The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, June 02, 1926, Image 2

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4ILLER COUNTY LIBERAL Published Every Wednesday, Entered at Postofflce at Colquitt, Ga.. as Sec ond Class Matter. -.J)NE DOLLAR PER YEAR. ZULA B. TOOLE, Editor and Prop. Advertising rates made known on ap plication. Colquitt, Ga. An Esteemed Citizen Dies. I r— . At 3:15 Monday morning in the Riverside Hospital in Bainbridge Mr Willis Cook, about 76 years of age, pasaad away, leaving an only son Charlie Willis, nearly sixteen years old. For years Mr Cook has lived a secluded life on account of failing health. His industry coupled with his rugged honea’y were well known traits of bis character He is survived by three brothers, Messrs Wm., Henry and G- W. Cook, the latter of this town. In the Cook ceMetery his body was laid to rest late Monday after noon. Thus closed the life of one who bore bis sufferings with a pa tience that was wonderful. New Prices * Mr, B. H. Fudge . thinks that the customers coming to hie store are entitled to the BEST, there fore he gives them the highest grade merchandise obtainable for the lowest prices. Liberal readers will note with pleasure a new list of prices pwb ? * w **”* w hfs L : o Honors Seniors E’T I Mr Odum, of the Colquitt Drug Co gave a drug store party Mon day afternoon at 4 o’clock to the twelve members of the senior class. Ice tea, sandwiches, ice cream and cake were sekvei to the mem bers. The young ladies and gentle men greatly appreciated this affair. That popular barber Mr F. M. Johnson also complimented Mon day every member of the senior class with free barber work at his well equipped shop. »- o ..... ■< A Sad Death . As we go to press we learn that the beloved mother, Mrs Bellflow er, of Mrs E. L. Shepard, has sue cumbered to the illness from which ■he has been suffering for the last two weeks. For several days her only sister, who lives near Dawson has been ■t her bedside. In our next issue a more fitting notice will apperr. r— o —< All Day Sing .> On the second Sunday in June there’ll be an all drfy sing, with dinner on the premises, at Belle view church. Everybody is invited to attend •nd bring well filled baskets. < - 1 o DUNN’S—Dry Cleaning Plant, Cuthbert, Ga.removesspots, cleans ■nd presses clothes for men and Women, in a most satisfactory man ner; and their work is done rapidly. Your wish for A Real Cotton Producing Fertilizer Is Come True In The Famous / MERNAfRWALX V jFRAINBOW% //Cotton Analysis 10-4-4 and contains 5 sources of Ammonia - Nitrate of Soda, Sulphate of Ammonia, Tankage, Fish and Cottonseed Meal Feeds the cotton crop from planting time to harvest Designed and formulated to produce Cotton at a Profit Thin is but one of the famous crop producing fertilizers manufactured by International Agricultural (orporation J MA’IbrACTVRLM'* / 1 OF- W■ C. GRAPft »-■»»« VS K-» • FOR SALE BY t J. M. Fudge Colquitt Ga Announcement for Judge of the Superior Courts To The White Voters of The Pataula Circuit: [ am now serving an unexpired term as Judge of the Superior Courts of the Pataula Circuit, and uui u term, Subject to the action of the regu lar Demojratic Primary. The cordial co-operatiun ct ju rors court officials, lawyers, and the public generally has caused the courts to run quietly, orderly and without undue friction, with the result that business has been dispatched, time and money saved with the dockets of the appearing in excellent condition. My duties as judge, which I will not neglect, will prevent me from making a personal canvass of all the voters, but will appreciate the opportunity of m eting as many as possible. The flual result however must necessarily rest with the people when they express their honest convictions by their votes on the day of the Primary. Your continued co-operation and support’will be deeply appre ciated. Respectfully, M.J, Yeomans, Dawson, Ga. - - o Citation GEORGIA—MiIIer