The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, November 25, 1925, Image 1

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Miller County Liberal y.i 6 Warning Your hunting license can be ob tain from Nias Pate in 12tb, E. L. Shepard in l<Jth anil W. \V . -I'hn •on in the 26 districts respectively; and in ord rto be safe you had better secure them. o Vur : Ips’s? 1 ptS E HAVE nil heard remarks I efctOTlCrU similar to the following: |/rjs|®aß| ‘‘Well, I don’t know what IfnfSsaKxl! I have to be thankful for! I HgyjSzJ j Just think of the money we have lost, and then we had to give up our dear one. It Just seems like our lot Is worse than any body's I" One, on hearing such, feels like sing Ing, "Look all around you, find some one In need, help somebody today." We thankless creatures! The only thing that occasions such a remark is the fact that we are all blessed with too much. We are all millionaires, if we would but take Into account our wonderful opportunities and the grand privileges with which God has endowed us. When one has a feeling that his Is a sorrowful plight, he has only to look around to see many in worse cir to» count money a great asset, and If we do not figure a large bank account on which to draw, or live in a mansion, like unto our neighbor, we are inclined to feel that our blessings, are few. Money never made a home. A man sion oftlmes shelters that which falls short of being a home. What Is a home? Home Is the abiding place of man, where content ment is, and love abounds. A place where children njake you glad; where children play and laughter resounds; where friends may come and take away some kindly thought to help each day. The one great thing for which we can all be thankful, and ft reaches hovel and palace, and Is more pro nounced than at any period since the days or our Pilgrim fathers —is the great love being manifested by human ity. We have all learned that we can not exist, one without the other. Water never rises above the source. The home is the source of civilization, and we have awakened to the fact that the humblest home, the vilest hovel. WM f i “Home Is Where Contentment Is, and Love Abounds." have a place in the great scheme of American civilization. Truly we are our brothers’ keeper; we cannot live unto ourselves nor can we rise above the source —the nucleus of civilization —the home. All our great leaders have come to this realization. The ministers are advocating social and community service—the government is backing it. The nation has failed to become christianized from within the four walls of churches, and so on ev ery hand Is a cry for social better ment—a call for the best of our tal ents to be used for the development of boys and girls socially. Back to the home is the slogan, for unless our homes are perfected, our community bettered and our love for humanity strengthened, our nation cannot attain the highest standard. So for this great move we are thank ful, and as we render our thanks to God, let us pledge ourselves anew, realizing more fully our responsibili ties to our home, to our community and to God. <s, 1925. Western Newspaper Union.) WATCH COLQUITT GROW THE LEADING CITY OF SOUTHWET GEORGIA PULL FOR COLQUITT OR PULL OUT h'OLQITIT, GEOIIGLIL,. WEDJYESDH Y, JVev. 25 1825 Liberalities Socials, Locals, arid Personals. > The weather man gave S>u'l ' West (xi-orgia an idoi I day Suudtiv, .lie first fair our in s x Sundays. Mr. G. C. flinl " attended lo bueinrsßj:-Albany .Saturday. lie carried his little daughter, Ruth, over witn Inin to vis. * a great aunt for a few weeks. Most of tip.'consolidated scho<-Is will vn.tate on M.diirsday fur I'hanksgiviiig Day, anil will enjoy a holiday Uli the folio viug Mot'dai S mu of the rural bch-.blt) may tak> s one day; but others will <>bsciv. : it by lilting r- ciluti ~s, songs a.- <1 1 readings. ■ "COMING, Dr. 0-J BugguHs Gplomelriat of Atlanta mid w ill fi at Colquitt Ding C , Colquitt al day. If your glnssia need chang ing don't fail to see Lira 1 i\iirsd.