The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current, November 25, 1921, Image 3

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November 25, 1921 i THE MERCER CLUSTER Page Three OTHER COLLEGES The October nuiqber of the “Geor gia Cracker” is Ailed, with humorous cartoons,' jokes and rhymes. The Cracker” announces that an issue devoted to /‘serious matters” will be produced later. * * * The Arst number of the Orange and Green, Lanier High School organ, ame to the exchange table the past week. It contains some good car toons, snappy editorials and short stories, as well as many “locals” and jokes. Thirty-seven per cent of the co- 's at Oglethorpe this year are rqd- Uaded. There are different -shades of red from the “bull-A gilt” to the red dish brown. | C. O. CARPENTER Publicity Director of Fourth National Hepresentatives of the North Caro-1 Dank is Arst of series of advertising lina Collegiate Press- Association I specialists to address Mercer Adver were entertained last week by* the Using Class, tudents of North Carolina College For Women. W. A Gamble, Jr., brother of Mercer’s “Bob,” was one if Duvidson’s staff at the meeting, lie is managing editor of the David-1 ovnian. MISS SALLIE BECOMES PHI DELTA MEMBER Beloved Librarian Gives Tips on Public Speaking. The Emory Wheel, states that the Trustees of Emory arc expected to take early action on whether or not I ** A f t ; al public speu . kl .r must be the Methodist university shall have ablt , to threp thin|?8i pt . rsua ,, e , up intercollegiate athletics. The paper ,j ftf anil amuse*,” said Miss Sail** also carries an announcement to the I Boone,, speaking on the subject, Ifect that Dr. M. L. Brittain has|-*whut the Literary Society can do MASONIC CLUB TO HAVE BIG SOCIAL Club Now Permanent Organiza tion; New Furniture for Hall. Mercer’s Masonic Club met in its bi-weekly meeting in the Ciceronian Society hall Thursday night. The main matter under discussion at this session was the plans for holding a social at Home time in the future. A committee was appointed hy P. E. Murray, president of the milllllllllllllllllllllimillllllllMIIIIIIIIIII] lub, for arranging this social. Ttit 1 question of Atting up rooms of the Masonic club with suit- E able furniture was also brought up, S Pfi rt fi fHT and this business also nut into the — hands of a committee. Plans of the club now being worked -j out 'will result in the Masonic club E being a permanent organization at S Mercer -The club this year will b>y E the foundation for a successful and S XI Bibb into the E | Company lasting system, and leave it to future members to, carry on the work of developing the club further. ' ! MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION = M pledge S leach ; On Tuesday night the Ministerial E Association held its regular meeting S in the V. After a song and prayer j 5 the minutes were read. 1 = J. K. Williams, president of the,|S association, outlined the plan being ^E carried out by Mercer ministers on — the streets of the city and Urged S 258-260 Second St. ’ Phone 1671 Equipped 1 for 1 Efficient 1 Service I dfered a prize to the college students j or mt , ** at the Phi Delta Literary men to takl ‘ P art in \f I mv( in vne » in t'eiia u i w i at j „f Georgia colleges for the best essay Society meeting on Monday evening, on "The Great Seal of Georgia.” The | “Here in this society hall is onlv prize is one .hundred dollars in gold The Red and Black of Georgia has an editorial in laat week’s issue urg ing‘ the students to adopt the honor system of student government. This system, seems to be prevailing most of the greater universities. « • . A (ommittco. from the student body . ;it- Hollins College, Florida, returned a report recommending the honor . system for that college recently. Three-fourths of the students went mi record in a "straw vote" as fuvor mg the student government plan. Here in this society hall is Only the beginning, but in this beginning you learn to speak more clearly, and to speak more surely, enabling you to go out yonder and take a more definite place in .the affairs of the world This society is not. for the purpose of showing ourselves off al together,. nor is it to teach you to i speak, but it is here to train you the j practical way of delivery that will [ appeal to an audience Orutory has ! gone out of style, but practical, con- incipg speaking will never bo dis-1 unit'd,’’ declared the speakur. “The road to a good speaker is not easy, but calls for steady persever ance. Orators of old found the same The parents, guardians and friends handicaps that we And today. De- f all university students rooming, in Uonsthenes had faith in His pebbles Gordon Hall w.ill be glad to know that I UIU | h n aiiy became a great speaker system of Are drill has at last been I aru | persuader with their help. Some put into effect in this boy s dormi-1 (( j Georgia’s greatest leaders began ices. J. Henry Burnett made an interest 1 ing talk to the ..association, tnking 1 for his subject “Personal Work.” Mr. Burnett emphasized the fact that in-J dividual work alone is The means of | evangelization and urged every man to do his part in the work for Christ. The speaker concluded by saying that we must be strong both in bur religious and. business enterprises if we hopf* to succeed. * The evening’s program was- closed with prayer by Mr Coalspn, a mem ber of the association. 