The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, October 21, 1925, Image 1

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Miller County Liberal M) J Decatur Counny Fair Bainbridge Ga Nov. 3 To 7. One Car Load Os Fine Young North-East Ga. MULES Weighing from pOO to 1260 Pounds. At P. D. Rich’s Barn, For SALE Cheap or will Trade For Other Stock. See Me Before You Buy, J. R. Smith Colquitt - - - Georgia Superior Court . Jurors- Grand An Traverse Jurors, Octo ber Term 1925, Superior Court GRAND JURORS E. B. Junta J. A. I’iner J C Bush J C Sheffield Jim Waca-itr RO Burden E J Stegall J F Gray R *,V Deßary W W Roberta W W Mock John Kiuibte B T King W W Johnson II T Chambers L Cowart J 8 Wilkin W J Bush L E Millirons 0 E Davie G H Sheffield T O Hardy W I Duß< se -I V Cobb G W We' a B H Fudge Jtsse W Hair Bush \ anil J W Stegall. TRAVERSE JURORS. J L Long C C Cr< zier T W Stephens Chua W Kimbrel J W Barwick Chas Picron Jr; J D Pate C K Brown J M Denton S F Boyd. M C Lovett G W Chambers J K Ritchie G I Henry E L Warren’ R 11 Tabb W J Wilkin C M Lewie J R Batchelor J H McNiece R L Hodges P E Wilkin G W Gay Edgar Newberry T M Bowen Ivey McLendon R L Sheffield W E Mock James Toole B L Houston C. S Ridlehoover G A Gilbert E E Hornsby E J Hunter J T Grubbs E J Evrreti G B Gr'mee G W Grimes W R Tabb G W Carter L G Batchelor C M Jonee R L Houston J W Keen G G Thomae Monie Gordon G J Kimbrel S B U iikin E H Moca W H Bawls Si W S Davis M D Jonee J F Guest J B Chapman Harmon Cook t*'. E.Fudg J G McDonald J A Housto: J W McMullen \\ A Crawforu WATCH COLQUITT GROW THE LEADING CITY OF SOUTH WET GEORGIA ''' ® PULL FOR COLQUITT OR PULL OUT A Card - - Os Thanks We wish to express our grati tude for the kindness and the ex pressions of sympathy shown us during the illness and subsequent death of cur dear husband H-d father. We are also grat ful foi the beautiful fioral tribut<s. Mrs Alice Grimes, Chloe Grim< s, Marion Grimes, Mrs. H. R Miller. o Mr Isaac Cowait left Monday t< become the principal of the Row ena Consolidated school which ir near Arlington This is the ond Colquittan to hold a position on that faculty. Five weeks ago Miss Wiilie Toole, the daugLtt r f the editress, took charge of the niuth and tenth grades there Mrs ’ Garreit did not want the princi pal’s position, and on.y agreed t< serve until one could be elected. Mr Cowart has had seven years in colleges, and witb his degrees is well qualified lor the importaii' position. All places as members of falculties are more importaii ihan words can ex ress. Mtedatnes E. S. Radney J T Jones, C. B. Bush, L. E. Radnev and son and Miss Ht.zel Radney -(pent a day with relatives in As'i ford Ala., last v eek. While ovei there the ladies went shopoiug in Dothan. Mrs, Fatiuit Powell iu leavii g to day to spend some line will the fumiiirs of Messrs J. G. am Gussie Powell her eons, who rt aid< tn Brudentcu Fla li is probabh that the warm Gulf bretzee wbicl 1 olow over the city from the wes will be beneficial to this »xcellent mother. i HOLQhIIT, GEO2IGM., U'EDXJSSMY. Oct. 21 192 S I Liberalities Socials, Locals, and Personals. ■ A lari_e ciowd fj< tn Imre went . Bainbridge Satnrdaj’ to enjoy tin I circus. R v. W. A. McDonald spent' , Sunday here with tbs interesting family of bis son, Mr. T P. Me Dimsld. Mr D ear Newberry, from tbe Hsud ooinmuiiiry, was among the thrifty planters attending to busi ness here Monday. Mr R 0. Burden and Idist Dola Yates of Babcock were nt tending to busin-ss here day. Just received a pretty lite of voting mens’ and hoys’ suits, beam tiful shade®, any size. Priest right. Come to see ns lietuil 'buying. M. Davis Mr Aubrey D.