The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, March 17, 1926, Image 1

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Miller County Liberal NO 21 Mr Watson Miller Host Saturday evening Mr Watson Millei was host to large crowd of young men and ladies at his home on Cuthbert street. The sound of music could be heard floating through the air while the shuffle of feet in time with the music was also heard and could eaisly be told that there was h real ochesfra and d tncing was going on; also a few coupjes were interested in playing cards. All the reports were the same from all who attended which was a good time enjoyed by all - ——o Announcement for Judge of the Superior Courts To The White Voters of The Pataula Circuit: [ am now serving an upexpired term as Judge of *he Superior Courts of the Pataula Circuit, and am a candidate for the full term, subject to the action of the regu lar Demojratic Primary. eo-operatiun ts j» Tore court officials, lawyers, and the public generally has caused the courts to run quietly, orderly and without undue friction, with the result that business has been dispatched, time and money saved with the dockets of the appearing in excellent condition. My duties as judge, which I will not neglect, will prevent me from making a p rsonal canvass of al) the voters, but will appreciate the opportunity of meeting as many as possible. The flual result however muP necestariiy rest with the peoph when they express their hones, convictions by their votes on the day of the Primary. Your continued co-operation and support will be deeply appre ciated. Respectfully, M. J. Yeotraus, Dawson, Ga. - - o N otice This notice is to warn all per sons that hunting, fishing or other wise tresspassing of any nature on the lauds Babcock Bros Lum ber Co. in Miller county, with out a written peimit from the general manager or agent in charge, will be prosecuted as the law provides. Please observe Riis notice and be governed accordingly. Babcock Bros. Lbr, Co. By C F. Babcock. WILLIAMS’ LIVER Sc KIDNEY PILLS Keep Lazy Livers Karrect Kidney Komplaints WATCH COLQUITT GROW THE LEADING CITY OF SOUTHWEST GEORGIA PULL FOR COLQUITT OR PULL OUT Colquitt Baptist Church D. T. Cox Pastor, Bible School opening promptly at 9.45 N. L. Stapleton Supt Moriug worship 11: A. AL Sub ject "Something etery Baptist should Know.’’ Junior 3. Y. P. U. <>: P. AL Mrs, Alice Grimes leader. Evening wcrship 7; P. AL Sen or B. Y r . P. U. Alonday: P Al. Midweek prayer meeting each Wednesday evening beginning promptly 7; o’clock. G. F. & A. Is Bought By Banker Syndicate A syndicate of New Y’ork baokerF headed by Freemin A Co., yester day acquired control of Georgia, Florida & Alabama Ry . Co. * In view of ths road’s favorabh trunk line connection, applicatior is expected to be marie to t he inter- commerce cummiaeiori shosUy for approval of extene’ons forth road which will give it the shortes' line, with its connections, from tin western coast of Florida to north ern and central states territory. No public offering or other neu financing is comtemplaied.—-Cal houn County Courier. Judge Yeomans Announces The formal ankonncement of •Judge Al. J. Y’eoraaus, ol Dawson, to succeed himself as judge of tin Superior Courts of the Pataub Circuit, to be Lurid elsewhere in this issue of The Liberal, will bi read by a large majority of votert of (he circuit. On his frequet visits to this city for the purpose of bolding court, Judge Yeomans has end' ared him self to quite a number of ju ore, witnesses and others, for hie strictness, impartiality and ra[ id ity, coupled with bis thoughtful ness of jurors, in extending every possible courtesy, and they wiL watch, with much interest, the pro gress of hie campaign. o Is a prescription for Colde, Grippe, Flu, Malaria, Dengue and Bilious Fever. It kill-t the germs. o Airs. Susie Houston returned with Mr. and Mrs. Green Middle ton Sunday after the couple had spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Aire. Wright Sheffield Mrs. Houston will spend this week with Mrs,. Middleton and Mrs. J, G Roberts, her daughters here. COLQUITT, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, March 17 1926 Liberalities Socials, Locals, and Personals. Air Jim Tom Bush came down - Saturday from Macon spending the week-eud at home. Prof. Graves Williams and Mr Joseph Toole motored down to* Panama City Sunday returning • hat night. Alias Laverne Geer accompanied by M sees Anna Jane Audee.on •ind Virginia Anglin as her visi tors and teachers of the Quincy H gh School spent the week-end here. Misses Muriel tVataou, Grace Dancer, ngues Houston, Nelle Wilkin, Alice Cowart and Louise dims returned Monday evening to resume their studies at G. S. C. W. after spending the we-k end de lightfully at their respective homes. Buy 29X110 Balloon Cord tire for SISOO, and get tube FREE any day in March. J. M. FUDOE*- ‘ - 3 Mrs. B. F. Butler, who has been for the past two or three month? with her niece, Mrs, W. C. Under wood, of near Colquitt, returned ‘o her home in Cuthbert a day or two igo. She plans to leave tomorrow for Macon, to spend sometime with her sister, Mrs. A. B. Metcalf. Her friends will be interested to know hat she still feels the effects of in juries receiv. d in an automobile "coldent in Miller county several weeks ago, but is improving.