The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, December 16, 1925, Image 2

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ULLER COUNTY LIBERAL Published Every Wednesday, Entered at Postofiice at Colquitt, Ga., as Sec ond Class Matter. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. ZULA B. TOOLE, Editor and Prop. Advertising rates made known on ap plication. ' Colquitt, Ga. 1 m nasi i» " ■ “Love behind a gift, no matter bow email the gift, makes it ac ceptable.” „ .... o- Somewhat Characteristic Rescuer "Hold on tigb», Mier, hold on tight." Young School Teacher (almost drowned) “Don’t »»y that; say ‘hold on tightly!’ ” o To The Men Os America h.illL< '■ By Rose Trumbull You talk of your breeds of cat tie, And plan for the higher strain; You double the food of the pas turc, And heap the measure of grain; You draw on the wits of the nation, To better the barn 4»nd the pen; But what are you doing my brother, To better the bred of men, You boast of your Morgans ano Herefords, Os the worth of* k ' ai^or °°l , > aua scoff at the scrub and lb. mongrel, As worth a fool or a dolt; You mention the points of youi roadster With many a “wherefore," and “when," But ah, are you conning, my brother, The worth of the children of men? And what of your boy—Have you measured His needs (or the growing year? Does your maker, as bis sire, in bis features, Mean leas than your brand ou a steer? Thoroughbred—that is your watchwork For stable aud pa-.ture and pen But what is your words for tin homestead ? Answer, you breeders of men! ■ o It Ain’t The Gift •M ■ It *in’t the gift a feller gits, It ain’t the shape ner size, That seta the heart to beatin’ au’ Puts sunshine in the eyes. It ain’t the value of the thing, Ner how it’s wrapped ner tied; It’s somethin’ elee aside from this That makes you glad inside. It’s knowin’ that it repre.-ents A love both deep an’ true That someone carries in tl < heart An’ wants to slip to you. it’s knowin’ that they lov- y< u Au' they tell you in ths v ay— ties’ sort o’ actin’ out the th-,. s They really long to say. So it ain’t the gift a feller gits, Nor bow its wrapped ner tiid; Il’s knowin’that folks love you That makes you .glad inside ?“ K1 - ■ SHERIFF'S SALE. GEORGIA—MiIIer County. Will be sold before the Court House door in said County on the 1 Tuesday in J an. 1926,at public out cry. to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: All of the south half of lot of land no. 369, containing 125 acres, more or less, the south half of the west half oflotof land no. 360, containing 62 1-2 acres, more or less, also the sou<h half of the east half of lot of land no 370, contain ing 62 1-2 acres, more or less, all lying and being in the 12 dist. of said co. and state, containing in aggregate 250 acres, more less. Said property levied on as the property of C, H. Cook, un der and by virtue of a common law ex ecution issued from the superior court of said co. in favor of the Prudential Insurance Co. of America, against C. H. Cook. Written notice of levy given defendant in fi fa in possession, this Dec. 8, 1925. B. E. HOUSTON, Sheriff Also at the same time and Place: the following described property to wit: 148 1-2 acres of land, more or less, on lot of land no 366 in the 12dist. of »aid eo. and state, and being ali of said lot of land no 366, except the south 50 arres of said lot, and also except 50 acres in the north east corner of said lot in the form of a square, deeded by (1. W. Wilson to Daniel Bush, in deed of record in the office of the clerk ol the superior court of said co. and state, n deed book L. page 558. and said property levied on us the property of C. H. Cook and William J. Kimbrel, un der and by rirtue of a common law ex ecution issued from the superior court of said co. in favor of the Prudential Insurance Co. of America, against Charlie H. Cook and William J. Kim brel. written notice of levy given tne defendant, Charlie H. Cook, tenant in possession, this Dec. 8, 1925. B. E. HOUSTON, . Sheriff- Also at the same time and Place: the following described property to wit: All of the west half of lot ol land no. 68, lying and being in the 26 dist of said co. and state, and contain, ing in the aggregate 125 acres, more or less, and said property levied on as the property of Thomas S. Spooner, under and by virtue of a special exe cution issued against said property in an attachment proceeding in the supe rior covrt of said co. in favor of the Prudential Insurance Co. of America, against said Thomas S. Spooner. Writ ten notice of levy given Thomas S. Spooner, defendant in possession, this Dec. 8, 1925, B?E. HOUSTON, Sheriff. SHERIFF’S SALE. GEORGIA, Miller County: Will be sold at the court house door in said County on the first Tuesday * n Jan. 1926, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: 1 Bale of cotton no. 4840, in the Fudge warehouse, in the city of Col quitt, said co. and state, and said prop erty levied cn as the property of J. G Kimbrel uuder and bv virtue of a mort gage fi fa issued from the city court oi said co. and state, in favor of the Cit izens Bank & Trust Co., of Bainbridge, against said J. G. Kimbrel, said prop erty found in possession of said J. G Kimbrel. Levy made and returned to me by B. P. Houston, deputy sheriff, this Nov. 5. 