The Miller County liberal. (Colquitt, Ga.) 1897-current, November 24, 1926, Image 2

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4 fULER COUNTY LIBERAL Put iiahed Every Wednesday, Entered at Postofflce at Colquitt, G*.. as Sec ond Class Matter. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. ZULA B. TOOLE, Editor and Prop. Advertising rates made known on ap plication. .. Colquitt,JGa Howling • - A dog Mt oat io the midnight chill And bowled at the beaming moon Bit sense, of mneio was strictly nil, And his voice was out of tune. Tf.ere wasn’t a thing at which to howl, Or to show why a pup stiould weep; An i the course of the dog was wrong and foul, For people were wild to sleep. There are plenty of men like that blamed fool bound Who yell when there’s nothing wrong, D Curbing the country with sense less sound— The pessimist’s doleful song. —Louisiana Highway Mag. - ( Wii . q Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Evans, of Burnt Lake, Mich., who have been spending their winters in Colquitt for several years, are being hearti w« loomed by their many friends at the Harrell Hotel. Citation GEORGIA—MiIIer County. ptra. James Warren having made ap-. plication for 12 mdnth's support out of ■ the eatato of James Warren, for her self and 8 minor children, and appYais' > era duly appointed to set apart the ~ same, having filed their returns, all per- .ipti* concerned are hereby.required to Show cause before the court, of ordin ary of said co., on the Ist Monday in Dee. 1926, why said application should not be granted, this Nov. 1, 1926. W. C. DANCER, Ordinary. 1 Wl Land Sale Under and by virtie of a security deed with power of sale executed and delivered by Zula B. Toole on the 30th d~y of November, 1917. to Farkas Trust Co., conveying real estate to se cure certain notes of the same date and the said Zula B. Toole having failed to pay all of said notes described in said security deed according to their tenor and effect and those unpaid bein7 now > past due said Farkas Trust Co. as pro t vided in said security deed, after four weeks advertisement, will sell at public out-cry before the court house door in Miller County, Georgia, on the 18th of December, 1926. between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, the following described proper ty to-wit: Four-sevenths (4-7) interest jn the property of which Joe Toole died seiz ed and possessed described as follows: All of lots 880, 347. 381, the North half of lot 382, 100 acres of lot 349, and 160 acraa of lot 348. As provided in said security deed the said Farkas Trust Company will make to the purchaser of said property good and sufficient title in fee simple. And the proceeds of said sale wM be applied to the payment of the debt above refer red to and the cost of this sale. This 22 day of November, 1926. FARKAS TRUST CO., By Leonard harkas. Pres. Milner and Farkas, Attorneys-at-law, Albany, Ga. DUNN’S--Dry Cleaning Plant, Cuthbert, Ga. removes spots, cleans and presses clothes for men and women, in a most satisfactory man ner; and their work is dune rapidly. Some man has rightly said: “There’re two road—success and failnre’ J —and yon are not travel, iug both.e Citation GEORGIA, MILLER COUNTY. To whom it may concern: J. T; Miller, of said state and co., having applied to me for letters of administration, de bonis non, on the estate of Mrs. Mattie Miller, of said eo., this is to cite all and singular, the heir and creditors of said Mrs. Mattie Miller, to be and appear at the Dec. term, 1926, of said court, and show cause, if any they can, why letters of administration, de bonis non, should not be granted on the estate of said Mrs. Mattle Miller. Witness my had and official signature, this Nov. 1,1926. W- C. DANCER, Ordinary. »- 0 1 Lana Sale GEORGIA, Miller County: Will be sold before the courthouse door in said county, on the first Tues day in Dec. next, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the fallowing described property to wit: The following property in the 13th district of Miller Co., and being sixty two and one half acres land, more or less, in the southeast corner of lot of land no. 114 and bounded on the north by A. J. Cowart, on the east by gran tor, on the sohth by original land line and A. J. Cowart, and on the west by lands of P, D. Rich. Said property will be sold as the pro perty of J. A. Phillips under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed executed by J. A. Phillips to W. C. Hays, on Sept 30th, 1918, which deed appears of record in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Miller Co., Ga., in Deed book Page 265. Default having been made j n the payment of the indebtedness se cured by