— Cuthbert Leader. For a week the winds of March have ripped and roared loud enough and long enough to awaken veg etation; but the ice they brought to this section Saturday night, which r.mained throughout Sun day, gave young giants and blos soms a chill that will retard their growth. The many friends of Mr. Hoke Bosh will regret to learn that he’s painfully ill at the home of his parents. Ht contracted pneumon ia during the severe weather, and both lungs were in-fectt-d; but we’re glad to announce that the patient is resting well under the treatment of Dr. E. B. Baughn. Airs, W. C. Underwood, whose home is hear Colquitt, accompani ed her aunt, Mrs. B. F. Butler, to Cuthbert, and has been her guest for a day or two.—Cuthbert Leader. For more than a week Air. E. L. Shepord has been iil with in fluenza; and during his sickness his wife had to take her bed with the samedisease. They’re now ap parently cunvalepcing under the treatment of Dr. E. B. Baughn. Mr. T. J. Rawls, who has been in Fir rids, returned a few days ‘ ago to the home of bis mother, Airs. Grover Rawls. Saturdy Airs. James Cheshire Was made happy by. the arrival of her niec, Mrs. Alattie Thompson, of Madisouville, Ky , whom she hadn’t seen for forty-three y ars On arriving she received a message to return to her Kentucky home lon acount of the illness of her (daughter. Her relatives here were grieved that she couldn't remain awhile as she had planned. Sht ,-left Sunday over the A. C. L., Mr Z. A. Cheshire taking her to ‘Bainbridge. A mono appropriate and fitting Fwrite up” concerning the Consol hinted Grocery Company, will ap pear next week. ■ Buy 29X410 Balloon Cord lire (<>r §15.00, and get tubs FREE any day iu March. J. M FUDGE. •VVANTED: —Aliddie aged man. duller can rnnke SSO to §1(X) or tiore weekly iu Miller county, Bell- AVhitpjer'a guaranteed line of home necessities—toilet articles, snaps, spices, etc., to hie neighbors. Team or car needed, but goods are furnished on credit. Cherty of Ala. mode $122.50 in five days He had no experience when start ing. We teach you salesmanship. Write for full particulars today. • H. C. Whitmer Co., Colon:bus, Ind. Alias Rannie Rawls, who lost a portion of her finger the 12th inst. was able to resume her work in the Twilight School Monday. Shear ranged to ride from her home near town to the school, daily, with the 'ditress, who drives the 192 G model Ford belonging to her daughter, Miss Willie Toole. The young teacher, sitting in the middle of tin front seat, pul her right arm around pne of the pupils, picked up en route to school. The rear seat was also full of students. The girl in the front seat noticed the children tn the rear had left the door open. She attempted to slam it, when the ball of one of Aliss Rawls’ fingers was torn from the bone, by being caught in the hinge side of thedoor. A few hours later the piece of flesh was found between the door and tin car. Mrs. Frank Rawls taughi for her sister-in-law last week. All are glad that the wounded hand is again able to do service. Mrs, >l. Smiley Phillips went to ihe Riverside Hospital in Bain bridge Sunday for treatment. The Liberal hopes to note her com plete recovery* soon. Saturday Airs. J. M. Fudge aud euildreu, and her moth-.r, Mrs. \V C. Dancer, went over to Albany. There they met Miss Gn>ce Dancer, a student from tue G. S. C. W. tn Milledgeville, who accompanied them back to her parental borne here. Equalization Bill As Passed To be entitled an Act. To authorize and require the General Assembly to make an ex tra appropriation to the common school fund for the purpose of equalizing educational opportuni ties to the children of the several counties of the State, and for ut er purposes. Section I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of Hie same, that in addition to the regular appropri ation for the support of the public schools the General Assembly shall provide an equalization fund which shall be disbursed by the State Board of Education tor the purpose of more nearly equalizing the educational opportunities of the children of the several couu ti?s of the State The State Bo»rd of Education in its distribution of said equalization fund to the coun ty boards of education for the pur pose of equalizing educational op portunities as between the several counties shall lake into consider ation the uossible returns from taxable values for school purposes, the extent to which