The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current, November 25, 1921, Image 6

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Page Six THE MERCER CLUSTER * November 25, 1921 FLORIDA CLUB HOLDS BANQUET Bessie Tift Girls Entertained by Two Members. FACULTY APARTMENT NEARS COMPLETION Lucky Professors Soon to Move Into New Homes. The members of the Florida Club, .of Bessie-Tift t oilette, were delight fully entertained in Senior hall Tues day afternoon by Missel Louise Dick ens ami Katherine Wev. After a pleasant session of social conversation, the guests were served :i delicious salad course by the charming hostesses. Everyone who attended the social-enjoyed the "occ/i- sion and the. n.embers of the Florida club are looking forward with pleas ant- anticipation to 'the- next social gat.hei'mg op the club members’, who represent till! following cities in the I and of Flowers: Lake.City, Bartow, Sanford. Veto, Flanf City, - Ferry', - Itinc Mianii. Jasper till’d Lakeland. l it 1 :sh M AN ON i;BOOSE (Dili is \ Sloan) . Brunettes. -. ' ' The nu»id of the midnight locks hnd eyes being our next subject of dis cussion, we kinder hesitate before penning these lines; as there might In- some healthy -upper elas'smnn who has- a mash oil one of the said dark janes, who -might use might as the means' of changing our minds. . How'-' ever, ti revolutjon lifts'already begun in our minds,-due to the eyes of one of .‘the-same type' of the weaker but 'convincing- sex We hereby admit , defeat. . • ‘ . '. . ' Air aspiring young preacher 'duslieil into i;ur gold and green "sanctum as we were posing for ofif daily.- "bull, -session"^, we <|ubte lum verbatim: •"llavfng read your ‘weakly’ article, ,1 beg to ■ state that, a certain young lady from South^tieorgiii has just-re turned froln the West, where shy wu-s voted the most beautiful girl out of a thousand who' entered the contest This young lady is of medium statue anil, happens to he a decided -brunette aiid I think that some mention should he made, of this." We feel it our duty to agree With this young gentleman on the- grounds that she came from the sanddunes of South Georgia; say soutli as" it is below Fort Valley. We know (if one incident that hap pened in otir midst, a ’contest was on to unearth the most simple in the in stitution. ■ Romeo won and did lint even know that ft contest was being held. Wc lneiiti ill this fact because Romeo-is a decided brunette. After, being thu< enlightened, wr ijeeiiied it bur dut.F to the cause of humanity to meander over to no .’man’s land. Wesleyan, where we 'discovered, further ‘evidence-.- in' the ease of brunettes versus blondes and being of unbiased opinion, we hereby award the decision to tile brunettes We will later present the loving cup to a certain young damsel of the mid night lock's who thinks- that shaking ii nasty fallen arch: in.a. jazz parlor is the ice. cream and cake of exist- X’OEKEI T’lON E. S. Davis, Jr. . AH have heard of the “three in one" brand of oil, the “two in one” shoe polish, and now. with the 'com pletion of the new apartment house for. the members of the faculty of Mercer University, an “eight in one’’ building.• This' bulding, which is the first of-its kind to be built at Mercer, located on the campus and con tains eight roomy apartments. There are two main entrances to the building' Each entrance leads jto four apartments, two on the ground floor and two’ on the upper floor, these apartments • are completed on the/same pattern with the .general color'scheme iif white and tan prv-, vailing. ' ’ ’ Each apartment is a-small home to itself. They contain seven rooms apiece and are laid out, on a plan so that.all of the rooms are conveniently close to one- another. Thy suite of rooms contains two bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, sun parlor or sleeping porch, and" bath room. These rooms are of medium size. All contain a steam heater and sotire a (ireplace as well The general inward effect' is eozincss and airiness atid lightness combined, while the outward appearance, is soothing and attractive to the eye The predomi nating color which one sees is that of the red bricks, into which is blended the' green and white trim mings on the windows and the gray, uf the slate roof. •And noW who is to occupy these apartments" The- eight lucky ones are.soon to move in'. The list posed of Dr. Montague',, Dr. Fox, I)r. Ragsdale, Dr.. Williams, Dr Walker, Prof. Robinson and Dr. • Newman. There is one apartment which has not been “issued,” so to speak. It is not lieyond the realms of .possibility, though very improbable, that the bachelor member of Jhe faculty, Rrof. Hailey, may move in as number eight—who knows? ' - • time, at the discretion of the Senior class. Amendment to Constitution 1. This constitution shall be sub ject to revision or amendment at any trite, in the discretion of the Senior class. A three-fourth's majority vote : of the bona fide members of the Senior class shall he necessary to make such revision or amendment. Respectfully submitted, Robt. M. Gamble, Chairman H. H. Shirley J. K. Williams ' ‘' -s A. S. Johnson I' Bruce I). Dubberly 1’. E. Murray G. W. H. Stanley Warren E. Holland Committee on Constitution and By-Laws.