The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current, December 16, 1921, Image 4

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T J Page Four THE MERCER CLUSTER December 16,1921 BESSIE TIFT NEWS On last Saturday evening the Kappa Deltas assembled in chapel visibly excited, over what the draw ing of the curtains would disclose. The-faculty, too, responded en masse to the lovely invitations they re ceived. The play presented was “Little Italy,” : a . one-act tragedy. Those taking part were Misses Gertrude Hillis, Charlotte, Jelks, ■ Miriam Mc Call and Olive Chavous. Miss Hillis. was entrancing as an Italian woman pining for her lost lover and native land. As a street singer, Misk Jelks was charming. None could have been more 'lovely than Miss’ Miriam McCall ’^s the lit tle daughter.. Miss Olive, Chavous was altogether splendid in her role as "a fat Italian baker, of forty.” The lovely music and clever light ing udded greatly to the beauty of the play. This is the first tragedy the' society has presented in several years. We are glad thpt it was in the hands of such an able director, Miss Ina Led ford. The spectators are asking that “Ilia” give us another soon. For the past week the vesper ser vice hour has been, jriven over to special, mission study. There have been three classes. In Mrs. J. H. Foster’s class "Soul Winning” was .the subject and Dr. P. E. Burrough s book, “Winning to Christ.” Miss Ena Bridges’ subject was “The Near East” and Mrs'. John R. Rust's “Christian Americanization,” by Brooks. Thpy proved very interesting as well as profitable. PIEDMONT INSTITUTE . The vocal selection rendered by Roy Bethune at a Ideal theater on Thursday evening were well re ceived. '■ •' \ ■ ■*.' Mr. eBthune is a student of Pied mont Institute and while only 17 years old he has a baritone voice of unusual range and sweetness. He is a member of the senior class and is .- tudying voice under Mrs. C. H. Tinsley.—Waycross Journal-Herald. The shrill call of' the referee’s whistle called the Ludowici and Pied mont basketball teams ! together Fri day A stiff battle ensued and the outcome was doubtful until the last minut.e of play. • . . 1 '. . Ludowici played a .hard game, but the neat pass Work of the Piedmont lads was just too much Tor them. The score at the end of the last half was 9. to 11 in Piedmont's favor. The final score showed that Piedmont had netted 22 points while Ludowici’s tally was 19.—Waycross Journal- Herald. The. annual reception which was given by the Mu Delta Phi Literary Society was indeed, a feature event. Mufrh skill was shown on the part of their program comnyitte, in that they arranged a very enjoyable program' while less money was involved than in any previous occasion of the kind. For a second time Piedmont wins the attendance banner offered by the City B. Y. P. U. Union, of which the Piedmont Union is a member. Dr. J. H. Foster, Dr. Geo. W. .Macon and Mr. W. G.. Wellborn at tended the Georgia Baptist State Convention, which hiet in. Savannah the past week.. Miss Gloria Miller, of Allenhurst, Go., and a last year's Piedmont graduate,’ has returned to brush up on some business subjeetts. , Mrs. Grady aFgan, of Macon, was the guest of Mrs. W. G; Wellborn-for several days the past week at Bessie Tift., . ' ' - GLEE CLUB GIVES CONCERT FRIDAY On Tuesday morning the officers of the Athletic Association', and the managers of the different teams marched in chapel garlanded in Bes sie Tift colors and carrying some symbol of the team each one repre sented- After singing very lustily some college songs, Miss Clemans, the physical culture director, read the requirements for ' eligibility to the different teams and spoke im pressively, emphasizing the standard for good sportsmanship. At the conclusion of her remarks, the president of the Athletic Asso ciation, Miss Gertrude Hillis, pre sented a beautiful silver yup to Miss Clistie Beasley, who- Won the cham pionship in tennis. They then filed out of chapel. Rev. J. H'. Clarke, pastor bf the Presbyterian church and editor of the Monroe Advertiser, was present at ■chapel exercises on Friday morning • and made some remarks in which he left with the young ladies some very practical and helpful suggestions for their work. A TRIBUTE TO NIGHT ; John Milton Samples . -Sweet' star-eyed night With soft moonlight, With curtained mantle of bliss, A tribute, to you, Fair goddess true, A tribute true and a kiss. Shielding my form From tempest and storm And gaze of the'critical eye; You’ve given me joy . With never alloy In the happy days gone by. ’Neath 1 pale moonbeam •And soft star gleam I’ve repaired at close of day With a maiden fair With glorious hair As sweet as flowers in May. Her heavenly eyes Outsparkled the skies When never a cloud is seen With heart as gay . As her winsome way, Of women the very queen. CODY PICKED ON ALL-TIME TEAM Mercer Coach, Former