local tax ’ aid has been utilized, the educational needs, and the local inequalities -xisling >n the several c unties. No country or independent system shall share in the equalization fund for any yoar unless it levies at least five mills for local tax for its public schools for that year. Sec. 2. It is further enacted that all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. (Note the following letter and explanatory comment, but the state school supt. will make the new law better understood.) We are handing you herewith e copy of Equalization law wbicl has just been passed by the Gener al Assembly. Only hree votes in douse aud five iu the Senate wen recorded against this measure. This seems to be an indication that is at. overwhelming sentiment in Ga , in dorsing the principle of equaliza tion of educational opportunities for the children of the state. We greatly appreciate the splen lid support rrom tiie press of th' state in helping to buiil sentimen' which has resulted in the passage of this law. The state has further committed itself to the principle of slronj. and continuous increasing support of public school education by tht passag of a law author’iug an equal ization fund in addition to the reg alar appropriation. The law as pas ed, does not carry an appropriate at thia time, and there’ll not like)) be an appropr’tion under the law at this session, unless some means if found to bring additional monev into the state treasury. However, the principle of equal izition of educational opportunities throughout the state is well estab lished iu this law, aud Ibis isa long step forward iu the educational de Velopment of the stat -. Yours very truly, F. E. LAND, 8. S. S. TVE A'YIN Hornsby-Hall Invitations to the wedding at the Baptist church in Cedar Springs, of Aliss Evie Beatrice Hornsby and Mr. Judson Brooks Hall, < f Blakely, were received here last week, the event to be solemnized at 8 o’clock Wednesday evening, March 24th. The brother of the bride-to-be, Mr. durance Hornsby, is to give her in marriage, while her young er sister, Aliss Sylvia Hornsby, will act as an attendant, probablj’ maid es honor. The bride-to-be is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hornedy, of this county. For four or five years she has been teaching in the schools of Early couuty. She in i a niece of Airs, J. E. Lane hire, and is well and favorably known among relatives and friends. Mr. Hall is a successful young busi ness man of Blakely, and has a large circle of friends. After the wedding the young teacher will complete her contract in the Cedar Springs school be fore joining her husband for a permanent n sidence in Blakely. It is foregone conclusion that,, in i.dvapce of this happy tfffair, uwny J'«r the. higk..> contracting parties many rich blessings, Mr. Wm. Newberry, a Baker county citizen who attends to much business here, was in town Satur day. He is n planter who has achieved success by farming. Mr. anil Mrs. T. P. AlcDonald visited his father, Rev. W. A. Alc- Donald, Sunday. They found the esteemed citizen still growing stronger fiom his recent attack of influenza; aud Mrs. A. L. McDon ald, who is now ill with the same malady, is convalescing. Mr. L. E. Calhoun attended to business in Albany- Friday. He resided in the South--West Ga.. metropolis about twenty years ag' , prior to locating in this city, and he always enjoys going back Io Dougherty’s county site whenever opportunity avils itself. Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Baughn ei - joyed a visit Sunday in Coletnai , vith the family of her uncle, Mr. C. H. Saunders. He is convales cing from a paiuful illness. Simple Way To End Night Coughing No matter how long you have been troubled with exasperating coughing at night, robbing you of valuable sleep and thereby weakening your system and laying you open to dangerous infec tions, it can usually be stopped at once by a very simple treatment. Most people have found that they can sleep the whole night through undisturbed often the first time they try it The treatment is based on a remarkable prescription known as Dr. King’s New Dis covery forCoughs. You simply takeateaspoon ful at night before retiring and hold it in your throat for 15 or 20 seconds before swallowing, without following with water. The prescrip tion has a doable action. It not only soothes soreness and irritation, but it quickly loosens and removes the phlegm and congestion which are the direct cause of the coughing. The re mit is you usually sleep soundly the very first eight, and the entire cough condition goes in a very short time. The prescription is for coughs, chest colds, hoarseness, bronchitis, spasmodic croup and almost every throat irritation. It contains no opiates or other harmful drugs. Economical, too, as the dose is only one teaspoonful. On sale at all good druggists. Ask for gRJUSC’S COucHS