-zier left MoudWf to join hie father, .fudge F. D zier, in a -real (Bta’e office in Jtfautav Many Inn these former Coicjuitlatis much success. A hearty welcome was accorded Mrs. G. W, Welch Jr, and her children of Albany who spent the week end with the math n’e par ents, Col. and Mrs. P. D. Rich, Plant your "SEED OATS” now also your gr>.z : ng pastures. Ari uiL'ton Peanut Co. Arlington, Ga.. Have plenty, and bought them to -ell. Fulgutn variety, get them light away. Mr.H.J Runnels was among die thrifty planters calling at The Liberal ( ffiee Manday, and add, d his name to our subscription list. Monday will mark the opening ■f the regular fall term of Superi >r Court. It probable that iarg crowds from every portion of th. county, vis'ting atiorneys and others will be much in ‘evidence” luring (his session. The Harrell cottage just eas l of Mrs. Rosa Jones’ residence is to In ecu pied soon by Mr and Mrs Oscar Williams <>f Babcock. Sh. is pl.asantly remembered here as Miss Audrey' Yates, a popnla mrsj. The couple eni their .'dren will be cordially welcomed lore. W, NTEQ: -The editress is >ery much in need of some copies if The Liberal dated Sept. 2”d nd 9th, this y-ar. Unusual calls caused us to be without our til opies. We will appreciate them Mr®. Harry E. Jones and (laugh r, little Miss Flattie, returned Sunday from a pleasant visit at he beautiful homo of Mr. and Mrs W. J. Bush in Albany Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jhrislie and friends were glad to see Mrs. Clayton Webb of Damas cos here Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs A. L. McDonald spent Sunday here guests at the home of Col. and Mrs I. A. Drake. Heavy showers fell Sunday Gardens by the hundreds have al ready or will nc-ive some att'en *>iou Illis week in thia re.ion. Miss Rann’s Rawls gave up her position in Mrß. H. Fu l«.s r.- Tuesday to commence teicbii.g the fifth grade in a school nlotil I oi.e and a half miles from Iron I City. I Well, il is just about the thing t > do now, i- to tall, peanuts, and whether you have got a ‘PINT’ a ‘QUART,’ a ‘TON’or a ‘ TRAIN LOA D,’s ud them to Bostwick. Peanut Mill, Arlington. Thanks li e' B-lleview School opened Monday with Mrs Addie Powell, Mrs. Turner and C Chaptflan ns principal, intern ete snri- : p«l«n/u7 -. scb<» lis usually marked by gotrl attendance. Mr, S S Brinson, of the Em pire Grocery Co., Bainbrdge, wa. making his usual rounds in lx city Monday His was accompa nied by hie charming wife, Just received a pretty line o crockery which 1 am sure that 1 can sa”e yon money on. Come l< s e me before you buy elsewhere. M. Davis "SEED OATS ’’-The Ar ing on Peanut Co. at Arlington, Ga have just received a car of nic< Fillgum se.- oats, which they are offering cheap Mr. and Mrs. Clanton Davis and the r chi’dren were guests Satur day and Sunday at the attrac ive home t.f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L Cowart. Mrs R y Watson Bush and tin junior recently returner! from i w.eksp nt delightfully in Eufan'e Ala with her aunt, Mis. L. M \ rmstrong. Put BOSTWICK THE PEA NUT MAN’S BRAND or. your L zz’-e, and let them come, he’ rearing to go. He's the fellow you wa it to get into your c< uverna tions wlnn talking peanuts Li’tle Marylin, the daughter <•/ vlr. and Mrs. James M. Fudye s erne to be growings' me stronger laily; but her parents are anxious tor Dr. Micheal Hoke to examine her again; an'l it is probable that the young mother will take the •title one who was stricken July 11th to the specialist in Atlanta next week. •BOS I WICK,’ (he peanut naan, .( Arlington, Ga., talk about him » your homes, he don’t mind it; verybody is Juiug it, he has got ten used to il. Gone To Florida Colquitt lost an interesting •amily Monday when Mr. B H. Fieidur, bis son, K. FJ Jr, and I little Miss Cnloe, lira daughter l it f>r Florida. 