said deed, said property will sold for the purpose of paying same, and the proceeds of the sale will be ap plied first to the payment of said in debtedness, and the cost of this adver tisement, and the remainder if any will be paid to J. A. Phillips or his assigns Warranty titles will be executed to the purchaser, as provided by said deid. This Nov. 22ond 1926. W. C. HAYS. N. L. Stapleton, Atty. < o Land Sale Under and by virtue of the authority contained in a security deed executed by J. S. Shingler and T. G. Thingler to Charles Forman, dated Septamber 12, 1918, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court in Book 7, pages 272-273, and by him assigned to Continental Casualty Co. on April 14, 1924, which assignment is recorded in Book 11, pa£e 499. there will be sold before the court house door of Miller Co., Ga., on Tuesday, December 21, 1926, between 10 o’clock a. m. and four oclock p. m. to the highest and best bidder for cash, the property conveyed by said deed and ond describ'd as fol lows. The North half of lot of land number three hundred seventy-five (375), con taining one hundred twenty-five (125) acres more or less; all of lot of land number three hundred seventy-four (374), containing two hundred fifty 1250) acre? more or less* all of lot of land number three hundred forty-six (346), containing two hundred and fifty (250) acres, more or less, all joining and lying in the thirteenth (13) district of Miller Co., Ga., containing in the aggregate six hundred twenty-five (625) acres, more or less. Default has been made in the pay ment of the debt to secure which said deed was evecuted. and the su2d Con tinental Casualty Co., the legal holder of said notes, has elected to declare the entire loan due and payable, in ac cordance with the terms of said seeuri ty deed, and said property will be sold as the property of of J. S. Shingler and T, J. Shingler, for the purpose of pay ing said debt, plus any unpaid toxes, and plus the cost of this foreclosure proceeding. The uupersigned will execute to tne purchtser fee simple title as provided tn said deed above referred to, this Nov. 15th, 1926. (Signed) Continental Casualty Co. By W. H. Roberts, Vice Pres. Church Tidings COLQUITT BAPT IST CHURCH Durward Veazey Oaaon, Pastor, - >i Announcements' Sunday School 9.30. Preaching 11.00 Junior B Y P U 6.00 Preaching 7.00. W MU Monday 3:30, Sr. B Y P U Monday 7:00 Mid-week Service Wed 7:00 Sunbeam Friday 3:30 , R. A’a Friday 7.-00 -i ■ o- ■■■ i - Land Sale GEORGIA—MiIIer County. Will be sold before the court boase door of said county within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next, at publie out cry, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the 26 diet of said co. and state, containg 50 acres more or less, and bounded as follows; North by lands of Mrs. Ike Bush Jr., east by lands of Oscar Newberry, south by lands of T. J. Shingler, west by lands of Mrs. Ike Bush Jr., and known as part of the John Hand place. Said property will be sold as the prop erty of J. E. Spooner Jr., undewand by virtue of of • deed with power of sale to secure debt, executed by said J. E. Spooner Jr., to Swift & Co., a corpo ration, on Oct. 3, 1924, which said deed appears of record in the office of the clerk of the superior court of said eo. and state, in deed book 12, page 11, de fault having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed said property will be sold under the stipulations ar.d powers contained in ■aid deed, and the proceeds will be ap plied first to the payment balance prin cipal and interest due on said indebted ness, the cost of this advertisement and remainder, if any, will bo paid E. Spooner Jr., or his assign* Said prop erty will be sold subject to a prior lien In favor of the Planters Bank of Don alsonville, Ga. Warranty title* will be executed to the purchaser in the n*me of J. E. Spooner Jr., as provided in said deed, tbi* Nov. 2, 1926. Swift Company. By N. L. Stapleton, Attorney At Law. Purebred Leghorn Pullets Purebred barron (train white Leghorn pallets, ready to lay, |1.25 each. Owens (train Rhode Island Reds pullets, ready to lay, 31.40 each. Thompson strain barred pullets, ready to lay, 31.40 eaoh. Brown Leghorn pullets of the everly strain, ready to fay, 31.35 eaoh. Shepard strain An cons pullets ready to lay, 3135 each. Young cook birds, ready for service, any breed listed above, 32 each. Baby ohicka, one day old, of any breed luted above, 311 hundred. AU purebred (took. We pay postage obarge* on all baby chicks, and expreaa charges on pullets in lots of one dozen or more. Lots of leas than one dozen pullets, customer pays ex press. Orders booked now for baby cuioke sor shipment