The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, October 07, 1925, Image 1

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Miller County Liberal >VO Cotton ■. i On Sept 33<d t e G-ivemeut Re port gave the f< lluwinu iiguree: Colton giutied in Milh r <<nMity 11 1925 atuiHin’. cl to 3321 Lai e bis year at the same I'me there lial been 1297. DeCatUi'e r<-cotd ft aS 2h9i) for this year, ageiusl 1238 list year. For the whole atatu (>02.291 bales had been ginned thia year while at the same time last year anly 288.901 were ginned Burke Co leads the sta»e with 22,802 bales while Emanuel ranks second with,lß’sßs and Terrell a report plac« s her in the .fourth* place with 17 557. Seminole bad ginned this year 4051, last year 2.03.>. Early gintitd Ibis year up to the date specified B.'>22 ( w;nlr last year *. 4817 Was all tuat *»" ginned Up to a the same time The price paid this week her> is on about 21 50 cents per pouirn. The U S. Publisher'gives tlii warning "Backbiting and b, ant- ing are both - inconsistent will learning td.oye th* eighth grade, particularly gri’al learning, fix world g>v rt iii i rally of its "I 1 jdause .5 ,dht‘r Ihti-igH; Lui learning that it gives its respect. The Liberal makes no uristake it saying that boasts are the outcom. of conceit or egotism; and the Bibb says: ‘ Seesi thon a man that i> conceited, ther. is morn hoped a fool than of him.” Mrs. H, E. Martin of Appa lachicola Fla. was delightfully en tertaiued here during the week end at the home of her sister, Mrs F. M. Johnson. _o— Notice Os First Meeting Os Creditors In The District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, Albany Di vision In the matter of John Isom Davis bankrupt, in bankruptcy. To the Creditors of John Isom Davis, of Colquitt, Miller County Georgia, and district afonsaid, greetings: Yon are hereby notified that John Isom Davis, as aforesaid, was on the 28th day of September 1925 duly adjudicated bankrupt, and the first meeting of creditors will be held at the office of the under, signed in Dav s-Exchange Bank Building, Albany, Ga., on Oct 14 j 1925, at 11 am., at which lime aid creditors may attend, prove (hen i claims, examine th“ bankrupt, ap point a tru >tee and transact such othir business as may properly come before said meeting. The bankrupt is required to be present for examination WitnesM my hand and dated al Albany, Ga., thia 28th day of Sep-i tember 1925. James TIFT MANN, Referee in Bankruptcy. WATCH COLQUITI' GROW THE IeADING CITY OF SOUTHWET CEORQIA ■iißlll r■ ■ f- -I**’-’- •«*»■■«»» F-WT " min--"’ T “FTT .«l)> . i"" Liberalities j Socials, Locals. and ■ cl Ills mafiygfrie' ds #eie (’lad I see Mr J E'Tulrti (sere Monday Co). J. R. Williams lias return ed to Norristown to »«k charge>f '.he sclicol llwie ar the badii - mtinbi rof the faculty. -< “SEED OATS ’—The Ar ino ton Peanut Co. at Ariiugt hi, G > have just received n cir of tn’c [’’ulguin ho? oats, which they offering cheap Well, it is jual about the thing t-i do now. is to tiilt. pi-anule, an*i whether you nave got a ‘PINT’ o- H ‘QUART.’ a It'Norn TRAIN IJlAD,’send them to Bostwick's Peanut M ill, Arlington. Tliaiika. Mi. C. F Wilkerson who farin' in the western portion of th. coroty, Ims demonstrated fi> fur mrrs that a bale of cotton to the pre, can be produced, jn Mill, r e tin y, He brought a lot of co!< r-' »d.families from Alnbania; unit J they hav« made a w> nderful c.