The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, September 16, 1925, Image 1

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Miller County Liberal ms A Lettei From Rev. Claude Bridges Birmingham. Ala. Sept. 9th, 1925. Dear Folk:— Some of yon have heard of the awful accident which happened in ; onr family last Wednesday night, I and some of you haven’t I am writing this to all my loved ones and friends, and trying to give the exact account of the whole thing, and of Ideua’s condition at thie“ time. Emma and I had stopped atone of the deacon’s homes and was talk ing over some of the church work with him aud wife. The children had just come from a B. Y. P. U. training school at the First chinch Ws told them to go on home, and go to bed, because Frier has to get up so early each am to get to his work. They went on, and when they got there the cat turned* ver some thing in tho kitchen. Frier pre tended that he thought it was a burg lar, got the pistol and went in the kitchen, but findin » the little girls were on to his tiicks,came back into the room pointing the pistol aldif ferent objects in it,* and clicking the hammer at ’.he light pictures etc. While doing this, and while passing Idena’s body, the pistol was discharged and the bail entered the child’r breast just above her heart Idenaaaid: ‘'Mama, I don’t see how it hit me, Frier never pointed th* pistol at me at all.” But it hit her, passed through her body directly through her left lung and shoul der blade. The ball missed all the bones and big blood vessels, which is miraculous. We carried her to the hospital, and she just did fine, much b-tter than the Dr., or anyone expected, I under the circumstances, ti'l yester day Her fever began to run up, and she was in scuh pain that she] could neither eat or sleep, and it] pained her very much to breath . Os course, we were very uneasy | The Dr. thought it was going to] be necessary to operate to drain j the puss from the lung. But when he came this afternoon, Idena’a temperature was normal, and she appeared to be much better every way. We feel that God, who so won derfully over rules, is going to con tinue to answer prayer, and that she will be spared unto us; howev er, we oan say His will be dune, and that Hie grace is sufficient in this time of trial. And, dear loved ones, we can say as never before, THAT JESUS IS REaL. Please unite with us in prayer I that out little darling may get well sue strong, that her life may be a , great blessing to the world, and for i po jr dear Frier, ( He is so crushed.) ; that through this awful experience | be may learn obedience. He had been told often not to handles gon, but boy like, he though there was no danger. We’re praying that he will learn obedience not only to bis earthly parents, but God as well, aud thdt WATCH COLQUITT GROW THE LEADING CITY OF SOUTHWET GEORGIA Liberalities I Socials, Locals, and Personals. i Mr. J C. Roberts, of Twilight, is mingling with his many here today. ; Mr and Mrs. Will Mock aud son, from the Hand community,' !are among the popular coup), el hare shopping today. Mr. and Mis. E. M. Sheffield a-e being heartily welcomed here to. day. He is still growing stronger His fr.ends say there will be made on hie farms this year 250 bales of cotton. Miss Evelyn Smith left I tie home of her sun*, Mrs. F. E. Fudge, Sunday to enter the Anderson Fe male College in Andetsuu S C. At P'ne Grove church Sept. 24th, I nt 9:30 a. m , the District Rally for the W, M. U., of the Bowen Association, will be held. Owing to the few members of the local organization, each visitor is asxed to bring a light lunch t > help in furnishing dinner. Each church is urged to send representatives.| A splendid program ha» been j pTahned tor Lotti morning and * afternoon. Mrs. W.C. Underwood. You fellows all know 'BOST WICK, ’ the peanut man at Ari ington, Ga.. don’t you? Yes. Well, he’s the 'GUY’ that wants your pinders, now ott’t forget that, get a hurry on, he is ready to talk business. 1 Mrs. Wm Riy Jones spent Fri diy night with her mother One of the Pine Hill School trucks;' needed some parts. I’o drive it up afforded her an opportunity to come "home,” so she brought the truck, and was accompanied by a trio us her co-workers, teachers, : Misses J iyce Brown, of bu nmii. [ Virginia Foy,of Butler, and Maxie | Marbacb, of Millen The Liberal I home was brightened by the pres ence of these young instructors. Since last week Mrs Howard Hite, of Ellaville, has been a [leas ant visitor here at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. H. Stein. Well, it is just about the thing to do now, i# to talk peanuts, and whether you have got a ‘PIN 1 o r a ‘QUART.’ a TON’or a ‘TRAIN | LOAD,’ send them to Bostwick's Peanut Mill, Arlington. Thanks. because of this G-d* semsne, his life also will be a great blessing to ]the world. Ideua said while wating for the ambulance to come: “Mama, you have had a lot of trouble with Fri 'er, but you went have any more i now, he lias learned his lesson ’ jSae also said, I am not afraid to die, I would go to be with Jesus, and oh, mama, I want to so sei him. She fells now that she is going to get well, and we feel that God ia going to bear our prayers. Pray with us. 1 Claude Bridges. PULL FOR COLQUITT OR PULL OUT I'OLQI TTT, GEORGIA., IT’. Tuesday Mi<-s a Mary L >is and Alice C -warl, Grace Dauner, Nelle ; Wilkin, Louisa Mims ami Muriel : Watson i-ft for the G, S. U W I in Milledgeville; and just in a few days Miss Agneta Houston expects ■•VW- ■ to eater the same institution;, These seven girls represent a large proportion of the younger set here. Messrs A. C. Womble, G. W. Newberry and W. A. Barber ar. among those excellent subscribers who have kindly remembered the Liberal in the last few days, 'BOSTWICK,’ the peanut man. at Arlington, Ga., talk about him | m your homes, he don’t mind it; {everybody ia doing it, he has got. ten used to it. Mr Cliff Mock and his two sis tera, Mie ice Maude and Annie, and their cousin Miss Irene Mock of the Hand community, are among tire new pupils enrolled ic tho High School here, j o ' FabtUt &dlicU * i The congregation was glad at the morning services held Sunday in the Baptist church that six MEN there actually made it possible to CALL a preacher; and thecal! was for four Sundays in the month. M<-n and women were encour aged by this action; and it seemed; th it many more wanted to speak. Rev. Mr, Cox, of Gordon, whoa t imily consists of a wife and two 'children, was chosen; but he said be could not accept till he tilled a previous engagement in Atlanta. The church will probably know] this week whrther he will com. i or not. o ‘BOSTWICK'S’ peanut mill is right up town in Arlington, Ga. Convenient. Weights right, the right kind of treatment and top piices all the time. Shoot your peanuts to him. o -. Revival Services at M. E. Church I Dr Chari a Lane will preach i during the revival services to be held at the Methodist Church in C dquilt, beginning on the fourth Sunday in this month, Sept. 27'h aud running through the first Sun day in October. It will mean much to you if you attend a'l the servi ces during this meet ng. Yon are cordially invited to do so. R. F Dennie, Pastor, Methodist Church. o After being obsent from her he dquarters in Inomasviile for two months, Miss Flbel Cowart u leaAing today to return to Tuo®- aaville. hNESDAY, Sept. 1(> 1923 F 1; K Real Estate For Sale Wanted 087 1-2 acres land at $lO per acre 275 acres in cultivation, six miles • Every land owner who wishes from Cplqnitt, Georgia, on public to sell his land to list same road. Eair Buildings. with us. O 0 200 acres 3 1-2 from Colquitt, (la. on public toaa, JO acres in cultivation Share croppers and renters we good land, at ? per acre. can find a home for you. o __ 0 128 acres 1 3-4 m lies from Iron City, Ga., all in cultivation, good building, ftnc com- Parties who wont to buy a inunity, for SIOOO. Terms if desired. home cheap. U— — o - ■— 113 acres 2 miles from Colquitt, Ga,, on public road, 30 acres in. cultivation at $17.30 per acre. We are spending a good deal of money advertising this section and we have many bargains. Now is the , time to buy and if you want to sell, list it with us and w you a huver VISIT, LIV£ IN Miller County Property Lands are productive, cheap, good market and climate the year around. j Miller County Realty Co. Jesse A. Drake, Mgr. Colquitt, Ga. Ten Citizens Up Before Mayor Monday Hon. E. B. B.tight., placed ii line of $2 on eight white residents who Entered plena of guilty of breaking the Inw ngninst speeding. Another charged with tho sum offense whs not nt th. trial nnd still another was acqn't t.d o.e whs fined $2 for speeding, and another, Ned Benton col., who had ligured in h disturbance, bentirg his wife, Sun-' day night, whs fined sot) for disor derly conduct and druukeriese. He whs hlbo tried in City Court Mon I day and fined $l5O for drunken rvss and other off-nses. ■ Miss Effi ■ Phillips wi 1 bs the 1 head trimmer in n C c a, Fla , millinery establish:!! -ni. Sue leit t alay to accept the p' Sllso '. DISEASES ARE BAD j | Why Not Try A CHIROPRACTOR | Vi i j I Will Be In Colq iitt, Georgia, each | {afternoon about 5.30 and you will find J |me at Jesse A. Drake’s Office. | | Dr Barron. ( Written Tor Last Week Miss Sylvia Hornsby Hostess To coir memornte the anniversaJ ry of her birthday, Miss Sylvia | Hornsby whs hostess Saturday. evening to a large number of her) friends nt the attractive home of!' her parents Mr and Mrt E. 1* ' Hornsby Sandwiches, punch, citie nnd ice cream furnished delicious re fresh merits. Every one there vrjoyed the oc casion to the fullest extent. Cotton »Ve Believe In Higher Prices I For Cottun. Consign You s I iUs To Be Held. Draw 80 Per (Cent. Highest Prices. Quick Set’lements. SAVANNAH COTTON FCTG.I COMP kN Y, Sav .n-iah, Gw. VOL XI7X Our Tax Levy More Than Others ‘ Our exchanges are advertising i Tax Levies of their respecth ■ ’ counties; I The tax payers of Decatur will j have to pay sl6 on the thousand, the Lvy calling for 16 mills, 11 for c runty purposes and 5 for edu national usee. Early’s levy is S2O on the thoui md, 15 mills for county purpose* •n>d 5 md!s for educational. linker c ountians will pay $22 o . the thousand for county, and $ ' for educational usee, making a < aggregate of 27 mills. Miller countians must pay thir ty mills f>r count r purposes, ph the county wide school tax of $5 on the thousand. In addition there will be a small amount 00l- II cted for local school tax. The Ooivuitt district will pay for local tax $lO per thousand, ai. ; $9 per thousand will be collect* 1 from Harmony payers for loc ' school tax. Dougl * rty’s tax levy is only S’ ) on the tl pusand, probably the low est in South— West Georgia, and Miller’s is probably the highest, o Mr. Hoke Bu«h left Saturday to resume his studies in the State University, Athens. ♦