The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current, October 28, 1920, Image 3

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mmm THE MERCER CLUSTER gradaated last year. Among the most gifted of the older [ boys are Irwin Edman, who was graduated a couple of'years ago and AreUe Cotea who has written several volumes of verse including some very beautiful sonnets. v “One thing I would like to Write about college verse as I see it," said ! Prof. Ermkine, "Entire originality > cannot be expected from any writer > so young. They think they are origi inal but they are all influenced great Iy. I think kthat most of the young men of today feel that to be original means not to be influenced by the older writers, like Tenneyson,- or Swinburne. But those of us that se« and know these boys understand thai they are just as much influenced by the older writers of today among the radicals. The main thing is to help them to discover themselves. They turn from one writer to another, be* , lag influenced by the work of poesi-. | My first Masters, then Frost. “I think in a city like this, where there are so many forms of inspira tion, a wonderful opportunity is of fered these youngsters, who come many of them, from all parts of the United States, to learn to express You tell ’em gradu Senior days. .You tell ’em eonductor- iness is booming. You tell ’em pig— on you. . .You.tell ’em egg- boiled. You tell ’em chalk- your mark. . You tell ’em judge- fine. - You tell ’em shoe—you’ve got smootfie tongue. You fell ’em OFFER AS INSTRUCTORS FOR > FOREIGN LITERATURE. THE SHOP OF GOOD LOOKING GLASSES" -your bus- 565 Cherry Street. .Phone. 3218 -I won’t squeal EVERSHARP PENCILS AND FOUNT AINPEN8 -you’ve made TATNALL SQUARE PHARMACY orange—I’m crush. . „ ’ You tell ’em window—I’m pain. You tell ’em appendicitis—; on the right side. You . tell ’em bank account, need of such workers. Because of an almost depleted city treasury the city council will not promise any financial assistance in the work Until after Christmas, and the offer of service by the mission workers of Mercer University has assured the commission of real organized work. Rev. T. J. Tribble has already be-, gun the organization of workers for the commission. GHOST TIME NEAR WATCH YOUR STEP SODA. CIGARS, CIGARETTES AND STATIONARY AGENT FOR NORRIS AND BLOCK’S CANDIES PHONES: 2691 A 2226. • By Millard Jackson.. ( Witches and ghosts will be out and horses will kneel down to pray on October 31, if the old superstitions that 1 accompany Halloween night come true. As yet ’such things have never come to-pass, but they are nevertheless true if .an old fashioned “antique'' who revels in superstitions is conferred with on the subject. Of course such a person will say that he or she has never seen a -horse kneel down to pray, because they ex-' plain that if a person is around the horse will not do it, and as for the ghosts they always play upon their imagination and fin^ several instances in their life where they have seen a ghost. r • Ghosts to gather. ." The local observance of Hollowe’en night as usual conspicuous by its absence of any special eermonies, parties and other functions to cele brate the vigil of Hallowmas or All Saints’ Day, as Hallowe’en is known historically. Kids as usual will gather on the streets as ghosts and try as best they know' how to carry out the observance of. this night. But as for the grown folks exerting themselves to carry ont sane program, it is almost s thing of the past. The origin of Hallowe'en antedates Christianaity yet no clear and depend able records are found except of the Druids, a tribe'that inhabitsd England when Caesar made his first conquest to the British Islea a few years B. C. Build bonfire*. Chief among the external ways the . Druids used of observing October 31, was the building of bonfires in honor of the sun god in thanksgiving foe the 1 harvest. Thin custom of lighting fires was carried out until recent years bn the Highlands of Scotland and Wales. The Hallowe’en of the Druids corre sponded to the observance by the Bo mans of -the occasion when tipples, You tell ’em rope—you’re pretty deep. - You tell ’em knife—I’m all on edge. You tell ’em roof- head, You tell ’em artist—I ean’t draw a crowd. - You tell ’em horse—you can say neigh. You tell ’em Movie—you’re reel good. You tell ’em pavement—you are all over town. You tell ’em bucket—I’m too pail. You tell ’em golf bag—-you belong Professor Ertkine holds a chair in English and kins specialised in poetry to which he gives his full attention. About seventy instructors, in all, take ear* of the English courses giv en nt the University^ among them be ing William T. Brewster, Professor of English; Brender Matthew, Pro- feeeor of Draautic Literature; Ash ley Horace Thorndike, Professor of English, and George C. D. Odeli, Pro fessor of E"gH«h over our Macon’s Greatest Department Store Everything to wear—Dry Goods, etc. Needed It Little Jane wits saying fier prayers. “And, please,’’ she begged, make Rome the capital of Turkey. ” “Oh, Jane," exclaimed her mother, “ why do you say that f” ‘.