colors in Ladies puncture proof Hosiery at §I.OO pair. Judge Bush Vann, of Babcock, was attending to business here Saturday. Mr. G. W. Chambers, asubatHi.- tint citizen from the Hand commu nity, was here Saturday. B. H. Fudge is now showing the new ladies’ bats for fall hi d winter. Heavy rains fell Thursday and Friday evenings of lust week, and two light showerscooh d the almon phere Sunday and Monday of this week. B. H. Fudge has received a ship ment of “Puncture Proof Hosiery” in silk. All the new fall shad<t> at only SI 00 per i air. Mr. G. W.Cook,accompanied by Mr. L. R. Kimbrel, visited hi. only grand Bon in Panama City, Fla., lawt week. The gentleman from Colquitt was well pleased with the baby, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Cook. B. H. Fudge now has on sale tl.e all silk satin dresses at §7 18. Mr. hi d Mts. Win. Roy Jote s, who left Colquitt the 18th lilt, for Tennessee, returned the 17th inst. They foetid their daughter, little Jacquelin, whom they left with her grand mother, weighing six pounds more than she did whet tiny went away. Mr. Jones wil ooen the Pine Hill .Consolidated School on Aug. 31. Dr. -J, D. Chason, his wife and their daughter?, from Miami, Flu., stopped over here this week, visi - ing his sister, Mrs. J. M. Grow, and his his brother in-law. Mr. El. L. Harrell. They expect to motor onto Montgomery,Ala., where they will visit relatives and friends be fore returi i >g to their borne in th " Peninsular State ” Mrs. F. C- Bell, accompanitr by her brother, Mr. Cliff Dancer, and her daughter, Miss Gather ine Bell, reached here List week She likes her new home in Winter Haven, I la., principally, becausi her husband is pleased with th place. She didn't express that tact; but the editress was inclined t< think that “Miss Lucile,'’ as sbeh popularly called in her native city . finds no place like their home here Mr. Dancer and Miss Bell wil re main to resume their studier in the Colquitt High School, which is to open soun. The many friends of Mrs J. M Miller will be -glad to know thai she will be brought home tomor row from the hospital where slit ! has been for several weeks. She s almost well again. lOLQIIIT, GEORGIA., WEDNESDAY, Aug. 19 1925 Mr '1 ■ in Hays, painfully ill last Week is again able to serve the pa rous of tin P. O here. Mr \\ . C Underwo id left Wash ington D. (’. with bis family Mon*’ day and arrived at bis home here j Tuesday. He drove his Dodge car: ’' on the trip. Mr. and Mrs. E. M, Sheffield' vert in town yesterday. He isj still weak from bis tedious illutsa; but Ins many friends art glad that he is now convalescing. After a delightful trip to dif ' fereut places in Middle Georgia and to Emory University, Mrs, J L. E ibb has leturned home, but she left her youngest son, Mr L'uiuslon, with hits only bro'her, VI r. Elmo Tabb. The two Loya ‘ are now at ■Junaluska, N. C, a l great resort, when S.ii'tliern Meth* I odist hold many conferences. | Their friends were gl <1 to see Mr. and Mrs. “Dutch" Cook, in town Tuesday. B. H. Fudga has just received a ■ :?>tnp'efe ’ line- el tliai new and ex elusive material, Dollie Dimple, ; tn all the new colors, tints and | shades. Inep ct it. You’ll be j pleased. Only 50ets per yard. “Modern Girl Silk Hosiery, 1 ’ all > ipular shades, including the pan j y purple. “They certainly do wear" is the verdict passed on thrtse hosi by those who wear 'em §1.48 At B 11. Fudge’s. Mr G. W. Cook, accompanied oy Mr Leroy Kimbrel, visited his 1 only grandson in Panama City 1 Fla. last week. The gentleman from Colquitt was very muck pleased ..“th the baby, a son of Mr and Mrs Horace Cook. Mr G. W. Chambers, a eubetan. ial citiz in from the Hand commu nity, was here Saturday. Mr T. P McDonald who has Ueen Buffering rheumatism, is now ible to be up. Yesterday he and )is wife carried Mbs Elizabeth Barrett over to Albany where she ook the train for her 1 one in Ocilla. Q Killed In Automo bile Accident .