County. To whom it may conceme; notice is hereby given that H. G. Rawls, as admr. of the estate of B. F. Rawls deceased, having made applica tion to me, by petition, for leave to sell certain real estate of said B. F. Rawls deceased; and that an order was made thereon at the May term, 1926, for citation, and that citation issue; all the heirs at law and creditors of the estate of the said B. F. Rawls deceas ed, will take notice that 1 will pass up on said application at the June term. 1926, of the court of ordinary of said co. and state, and that, unless good cause to the contrary is shown, at said time, said leave will be granted, this the 3 day of May, 1926. W. C. DANCER, Ordinary. Class Graduates Monday evening the following twelve seniors received their di plomas from the 0. H. S: Misses Bernice George, Mar guerite Rawlings, Audrey Thomas, Trellle Cobb, Myrtid Davis and Minnie Williams; Messrs Eager Wilkin, Watson Miller, Clifford Dancer, Charles Grow, Him mon Nowell and Bush The commencement was held in the Methodist church. The altar and cbanoel were beautifully dec orated, the class colors, white and gold, lending a charm to the lilies and palms, amid which the six boys, each accompanied by one of the six girls, made a pleasing ap pearance. Judge Harrell, of Bainbridge, delivered an earnest address to the class. His plea, that no member ever give conceit a place io their, lives, that they ”ive the B : ble, Shakespeare and Dickens a large place in their studies, and Ira con gratulations all found a beany re sponse in the large congregation present. Mies Bernice George, ss ealut atorian, held the close attention of the audience in the splendid deliv ery of her excellent address. Mr. Eager Wilkin, as valedic o. rian, just simply covered himself with glory. Supt. W. H. Drake, with a few well chosen remarks, awarded to nineteen students seventh grade certficates, and to the twelve sen iors, their diplomas. o Mrs H, L. Hite of Ellaville is here at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs H. Stein. Mrs Percy Denman accompani by Misses Clara and Marie Pate spent awhile Monday in Arlington. a Mr H. S<ein is very ill at his borne on Pine St. The Liberal hopes with hie many friends that he will soon regain his health. “Dr. E. H. Anderson, the eye eight specialist, will be at Central Pharmacy Thursday, June 17th. Eyes examined. Glasses fitted.” Colquitt was bright with visitors during the commencement days. I The Benthall J I Pays For Itself Because I f Buyers often pay 25c more ver bushel for uncracked nuts, ■ Peanuts will keep—often means 50c more per bushel. ■ > Saves vines for hay—worth $12.50 per acre. Requires only a ■ W 6* H. P. engine. Earns S4O to S7O a day at custom work. Ik Planting a crop of peanuts in addition to cotton is real insurance. You cannot tell when the boll wee- U ■ vil may rob you of cotton profits- A cash crop of peanuts should be planted- S I We carry a complete stock of repairs for 1 I both the Benthall Picker and Internation- f I al Engines. f I COLQUITT IMPLEMENT COMPANY I Farm Hardware. | O Good Equipment Makes A Good Farmer Better. I | COLQUITT GEORGIA. ! JofEconomical Transportation Constant Improvement -has made /Aw ZAe Worlds finest Low Priced Car For year after year, Chevrolet engineers have been refining and improving Chevrolet’s time* proved design. Examine the Improved Chev rolet and you will discover every engineering I development essential to finer performance, \ smoother operation, more striking beauty and MMh|K|F\ greater economy of operation and ownership. Quality features! Quality materials! Quality - workmanship! Come in! Get a demonstration! _ So Smooth —So Powerful oac^t $ 645 ♦ ... Touring - $ 5lO 510 I < Coupe - ■ 645 Sedan - ■ 735 Jo it rare Landau- - 765 ~ Vz-TonTruck $ 395 (Chawif Only) X 1-Ton Truck 550 (CKawu Only) All price* f. o b. Flint, Ml du Small Down Payment * Convenient Terms Watson Chevrolet Comqany COLQUITT GA QUALITY AT LOW COST