‘Because 1 put it like my examination papers, today.” » Send Your Work to Us PICTURES AND DIPLOMAS FRAMED TO to a lot of clubs. *’ You tell ’em insurance—its a good policy. You tell ’em -butcher—you’re a regular cut-up. You tell ’em Goodyear—I tire easily. July. - ; . juiyii. Send in your “you tell ’ems.’’ CHATTAHOOCHEE HIGH THEPHOTO ARTSHOP 1 The French sad English teacher it. ’ Chattahoochee High School, Mias Ger 1 trade Malone and also Miss WJillie Sta- 1 ton, who teaches in the common school ' spent the week end with relatives of the former at Lavonia. 1 Thooe connected with C. H. 8. and dor ■itorirs are much pleased with the new coat of paint that has boon applied. (Every thing is looking good oven the teachers faeao , which is eonsidr-ed by Launders* Cleaners- MACON, GEORGIA PHONE 1000 Overhauled “Wa* that a new girl I saw you wit blast “Xotpe, ust the old one painted over. ’’ . A wounded chimpanzee stops the bleeding of the wound by placing leaves and grass on the injury. The reindeer has been known to pnli two hundred pounkl# at a rate of ten miles an hour for twenty hours. Edwin S. Davis, Prrai£at PLANTERS IMPLEMENT HEARN ACADEMY, Cave Spring, Ga A select school for boys and girls—■ : ideal tonffttihi for school wuxk— Supervised study—Individual atten tion to pupils. For full information write the president. • “Yes, sir, it’s pretty hargcollecting ■■■■" /vta r»b w ’; T Wr ‘"" r '•+ ” , “Have you tried and failedt” “Oh, no1 ” ' “~ r , ■ ‘ ‘ How then do you knowsthat money is hard to olleetf” < . “Because several people have tried to collect some from me.” Lucas paints and FERTILIZERS, WXGONV1 CULTIVA’ MISS ANNA SMITH Class and private lessons in Oratory. Coaching. 702 Forsyth Street. Phone 2175-J Macon, Ga. Phone 109 A SHEFFIELD A. ARNOLD Landscape Architect Land Subdivisions City Parks Institution Grounds Private Estates 50 Bromfield St. Boston, Mass. REVELATIONS CHAS. D. REESE Manufacturing J.wUar BADGES MEDALS CUPS College, School, Society Pine and Emblems 57 Warren St., New fork. r A WIFE • -gT?' * By ADLLE GAP* 8011 ’ The most absorbing <&ory. of ma e» er published —IT STARTS— MONDAY, OCTOBER SCHOOL DESKS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, OPERA CHAIRS— ANYTHING FOR SCHOOLS THE SOUTHERN DESK COMPANY Hickory, N. C. ETHELBERTE FURLONG Landscape Architect Institution Grounls Private Estates fity Parks Land Sub-divisiMs 28 Hillside Ave., Newark, N. J. The Macon Daily Telegraph and will appear as a aerial thereafter in the Daily issue. b hew,” Profewor Enktae potato tort. “It has boon writt » a boforo. The peculiarity •Wet it now to simply that it to NtactaHsod in to such an extant From ny point of vtow nobody has tho rifihtto ray that yon mapt write gootry in Brio metro or that yon mnst not. The whole thing to whether it to poetry. Matthew Arnold wrote free vane, as did WilUam Blake. I think some of tho things written in free vane are' extremely beautiful and oome extremely poor. What I like lout to the. propaganda in ito favor used by those who run down the old. poetry.” The professor admitted that this ottftnde was probably 'largely n pose, Uko S lot of poring and strutting and ,tho eccentricities in drain and deport ment sometimes indulged in by the immature or unraeceaoful poet. The warttolic temperament needs attention and#* unsuccessful artist, W thinks, wifims to a. grant length In the effort J. H. SPRATLHG Optometrist and Optician 562 Cherry Steet Eyes Examined Withmt the Use of Drug*. OPTOMETRIST And Manufacturing >ptician the 576 620 Cherry St. Macon, Ga. v Kinsey G. Tarpley, assistant editor; and Mise Mary Elder, Miss Ruth Craw ford, V.O. Boark and Mr. Turner Quil- Han, associate editors. Professors J W. Adams and W. L. Walker*/with several of the ministerial .students attended the Chattahoochee ’ Association. The faet that a J ear of coal has been delivered for the school and dormitory, in very satisfactory to those who will get the benefit of it, as well as those that have the wood question to deal ‘with. Whether you are Married or Single, happily married or late happily than you could wish, Revelation* if * WMs ban MR* thing in it every day that will hold your interest. It |e ene of the most impressive outpouring* of n woman’s heart over re corded in fiction. , ...4 1 SHOE REPAIR SHOP Expert Shoe Repairing 412 Second St. \acon, Ga. • Telephone 825 Millions Are Reading It! Join the Tk SUBSCRIBE TODAY TO THE MACON DAILTmEGRAPH Latest News. Latest Conics, Latest Feal GEORGIA’S GREATEST DART! PIEDMONT INSTITUTE offers the following courses; literary, it eluding .E n fd* s h> Mathematics, History, Science, Latin, French, Bible; Commercial, including, Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Type writing; Music, including. Piano, Voice and Violn; Expression, Art; Domestic Science. Faculty experienced and college grad uates, “ Jg. c. CARLTON. President, Waycroee, Ga. Ed Everett to Newsome. I am going to Midville to preach at" my church where I have been- preaching for months. Edd Everett; Has Midville a preacher? . _ VfiP other gifted youngsters are Chnfiss M. Purdy and Cony F«rd. Fwldora not writ# free verse st all. Ho Writes old fashioned rhythms of put charm. Of those mentioned HkMlB to tbs only terior. Ho was