The Southern field and fireside. (Augusta, Ga.) 1859-1864, September 19, 1863, Image 1

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I W fiBB , s-. v-.-jB i'lP^B 1 -aL UK pp JHptMf ,'Kflk fl ' . * * V sH ,3V.'; ■ • . jm • ' PfLMW«« >T TlTitTTrnK ll * m BP' ® SEW SERIES.] ' {Wrttton fcr th. Booth*™ Field »nd IMte] GERALD GRAY'S WIFE. *v TOT AUTHOR Os “BUSY ICOOTBTS Os A* mui womah," “UII," “Sylvia’s woblo,” Ac, Ac, —_ . - Perfectly tool and deliberate, Ur. Gray in spired hie little party with bom courage end Carrying e lantern—which the wind imme diately put out, and he then abandoced—hie right arm (Irmly wrapped around Ruth's waist, they left the house. ‘Keep aleee—no straggling- This way.' IBs voice sounded dear, and strong, and cbe-r- I ieg in the wild whirl or desolation and com parative denser. The water wag more then ankle-deep whefe they started, for the huge waves were breakup, at has been Mown, upon the very steps ot the bouse to from, it a one's feet; twW they - bad to slop to p<afc up Ruth’s me id who keel ed over tioaa fright, the wind talked eo strong to her,'she Mid. - ‘ > As they wared the moat daogeroiut por tion Os their jouruey, the water widening up ‘ to them to done with tie new ally from the beck creek, (Jerald spoke almost tenderly to kis drooping com panion. She dung to bias with ever growing Pete favored them— or a it tad Providence rather— by causing a lull met then, to the - sweep of the blast. And yet, perhaps, the day was coming when Both would rather 1 that every elemeut had conspired at that moment to drag bar into the mighty flood, and carry her • deed nod drifting corpse far airs* to tbe great »miroon/ chaa a atrirtn»itfr§(*kfld party. | foahtlHi jtmntg, - gnflft dllbfld ufk to Rllth { fftu§ ffilwTwwd I \ i F 11 11 \ j/ yy ' W\ ftti - HmT I ft f r"V. sf MW ' ’.t f S' K M nfe;,;f - W / f* /^V/jJWEr ■»' k- - ' JtMßßflg !al.w T rWHNHpf ''y- j —T3gjp.'i «• ffiTw ■jT*w| \ f ; ‘ *•- !i wEbssS’ rv , ...asT*- \ / MW WsfflJWvaF j ~r*> rgSf> W y in bi ’' rs ; \ \ WWRMBgBBPf r# if \Wrmm* I® pvaf MAjm /-i «.■ imr | g t w ! .JBL V ' " US', tt! ■ *••;* ■■fi.hwWmaßk w *** 1 ■«■» Mp. <s *vV ~~ —; i —. • ?■ • - A Bsretra rtox tot rrmw * . dar -.’-iic. j o« ?. . ' .V u - . t-.jW ~ TraMiwr EX ■ WL'W\ 7 K^®W WV ; ’ P- AUGUSTA, GA., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 186a - - - ■■■- g.— L,, ■ I ■■ A... ■■« - mi ■■-, - -—■ ... •.■ ...,, •Dean dear Miss Desjjgronghl' ate; «*- claimed, aeiziDg both of Bath's bauds, ‘how alarmed we bgve been Ibr you 1 Ctasy sad I nearly cried because papa would not let ua go round by your bouaA He said that he was sure you were here already. . '•' S , 1 Oh yea,' put to Cissy, ' such a time we had j Fhyl and I wanted to bring all our things I. have just had such a love of a dram made, with a baby-waist, go becoming; not like moat baby, waists, but a pointed band coming up like a stomacher; it just suits my flgurb—you know I am so full, ordinary beby-w-uaia don't Decora* me—and thia is a choice silk of tbst deiieate, peach color; but papa wouldn't bear, of it, and, now, robbers may apt into the house I and carry off every atom oFour clothes. Tb*t | . . _ , : rv “i , ”, ,-■ * ''• .' *, .' . I , white shoulders. and soft found arms ■ I l nentri/» X lurtrwvae and lilcei to —* I joT f - I ■-* <; \sr; er is my relation, too. I have a great many poor relations, who, strange to say, never .thrust their attentions nor their society upon me, al though thty would have a rigut to do so.’ Phyllis Clan colored; the stroke was tgo palpable, and even Ruth deemed to regret her unnecessary harshness, t ■ \*jKrk*JS3Fm% , * But, as cousin Francis is so taken up with Uie butcher's bodine confidences, f am more as leisure to go with you, only -,’ here ato paused, hesitating, / only —_ there is a gentle man r—She'turned to look for Mr. Gray: He wsa unpacking a basket just behind, her; ‘ Looking for me V beesked.. 