The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, April 14, 1926, Image 2

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ALLER COUNTY LIBERAL Published Every Wednesday, Entered at Poatofflce at Colquitt, Ga.. as Sec ond Class Matter. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. ZULA B. TOOLE, Editor and Prop. Advertising rates made known on ap plication. Colquitt, Ga. Announcement for Judge of the Superior Courts t To The White Voters of The Pataula Circuit: I am now serving an unexpired term as Judge of *he Superior Courts of the Pataula Circuit, and am a candidate for the full term, subject to the action of the regu lar Democratic Primary. The cordial co-operatiun if jo rora court officials, lawyers, and the public generally has caused the courts to run quietly, orderly and without undue friction, with the result that business has been dispatched, time and money saved with the dockets of the appearing in excellent condition. X My duties as judge, which I will not neglect, will prevent me from making a p rsonal canvass of nil the voters, but will appreciate the opportunity of meeting as many as possible. The final result however must necessarily rest with the people when they express their honest convictions by tbeir votes on the day of the Primary. your continued co-operation and support will be deeply appro dated. Respectfully, M.J. Yeomans, Dawson, Ga. I o Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fudge reach ed tbeir home here this afternoon with Marylin, their little daughter, whom they carried to Atlanta Sun day. Dr. floke found that this little lassie, now walking well, had improved much within the last 3 months. She wee stricben with in fantile paralysis about nine months ago. One shoulder and an arm re mains too weak to use much; but the physician wanted to give na ture another 3 months, in which time the attractive little one may be almost entirely well. Dr. Hoke advised that she be brought back to him in ninety days. It was with genuine regret that their neighbors gave up Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bush, who moved from here to-day, with their children, to West Bainbridge. Out three ot four miles west of Bainbridge the A. C. L. Ry Co., has an import ant switch. The name given to this place is Hanover; and it is there that Mr. Bush will be a tele graph operator, being one of three operators kept there by the com pany. The three work eight hours apiece. Their relatives aue friend here hope for them much success in their new borne. Mr. and Mrs. Oscart William , of West Bainbridge, accompanied by two of her sisters, Misses Dola and Edna Yates, of Babcock, were here Saturday. 666 la [a prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Malaria, Dengue and Bilious Fever. It kills the germs. - ■ . -urr iwrii i i —'-T. t -iir T1 1 I Your wish for A Real Cotton j Producing Fertilizer Is Come True In The Famous <Uarainbow% ♦’ # Cotton Fertilizer < k. Analysis 10'4-4 and contains 5 sources of Ammonia - Nitrate of Soda, Sulphate of Ammonia, Tankage, Fish and Cottonseed Feeds the cotton crop from planting time to harvest Designed and formulated to produce Cotton at a Profit This is but one of the famous crop producing fertilizer* manufactured by International Agricultural (orporation FOR SALE BY J. M. Fudge Colquitt Ga \ v ■ T-un- f '’■ acT . py * W * - - I VW .FERTI I £.'■ The: *f&- 11 A- - Sweepstake Prize S Potatoes in '; W isconsin I tfe* Grand P** | Com in Missouri MmE I and- vy g IlttaßWl 11 First Premium j Tobacco in North Carolina are some of the notable awards to crops grown with “AA QUALITY” Fertilizers in 1925. Year after year “AA QUALITY” Fertilizers produce the largest yields and best quality crops. Their unequaled crop-pro-dueing records clearly reflect the practical value of the expert knowl edge gained by more than half a century of scientific research and actual fertilizer manufac turing experience. To insure the largest yields and best quality of all crops use T “AA QUALITY” FERTILIZERS BEST KNOWN TO YOU UNDSB. THE ' J FOLLOWING BRAND NAMES ~ . f BOWKER’S -AMERICAN; '' ZELL’S Manufactured only by The American Agricultural Chemical Company Atlanta Sales Department 101 MARIETTA STREET, ATLANTA, GA. Out Agricultural Service Bureau will help solve yovr farming problems. Send for Dr. H. J. Wheeler's Crop Bulletin.. Address: Si State Street, a-«ron. Mau. II liir.-rr'iii a u—< i» or whw flnaMM <■■■■■• ohb ■ WANTED | i In The’Daylight Corner Stand. | ■ c One Hundred Thousand Dozen Eggs, | 1 1 Five Thousand Hens, Ten Thousand | 11 Fryers. Highest Price Paid. 5 | We are now buying one thousand | pounds ot Bacon a week and all the i | Shelled Corn we can get. 1 I 500 Bu. Sweet Potatoes. | | Will sell you goods at Cash price or I j Pay You the Cash for Produce. J I 1 We Can’t Get Too Mnch PRODUCE. | Come to SEE US. | CONSOLIDATED GROCERY CO. j Wholeslae & Retail Grocers, | Colquitt, Georgia. | LW. H. Roberts W. R. Kimbrel, Mgr. | I*—■— ■-—■ i =YES SIR- - I' I™ , W*€arry a complete stock of Up-To g Date Farm Machinery. I We Grind Your Corn Into GOOD | - Meal Any Day of the Week, Except | 1 Sunday. g 11 COLQUITT IMPLEMENT COMPANY J Farm Hardware. I COLQUITT, GEORGIA. I LGood Equipment Makes A Good Farmer Better. ■ rs..- 1 .."" 11 1 ■i"' 11 . _± | Use More Nitrogen! Get More Cotton! ■La- 1 „y 7 Southern farmers A""- who have used Ni- trate of Soda on gaMp r ' '4q| cotton have found - - i fllsK*' —viWS that the use of | jggg ..ajOaS plenty of nitrate in- a big crop. ' The yield generally increases directly If' tv t r t \ S 38 the applications It Pays Io Use Ji- of Nitrate of Soda NITRATE difference in cro II c A more than pays for of SODA *** materiaL your county agent or send a postal card with your address to our nearest office for our free bulletins which have helped thousands of fanners to grow log ger and more profitable crops. Chilean Nitrate of Soda— educavtonal bureau Dr. William S. Myers, Director AtU SI2 ,G t *<«Hlberni.B«nkßld*..N.wOrl.. M ,Le. 702 Cotton Exchans. Bld*., M.mphia, Tenn. 57 East Stat. St.. ColumbuauO. 27 Madison Avenue, New York