1 fury, through the kind efforts of the HissiSsippian.—The Mississippian. in this hall, and it is only for you to | remain faithful, When you, too, can attain to, goals equally ps high,” con tinued the speaker. When Miss Sallic had Anished peaking, she was unanimously voted Many .young ladies are expected I. an honorary member of the society, he present from the various neai*-l| n r( . sp0 nsc to this manifestation of The Society Day Celebration of 1921 promises to surpass any past social event ever held at Wake For tire socety’s love for her, the librarian j said, "1 see where you are keeping line with the. Modern Woman’s Movement, and if any of you ever run for an offie’e, you, can lie assured | of my support ” Jn.debating the subject, “Resolved i that the United States should' lead the, way in the Disarmament Pro- Loh’s Cafe Exclusive Dining Room For Club Dinners Welcome, Mercer Men! Phone 122 514 Mufberry BOB SAYS- “Fellows, Mercer boys have always hunted me up, for I give them all the scores, and my famous wieners and'cold butter-' milk furnishes a ‘snack’ that’s hard to beat. You’ll And me at City Drug Store, corner of Broadway and Cherry, where you catch the cars for any place. I’ll appreciate seeipg you any time for anything.—With you right on, is right."—BOB. City Drug Store hy colleges and from throughout the whole state.—Old Gold and Black. *** Student Government is now about be inaugurated into the life of th student body of Southern College This is an evidence of one more s.tej toward the goal of the Greater Southern, for there are no . great •hools today in this land that have L rran i >* \\ M. Carswell, George n >t that form of government.—The Spell grove and C. 15. Bryson, irepre- Southern. \ . sonting the affirmative side of the argument, snatched the trophy of a unanimous decision from the nega tive arguers, D. H. Jordon, H J. Biv- I ins and A. E. Carswell. The one thing that did more to win for the affirma tive than any other was C‘ E. Bry son’s presentation of the evening paper's headlines to the judges, which | seemed to be convincing By R. L. B. THE RALLY BLIGHTER They sat alone in the swing, One of those nights. The last in the year, When you can sit in a swing, Just before the sofa Takes its place. ,' ** - \ ‘‘Dearest,” said he, “Just one more Before I go.” She seemed willing. . And held her retty head In an attitude of waiting With her blue eyes closed. Whereat he reached over And selected another Bon-bon from the box. —Rollins Sandspr. lEDUCATION CLUB . ELECTS OFFICERS The latest addition to the college club circles is the Education Club, which was organised on Tuesday. At this meeting the following officers were elected; L, W. Lewis, presi dent; G. W. H. Stanley, vice-presi dent; M. A. Clark, secretary; F. C. Williams, reporter. Professor Jacobs outlined - the ob ject of the club, telling of . the con ditions of’ education at' the, present- time. . ■ ' j .' G . This club will have 'charge of the chapel program the first week in De- cember. J. G. Cheney, F. H. Hawes and F. C. Williams were appointed to arrange this program. Plans were being made for having «et-together meetings during the, year followed by a feast. A horribly hackeneyed phrase, but -we gotta say it— “Patronize Our « Advertisers!” “FELLOW FRESHMEN” is an old gap, but we hafta depend, on you — Mercer Men and Friends—to help us make The Cluster big ger by buying from our Boosters.. Mention The Cluster when you trade! „ REAL ESTATE, LOANS INSURANCE We build home? and sell them on the most reasonable terms? We place your funds on in vestments secured beyond possi bility of loss. . We give your Rent Accounts our pprsona! attention. Our service is- the result of twenty years’ experience. CITY REALTY COMPANY 505 Mulberry St. Phono 4213 Macon, Georgia VTTHAT do you look ▼ V for in clothes; good style, correct fit, long wear and unusual value? You will find clothes “tailored to measure by Bom” fully up to your expectations. You can buy a good Born tailored suit, now, at $30 or $35; better grades at higher prices, if you desire; at any price you are sure of generous value and satisfaction. Crown Tailoring Co. 305 Broadway Full Line of. Gents’ Furnishings i “The Best for Less” , Call to See Us ami Be Convinced J. H. SPRATLING OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN Specialist in Relief of Eyestrain . 9 a.'ip.-to A p. m. Sunday by appointment 652 Cherry St- Phone 986 R. H. Smalling s Sons GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phones 1102-J and 4092-J Macon, Ga. WHY BUY A NEW PAIR OF SHOES >, when we tah fix your old ones almost as gopd a3 new ?.- . ''' ‘' Work Sent, For. and Delivered ‘‘On the way to town” . UNION SHOE SHOP Phone 4371 456 Cotton Avenue Arcadia Hotel and Dining Room On Mulberry Street, next to. Grand Theater SPECIAL STUDENT RATES Straight board I...;,....... $25.00 2 persons, room and board;..,.. .......2.. : -.......-..„.$37.50 each. 3 persons, room and board....; ....,...$35.00 bach 4 persons, roont and board.....v....,:.... r .:....;.v..,...!..$32.50 each Rooms have steam heat, hot and cold running water PHONE 280 \ ALUMNI- keep in touch with Alma Mater . Mercer Cluster, $1.00 . .--7 ■ 7 •• •.' • ,i Apply to the circulation manager at once Copy sent weekljrto any address r address ^