'l’tiey were tic companied by the housekeeper, Mrs Eagerlou, au elderly lady who has been with tLe family since the wile and mother passed away. 1 about fie months ago.' Mr, Fletcher has accepted a position at Harold to supervise turpentine work, just as he hits d ’lie i llioieutly m this county for |' some ye its. While giving up thia esleemedi' fatni'y regretfully many join the! Liberal in wishing for them the, success they so riclily deserve. | Saturday Messrs Ralph Bush aad J. s< pti Toole took the train at Baiutni Jge for Cocoa Fin Mi. Hilton Cook who is already 1 (.here, secun d each of them posi 'ioi s in two different drug stores ih- former is the ion of Mr. •uid Mrs E. R. Bush, and the lat £-r is the sou of the B , .I tiis will be tluirhrst experien-, I des al fi ling positions away fromT their home town; but it is the: hope of many that the efforts of i these iwo yout'js will be crowned witb success. Miss Louise Shoiar formerly of ! ins oily, bti' now of Bainbridge, ■ias i. p isiliou in Cocoa, o Colored People ' In Trouble i i i i ‘‘Smoky,” h good band to cem ind pret-f clothes, got in trouble Saturday night. ( , S-im"limf ago it was chargee i that “ Adel,” awt II known young i colored woman had caused Snr ki I '■ s. p rale from his wife. * I For awhile all seemed to be well; ’ ui Saturday evening when Ad> i , vent to the circiH iu Biinhrino ! linear vith other colored peo ple Smok was iiid'g :ant. When lie finished cleaning the chitins on bund, be ! efl for Bai' - bridge, fie met the car contain ing Adel. by the time he got to her he mist hav- been infuriated; for li oit her on the head with an auto mobile j ck. A physician t"ok three or mor, st tebes in th 1 scalp wound; rftu Smoky is loiviiii' plenty of tim lo repent ns he langiiiehes bellin' prison bars. I O Little .lacquelin Jones is spem'- ! ng this week with her grand ' other, the edi'ress. Her parent >lr. and Mrs. Roy Joi ea came U| ( Saturday for ye scribe, took hei Sunday to the Ri/t rsiie ilospita vbere Dr Chasou did some ven > efficient wo-k in the right nostril 1 hi the right ear and under th' i right arm which had become ii • feet 1 1 as m n loned, IYJA AIY7X Decatur County Fair Specialties The D.c.ilur County Fair is a promoter of agricultural intiri-s’s in tut counties of D.catur, Miller, Seminole and Grady. It is said that twenty cars pf clean shows, and a number of rides consisting of ferris wheel, whip, catapillar and monkey speed ways will be operated. There will also be free acts, such as the new high dive of America, diving 100 feel from a Udder; the 'most noted wire walker, and vari ation trapeze performances. <Jue feature act nas never been shown iu the south before, It is the Mack Brothers turning a com plete summersault with automo biles. The gate admission, bath day aud nigut, will be only 25eta. The feature days during the fair will be as follows: Tuesday Far mers' BjryfvVeduebday Day, Tburtday Ku Klux DAy,iihd‘> there will bp n parade on stfijistH of Bainbridge al 7:iM) p. in, WlfflUThWiid Kbtbsfrhen it» th.> parade going directly to the fair grounds. Friday will be Schoo; Daj, and all ttnebera will be ad mitted free. Saturday Colored Peoples’ Day. Cumraitties ai« working io make this one of the best in Smtb-West Georgia. o A Pastor For The Baptist Church Rev and Mrs. Olirr'moc D. Ctx. their four year old sou and tl • iwo year old daughter reached here Th uis lay. They have been accorded tl • heartiest of welcomes G iidun was tfirir homo prior 1 > moving to their new resident x Here It has a populaiiou < t tbout two thousand. A papi-' itnll and a brick makiu., plant are its main industri-s. The new pastor preached Sui - day; but the bad weather, son ,-iickuess, etc , caused ths cougn - gratiou to tie rather small; but ix ns evening service the pastor <>.’ the M. E. C, Rjv. R. !■'. Dennis and his m-mbirs worshi. - jed with their Baptist bretht ru t • Ji'jw their apprecia ion of nd tx •eud a welcome to the new mini - ter. A previous engagement has call d Rev. U D. C..X to Toombsbcro iis Week. His wife has been th 'wst at night of Mrs. J. G. Rob rts. Mesd,lines Green Middleton ai.d I. G Rob-rts werj glad to ha l - • heir beT ved mother, Mrs Sui e ii'Ustoii, wi‘b tin m tnis wei k The eldni; lady is a represents" ■vo ot tiie gentle womiuiho.H vhicb diniiuguietied tie South a I w years