19-5. B. K. HOUSTON, Sheriff. o Notice This notice ie to warn hI per sous that hunting, fishitigcr oilirt ■• ise tresspassing of any nn-ur> .io the lands of ihe Bala" el. Br > Lumber V". in M illercouiiU. with >;it a written perm.l fion. the g<-t.. •ral lusuag. r or agent in char .uh Le priuti'uled as 111-- law pi,, villi a. Pl-ai-e olaserve this nolle and be governed ccorditigly Babe, ck Bros. LBr. Uo. By C. F. Babcock. Land Sale GEORGIA—MiIIer County. Under and by virtue of a security deed executed and delivered by Zula B. Toole on the 30 day Nov. 1917, to Fark as Trust Co., conveying certain real es tate hereinafter described, to secure the indebtedness referred to in said security deed, said deed being recorded in book '‘6,” pages 150, 151-152, rec ord of deeds Miller county, Ga., and said indebtedness being default by the terms of said security deed, and being upaid. the said. Farkas Trust Co., as provided in said deed, will, after soar weeks advertising, sell at public outcry before the court house door in Colquitt, Miller county, Ga., on the 1 Tuerday in Jan. 1926, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described prop erty to wit: Four-sevenths (4-7) interest in the property of which Joe Toole died, sized and possessed, described as follows: All of lots 38b. 347, 381, north half of lot 382, ICO acres of lot 349, and 160 acres of lot 348. Also 1 residence lot in the city of Colquitt, Oa , on College street, 200X 200 feet, more particularly descrioed in deed from Julia B. Rich to ' Joe Toole Aiso a tract of land on north side of Depot street in Colquitt, Ga., fronting 145 feet on said street, be ing part of Baughu residence lot on which negro restaurants are now loca ted. Also two city lots on north side of Depot street, described in deeds from J. W. Bailey and G. W. Cook & Bro., containing 2 brick stores and printing office. The land lots hereinbe fore described all being in the 12 dist. of Miller county, Ga. Also that prop erty which Christ al Cook died, seized and possessed, being all of lot 186 ex cept the northeast one quarter of said lot in the 12 dist. of Baker county, Ga„ and all <sf lot 256 in the 12 dist. of Mil ler county, Ga. As provided in said recurity deed, ihe said Farkas Trust Co., will make to the purchaser of said property good and suf ficient Jll fee simple. The psoceeds of *••-} p- tfttfnx of t’R/’oebt above referred to and to the cost of this sale. This Ist day of December, 1925. FARKAS TRUST CO. By Lenard Farkas, Pres. Milner & Farkas, ’ Attorneys at law, Albany, Ga. 666 la a oreecription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Malaria, Dengue and Bilious Fever. It kills the genus. o For Rent One four borso farm and one two horse farm, near Babcock both desirable places. Babcock Bros Lbr Co. This is theThn# to buy ? your Buick f Buy now, the Better Buick you had intended I to buy in the spring. Have it standing at the J door when Christmas morning dawns. Give your family the pleasure and surround them with the safety of Buick’s easier start- J ing and safer control for the winter months. BUICK MOTOR CO., FLINT, MICHIGAN | Dmsion of General Nlotort Corporation Buick Motor Company, Atlanta Branch, Atlanta, G i Why Accept Less Than a Six? EO O T7 V O) O IL A A Six—Built I 'nder Famous Super-Six Patents The COACH $ 765 Freight and Tax Extra For any closed car you will pay almost as much as the Essex Coach costs. So why accept any performance short of a “Six”? In Essex you get qualities of the “Six” not found in any “Four”. And equally important, you get the famous Super-Six advantages exclusive to Hudson-Essex. Quality made Essex, with Hudson the largest selling “Six” in the world. That volume per mits economies, which are passed on to buyers in a price way below any rival. World’s Greatest Values An Essex Coach may be purchased for a low first payment and convenient terms on balance C. B. BUSH, Colquitt, Georgia. 1176 Professional Cards J sue A Drake C. A. Drake Drake & Drake ATTORNEYS AT LAW Cook Building Colquitt, Georgia. Dr. E. B* Baughn Physician and Surgeon Cook Building Colqnitt Ga ' - - N. L. Stapleton LAWYER COLQUITT, GEORGIA. P. D. RICH LAWYER COLQUITT Dr. Collie Hays Physician <s' Surgeon. Oftjce in Walker’s Pnar. COLQUITT, GA. J. M. FUDGE’S STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES Comprise the FRESHEST line in town. Fresh Produce, Lo'.y Prices, Your Patronage Appreciated. Fire Works And Holiday Toys. Next door north of Harrell Hotel. Hogs Wanted It will pay you io see me before you sell Hogs, I will pay the Highect Market Price for them. J. H. Christie LISTEN PEOPLE D»d you know and had you thought about that it was time to get ready for Fall and Winter by having your old clothes cleaned, dyed and pressed at The PRESSING CLUB Next door to barber shop where satis faction gauranteed or money back. Would yon like to have a suit made to fit? if so, See me I am headquarters Yours For Quick Service. W. A. Miller, Colquitt, Ga. T FARQUHAR SLAB BURNER • fl . Tiers h M better ttae tbs* «ba Mfr' JU te mh h tMa vtfiL gee M Tflm nuke money Mllag tejohec. T%e « Farqohor Slob Bwraac ll tW Mta «MIM ftTWI “UTTX tk»t Wi3 .- ffroWMi-—r ,M tey la th« taw* vtetsc fa* mm, M wm • WOODRUFI ,||4CHBO3X MEGjCO* • *<l ’ Mav«Bb