1 Here am I; ] getting out some biscuits tor a little shaver ] who i* crying from hunger, not having, X pre I aume, tasted one momnfpi uujee his supper two hoot* »go—poor starved thing! Cpitsl fttd taviy, Ut*. P<teel In spits'ol u#r wraio she tea put up provenderenough in this cham pagne hamper to last us a waste. How 1 do ike a thoughtful- woman of the Mrs. John Gil pin • stamp! Here, young man, stifle your cries with that,' and tossing a bau<lfpl of vine crackers to the child, and receiving:* smile and word ot thanks from its grartifled mother. Mr. Gray rapidly uttered all this, rbao t'ropi hw knees, and presented his handsome fq.ce to tbs astonished gaze of the Misses Clare.. , Gerald i’ . / ■ - : ‘Pnrlli.l' ... • •Gerald!’ ‘ Cissy f’ • Where bn earth do you come from Jf’ asked troth ladies. ‘ Recently from the hospitable, but, at pre sent, dangerous mansion of Mr. Price—Juat before thgf&om Crane Island, where X went to shoot a white crane to make a iau tor Cissy.’ 1 Nouisense/ pouted Cissy.' ‘ Tell us the troth,' said Phyllis. 1 Truth to a woman, dear PnyU Little ladies like you don’t wish men to tell, the troth to them ; and even if they do hear it, they don't (believe it, as, for exawpie, now.' iw nrs»r'.s^{ - lfW**»l -.1.. i ■— ~»—|. », .. ..; agsT"’! *j ’-*• • » '»-' tvV'M* r? ” * t-• « -V>' , *W.;- " . ». !>■■ ~| mjm *m m**~mj*- . auppose you deaired to laake her aoqualntaucej W^Mia*° Desbotough can diue where »hJ pleases; aud, as for making her acquaintance, that’s partly aa I please, and I have uot madi upmy mind about Itjheireeea are not to ray wke.j ‘ What P questioned Phyllis, with her ey« » and her mouth rounded into surprise. while Ceoilia exclaimed, ‘ meroyndel’ Rutb had wr soon recovered from her aur-, priao. Sp Gerald Gray was some couuecitjd uif intimate of the' Clare’s. Thia waa the t.och probably, whoae abeenoe at dtnner, pmnpoi itr Clare regretted. If hla name was men itpaed. it had eacaped her memory or any grazed her bearing. Rhe atood quteily by' miring the drat erehanged sentence*, then' IB ban Qaea tri < belorhieo, ui.,l o.ssy mid, witu Just a shade ot pettiahuiss. ‘.Vary ternmuo iuoeed.' Thao the ouversetioa turned into other channels, ana they ataeussed the storm, which was still, ut course, a first object of interest Ruth wee uot more communicative nor demon strative than usual. The high wind could uot blow away her reserve, nor the high tide wash e more genial spirit into her manner. It mfist take.more than an outward tempest to shake her serenity. Nevertheless, she jomed the aristocratic group at the Southwest corner of the staunch old Fort, where some played cards, some talked of reading prayers, and a Tew, desperately vied to go to sleep sluing bdlt> upright, while the lampe swung overhead from their iron eftsina. i? CHAPTHR HL I There was a'good deal to ape; a good deal* .amue. A pretty widow. !'▼«*? and lull of ifirits, put her two little boy* oh a msitrssa With seven others; obarged them to be quiet, and the* establishing herself., in the pi.ana, never ceased talking from is ft time til* »ue went home the nut day. tbs flirted, sue jested, she g?2?gr! ( ‘“ ' [VOL I.—KPMBEH 38J . When Gerald uttered hie doubilul ir<narV4 about her, she i-rahrJ taiuily,aiid imujeaia,«. iy raid : • / am Mi h Asa boreußb.’ » e usd m idea ol nibkxi, ■* uij a tery ot her identity or rather 01 it.oiiß m Glaresauppoh: i-..r > done eo. Mt. Gray et.itedj laughed louriji , , .©o*, Iff toffil’t'r 6 ' Iml Witlm +Yj tor, i • lift • h>i lor the tbiidihiic o { thd a Ibouwou p. .1. dou» for my apjierrot iy HKUcy epetcti itini Ruth briefly tol l her etory. '• Mur i’ oit y'onr tiouao, iti h » * Jl«nt instead of jjo.ii, [ loma, i untied a so. . , tifjr' wain wwjld oo i Jiy head More pope ' man day other fepw.. i uer*r saw the atom . oaiMg-walked tieai • ly to the end ol ih , Iddud, and, ’■•ft Wet tow petth oiao, who, jwithui' k .o*ing me, moat kindly brought me oecK, To Hui X owe, uioei proOkbly, J’ detrot Hi ad tjort-l sion* of aentunent, Ruth a topped, euu ‘locked her lipd’ Phyllis waa warmly