any date in Winter, Spring or Summer. Must be paid for in full befora shipment. FULGHUM HATCHERY, 20ts. Seale, Ala. ■ —a -■ ■ For Councilman To the voters of Colquitt: I hereby announce aa a candi date for councilman to succeed Judge W. C. Dsnoer. Your vote will be appreciated. H. L. HARRELL. Posted, No Trespassing There will be no permits issued for bunting on the company’s lauds io Miller aad Baker counties dur ing the open game seaeon of 1926 and 1927. Trespassers take due notice. Babcock Bros. Lumber Co. 666 is a Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue Bilious Fever and Nalaria. It kills the germs. r- ■ o - - ■'■■■ Notice! Notice!! Beginning the first week in No vember gin days will be Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov, 4, 5 and 6, and the following week we will gin only on Friday and Saturday. We will continue to gin Friday and Saturday each week until further notice. Signed, Cower! & Dancer, Fudge Gin Co. ‘" 1 o Dr. E. B- Baughn Physician and Surgeon Cook Building,' Colquitt Ga N. L. Stapleton LAWYER COLQUITT, GEORGIA Dr. Collie Hays Physician $ Surgeon. Office in Walter's Phar - COLQUITT, GA. ’ lease A. Drake C. A. Drake ATTORNEYS AT LaW Cook Building Colquitt, Georgia, o SHERIFF SALE . GEORGIA, Miller County: Will be sold before the court house door of said county, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday h. Dee. 1926, to the highest and best bidder for cash the following de scribed property to-wit: The west half of lot of land no. 244 containing 125 acres, more or less, and 60 acres in a square in the south west corner of lot of land no. 243 in the 1? dist. of said co. and state, said tracts of land being contiguous and contain ing in the aggregate 175 acres, more or less. Said property levied on as the property of Eliza Wilkins under and by virtue of an execution in favor of the Prudential Insurance Co. of America against Eliza Wilkins, issued from the superior court of said co. and state. Written notice of levy given the de fendant. Eliza Wilkins, and G. J. Kim brcl, tenant in possession, this Nov. 3, 1926. R. E. HOUSTON, Sheriff. GEORGIA—MiIIer County. Will be sold before the Court house door of said co. on Ist Tuesday in Dec. 1926, at public out cry, to highest bidder for cash the following de scribed property to-wit: 1 U-ed Ford roadster, 2 passenger, motor no. 7094718, known as the Sikes Ford. Said property levied on as the property of Eugene Henderson and Au gusta McGriff under and virtue of a mortgage fl fa issued from the city court of said co. and state, in favor of E, J. Hunter, against said Eugene Henderson and Augusta McGriff, and found in possession of E. J. Hunter, his 20 day of Oct. 1926. B. E. HOUSTON, x - s . Sheriff. ,Our Storesand Warehouse Are filled with Brand New Merchandise Quality at Low Prices. Wagons, Buggies, Ameican Field Fence, Barb Wire, Nails, Barick, Lime, Cement and General Line of Shelf Hardware Cutlery and Many Other Items. Full Line of Fresh Gioceries and Prices Are Right. Come to See Us. Let Us Serve You. We Give Trade Coupons. F. E. Fudge & Co. Colquitt - Georgia. Special Prices Quart Sweet Pickles 45c Strawberry Jam 35c Blue Label Sliced Apples 18c String Beans can 18c Kelloggs all Bran pkg. 10c Pie Peaches can 10c Good Toilet Soap 6 bars 25c 24 lb. sk. flour very good SI.OO Four Roses S. R. flour $1.25 24 lb. sk. Beauty plain $1.40 •Whole head Rice 11 lb. SI.OO ' J. G. ROBERTS THE CASH STORE. Vulcanizing Dont throw away your tires when you have a blow out. Carry them around to Tully’s Garage and I will vulcanize them. Prices are right Work Guar teed and Money Saved. E. G. Brooks I Blakely - - - Georgia I TAX COLLECTOR’S ROUNDS If nothing prevents, I will be at the following places, on the dates named below, for the purpose of collecting taxes for this year. Cooktown, Tuesday Nov. 9.h from 9 a. m. to 12 tn. Pickrou’s store ” ” ” ” Iptnto 3p m. Lucile, Friday Nov. 12th from 9 a tn to 12 m. Talbert’s Still from 1 p m to 3 p tn Friday Nov. 12th. Boykin, Tuesday Nov. 16th from 9 a m to 12 tn, Babcock, ” ” ” ” 1 p tn to 3 p tn. Corea, Friday Nov 19th in a m. Union School, Friday Nov 19th in p. m. J. W. Merrett’s store, Friday Nov 26 from 9 a m to 12 m. A. N. Pate’s'etore, from 1 p m to 3 p m Friday Nov 26th. Cooktown, Wed. Dec Btb from 9 a m to 12 tn. Pickron's store, Wed. Dec Bth from 1 p tn to 3 p tn. Lucile, Fri. Dec 10th from 9 a m to 12 m. Talbert’s still Fri. Dec 10th from 1 p tn to 3 p tn. Jacksonville school house, Tuesday Dec 14th in a m. Mayhaw and Bellview on ail court days until Dec 20th which will be date for boksjto cloae, I will be in my office every other day hot mentioned above. G. G. Carter, Tax Collector.