The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, January 20, 1926, Image 2

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ULLER COUNTY LIBERAL Published Every Wednesday, Entered at Portofflce at Colquitt, Ga., as Sec ond Class Matter. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. ZULA B. TOOLE, Editor and Prop. Advertising rates made known on ap plication. Colquitt, Gh. ) The people of the United States are paying $500,000,000 a year to the laundries, which ia literally a cleaning. u , O E. A. Duke, coal miner of Pike ville, Ky., was left a fortune, of $500,000, but will stay on the job. He ie one man that loves hia work. . , o A brig boy ia Israel Horowitz, 14, who ia Inking tha law course at Washington University, St. Leuis, end’ll gradnate a', the age of 18, but must wait until he ie 21 before be can be admitted to the bar, ..1 Superior Court is being held thia week In Newton. Each eve ning Judge Roscoe Luke, of th* Court of Appeals, delivers a ser mon in the court house. A With smoke Houses and bins full of meat, with some corn stored, and with the beet supply of sub stantial clothing they have bad in years, the farmers of this section seem more en|puraged; and they are facing the outlook or prospects of the New Year in an optimistic manner, discharging obligations and working willingly. c „ o Jdeurv Ford, in his prime at 63 points out the gains which have been made by the application of engineering methods to social problems, whereby most of the luxuries of life have been made accessible to all. He notes that not only have the stanards of life been elavated, but the business of supplying the needs of the stand ard has increased the ability of all to maintain it. ( o Luther Burbank, the wizard of the plant world nearing 77 with 6,000 experiments under way, as serts that the past quarter century has been the most wonderful as in history, but not so wonderful as the next will be in the discovery and application of science to our everyday life. Mechanical power will more and more do the work of human bands, giving us more time for thought, whereby the minds of men may be emancipated from the superstition, bigotry and fear which have been our heritage from the past. w. o To say that Albanians believe in advertising only mildly express es the truth. They’ve proven the efficacy. Tuesday they raised six ty thousand dollars, every dollar to be used in advertising Albany and Dougherty county, by a commit tee of splendid citizens. The Ca milla Chamber of Commerce, real izing the advantages of »ueh i. proceedure, sent, with its beet wishes, ten dollars. This was ap preciated, while no outside aid was solicited. The tax rate in Dough erty ie not a fourth of what it is in Miller county, although they’ve built a bridge, paved some roads and have made many other ex penditures. Notice Os Land Sale GEORGIA, Miller County: Whereas, on the first day of August 1922 J. C. Roberts executed and deliver ed to the Federal Land Bank of Colum bia his certain deed to secure debt con veying the lands hereinafter described to the said Federal Land Bank of *Col umbia for the purpose of securing a debt referred to “in said deed which said deed is recorded in the Clerk’s office of the Miller Superior Court in the County of Miller in deed"'book ;ten page 455. And whereas, the said Federal Land Bank of Columbia has duly transferred, assigned and sold the said deed to se cure deby, also the evidence of said indebtedness, and also the lands there in described as well as all of its rights and powers and privileges thereunder, to the undersigned, J. L. Dickenson, which slid transfer has been duly re corded in said book and page above re ferred to where said deed was recorded, the said J. L. Dickenson now holding and owning all of said property and rights of the said Federal Land Bank of Columbia under the said transfer of said security deed. And Whereas, in said deed and by the terms and covenants and conditions thereof the said J. C. Roberts did con stitute the undersigned, J. L. Dicken son, the assignee of the said Federal Bank, his true and lawful attorney in fact in case of default in the prompt performance of the covenants and sti pulations therein contained and Whereas, the said J. C. Reberts has defaulted in the payment of the taxes due on said lands