>\ Nov. 26m.” While Hojonriiing 1 - re last weei Mr. and Mrs. W. B Johnson .4 Atlanta were gut sts of dr. nut Mrs. J. M, Fudge. Wtieinvcr tin w --‘-"dlAnrA .b—. in At anta with their little (laugh-I er, Mr and Mrs. J -tiUßeti hav i extended many c-'urlesies t hem. i Mr and Mrs. -I. M. Fudge at t tided to business ii Ylbany Mon .! lay. Mr B. II F.idge accom panini tin tn, and, th n getting i his own car, proce d -I to i' lot ill fir his wife and son They wtli probably reach their liciue hue Fi iday Mr. J 8, Wilkin is not yei Strong enough to und- rgn the op eration. Considered so iieciseary He is in the Riversibe Hospita'- His wife, who boards near, is al owed to remain with ho pat.-m about two hours during the twenty four; but tdm< st »»*l <-1 her visitor are exol"d.-d, R-porl indie it that tiler- is now sone itnj rove merit in his condition Mr Elz ■ Carter was a rec id vi itor, motoring up Ir m Foil Laderdidi- Fla , where he now r- - aid"?. He sb dhe LaO given up his prsition with an xpress com piny and had sold his in me it Jacksonville Flv., a few nmnthi to enter rial ee'ate dealings in h'- uev location. H- sail all Florida’s lands were eihaneing U values. He thinks Jacksonville the trost stable city in the stat and yet, values are d niltllrig there. ! About silj ruc-nths ago he sold Im I home in the latter c’ty f r jiliOX) llt is now worth $16’160, In said iM r Carter was rnyal-y welcomed j here byrelaiivis and hit many oh Ifriends I O • Warning’’ ! I , ' All iny lands are po ted. A r y . body hunting on same will be .prosecuted to full extent of the law J. M. FUDGE I * I A cold wave rolled over tliiaenc ' i tion Monday. A heavy f/os(*aiid , much ice were in evidence Tues , day. Mrs Percy Denman and son. of Quincy, Eli,, were here last week, gmsls al the In me r.f her mother, .vlis. Q-n en Folds. Mrs.-J. M. Fudge, .accompanied i>v Miss Alice Cook, Will leave Friday, or soon after, for Atlanta, where she‘will place little Mary- Im under the treatment of Dr Hoke for probably five or six weeks. Miss Cool; will return early via railway. $ Miss Annie Lou C- ok, -of Pau niua Ci'y, span! the week-er;7l at he attractive home of her father, Mr. G. W Cook Missis ■mil Ouida Kimhrel w< re •rter jiieets during Ipw . sojourn Ler». Jr. and Mrs. L r -y Kilijbt; I reside in Panama City j, but i|beir eldest danglit r Still Las a music in Attapulgus, I Dr, ti J. r.nggarly Op’orn-irrisf j if Atlanta will be in Colquitt j Nov 2l>th nt Cihjuitt Druk Co If you ar - in doubt about your eyis Call and see him. He will make a careful exammati-m and i I lit you with the proper glasses ONE DAY ONLY.” Mr. F-. T. Bail y, of Wauchula,! Fla., j med his wife apd daughter ' here last week at the home of her i parenlr. Mr. and Mre. J. S. Wilkin : Meihbers of the family circle and 'heir companins are remaining at ihe home until Mr. Wilkin passes through his ttdious illniss at the Riveiside Hospital. X> .per tion has yei Leen performed prob tbly on ace< tint < f the weakness ’ ppardht in Lis ci't-diiion. STRAYED: A large, red mare mule, i-botll ll> or 17 years of age, was hoifii of h-st in Colquitt on ‘.lotiuay, the l Jlh inst. Reward il round, or if able to give itiforma iioi>, please notify 11. E. High lower, Dam sous, Ga. Holiday Goods At his popular grocery store just w, B t of the court h< use Mr J. M. Fudge is displaying a liuei ot toys end holiday goods at prices! that w-11 siiic.y please i very spirit: ot Santa Claus. He wants those interested in I fresh gruc°ries and tin,st. Hiterest-1 ed m supplying presents at REA- ; •SON/Af -Lt PRICES to cull at Ins , gr-,c.- y emporiutn o For Councilman I he: .-by an:..'.mice ray candidacy for counci .iian oi the oily ut Colquitt tor the next regular term. 1 will appreci ate your support. Veiy Respectfully, C. E. BKOUKS. 5 Drug Company" I Walkers’ Old Stand, | B i? to Announce ® I That lie Hare With Us H. 1’ Yarbrough. Licensed fj Druggist; Who Will Haro $ lUom/deie Charge of Our B Prescriplion Department. I .IO a a YOUR PATRONAGE APPRECIATED, g auanaMaMßa*** l Real Estate Sold The First National j?ank, closed ! ' about two year i ago, Ims iseentlyi sold some of Us holding. A i' ur hundred acre tract, i ; known MH I Neal Sutton place, l.was ho dto Mr. t(. E Fudge for W 25 au acre, This farm is wel jfcn-prove j. 'fne nt w owner p ■».