-x young Mr. Parr, while driv ng a Ford coupe in Baker county tot far from tbs “King place,” v >ich is near to Big Cypre 6 PeeK, was almost instantly killed Sunday af-.eruoon when bis ma :l>ine ran into a ditch by the road, nd turned on its side. The deceased was not married le was a son of the late Wright Parr, and was accompanitd by his! cousin. Mr. J. L Tabb of this city wrs > the funeral dir ctor; and the body ' ■ was interred in the cemetery at, Christ church. ' s — • ■ ■ mi mu ■„ inn r o c J' Special Turn Over Week ■ B Aug. 17th to Aug. aaond. I At My Store Look at These Prices I 24 lb 0. K. Flour 8. R. $1.20 • 24 lb Rebel Girl Flour 8. R. $1.20 la 24 lb Helmet Flour 8. R. SI.BO C 24 lb Merry Widow Flour 8. R. $1.40 € 124 lb Mother Goose 8. R. $1.50 24 lb Gold Medal Plain $1.50 * 12 lb Fashion 8. R. 0.65 ■ 15 lb Sugar SI.OO ■ 6 burs Oct agon, Boag .25 k Meat I) 8. per pound .26 I Lard, Compound per pound .16 Everybody knows what Helmet, Mer- | | ry Widow, Gold Medal and Mother ? Goose are. Buy a barrel while the price is right. These are specials tor this week. Prices are the best in town on ail gro- c | . cedes. , < | _ I carry a full line of fancy groceries, L * produce and candies. B > While ginning your cotton my ters, Your Patronage will be Appreciated. ft y BELL’S CASH STORE H LThe Brick Store At the Depot. | Sister Dies Saturday night nt 8:33 o’clock, the gentle spirit of Mrs? Aucy Lo Gear was claimed by death. Fo two weeks she hud sullered igonios with diabetes and an ab scest on her back, from which blood poison developed. “Aunt Ancy,’’ as she was lov ingly called by hundreds, had been a cripple since childhood, but she (ways bore her affliction with patience. * She was ever ready to do what she could for other, and numbered her friends by her acquaintances She had been a widow for five years, and bad made her heme with different relatives; but bad -pent the most of her time witi, Mr. Wm. Middleton, where she died. Resided the brother mentioned ibove she leaves three other broth rs, Messrs John and Henry Mid dletou, of Early county, and Mr f. If. Middleton, of Bryan, Texas She was a member of Harmony Methodist church Sunday afternoon, in the quit 0 ty of tlie Deal, tn the Cnbicom nutiity, in Early county. Rev. R F. Dennis, of Colquitt, conducts the funeral service by the ope. grave, after which her body wa laid to rest by the side of her lab husband. The choir sang “Asleep Io Je • , sus” and “Nearer My God T> I ;Tliee.” Mr, J, 1. Tabb was tun rd di [ rector, nun a large crowd of friends 'and relatives were present. | May i e who doeth all things! 'well bind up the hearts of her loved ; ones, and be made to feel, “Thy I will O God, not initr-, be done., | One Who Loved Her. o S. S. Class Party Honoring the of her | S. S. class in the M. E. Sunday [ School, Miss Nelle Wilkin enter-j tained the children at the attract-j ive home of tier parents, Hon. and I Mrs. S. B. Wilnin, Thursday eve-1 uing from 7 to 10 o'clock. The guests enjoyed many games. Aft.-rwards punch and sandwiches were serv. fl. 0 Cotton As We go to press wy learn tb .1 ibjut eleven hundred bales of cot on have b<*en ginned at the two ginneries here. The price this week plays around the 22 l-2cts mark. Pickers are receiving one dollar i hundred for gathering; and many fields in this county have already been harvested, or rather those icres, burned and d ied, have given forth all they will produce. o I 1 Judge Bush Vann of Babcock I attending to business here Salt r day. T'OL XXWIII Meeting To Organize Board Os Trade Tuesday evening a number of public spirited citizens met nt the court house to organize the Miller County Board Os Trade. Among those attending this mod uli;, called to devise ways an > means of placing the advantages jpf this section before the natioi, i wer?: Mayor E. B. Baughs, Messrs A D Walker, R. M. Miller, L. Cow art, B. B Houston, J. A. Druk-, B. F. Galloway, E. B. Bush, D J Sudde.'etb, J. T. Jones, W. H. Ed wards Jr., Tom Haye, Hugh Pow ell, H P. Cook, Carl 1 Hunter Riwls and M. Davis. At the meeting next Tuesday evening a rousing citizens’ meet ing is to be held, and Mr. Busi , ■j-cretarv of the Bainbridge Biaro of Trade, is to be invited to list the benefits to be derived from a live Boa id of Trade. o - Mr. Paul Pennington and sis ters, Mieses Ruth and Esther, Pen nington, of Blountstown, Fla , stopped over here Tuesday as tiny were enroute to Atlanta. From here Messrs Pete Wilkin, Ecd Bird and Mite Alleen Wilkin a*- compaiiitd the Floiidians, the r friends, ns far as Arlington.