The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, March 03, 1926, Image 2

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TILLER COUNTY LIBERAL Published Every Wednesday, Entered at Postofflce at Colquitt, G»., as Sec ond Claw Matter. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. ZULA B. TOOLE, Editor and Prop. Advertising rates made known on ap plication. Colquitt, Ga. For Judge Superior Court ’Wi» To the voters of the Patauia Circuit: I am a candidate for the office of judge of the Superior Courts of the Patauia Circuit, subject to the State Primary of 1926. If nominated and elected, I will faith felly and impartially discharge the du ties of the office, keeping constantly In view the best interests of the publiq, and In the administration of the law. will henestU endeavor to give equal justice to all. without respect to per sons; also, will run an orderly and a strict court, and dispatch business rapidly. It is my desire to see ail or the voters, and I earnestly ask the support of the people. Respectfully submitted CHAS. W. WORRILL. ■ ■ o Citation GEOBGIA, Miller County: Whsreas, Willis H. Cook. Admr. of Ju, Cook, represents to the court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered Jas. Cook's estate Thia is, therefore, to cite all persons concerncp, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said admr. shouldn't I e bo discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission, on 1 Monday in April, 1926, this March I, IMS. W. C. DANCER, Ordinary. ' . mesas 0 •' —— Body Brought Back For Interment ‘ r ~" ■ '* Tuesday morning, in Orlando, Fla., Mr. Elmore passed away at the home of his aon, Mr. Holmes Elmore. The body reached thia vicinity Thursday, and waa interred north east of town, id that sacred spot known as the Tabb Cemetery, Rev. Mr. Wiley conducting the im pressive fupsral service. The deceased waa the step father of Mrs. Joo. R. Williams, of this city, whe, with her daughter, Miss Emma Kate, attended the last sad rites. Many of his friends, among the elderly citizens, join The Libert.l in extending eympaty to the be reared ones. , —— . 0 Divorce Notice IS - J. D. Thomas) Divorce vs ) Miller Superior Conrt, Mary Thomas)April Tenn. 1926. The defendant Mary Thomas is here by rabuired personally or by attorney to be and appear at the April Term, 1926 of the Superior Court of said County to be held on the fourth Mon day in April next, then and there to answer the Plaintiff's demand in an action of divorce, or in default thereof the Court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable M. J. Yeo mans, judge of said Court, this the 9th day of February, 1926. J. E. Lane, Clerk, ’. * - • Notice ________ f P. D. Rich ) Complaint VS > MillerSupe- A S Thompson eial ) rior Court, October Term. 1925. The defendant A. S. Thompson is hereby required personally or by at torney to be and appear at the next Superior Court, to be held in and for Miller County, Georgia, on the fourth Monday in April next, then and there to answer the Plaintiff’s demand in an action of complaint, as in default there of the Court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable M. J. Yeo mans, Judge of said Court, this the 22nd day of January, 1926. J, E. Lane, Clerk. o— Night Coughing— How to Stop It Night coughing which, through loss of valuable sleep, often makes you feel utterly worn-out and use less during the day, and by quickly weakening the system lays you open to the most dangerous infec tions, can now be promptly checked by a very simple treatment. Peo ple who have hardly been able to I rest on account of coughing spells have found that they can sleep the Whole night through undisturbed I pften after the very first trial. . i The treatment 1« based on a remark- ' ( able prurcrlptioQ known as Dr. King s i New Discovery. You simply take a tea- 1 spoonful at night before retiring and ' bold It In your throat for 15 or 20 sec- I ends before swallowing It. The pre scription has a double action. It not I only soothes and heals the soreness and Irritation, hut it quickly loosens and re- t Enoree the phlegm and congestion which ts the real cause of the cough. The result Is that you usually sleep as soundly as a babe the very first night, and the cough goes In a very short time. -The prescription contains no opiates or liannful drugs. Excellent for children as well as grown-ups. For coughs, chest colds, hoarseness, sore throat, spasmodic croup, bronchitis, laryngitis and bronchial •sthma, M *D good druggists. Ask for ■ SCOVE SSSkM // ] Ack wWIsM sfiwv n I I / JHK f Is! Two fertilizers may be made from the same materials, but owing to more scientific compounding and better manufacturing, one of these may have much greater value as a crop producer. ’ “AA QUALITY” FERTILIZERS J contain all the essential crop-producing elements so scientifically compounded, proportioned and blended as to furnish properly balanced and ' . continuously available plant food throughout |. the entire growing season. 4 Insure the best crops by using 4 “AA QUALITY ” FERTILIZERS J BEST KNOWN TO YOU UNDER THE 4 FOLLOWING BRAND NAMES BOWKER’S AMERICAN ZELL’S Manufactured only by /she American Agricultural Chemical Company Atlanta Sales Department 101 MARIETTA STREET, ATLANTA, GA. Our Agriculture! Service Bureau will help solye your farming problem.. Send for Dr. H. J. Whceier'. Crop Bulletins. Address: 92 Scare Street, Boston, Mass. Professional Cards Jesde A Drake C. A. Drake Drake & Drake ATTORNEY'S AT LaW Cook Building Colquitt, Georgia. Dr. E. B- Baughn Physician and Surgeon Cook Bull liugj Colquitt Ga N. L. Stapleton LAWYER COLQUITT, GEORGIA Dr. Collie Hays Physician $ Surgeon. Offjce in Walker’s Phar. COLQUITT, GA. 1“ . i Col. P. D. Eiob find sod, Petry 1 Jr., who now reside at the Geo. C. Smith home in Decntur county, which the attorney has purchased, epent Monday here. BRONCHITIS Leaves a bad cough. So does “flu H and la grippe. But these lingering i coughs yield easily to the healing , and curative qualities of . CHAMBERLAIN’S COUGH’REMEDY Every user la a friend {"open For Business I II In The Daylight Corner Stand. ■ - We Have A Complete Line Os Gro- I ceries, And Seh Wholesale And Retail I CHEAP. | 4 A fresh car of cow & chicken feed. The feed is right, the prices’re right, and the Mgr. is Wright Kimbrel. I | We Pay Highest Prices For: I ; CHICKENS, I " EGGS, I I TURKEYS; j SHELLED CORN. I Give us a trial and be convinced. I Trade where folks appreciate your I ' t patronage. j I Just Arrived, One Car Load of Red I I Bliss & liish Cobblers See Potatoes. I IB CONSOLIDATED GROCERY CO. ’I Wholesaled Retail Grocers, I Colquitt, Georgia, j =YES SIR- j I We are now able to furnish you with good > I old fashion corn meal, the kind we all J I like to eat. Give us a Trial, we Guaran- | h tee to SATISFY You. 0 I I “ * Li L I COLQUITT IMPLEMENT COMPANY { | Farm Hardware. < I ' COLQUITT, GEORGIA. > S Good Equipment Makes A Good Farmer Better. ff ’■ ”■ - . ’-w