■«» Ud »<*> ot LU.. - ru. ■ r f •. >7 ■!' iacres now give him a c.mplet i square consisting of soveral hun dred anrew. Messrs G G Carter and (’. B. [Carter, brothers bought a few days lago from the First National Built I ti.e plantation about three mi 6 I from Belleview known hs tin jLiiuford place, Cite new owners | jsecured ill's at ti consideration of I ten dollnra an acre, wn.oil is a. I bargain.' o Caught With “Shine” ‘■Frog ’ Joiiu.son, h colored man was arresti d a trw days ago. Sheriff 15. E Houston found him with two gallons oi the Silin- kind of liquid which is believed Io have been lagely responsible lor ti.e kihiug ol “Bud' X ates. A rumor says tna otbe’' piiauii ! I t er- in thrjaii ate very little sup Il r tile evening that -John on wa? I 1 locked up; but the “new com-r, i soon dis osed of Ins own all >w- ■ atice and then emiied all the otbei | plates. He wil-m t going to let I-] little tiling like being imprisoned interfere with him having ‘om i I square supper' ’ ■ ~ O" J~*— Lower Prices • ■ ! I Mr, ”, If. Fudge is still lower ing his pric-s for I he holiday sales New goods are constantly roll j ■ ing in to take the places of mer ■ jcfiandise being cirri-d out by- a’ .'large list of satisfied customers. , Tlii • D a guarantee that fresh, stock can always be supplied at his store, where lie very much desir. s bis fellow citizens make their, headquarters. Entered Hospital , Sunday i ■; - For more than a year Mrs. H. E .lories ItpiH been troubled with 1 • some form of indigestion. t'by-j sicians and spec l a lists here, Bain- I bridge, Atlanta and other places! ItMvu n. t yet been able to afford M side Hospital, sj that the physic ians e .uhl vasily render the neces f-ary iretitm nt daily zxll who know Mrs. Jo es hop slio will soon return to li«r home ; here restored to perfect health. I —. — I * The New | Citizens Here i The Messrs Bro vti and Odum, with their wives, have been iu ou (•midst for sometime now. In their “ads elsewhere n Ibis issue it will be seen that they hav. in the C nquitt Drug Store, ac m potent pharmacist, capable i.| filling any prescription. Th -y express « desire to meet and mtn io with :h>- spl. ndid cit izen-hip of this town and county, of which they ur. i ow a purl They’re keeping their orug | store »i fit place in which to spend leisure time, and th-y will appreci ate your present.-' there. a Card Os Thanks -■ I tVi, desire to use this m-thod to. expo si our thanks to ei'.-ry custo m r who patron's d us so j_t n r. ously during our recent sale, and i ; ..Iso i i wishing y on, and ea<4, 0 | ; you, a m-rry Christmas nod a h«p | py and piosp-ious New Year I We also wist; to thank i'he Lili I [ era! force, mid especially the ed ptress, for such effici-nt and spies | I did s rvic: rendered us, and we wish von. i ami all, a tur.n , Chiisiinas ..nd a happy and pres ' p rous Nt w \ ear. Pick roil trading Co, VOL AIY7X , A Pleasant Tt ip > I Mr. R. L. Mims, accompanied by i Mrs. Cobb, formerly Mos Callie (Mae Fennell and Mrs. Ethel Gesr, i reached here from Jacksonville, i i Fta., last weeK-eud, They left Monday, but their party bad been enlarged by the addition of Mrs. Lena Mims, the f-W .!<■ I>w.. voting, -r clrkiMu. * < It goes without saying that th Colquittaus will enjoy Thanksgiv ing iu the Florida resort, 0 Application For Discharge i jln the District Court of the Ur - ted S ales for the Southern Di of Georgia, Albany Divisit . I. In the matter of John Kimb:. I i bankrupt, in bankruptcy. To the Crediters of John Kit’ - bre! of Colquitt, Miller Coun v Georgia, and district aforesal , jrei’tleg; You are hereby notified that ej - plication for Discharge in Bae; i iruptcy his lieen filed by tbeabev | named bankrupt, and that a hei ■ i gup n the same will b' h ■! before the I’. S. District Court, Albiny, Ga , December 22nd at It) o’clock in the i'nienoon; tb -i you eb w cause then and there, if any yon have, why the prayers •. r the Said bankrupt si tnild not le granted. W tness my mind and dated i.t Albany, Ga., this IStli Novetnl. r 1925 Geo. F. White, Deputy Clerl , U.S District Court. o Notice 1 This notice is to warn all p- r |suiiß tb it hunting, tisbingur otb. ' h-iee tresspassing of any natui , lou the hinds of the Babc.ick Bn - ! Lumber Co. in Millercounty, witb [out a written permit from tlisgei • eral manager or agent in cliarg- , will be prosecuted ns the Inw pn - ' vidt-H. Please observe this noti. • and be governed accordingly. Babcock Bros. Lbr. Co. , By C. F. Babcock.