for the year 1925 and Whereas, ander the terms and condi tions and stipulations of said deed th<» undersigned did on the 2nd. day of January 1926 pay said taxes and had the said tax fi fa duly transferred to him, the said J. L. Dickenson, and the said tax fifas together with the trans fers thereon were duly recorded in the General Execution Docket No. 5 of the records of the Clerk of the .Superior Gouri’s office in Miller County,Georgia, and Whereas, the said J. L. Dickenson had prior to the dat- of the wyiyi* of saidtUx fi ffebought the lands des cribed in said security deed, and the evidences of indehtness secured by said security deed and all of the rights and powers contained in said security deed from the Federal Land BauK of Colum bia and Whereas, because of said default on the part of the said J. C. Roberts in the payment of said taxes the said J L Dickenson the present owner and hol der erf the said security deed, and the title to the property therein described, and the rights and powers therein con veyed has elected to declare the entire indebtness secured bv said deed due and collectible. Now therefore, by virtue of the powers so vested in the undersigned, which is more accurately shown by re ference to said security deed together with the transfers thereon, the under signed will sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash on the first Tuesday in February 19'26 during the legal hours of sale, before Miller County courthouse door in Colquitt, Georgia, the lands described ir. said se curity deed being described as follows, to-wit: •‘All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing 512 acres, more or less, situate, lying and being on the Twilight Road, about seven miles from the town of Colquitt, in the 13th Land District, county of Miller, State of Georgia, having such shapes, metes, courses and distances as will more fully apuear by references to a plat thereof, made by J. K. Richie, Surveyor, on the 23rd day of June, 1922, and attach ed to the abstract now on file with the Federal Land Bank of Columbia, S. C. Said land being more fully described as follows. The north 82.40 acres of lot of land No. 221; also 50.60 acres off the East side of lot of land No. 26*'; also all of lot of land No, 222. except 55 acres in a square in the Northwest cor ner of said lot; also the South 184 acres of the East three-fourths of lot of land No. 259, All of said land being bound ed on the North by lands of H. T. Chambers and Twilight Road, on the East by lands of E. E. Hornsby, on the South by lands of E. E. Hornsby, and J. E. Drake, and on ti e West by lands of Mrs Elizabeth Chambers and W’J Bush.” Said described lands Will be sold as the property of J. C. Roberts for the purpose of paying tha indebtness se cured by said security deed and also the taxes and the expenses of the sale, and the balance, if any, will be paid to J C Roberts or his assigns as their in terest might appear. The said security deed above men tioned was executed and delivered to secure the payment of one certain amortization note for $6500.00 dated August 1, 1922, with interest on the principal debt at the rate of 51-2 per cent per annum. Which said interest was due and payable semi-annually in instalment and ‘he interest on past due instalments at the rate of 8 per cent per annum. Said principal debt ia now past due by the terms of said dead and are de clared to be due for the default in pay ment of taxes as hereinbefore stated, .the total amount of principal and in terest including the taxes that will be due on said debt on the first Tuesday in February 1926 is $6580.18 Title will be executed to the pur chaser at said sale according to the terms of sakl deed. The proceeds of said sale will be ap plied first to the payment of said prin cipal indebtness with interest and tax es and the expensA of this sale, and the remainder, if apy, will be paid to the said J. C. Roberts or his assigns. Dated this the sth day of Jan. 1026. J L Dickenson, J T Sere?, Attorney at Law forJL Dickenson. Professional Cards Jesse A. Drake C. A. Drake Drake & Drake ATTORNEYS AT LAW Cook Building Colquitt, Georgia. & B »Paughn ciau,,ajul Surgeon . Cook Bail hug Colquitt (la N. L. Stapleton LAWYER GEORGIA ~P. D. RICH LAWYER COLQUITT GA Dr. Collie Hays Physician $ Surgeon. Office in Walker's Pnar. COLQUITT, GA. gD Enm) E3CSBS3SSS ES3SS3S3 “.