-pp m h large form He paid SIOOO rent Lu _ is. l Llif , r f After a' tedious ■ *lr A*’’ Chlliouu lias had fr interesti ig family j >in him in Malone Fin. In their new home he will get tic qtl tilled with an infant Son ad ded to his family u few weeks al ter his departure ‘o seek his for tune in the ‘Peninsula State," I’liis family is missed from th. social rauKs and the n-lifiuns ac tivities here. Their many friend are joining the Liberal in hopitu that success will attend them in their new home. You feilows all know ‘BOS F WICK,’ the peanut man at Ari inglon, Ga., don’t you? Yi-s. Well, he’s the ‘GUY’ that wants your pinders, now don’t forget that, gt t i hurry on, he is ready to talk business. It is said that Miss Myrtl Puree, who was reared in and around this city, now holds a po sition in Atlanta, in the larg stors of M Rich. She Lad some experience a few yesrs ago io sales man,hip while clerking for the late F. E. Fudge. The Libera hopes she aid do well in thie p isition. Plant your “SEED OA IS ’ now also your gr- 'z iig pastures. Art , lugtou Peanut Cc. Arlington, Ga , | have plenty, ai.d bought tin in to' sell. Fulgum variety, get tin tn I i right away. Mrs. Eda Mercer n turned to j her home h.-re last w u.-K aflt r a , d lightful stay in Montezuma a' ‘ the home of her daughter, Mrs. ' R. H. Saunders. Mr. C. M. Jones, h> re Moiidai,' ex or ss d himself as feeling muci improved in health, after b-in in a precarious condition during the spring end early summer. IL is not yet well, but seems so much better. PULL FOR UCtQUITT OR PULL OUT . afksdfjklaf Mrd.U.Ti I M.?r. L’hift P'-ri; IL IMTI V V r,.’ • ( <lny. I’wo sons, Me,sr- E. i Z A. Cheshire arid >ni* date‘. ter, - I I e<M mi i ■. I. inl ul c^ll' . lit is Irjso Wile, me,l by' ; triemU. Mr. end Mrs J. W Bush L-V iiaiiy have beeh to re ' tine 'jwecK : Ting The ii'ß ’ilj'iort,.- !iu i MlibtJi « n kdiWfcL ! L ' Mr. Dus’er Mock Was. JB'' ([g ;th wort jy young ger th med brief bm.ur i- L'bvral i ffi.’e .' ii.urdTy V ' -’jfc >,‘S BOS PW p. ifi ■.' . >i-t Arlington, G < , ialk, a'biint in your lidnit-s, h”^4oii : ’fe ■ verybody is jming it, be- Hai< j. "J? r’oii .Mrs. J. M Fiidgc;- accnmpn uyi’ by her bridlier, Mr. W. R ai.d Ins wjje, and by hi r 'll l \\ u., (ill li i ■ .e. ..p, lit ' : : I visiting rind Topping .' ' 7 ' ' ATr TV n> rTßeii who ;, nScetT.y drove six tboiwarid and four I wo. dn dm< l-s from L> < A.i 1.., Cai, £ to Tampii Fla. was lure to a. e hie mother anil other r-la tivee. He expressed an ini ntir tr of rt turning to hiiialode in Tmirpi ibis week Miss Myrtice Powell spent tin week-end at her parental hem. here. On her return to Columbia, whtre she teaches music, she was accompanied by her si-ter, Mus] Cecil Powell, who is spending th’ week in the Ala, city. ‘BOST WlCK'S'peanut mill is right up town in Arlington, Gn Convent, nt. Weights right, the right ki. d-of treatment and top pi ices all the time. Shoot your peanuts to him. Mis N. He Soo't came np fr, m Decatur county and spent |he week-end with her mother, Mrs, Maude Scott. Miss Scott is doing primary work in a popular scboOl. She was accompanied on this trip ly one of her cc-workers, Mine Westbrook, who teaches the fourth i and fifth grades. Cola. N L Stapleton, P. D Rich, Missre. W. C. Underwood i . *■ |J. E. Lane. A. 4 Cowart and Li I L Harrell are among the deacon, I ‘ and members of the Baptist church. I : who will reprrestit it at thePowen | i A-s cinfi hi being held today an, ■ It m rrow in Donalsonville. 0 A Box Supper ! At n im *rv School on j ’ evnointf, Oc r . 16, bpyinnitifr hI i I i .’clock, a b- x Hiipp-r will bo tied! i The public is cor tia !v inv ted; j and tin* t:r. ce> <ls v. ii L- used f< t i the hem fit of the Sclio •!. Published l>y riqu-et of th-, members of the faculty. J — - r .f. . ... ' ■ , ~ T~~ 'Real Estate •>" t rrr?v',s' a/ .lln-a.lion . ,xZr miles laiui oicwr wish&s on piMU' to" Sell his land to list same ’ .1, Hiir thiililiii'j.<. . ivilit ns._ g }'/() livres 3 1-1 from ('-I.hjufl!, flit-. QU '■■"'l'" ■ fnthhr Hunt, 90 nri rs tn cnlliratuiri . Share croppier-t and renters ire • hind nt //» ;• <>>•'." <■</./, find ahhoiue for • ,i‘- I —7° —,|| ’jl IS iH-res’l :i-4 indies frtpn- Ir‘mi, City, (Ja., ' - •; \ ... ‘fen ./ ia I nd iii.-SiCiii...!' jiue ,-om- th s n-i.o icvnb}o bay a I mnnftif, for $4000: Terms // de:dhdib . ' home cheap. L-.. f . g z X . - -- - rl'il-7* ’ Jl-< •? ?.