Vandy Star, Placed at Tackle. Morgan Blake has picked an all- time all-Southern football team, and 'in going back into the archives of Southern football history has resur rected one of’ Macon's own sons, Josh Cody, and slapped him right into tackle position on his first or “X” team as Morgan calls it. Coach Cody was also placed-on the all-time team by the Atlanta Geor gian writer “Old Timer.” IT’S A PLEASURE TO SERVE MERCER MEN We want you to feel at home, fellows, in our store. ' Drop around any old time, whether you trade or not. Tattnall Square Pharmacy 1 r A of our gross receipts go to - J promoting Mercer athletics. Phones 2691 and 2226 Georgia Maid Syrup is' used by Mer cer University and other leading edu cational institutions throughput the South. This is a high tribute for the quality pf our syrup. Dr. Walker, Director of Club, Attends S. 1. A. A. Meet. The Glee Club will give the first concert of the season Friday night of this week at Bradley, under the au spices of the Bradley Improvement Club, according to an announcement by Wayne Hogan, of Lincointbn, bus iness manager of the musical organi zation. ’ - ■*- • ' , Dr. J. Clay Walker, director of the club, has been -out of the city- since Thursday, attending the annual meet ing of the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Association held in Birming ham Thursday, Friday and Saturday. In additiion to being in charge of the Glee Club,‘Dr. Walker also is chair man of the _board of control of ath letics at Mercer, having been recently elected'to this office.' AN EPISODE OF LOVE Dearest, most darling of girls, rose bud of my, heart and cream of mine eyes: My little dream girl, how, I would like to hold you in my arms tonight and - press my lips against those ruby, Cupid bows of yours. I long for you every hour of the day. 1 feel as though your spirit is always with me and I lean on it for support in all my undertakings. Your smiling face is an inspira tion to me at all times, and your voice is like the chimes of Normandy in my ears. Your smiles are like the sun that shines in Flanders’ fields in spring. Dearest love, I. cannot live with out you. Life would be as barren as the , desolate httls » of ’ the Arctic, Dreary were the days before 1 met you. Sunshinp of my life and rose of Nippon, I adore you. I fall at your shrine and worship you. There is not a thing I would not go. through to reach you. Every time I think of your Smiling face the gates . of paradise are lost hi oblivion. There is not one, O Rose of the moon, that could make your place .in my heart. The days of the. cave men. are over, If they were not it would simply be a survival of the fittest and I would be compelled to steal you away. As it is, we will have to use diplomacy. Sweetheart; win yon loan pie dollar?. In ten’or fifteen joon you’ll say, “1 bought this pen way bade fas 1921 and Fm doggone glad 1 said “Parker.” ' VOU caa hardly lose year * Parker Pea. The pateai Removable Washer Clip holds it flash with the pocket’s edge. Of course, there are styles with rings for chains. Fountain Pens ; SOUTHERN SHOE AND UMBRELLA REPAIR SHOP Work Called For and- Delivered We don’t fix shoes—we build them. All work first class. W. D, MORRIS, Proprietor 638 Cotton Avenue BOB SAYS- “Fellows, Mercer boys have always hunted me up, for I give them all the scores, and my famous wieners and cold butter milk furnishes ia ‘snack’ -that’s hard to beat. You’ll find me at City Drug Store, corner of Broadway and Cherry, where you catch the cars for any place. • I'll appreciate seeing you any time for anything.—With you right on, is right.”—BOB. City Drug Store Every Drop Filtered— Made by Burns Syrup Co. Macon Georgia BEST COOKING IN MACON Rice's Cafeteria, 357 Cherry Street, opposite J. P. Allen & Company. alumni- keep in touch with Alma Mater Meicer Cluster, $1.50 Apply to the circulation manager at once Copy sent weekly to any address Something New Everyday New and attractive gifts for all the family are being added to our stock. Greeting Cards and Book lets will be more . popular this year than ever. We carry the largest assort ment in the South. Quality Goods Only Trade With Us J. W. Burke Co. 406 Cherry Street Macon, Ga. I. H. SPRATLING OPTOMETRIST 4 OPTICIAN Specialist in Relief of Eyestrain 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. .Sunday by appointment 662 Cherry St. Phone 986 NOT A-SEMfe REFRIGERATORS UNIVERSAL STOVES BOSS XML STOVES and OVENS American Furni Successors to PETTY FURNITURE COMPANY 4J9 Second Street Phooe 477 GIFTS, DID YOU SAY? An Eversharp Pencil is as beautiful and serviceable a gift as can be pre sented to anyone.. • Eversharp Pencils are famous for their convenience and neatness. The editor of The Cluster uses an Eversharp. We have several kinds, including emblem pencils.. We alao carry a tall line of Fountain Pens. Maoon Optical Company 565 Cherry St,