‘BWP? PTB U □ ca nraa <ssmc=zi cxunsa cans I So Weak I I Couldn’t Stand I fll " My w,fe ’s health broke I IjH down and for years she was | I Just a physical wreck,” says ■ Mr. Thomas Glynn, of Gib- B son, La. “We did everything ■ we knew, yet she seemed to B get worse and worse. Sho B was so weak till she couldn't I stand, and had to be carried g likp a baby. It looked* like B 1 nothing would save her that BE I had* been done. CARDUIy BB For Female Troubles | I “I began looking around. I IJn knew that Cardui was for wo- Bi| men. I decided to try it for BB her as all * else had failed. BB I She couldn't eat, she couldn’t M sleep, and I was desperate. B i "After taking a few doses I of Cardui, we were so glad H I to note that she wanted some- B i thing to eat, and with each B bit of nourishment, and each ■ day’s doses of Cardui, she M grew stronger and gofup out ■■ I IB of bed. ‘ She is now able to M | BB cook, and stronger than in a I 3 ffl long time.” saS *;3 Cardui has been in success- ■ ag ful use for nearly 50 years 31 In the treatment of many com- Bg 31 mon female troubles. AU Druggists’ E , n siJ Fopen For Business I ■ In The Daylight Corner Stand. | I I I We Have A Complete Line Os Gro- | | ceries, And Sell Wholesale And Retail g I CHEAP. I I We have on the road a car of seed I } peanuts, a car seed Irish potatoes, a car g I meal & hulls and a car sack salt. I I We Pay Highest Prices For: I ■ CHICKENS, | I EGGS, I - TURKEYS, I SHELLED CORN. I « . Give us a trial and be convinced. - I Trade where folks appreciate your I | patronage. I CONSOLIDATED GROCERY CO. I Wholesale & Retail Grocers, I Colquitt, Georgia, | Watson Chevrolet Company The Chevrolet Automobile Co., mended in placing tbfir cars ancT’ acces sories, in this oouutv, under the guidance of Mr. 8. M. Watson. In tusking ready for the car load of autos that have arrived Mr. Watson ia having the large two story bricK barn, ou West Main street, converted into a spacious show room and service station. ■■-o Colquitt Baptist Church t 1 D. T. Cox pastor. Bible S.ihool 9:45 a. m. N. L. Stapleton. Supt Morning worship 11 o’clock; subject, “A Heart For Heaven ” i There’ll be a union service held at the M. E. church Sunday eve ning at 7 o’clock. Mid-week prayer meeting Wed nesday evening st 7. ~ —■ ' ■ o ■ — ■ Citation Georgia, Miller County: Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the estate of James Cook late of said County deceased, to render in an account of their demands to me within the time preenbed by law properly made out and all persons indebted to said deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment to the un dersigned. This 4th day of January 1926. Willis H. Cook administrator of James Cook, o rpNEuoir !Ief t me with a frightful cough and very weak. I had spells when J coula '..ardly breathe or speak for 10 to 20 ißinutes. My doctor could not hel[ me, but I was* completely cured by DR. KING’S New Discovery • Mrs. J. E. Cox, Joliet, 111. 50c AND SI.OO AT ALL DRUGGISTS. H011G551 slio' kin Cook on J "I knows that when I does my part, it will do the rest. That’s why you praise my hot biscuits, and say my cake and bread is so good "' Allen’s Range are atwiyi dependable. 'This is the'verdict of Southern housewives over a period ol 25 y «an ft. oven i, famous, and you can cook wi<Zl * f ". .21', pa> ' y °? to cxam,n< ‘ ,hc Princess before buying a range, and see its manv patented features (or saving time, labor and fuel , - "W, ■■■■■■■■■MR' Ol IW tl ctetoand -W ssaJed J||| Economy Better Buick operating costa from a given quantity of gaao-* are very low. This car is thrifty line. —both in purchase price and in ownership. And now, the Buick oil filter makes it necessary to change ’ Buick design protects all oper* crankcase oil only at rare in- I ating parts from dust and wear tervals. —barricades them with iron or steel housings in the famous Even smaller, less powerful | Buick “Sealed Chassis” and car ® do not match the Better f “Triple Sealed Engine”. Buick in low cost of operation j and maintenance. You add to The Buick Valve-in-Head en- your power to economize when I gine develops more power you buy a Better Buick! BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICHIGAN Divuion ol General Motor. Corporation