- MERCER BOYS *. ” • . EAT Tl RKEY- ll M! (Continued from phge one) of the Dartmouth crijwd from New Hampshire. Thanksgiving Day clime as a fitting conclusion of "the football season and also marketl -the beginning of basket ball.. Coach Cody announced' that varsity haskytball practice, will begin December 1. It is understood that the practices and games "will be held in the city, auditorium. • 500 MERCER MEN KNOW j that the name Hart Schaffner & Marx is a Synonym for Good, Stylish Clothes We carry this and other “ 1 Modish Lines ‘ [ B. H. Jones Clothing Co. | Next to Hotel Dempsey Cherry Street \ STUDENT TRIBUNAL IS RE-ORGANIZED . (Continued from page one) shall he .subject to dismissal by ma jority vote of the Tribunal, for un becoming Conduct of office . 10., The president of the, student body -shall preside at all sessions, of the Tribunal arid shall be officially designated Judge. I 1. The seven associate members of- tlu- Tribunal - shall compose the trial jury and a majority vote.of five, members of this jury* shall constitute the' verdict of the court. A serious mistake was' made by meiiiher'of The‘.Cluster 'staff in last work's issue when ho .wrote an artirli i on.ooi'0i’llg the-fire, stating that T. E , Smith had lost every personal pos- tsossiorr in tlu- way «f habiliamvnts.of civilization. when-the-Mercer laundry was consumed by fire. '' "Ezekiel Daniel Zachariah,”- other, words T. E.- Smith,-in gjeaning over the contents' of-said article saw that either misspfint or a gross ex aggeration . had been made and therefore approached Said meiiiber of The Cluster staff, with the. .remark that he felt >is if he had been mal treated and that people who were his i(ear friends* especially those who are , int imagery, connected with the afflict ed, would notice'that ,Mr. Smith had either made ji .false statement or else was in the .habit of exaggerating wheri.he said that, he had witnessed the game played 'at' the same time that the fire was raging. ’V- In' continuing the , argunient Mr, Sjiiith says that he can!t lUnderstand how he Could -haVe lost everything in the fire, except a Collar, which was between the rollers of the press; and still lie able to; take his girl to the gamC, with only -this wreftth clothing • his’ lovely form.—Adv. x” , Procedure 1. All trials shall be held in secreL The Tribunal shall hold regular ses sions on the first and third Friday nights of each month at !t:00 o’clock in the Ciceronian 'Literary Society hall. Special sessions of the Tribunal may he’held at such other times as the.Judge may deem expedient. If. All accusations, or Charges shall he submitted in.'writing to the Judge - hf the Tribunal, who shall immedi ately direct the Clerk of the court to issue summons and the sheriff to earliest subsequent session. Sum mons shall be. served in writing at least, one day before the trial is to take place. . ' ■1, Thc accused shall have the right to present witnesses in his, own be- 1 half. Likewise, the Tribunal shall have the right to call in witnesses in its. discretion. 4. Punishment for offenses shall be left to the discretiigT^f the Tribunal. ..,,5. The .accused shall) have the right to- appeal from the decision of the i Tribunal’ jo the President of tV\ej University! If the , defendant ’ desires to appepl', he shall-express this in tention formally in writing immedi ately following the- passage of .sen tence’,'by.. the Tribunal;, otherwise 'sentence shall be executed at one*, .<>. All reCords of the Tribunal shall, .be open at all times to- inspection by j the President of-the University. | Jurisdiction I. The jurisdiction of this Tribunal shall have special reference, to the conduct . of Frophmcn outside the 'classrooms,,- anfl its scope shall be subject to extension from . time to More Than a-Florist's , Shop A FLOWER SERVICE A complete; fresh, stock of the (lowers in season Nutting & Carswell FLORISTS . Phone 1776 . 41.4.Second Street Macon, Ga. We are soliciting your account on the basis of SERVICE that has builded the largest National Bank in Central Georgia. \*tv Fourth National Hank MACON, <iA. MANY MERCER MEN Are Buying Their Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings Here We can. save you 25'.' on your purchases SPEND MO ME F WHERE CASH COUMTS 5(14 Mulberry St. TWO STORKS 60$ Cherry St. \ Mercer Men Should suport men that sii|i r port Mercer. » R. S. THORPE; * S^NS arc supporting . Mercer until the last w|)istle blows. Help your school by helping i-ouEsclf in buying from. R. S. Xhorpe & Sons . A S. JOHNSON Mercer Representative .; ' Your Printing will receive prompt atten tion when your orders are placed with us. . Good Printing Conservative Prices American Printing Company Reliable Printers G(5C (’berry St. Macon, Ga. I Jos. N. Neel Co. 1 Offers to Mercer Boys— . = High-grade merchandise at the most moderate cost gon- = is sistent with square dealing and fair profits. This policy- | 5 gives the best satisfaction in the long run to college men, 2 Is for they know real values and appreciate them. s Seettur line of Orange and Black Sweaters, Buntings, 2 s Pennant,s and Caps. • 2 s Neel’s is one of the truly “Mercerian” Stores of Macon. \ s Get the Neel habit. We are* easy 'to locate. , E College days are days of development. Good clothes he- 2 s speak good judgment, perfect poise: 2 One PrRe U^Evcrybody . . I siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiuiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiin Hotel tinier caters Especially to MEIU’ER STUDENTS ‘ THEIR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS Luther Williams Banking Co. 4'/2% ON SAVINGS Open AH ,Day from 9 to 6 More convenient for.-Mercer Boys SWKKT SIIOI* ^THE HOUSE OF ORIGINALITY Delicious Ices and Creams . Excellent Candies Dainty Lunches .Y