The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current, December 16, 1921, Image 6

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Page Six THE MERCER CLUSTER December 16,192 OTHER COLLEGES Nearly every college in the State was. represented at the annual meet ing of the South Carolina Collegb Press Association, which met . in Greenville, November 30 ' and De cember 1 and 2, as guests of the Greenville Woman’s . College and Furman. —Furman Hornet. . Kmory University won the annual . cross-country race between 'Southern Methodist colleges held in Atlantu. Kmory won both first und second .-places in the contest. * * * Speaking of plans for intercolle giate debates, the Old Gold and Black says, “At present, prospects look fa vorable for a clash with John B. Stet son University of DeLamJ, Fla., be fore the Southern Baptist Convention dn Jacksonville next spring. This debate, if held, will involve an en viable trip;. 1 and is well worth the best efforts of. our-debaters.” 1 - * * » The Sylvania Hi-Tintes curries a letter from Lawton Boykin urging the high schools of the First Dis trict to establish- school newspapers. Sylvania High School is' leading the procession .by getting out the good little paper, Hi-Jimes. . - * * » ..Lincoln Memorial University of Harrogate, Tennessee, has a. literary society named the Grant-Lee Society thus uniting the names of the two civil war leaders. The school’s paper -is the Blue and Gray. ■ ; *' . * » ; Miss Helen Fraser, Of London, Kngland, coalition government can didate for the Knglish House of Commons, ; addressed the political science students of the North Caro lina College' for Women, Saturday, November 5, on the subject of the "Knglish Constitution and Politics.— Old Gobi and Black. One of the, best articles in the Kmory Phoenix, monthly, literary magazine of Kmory University, is a poem by Richard J. Broyles, entitled “Ravaged Land.” Its theme is-the ravaged . and desolate region in France,where the armies' of, the world were locked in combat . for four long years.- ; •’ ; Lenoir College,, Hickory, 1 North Carolina, has recently - observed a "Better Speech Week,”, in which the Students Were, lectured and instruct ed by the faculty on correct Knglish, according to the iA-noirian. The" Young Woman's Christian As sociation of Southern College, Flor ida, held , arr ‘ important program on the subject, “Charm,” last Thursday. Says the Southern, “Charm in all. its ■different phases-was. discussed in a very thorough manner by several members, of the Y. W. O. A.” • Last Thursday, Friday and Satur • lay i)r. Jlenry Wright, Yale profes sor of Christian Methods, delivered to Davidson-students five lectures on the general subject, “The Processe of . Friendship in Winning Men t Christ.”—The Davidsonian. * * * ' ' - Despite the fact that the cold wintry blasts wilf .Start within-a ■month, practically 50 per cent of the nien at Marquette 'University have .determined to wear, their B. V. D.’s throughout the cold months.—Mar quette Tribune. .' ’ " - Chambers Hall, dormitory at Da- • vidson College, ■ was 1 destroyed by fire • recently.' W. A. Gamble, Jr., brother to. Bob Gamble, roomed in Chambers HalJ at Davidson and' had , all .his effects destroyed in the fire. It was also reported that the room in which Woodrow Wilson , stayed while in college at Davidson wds the only room; that escaped destruction by the flames. The room of the president was nuiqjbdr 13.' ' Forewarned.—“Will that hew kind of collar you advertise, make me look like. that, fellow iff the ad’?? “Well, it might*' . . ‘Then let me look at your other styles, please.”—Philadelphia Ledger. SPECIAL ATTRACTION Jan. 9, 1922 Auspices Mercer Public* ., Speaking Class “Sid” Johnson vs. ■ W. K. “Preacher” Carswell Finish Fight and a Rip-snorting Humdinger Preliminary “Cadillac” Barton vs. Billie Cochran A. P. Montague, Ph.D., Referee The above fight announcement holds a wide uppeal to everyone in the sporting world* especially that portion of pugilistic fans residing on Mercer campus. Fur sometime it has has been the hope of the local sport ing populace to bring the two men,. Johnson and Carswell together in a finished fight and "now that this dream has been realized with the signing' of the match contract by both, participants, everyone is rejoicing over the coming bill which promises to be fast and fdrious throughout. "Sid” Johnson, present champion, Will defend his title against, the‘vic ious ministerial wallpps of “Preacher” Carswell. Jonn'son will, weight in at 210 points, this being the weight he a'rried when doing such damage to Southern grid teams the past season. Johnson’s manager, Gus Bootle, an nounces that his protege is in fine trim for the coming bout and that he confident that Johnson will corn,e through with flying colors. Carswell it* under, the tutelage of his brother,- “Preacher” Carswell the Second, who will manage the chal lenger and. serve as his second in the oming bout. The challenger is re ported to be fit, his lungs being phenomenally -developed through his preaching to congregations through- j out the world and South ■ Georgia. J The' hard-looking jaw of Johnson's opponent is made more so .through a heavy, stubby heard which he fre-] lu'ently wears. •' Both champion and challenger have many friends among Mercer sport fans. The Ministerial Association will support “Preacher” Carswell to man, and "Sid” Johnson will be bucked by everyone else in order tp give equality -in numbers supporting each contestant. The -coming scrap ' will take place n the public-speaking , class' room, j the first intimation of the bout, sprung up several weeks ago. “Sid” i Johnson was.critic in the class when ‘Preacher” Carswell delivered him self of an address. , Taking as his'subject, “The Variety of Appeal;” CarswelL perambulated around for sometime, and when John son, critic, commented, he said that the preacher had reminded him of the sermon on the text,. "Much K very where.’ 