■. ■ -g- .» TO w' 1! i ar, '' S ’’ ('■obpat:. (Inf 'nt Wjffi .. « ug.-ro/rr/. nO acres /n enHira'thm. at 'T.dU /s r jirr, . ’'r * We arc spemEng a good deal of money advertising l^ s sect ‘? n an d we iave mahy bargains. Now is th | vine and if you ward to wIL Hs it with us VISIT, Ll# IN and INVEST IN | I Miller County Property ? Lands are productive, cheap, good market and U climate the year around. | Miller County Realty Co. Jesse A. Drake, Mgr. Colquitt, Ga.p WSKCW I! Cotton ,Ve Believe In Higher Prices For Colton. Consign You.s i'o Us To Bn Ib id, Draw 80 Per Cent. Highest Pi ices. Quick Set'lements. SAVANNAH COT PON FCTG. COMPANY, Savatinnli, Ga. o I Administrator’s Sale Georgia, Baker County: Will be sold before the court house door of said county, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday h. Nov. 1925, which is the 3 day of Nov. 1925, at public out cry, to’the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed real estate: Th- east half of 10l of land no. three hundred and thirty-four in twelfth dist. :of Miller co. Ga., containing one hun i rlrt-d and t wenty-five acres, more or I less. I Said sale' being made after due adv.-r --j tisement and order of the ordinary i granting permission to the admiuistra i tor to sell said lands for the purpose of ' paying debts of lite estate of N. 11. | Sanders. The sale will 'ake place be fore the court house door in Newton, ■ Baker co. Ga., and the said lund« being I free from all encumbrances whatsoever. [Title will be mode to the purchaser by ; the uudersigi.e las adtnr. This the 5 I day of Get. I*.)J5. A. L SANGERS, Adtnr. on the est. of N If. S-r.ders. Another Change Mr. B. H, Fudge presents n new list of prices f >r the consitL’ra lion of those who read the Liberal I’bere is not any doubt in the minds of his hundreds of easte rners that he saves them much on their purchases, that his good-' i are ns represented and that hie >t -re is in reality a “Store of S-r ! vice ” FOR S \ LE At once, a brand .-w Fool truck for sale cheap, only one month old. Sre J. I). Fudge. Commissioners In Session lu’S'lai 10l the County Codi miesioners viz: Judge W.C. Dan cer, MreSrs Jam -s Cheshire. G W Otiamber-, It E Fudge nnd H. A S o ffi Id Jr, with (J: rk J !'■ Lane, w.-r- pr< e nt forth- regt) .las s-est > I V• ry ill !-> tuisi u<‘ss v -is trait acted xe pt lite ordeit.ig of bil'e ■ paid A eliortage of wood for fn< I a I be c !i-< t ric light pl-.tit. han n.eeSet tated turning IT the curren this Week. T'ie Ilß'CCHtblg ot crops now pays butler than th hauling of wood. L ull os and ia> terns burning keros- tie an i c i lights w. re pressed into service. COL X.X/X ' Kissing Promiscu t ously Discussed. A trio-J young gentlemen were - talking >ri u store not long sine ( | While waiting fora busy sale ■ . | man, the iditress heard one mal , a remark something like this: “1 you do t>r.t ask a girl to kiss yon ;or kiss her, about the first er se -. j ond time you go with her, si, ■ ttiiuks you have very little tense. Such rapidity! If that remar i i xpresses a truth, it is surely tin e I for impeding the progress ot a i habit which degrades and cheat - ens womanhood. Not so long ago a Southern wo- I man, (Her name has been ft r . gotten.) wrote this little rhym . | which so un pressed itself outlet ieditress that she can not forget i : j "It may give a smile unto mat , [That is of friendshiu ti part; But I give not a kiss unto any Who has not theloveof my heart.’ . Is it any Wunder tnat some yea s . after h« r marriage the same writ r gave exp.<’ssion to this rhyme: “Many blessings along my pa'L way fall; ■ But my children and their fatb i- are sweetest of the all.” The edilrees regtets that si'e [failed to remember the name - f ■ the author; but we recollect th t 1 eu often thought that her life, life i | . ■her writings, must hav< been pure.