1 f , Full details . of the ensuing dis cussion may be learned from the public speaking class, but the thing which holds interest for everyone is the bout to come off January 91 Tickets for the match may be bought from “Jerome” Holder, Holder, ‘‘Booby” Robinson or “Bo” itailey, there being no added tax oh this account, nor will there be any extra charge for the preliminary be tween .the diminutive Billie Cochran und "Cadillao” Barton,' the' steam , roller.. ■ ‘ Proceeds -will be used for the es tablishment of a new chair, in For eign Behavior and for the endow ment of the .Garner School of Jour nalism. our State from Georga to B. Y. P. U. and have the .counties already organ ized into- B. Y. P. U. societies wittf ,the-State in its entirety an ideal B. Y. P. U. union, with all acts and appurtenances thereunto appertain ing.- On’ the Leavell now, Mr. Santa Claus! . 1 If you have any more degrees for college professors besides what Dr. Walker has, you might bring him a few more, ’cause with ah A. B., a LL. D., a M. A.- and a Pha. D., he hardly has enough. And bring Dr. Walker some chewing tobacco and four Metropolitan Opera male quar tets, with the Boston Symphony Or chestra added in so that he won’t have to . worry about glc*?- club practices and everything. And now, Mr. Santa Claus, we hope you can bring the faculty these few small items, as the students will ap preciate them. We may have left out somebody, but if ,o, just bring ’em something nice, preferably . high grades previously labeled “for stu dents-," And that’s all, dear Mr. Santa Claus. With lots of love for you and Mrs, Santa Claus, we remain Your -Good Little Mercer Boys. ‘ P. S.—Don’t forget that elevator for Miss' GarneY,-’cause we know she’s tired of climbing three flights 'of stairs daily, KXCKPT Monday. And remember Miss Lucy, Miss Stillje. Miss Goodwin, Miss.Berley and all the other good women on the (*aimpus. We might hav6‘put them in our letter, but women usually prefer to speak for themselves. P. S.—Don’t any kitty-rats! bring Dr. Fountain R, H. Smallings Sons ■GENKRAI, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phones 1102-J and 4092-J Macon, Ga. CHAS. A. HILBUN OPTOMETRIST and Manufacturing Optician Phone 575 620 Cherry St. -Macon, Ga. Loh’s Cafe Exclusive Dining Room For Club Dinners Welcome, Mercer Men! Phone 122 514 Mulberry WHAT FACULTY AVANTS SANTA CLAUS TO BRING ’EM '• (Continued from, page one) Henrico. Medallions or things like that, we Wish you’d bring some to Pr., FJippin, for we- think he. enjoys, -the one he has; and bring Dr. Flippin a horse and Wagon, so that he can Piggly,-Wiggly and not have to carry groceries all' the way from town. Of course we have lots of other good little. professors to bring things to and so we don’t ex pect you to bring everything all at oh'-ev If you can’t bring Dr. Weaver all the. ministerial students in the world, we wish you’d bring The School of ChUstianity at least twenty-fly’s more such students so that in num bers they will surpass the School of Commerce.- > ' , . ' We like Prof. Frank Leavell a heap v cause he’s sorter “tone o.’ the boys” so we wish you’d charge the name of Hotel Lanier CATERS ESPECIALLY TO MERCER STUDENTS THEIR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS . A horribly hackeneyed . phrase, blit we gotta say it— “Patronize Our Advertisers 1“ “FELLOW FRESHMEN” is an old gag, but we hafta depend on you—Mercer Men and Friends—to help us ; make The Cluster big ger by buying frbm our Boosters. I . Mention The when you trade! Planning to Buy a Suit? . Hart Schaffner 6c MarX and Alco Clothes will give you satisfaction, for they are stylish and distinctive, combining value with reasonableness in price • 1 B. H. Jones Clothing Co. Next to Hotel Dempsey Cherry Street We are soliciting your account.on the basis of SERVICE that has builded the largest National Bank in Central Georgia. Fourth National Bank MACON, GA. Arcadia Hotel and Dining Room On Mulberry Street, next to Grand Theater SPECIAL STUDENT RATES Straight board $26.00 2 persons, room and board $37.50 each 3 persons, room and board ,..... .$35.00 each 4 persons, room and board $32.50 each Rooms have steam heat, hot and cold running water PHONE 280 ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiuimiiiiiiiiiniu j Jos. N. Neel Co. | Offers to Mercer Boys— E High-grade merchandise at the most moderate cost con- E distent with square dealing and fair profits. This policy 5 S. .gives the best satisfaction in the long run to college men, S for they know real values and appreciate them. S v. s See our line of Orange and Black Sweaters, Buntings, £ Pennants and Caps. E Neel’s is one 6f,"tke truly “Mercerian” Stores of Macon. E Get the Neel habit. We are easy to locate. S College days are days of development. Good clothes be- I speak good judgment, perfect poise. One Price to Everybody . 3 - . * . * i-r.y ,. v , EiiiiiiiiiiHiiuiiiHHiHiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiHiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiC Luther Williams Banking Co. 4'/,% ON SAVINGS Open All Day from 9 to 6 More convenient for Mercer Boys. SWEET SHOP THE HOUSE OF ORIGINALITY Delicious Ices and Creams Excellent Candies . Dainty Lunches : m T